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<br /> ' �.: ���i`��'y LOAN #: 2644696 �
<br /> � �'PO S6CURfi to l.Ctldet tha[r�►aYmcnt of thc indcbtcdncxs eviclencod by Bo�rowcr'c twte dale�d `
<br /> � October 25� 1996 and c,xt�nsio�s �nd c�r�cwala thaU°f (hcr�'n "N°ta"). � t1� P�'�i�sal sum of U.S. �.
<br /> � S �5.000.00 ,witA incerest tf�ercon.Qco�WL�fo�nwnUtly instaltmcnts of principal and intcrest.with tha balancc of ttu: �
<br /> iiufcb;�dae.cs.if not sooner Peld.due and p�aYab�on Nove�bgr 1. 2011 :ttw p�yincnt of all othcr sum�.with intarsc `
<br /> � Bxroai.�vaaaod ia�ccord�acc�berawith t�prouct tho socurity of this Doed of Trust: and ttsa periornwncc of thc covawisu a��d =
<br /> �eranrms of Sorruwel herein containod. s-
<br /> Ba*rewa covrnmw that Bo+rowu ia Wwfully seicod of the cstate hercby eonveyod and has the righe co gran►and convey ci�
<br /> ,w�d tt�t the Propercy is uneacumbaod except for encumbs�anas of'eacor3.Borrow:,r cov:�st�is th�t Bonawer warrtnts aud �.
<br /> w�e a d ge n e r a U y t�n c l e u�t h e P r a p e r t Y�u�Il etaims as�d dernancls.subjecc to oncumbr�ces of s+ecord
<br /> iRYIFO RM COVHNAM'S.Borrawrr l.�nda covenant and agree av f a i f o� dua tba principal end intrJest 'sndebtedness �
<br /> 1.Psym�cot o t P r l o c i p x l�d I a t e r a t. B o r r o w e r s h�l l p c a m P�9 P e Y �
<br /> evidr.nced by the NWa and lat�e charges as providal in the Nate. e._
<br /> �.F b ro�tar Twue pnd InsurRnoe. Subjoct to applicablt l�w or a written waiver by Lcnder.Bormwer stwllpay w Lu�on -
<br /> the day monlAly ycnents of princip�and interest are pa ab{e unda[he Nota.until t A o Note is p a i d in fu U�a sum(h a air�"Funds") -
<br /> equ�al w o��th of tha y�carly taxcs and assessments�uxlucli�cond�om��y� ,��,��us one-e��tb of��p�iwn —
<br /> wtuch may auain PrioritY a�cr thic Dood of 7'rusL aod 6mund inslaliments for�age�nsurance�if anY�all as reasonably
<br /> iaz•.s�fn�ents fa hazard insurancc.Plos one-tweliU�of ycarlY M'��"
<br /> esmuatad initi�lly and from tItne to time by l.e�der on the basis of asscssments and biiLs reaconable esii mmatesea ta�thef holder of a --
<br /> st�aU not be c�aud to make s,uch paYments of Funds w Lenda w the wcteat ttl�aat Bamwer makes such pay _
<br /> F��SaBe or deed of uust if such ho�Funds shatl bt heW In aa institution the deposits or nccounts of wtilch are ins�urd a
<br /> It'Barowt�p�ys Flutids co L,ender,��g�,�I�e.nder i�sach an instisuo�n).I.eader sttallapply the Funds w pa said
<br />_ guaraatood by a foderal a st�e 88 ums�And ground rents.l.e�nder may not cha�ge for sa hoWing and�l ying the Fuads,�Y�B --
<br /> taxes.asse.cscnwta,insurence Pce+�1. --
<br />� sai3 a000unt or�wifyiag aad comPillng said assesstnents an�bill�,unkss L��der��s�R����of�Doed of T�ust
<br />'',� I�►w Qenrtits Laa�'ier to make such a char8a Bomower and I,ender may s�oe 1 is ma3Z or s�pli�,abb law roquirrs such inta�est to be
<br /> ttwt mwest on 4ho Funds stwll be to BoROwer,snd unles.s such�►u►
<br /> � ,p�'3,l.et�der shail not be roquired wp�y Barowcx any•�ata+est or�ra�nSs on the Fl�twic.Le�ki sitiall givo to Boimwa,without
<br /> cD�rBe,m�anaal accouating of tbe Funds showin8�ed�s�l debits w the Fuads anr3�i�Posa for wdich each debit tn tl�e F�nds
<br /> = was made.The Fu�Ls ar�plodgnd as additional sxudty for the sums secured by this�of ThuL tp the due daoes
<br /> -� If the amoi:nl Of the Funds he3d by I�ender.toBeWa w�th sbe fuWre monthly instalhnwtc of Fuads PaY� tP�aues. asses.�ments.
<br />= of taxes, asse�ents, insu�nce P�emlu�s e� 8�� reats. shall wcceod the anaunt royuired w PaY
<br /> ;�r�oce aad gi+auK1 rents as they fall due.such exc.ess stw�ll bo,at Botmwu'soptwa,eitlxr ProinpdY rep�id to Borrawer
<br /> ,��B wa on motuhl�r'u►��F+ent�as they fall. dtie.�Barowcr shaU pAy to l.et�der aa�atnotiot noxssuY te
<br />— naes.s�a�ts,in�ua�P� 6`'°und
<br />° raaice up the Qeficimcy ia aoe or moce psymait�aa Lendri may raquue. c�efund to Barmwer my F�ads he3d by
<br />— Upoo pa t in fuU of all sum9 sacund by thi,s Dad of 7tust.Lender stwU promptlY
<br /> Lasder.If�}�ea�aph 17 haeot'tbe R�o�ty ia eoW oe the Propaty u otbawiseacquir�o�d by 1RS�der�1-e�dCr sballapp1Y,uo lacer
<br />— t�n immedi�elY Rior w tIx sale of tEe pt�op�tY��acqulsitioa by I.ca�der,aay Fundsnds tjeld by l.mder u the dme of appikstioo as s
<br />_ ctedit a�inat tbe wau aecured by tWs Deod �w vides otdeiwi�e.�ll pob-meats rte�ived by L�der unda the N�le atsd
<br /> 3.AppBditio�af P� Uakss appi+cabie P�'� of artwants W)�able w Lrada by Boctower under p�r�aph 2
<br />— �y � y fu:t w Yrt�ent
<br /> ��1 und.2 ..��s�11� �rl��o th� � of the Notc. ,
<br /> "�•°"`, "•:•••°•..• ,_..�.....l-.---•- wer shaU perfonn au oi esaaawa�s o'o +w�:p :,"r .
<br /> 4.Prior Mat��rs�d�ed�ot 7'r�tti C�a{wuh t�l'xa which ha►� pdority ovu this Doed of'hust�i���Harower s
<br /> mortgaga doed of wst ar odxx 9ocinritY agroeme� ar cause w be p�d�11�es.a�ts uid other cdxges,fines aad
<br /> oov��o m�te paymaus wna�a�e.sorrowa sfs�ll pay « �,�
<br /> impo�t�oos am�t�blc to da Pro�tY which may�ia a prionty over Wis Doed ef'�tust.aud�old PaYma�ts �muad
<br /> �y�S.Hasa�d Inar��oe. Bacrower shall i�ap tue in►Proveitients now e�ustiag or hazafTrr era�ted oa tbe AroQaty,��
<br />— loss by fce�baneds iacWded within the term "extwded oov�ge," aad sud� od�a ba�scds as i.eixler uuY re9
<br /> — a�aamtc aod fac axh paiod9 as I,encler a�ay tequire.
<br /> — 'ltse i�anoo c,�rria Povidi�the i�r�nx shall ba chosen by�.�xsaw�er sa�b3ect to�pp ti�by Lender;p+nvided.tt�t such
<br />_ appo.val�11 not be uorwa�nMY w�th�e�d.All inau�oce polides aad tmewais d�eseof shall beDin s Pam acoepubie w I.eatter�ad
<br /> aod ra�trvals dxreof,aub���of any mo�tg�80.deed� �Y���whi�h l�at pn�
<br /> ovu tbts Deed of Trsvt.
<br /> Ia tbe eveat of ioss.Bamower sl�ll give pc�ompt notice w tLe insut�000e carrier aod I.a�der.I,.atida may malce proof of loss nf not
<br /> , �oadey�q1y by Barowa.
<br /> I�tbe - -PropYty u ab�dnuad by Bott�natr,or if Bartower fails to respa�d W L,eader withln 30 days fcom tLe date notioe is mailed
<br /> — bY l�du to Barower d�mC t�ae inau�oe caerie�otfas w settle a eLim for iawtnce baxlis.Leaxia is a�Wiorixod W ooliat aad
<br /> _ �ppiy the i�uraaoe proc,00ds at L�ender's option eitha w nsso�s�tion or repair of tbe ProQaty oc to d�e sun�s socviced by t1u�Deed of
<br /> � 7hW,
<br /> � i.Praervatio�wl Mai�ten�ace d Pr�opa't74�D Coado�i�ires:Pf�e�ed Uoit Devdop�e�b. Barower shall
<br /> � i�p tbe ptnQaty ia good re�air and sh�l not coa�t wist�a pumit i�npa'stmeat or deta�ia�ation of tbe ProQaty aad sd�ll coanply
<br /> �nt5 tbe pe�ovisions of aoy leau if tluc Deed of Tnut is oa a kaxhoW.If thLs Dcod of 7Yust ia on a unit in a coodominium ar a
<br /> � p}� y� gerrower sl�ll pe�fam �ll of�ower•s oD'�s�of coodominie� or p�unit
<br /> � gave�io,� mea ca�do�mia'wm a pianned noit deve�opmea� bY•
<br /> � 7�. �Ptotectjo�af Le�dePs S�evit7• If Bamwer fails to acra tLe coveaaots and s�roema►ts contaitsod in @tis Dad oE'Lhsst.
<br /> ar if�ny action a pnoceeding is coma�a�cad which yaffects I�asdi'r's inta�est m the Pc�rty, thea I.esder,at I.e�ier's
<br /> � �io�,u�oe notiee to Bomower.ma make sneb apQearraoas.digburse such su�.�clodla8 c�a�o��ie auorn�ys'fas,aad tatce sucb _
<br /> `- aetion ss is neoessir y sa��•c��'s isst�.If I�c�et re+c:uirc+ci m�t�e icsur�ace as a condition of m�icing the ban secured by _
<br /> � this Deed of'i�ust,Baroa�a sha11 Poy the Pcea�iuu�ro4uirod b maintain suc6 Rsu¢m�ia effect�►til such time as tl�e roquiremeat
<br /> " far wc6 inwraace iaminat�s in aocardat�ce with Bomower's and l.ender'a wriUa��oas�ene or applicable Is►w.
<br /> My acnouo�ditb�usod by Laid�er p�rswnt to this prag�ph�OwitA inierest thereon.ai the IVote rate.st�all becane additiawl
<br /> iodeaedneas of BoeroMer secura!by thi4 Dad of'IYust.Un1e� 41a�Notl�u�ig 000niaod m' thi9 pora�c�h �Aaiounts
<br /> ab�ll be p�y�bte upoa notice from I.atidet a Barnwer re9�Y P�Y� _
<br />` S, l.eaaa to iac�nr�ay a�pa�e or taic,e any�ioa herau�da. of the Prop«cy. vii�lea th�e -
<br /> � S,LWecdo�. l.eader tnty m�lce or ca�se to be made rea9onsbie eatriac upo�and ia�p�tioos �� -
<br /> l�eadar sl�ll�ive Banowrs aodee prioc a any sucb iaspatioo spxifl+NB�cause tha�for rel�rod w i.eader's�n�in the
<br /> �Y•
<br /> .7yME) �wosl CHL(OZ/Y�) ►y s a s �' � -
<br /> r �
<br /> '
<br />