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<br /> 16.aorrawer'�Cnpy.Horrower shdl be giver.one canformcA copy at tho Nate�nd at this Sa�urity Inetrumant. ��
<br /> 17. Tr�aafec ai tho Ptoperiy or �Beaetici�l Interest in�orrawer. It d) or�ny Qart af the Property�r�ny �_
<br /> interaet in it ia oald or tratuferrod(or i[�bcneficial intcrcet in Borrower i9 eo'.d or tr�nslerred wnd Bar�uwt�r i: r�at a �_
<br /> n�tural percc�n)withovt l.ender'a prior wtittencons�nt,L mder mAy,at its option,roryuira immodiate p ayrnent in tull ot �
<br /> sll sums eacured by thi� Sacurity Instrumr.nt. Howover, thie opt�an sAall not ba oYOrciead by I.ender iF oYenise ia �
<br />, �eahibitod by fakral l�w a9 of the�ate oi this Securit�In9trumcnt.
<br /> It I.ender oY�rciaea thie aption,Lender a�luil�ivo Borcower natice oi acceleration.T5e�otic�shalt pravid-,t periad �
<br /> ot not t�se tI�n 30 d�ye from the dau the notice ia delivered or mail��d within which Borcawer muvt p�y a11 suma oecwed �.
<br /> by thia Security IrLStrument.It Bun�ower fdis W p�y theee suma ior to tho oxp�r�tion ot this perlod.I.ender may invoke �
<br /> any remedics permittod by this Security Instrumentwithout Iurt�Cf 110UCOOf demand on Borrower. ''`
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reiaitato.It Bottawer mxte cet�tatn condtdoas,Borrower shall havo the right to have ��
<br /> enfarament of this Securit�Instrument diacontinued at any time prior to tho earlier of:(s)S days(oe such other period �`
<br /> as applicable law mAy s ify for rcinstatement)beforo s�le of tho P'roperty urswnt to anypa wer ot sale contained in _
<br /> thie Socurity Instrumen�t�.cor (b) �ntry ot a udgment enforcing this Secun�ty Instrument.Thoso conditians ue that —
<br /> Borrawer: (a) psye Lender all sum�wtuch �en would bo duo under this Secwity Inetrument and the Note�s if no
<br /> ac;oaleration had occurnod;(b)cures any detault of�ny other covensnts or s�reements;(c)p�ys�ll eYpenses incurred in
<br /> enforcin�thie Socurity Insuument,including,but not limited to,ressonab2e�ttomeye i�s nd(d)taYes such ection es __.
<br /> I.ender m�y reasonsbiy require to assure that thc liea of this Security lnstrummt,Len ghts in the Pi�asxrty u� _;
<br /> Borrower's obli�ation to pay the sums secw�ed by thie Secwir�Iassa�.rnent slull coatinue unchan�od.Upon rei�-ts'•ement �
<br /> by Bomowa,tMs Socurity Fastrument and the obligations secw�+di Cereby shall remun fu11y cfiective as if n,o s�.�esstion =
<br /> had occurnd.However,this si,^,1�t to reinstate shall not apply in the csse oi aca:eratian under paragraph 1T, =
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;Chsnge ot Loao Servicer.The Note or a parcial inter�t a:�tbe Note(to�ether a it.�i this Socurit}
<br />: Insttumeat)s�as bo sold one or more ti�►es without prior notice to Bottnwcr.A sale may t�t�n a clunge in the entit� —
<br /> (kc�wn as th�•�Servicer")that cxaG&xts montlily payments due under the Note snd t�is Security Ins2rument.There
<br /> a.sm cr.ay b�cane or more chsnges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a s�le of the Note.If ttaec*ie a cha�e of the Loue
<br /> S�ices�Borrower will be given writtcn notice of the chanEe in sco�rdance with puagnpb,24 above and spplicable law.
<br /> Ttie notica will state the name and address of th:new Loan Servicer and the�ddrese to which psyments ehould be made.
<br /> The notico will also wntain any othec information required by appticable law.
<br /> 20.Ziaz�rdous Sub�tancea. Barcowe-shall not cause or it the presenx,use,disposal,storage or release oi
<br /> any Hazardous Subeunoes on or in the Pro�aty.�iorrower ehal not do,nor allow anyone elae w do,utiyx�sin�dfectin�
<br /> the Property that ia in violation o!any Envimnmenul Law.'I'he precedin tg wo sen��!not apply w th�prcsence�
<br />_ uae, or etora�e on the Pcoperty ot smal qwntities oi Haz�rdous Subeunoea �asorallY reco�nizod w b�
<br />- appco�nate w normal re8idential u�eo usd to maintaunoe ot the Property..
<br />- Bc►rrower ehafl pcomptly�ive l.endar aritten notica of u�y investiwtaon,clum.demand,l�wsuit or other�ction by
<br /> any�ovemmenul or roQulatory s�oacy or private party in�•olvin4 the Proputy and an�r Hazardous Sub�t�oo or
<br /> Environma�tal La�v ot wluch BorroNer h�e�ctwl knoNled�e.It BorroMer learnr.oe ia notitied by�ny aovemmental or
<br /> re�ul�tory authority. tlsat any removal or other remedi�tion ot any Haz�rdow Subetanoe dtactia�the Property 'se
<br /> . neoe�aary�Borrower shall promptl�take dl neooesuy nmedial sctiona�n a000rdance Nith BnvIronmeatal LW.
<br /> As ueed in thie Pn'+�raPh 20� Hazardoue Substas�ca'aro thaee subatanoea detinacl aa touc or hazudoue substancee
<br /> . by F�viroama�ts]Lw aad the followinE subatanaax gaeolino,kerosene,othtx flamtnsblo or touc petroltum pcoducts.
<br /> � ' �- --- ".�"wi.^.: a: !'r`t2n.1'�;•in� �n.i rwtlinwrr;ves
<br /> LOIIC �70�lCIQOB iLfl ACi'�ICtOCe� voliAlo t�uiVcfiw� iniiwiiuo vwa2iu'ufii" :o -
<br />. materials.As ueed in thia psragraPh Z0, "Environmental Lsw"means fe�l laws aad lsws ot the juriedietion wAt�thc
<br /> p�ty�a locatod that relate to health,safety or envimnmental pcotoction.
<br /> -NC)N-UNIF�RM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lenda further covenaat and a�ree as follow�
<br /> 21. Acceleratiou; Remedies. Loeder shall �ive notico to Bonower prior to aoceleration followin=
<br /> Borrower's breach oi any covenaat or a=roemeat in this Security Inctrument(but aot prlor to scoeleration
<br />=t under p�r�jraQb 17 unie�rs applicsblelsw provides otherwise).The notico shall:peciip:(a)tbe default;(b)the
<br /> actioa requ'ue@ to cuse the de�auiC; (c) a date. not less tha� 30 dsys froin the date th�notioe is �ivea to
<br /> �• Botrower.by�bich tbe def�ult must be cured;and(dj that iailure to cuto the deiacnYt on or beforo the dstre
<br /> �ecitied in tbe aoti�x may result ia�coel�ratioa of the sums aecured bq this Security Iastrumeat sad sak�oi
<br /> � the Propesty.The aotico sLsll further iatorm Borrower ot tbe risht to reiaaute aiter acoeleratioa t�ad the
<br /> " d=ht to bsia=a court actioa to asixrt the noa-e=isteace of a detault or my other deten�e o�Borro�ru to
<br /> scceler.atiao and a1a If the defanit is not cwed oa or before the dato specified ia tho aotice. Lender, at n4s
<br /> option, asa}req uue immedisto payment in iu11 ot all:uacs secured by this Secvrity Instrument witho�t
<br /> further demand and maq invoke tho po�ver of sale aad wy other remedies permitted by spplicablo law.
<br /> � Leader ahall be eatitled to collect all e:pea�es incuned in punuins t�e temed�w provided in thi�pua=raph -
<br /> 21,includia=,but not litnited to.teasonable attorney�'fcea aad costs ot tstle evidenoe.
<br /> � If the power oi ssle is invoksd,Trustee shsll record a notice of dsfsult in each couaty ia whicb any p�rt ot
<br /> the Praperty is located snd shall m�il copia oi sucL notioe in the msaner�re�crii�ed by applicable laM to
<br /> Bonower and to tLe other persons pc�scribed bq applicable law.Atter the t�me roquired by applic=ble lsw�
<br /> Trustee ahall�ive public notice oi sale to t6epersons aad in the maaaer prescribed by ap�licable law.Trwtee.
<br /> wlthou!demsnd oa Bosro�ver. shall scll the Property st public�uction to the hithest bidder at the tinne snd
<br /> � placo aad uader the terms desi=aated in the notice of aale in one or more parcele�ad in any order Trwtee
<br /> determines.Trustee may po�tpoae s�le of all or say parcel of the Property by pubiic mnouncxmeat at t�e
<br /> time sad pl�co o!aay previoualy scheduled�sle. Leader os its desitnee may purchsu tho Properiy at sny
<br /> ssle.
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