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<br /> at tho optian ot Lender. it mortEage inswance covcra�a (in tho smount and tor tt►o po-ri�od tt�at I.en�der roq�r �s? �_
<br /> provided by�n ir�sucu ipprovod by I.endnr again becamca actilablc and i�obiaie�od. Ik�rrowa chatl p+�y the promlums �__
<br /> cequicod to maintain mort�n�e inauran�in eftoct,or to pmvido a los�re�rya, until the requir:ment tor mart���o �_�
<br /> ia�uranee enda in accorduux wich�y�iit4,�.n:�ra..m�st boiae�n Bonnwa and L�et►der or�pplicable law. �^
<br /> 9.Inspectioa.Lasder ar ite��ent miy mako rc.isotuble entriw upon and inspections o!tha Pcaparty.Lendor�tu1! �:_
<br /> Qivo Borrower notioo�t the timo of or prior to an inspoction cpacityin�reasanablo cais�e for tha innpection. �,::
<br /> 10.Condemaatioa.'I'ha pr000ed9 of any aw�rd or c1Nm for dama�s,direct or cotuoquontial,in connoction with =_
<br /> �ny condemnation or other takin�of any part of the P'ibpa�ty.or for conveyanco in lieu of oondamne�tion� +ro heroby -
<br /> wsi�ned and ah�11 be puid to I,ondar.
<br /> In tRe event of.�s�l u�cing oi the Prope+Ky,tho Proceeds shs11 bo aPP�ted to tho sum.a sacured by thie Security
<br /> Inewmait,whether or nat thea due.with�ny exceas paid W Borrower.In the ovent of a putial wkin�oi the Praperty in
<br /> which tt►e fair muket valuo oi tho Pruperty immediately boforo the takin�ia equal to or Qreater than tha amount ot thz _
<br />' sums oecuted by thia Security Icutrument immedi�te]y beforo tho ukinr,unless Borrower and',L�nder atherwiae agrx
<br /> in aritaag�4ho sume secured by this Secudty IastrumGnt shall ba roduced by the amount ot thn procoeda multiplted by
<br /> the fatluwin�fraction:(s)the toUl amount of the sums aecured inzmedintely beforo the taking�dividarl by �b) the fair
<br /> market valuo of the Propetty immediataly before the taking.Any balanca shull be paid to Har,mwor.Ia thc ovont of�
<br /> putial ukin�ot tho Pt�aputy ia which the fait market v�lua oi tha Rtipnrty immodi�te+ly betone tl�e tnkir„�ia 1�ss t.6nn
<br /> the amount ot tha suma aecur�d immediatelr before tha uking,unl�s�arnower�nd Lender oth�s��isc aYrx lu writing
<br />- or wil.es� apptiasble law othem'ssa prov�c�, the prc�oo�s atwlt be a,.�plied ta ttw eums secc,c+o�3 by i'zr.s Security
<br /> Iustre:�at whother or not th�e�r�,.f are t�ea c�e.
<br /> If t�re Pcopatg is abaadona��Sy Barcaa.�.or if,after notico by b.ezx3er W Bvc�o�er t�t*.h�e�oamem�c aEfa�s to
<br /> make an awsrd or�a�stle a ctaim for dams�^�.Horrower tails to rospaad to I,eader�►ithia.iQ�d�rs��he d�te the
<br /> nodee ia Qiven.l�ea�r is authorized to coltor.t and apply the proceedc,at its option.eithes to ra:�cat6a�a oc s+�ait of tho
<br /> pr�rty or to the suma exurod by this Security Instrumait,whether or not thea duo_
<br /> Ude�La�er aad gorrower otherxiae a�roe in wridng,taY application ot procoeds to priacipal shall not�xtcad or
<br /> p�e�tpcme the due dsu oi the monthly payra�leats referred to ia para�raphs 1 �ad 2 or ch�n�e the amouat oi such
<br /> PaYmeats.
<br /> 11. Honower Not Releaud; Porber.ance By Lender Not a W�iver. E:tensian oi the time for p�yment or
<br /> modification ot smortiz�tion oi the sums exwed bq tLie Secwity Instrumait�ted by Lender to any succe�or in
<br /> intet�est o!BorroMet thall not op�rate W rel�aee tAe liibility of tlse ori�inal Borro�►rer or Borrowa'e suoce�ore in
<br /> ' interes�I.enda'sball not be requirad w cammenoo pr+oceedin�s apinat sny succeaeor in intereat or reiuse w axtend
<br /> • time tor qymeat or othonviiw modity tmortization oi tt,e aum�eecured by ttw Security Inatrumeat by re�o�a oi wy
<br /> deenand enade by tbe oti�loa!BotroMer or BorroNer'4 woca�oro ia iaterost.My iorbearaaoe by Leader in exa�ciaia�
<br /> riaht or remedy�ball aot be��rruver ot or proclu�b the eurctao o!u�y ri�ht or remedTy�.,�
<br /> � •w �..-__�������J ��.1r� {l..uwd• Iesiwt�f1li�'aV�t1��.���tV'�'.O`s�tIIOfi. il�v CCVOAtIIt9�i�'EEt110Z1tY
<br /> � ' ii.OYY��+a�wv r�wi,r��..��r���--- -- '_ - _
<br /> - ot thii Secutity�uttturnent s6�11 bind�ad benetit tl��uocrwota aad am�tss ot I.ender esed Bosroa+et.aubje�ct to ttie — _
<br /> � provisiow ot Pan�nPh 17.Borro�rer'�covaunta wd a�re�mtnte eh�lt be joint and sovenl.My BorroMer Mho 0o sip�a
<br /> tt�is Secwity Instnimeat but does not exxute tho Nota (�)ia oo-�i�nin�this Secwity Inswment only to mortp�,
<br /> �rant utid oonvey ttut BornoWa's interest in the Propa�tY w�der tho terms oi this Security Inswment;(b) is not�
<br /> persoas�lly obli�ated to py the sums eocwed by thia Secwity Instrumeat;�ad (a) a�ceea that I,endec aad anp otha
<br /> BorroWa msy a�ree to e=ta►d�m«lify.forbar or maYe any s000mmodatioae with re�ard to t1►e t«'me ot tbis Socurit�'
<br /> Inetrument or th�Note witi�out thst Borrowa's vonsent
<br /> 13. Loan Char�s-It the loan eecured by thia SocwitY Iaatrumeat ia eubject to a lsw which sets maximum lwt�
<br /> char�aa:aad tAat Lw ia tinally iatertxeted eo that tha intuest or otlxr losa charees collected or to be wllected in
<br /> 000aoctson�rith the loaa esceed the permitted limits.thea:(a)aay such lwn char�e shtll be reduoed by tltie amauat
<br /> � aeoes�ry to reduce the chsrYe to the permitted limit; aad (b) anY sums dra►dy collected from Borrowa which
<br /> s eyceeded pataittod limite will bo refuaded to Borrower. I.e�sdet may choose to make this rcfimd by reducin�the
<br /> i priacipal oped uader the Note or by m�3cin�a direct p9meat to Bomower.If a refund reducea priacipal.the roduction
<br /> �vill bo trated�s a partial prepaYmeat pitlwvt uiY P�'�P�yma�t clur�e uader the Nou.
<br /> ' 14. iVotiow.Aay notice to BorroW�r P�'ovided for iA this Secur�ty Iaatrumeat st�all be�ivea by deliveria�it or by
<br /> � mailina it by first class mail imless applicable lax requires use of another mathod.The notix stull be disa.�tod to the
<br /> � Propaty Address or my otha addrese Borrower desi�n�tee by notive to I.r.ndu.Aay aotix to I.asder shall b�pvea bq
<br /> firet cl�sa mail w I.wder's addrese stated turein or aay other addt+ess I.eisder designates by notice to Bormwa.My
<br /> notioe provided for in thie Sxutity Instrumrnt shill bo damed to tuve been�iven to Botrower or l.ender Mhai eieen _
<br /> � ao providod in this para�ph•
<br /> . 1 S. Governins Law;Seversbilitq.This Secwity Insirumeat stull be eoverued by federaZ taw aad the law of the _
<br /> j�ri�yetion;n�hicb ti�e Propaty ia located.Ia the eveat thet aay pcovision or clause ot thia Seewity Iaatrumam rn'the
<br /> iVo;,e caz.'licta with applicable 1ax.sucb conflict shail not dtect other provisiona oi thia Secwity Insuumeat or the Note
<br /> witich can be�iven eiixt Mitbout tbe contlictia�provision.To th£s ead tha pcovisioao of tbis Socurity Inswment and
<br /> . the Nate ue dxlued ta be sevenbia
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