<br />�i�:o3a�ss 2U�3�����1
<br />EXHIBIT "A°
<br />Lot 'I�ree (3), Islaad la Section 1�enty Four (24), Townsbip Ten (10) North, Range Eleven •{1I) West •
<br />oi We 6th P.M., Hall CauntY, Nebraska AND Part of the East Halt of the Southv�est Quarter �.
<br />(El/2SWi j4j in Section 'I�enty-Four {24), Towaship Ten (10) NortL, Range Eteven (11) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more partYcularly described as foqows: Commeucing at the center of .. •�•.
<br />said Sectloa T�venty Foar {1A), thence south on the east line thereof a distance af •b10.5 teet, tbence west,
<br />parallel wlth tb,e sonth ltne of said Sec�ton a d�stance af •1�20.0 [eet to We wester�y Wee of the Eest Half �..
<br />o[ tbe Nurthwest Qnarter (E1J2NW1/4) thence north along and apoa said westerly line 61Q.5 [eet to tbe �•
<br />south L1ue of sald Government Lot Three (3), being also the half section line and thence east oa said baU
<br />sectloa ltue to the point of beglinning : . .
<br />AND
<br />I.ot Three (3), Mainland, togeth,er wit� a part of tLe land a+er�ted thereto, sitaated in the North Hal�
<br />or �� N�w�t �� �raa/���/a� a� s�:.� ��y ��� tu� �'�sE�fp B't� (10) 1�3oa�, fltange �•
<br />Elevem (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall Connty, Nebraska, more particalarly desarlbed as follows:
<br />� Begiantng ai the Northwest Coraer o[ eagd Northeast Quarter (IVEi/4); theace Sontherty along tbe West •�
<br />Bne of said Northeast Quartear {iVEi/4), a distaace of One Thousand �ro Handred Eighty-Flve and •
<br />Ninety-Tlucee Hundredths (1,285.93j Feet to the teft bank o[ the North Channel of the Platte River; • .
<br />tbeace dellecttag ieft 134° 39' 43" aad rnnning Northeasterly along sald Ielt bank a dlstance of 'I1�vo
<br />Huadred Tweuty a�d Forty Five Huudredths {Z�0.4S� feet; thence deilt�ag r�t• 12 �S' 35" and ranaing -
<br />Northe�sterl� along seid leit bank, a dlstance o[ 1�wo Huad��ed Fortp•Two aad Twenty-Seven Hnndredths -
<br />(Z42.2� Fee� thence deflecting rtght 11° 19' OS°, and runniag Nort1►easterly along sa1d. leR bank, a� �
<br />� dfstance of Five Handred Fit�y-Uue and Eighty-Two Hqndredths {SS1.82) Feet; thence detle�ting left 37
<br />40' 26° and ruuning Northeasterly along safd lett bank, a distance of Two Huadred Filty and Forty Flve
<br />- Hnndredths {?tiS0A5} leeh thence deti�g rig6t 33° 50' 39" aad runniag Nartbeasterly aloag said lei'tt
<br />bank, � dtstance oI �ive Huadred Forty-Fonr and SeventyEight HundredtLs� (544.78} Fee� Wence
<br />detlecting rlght 23 30' S2", and ruaning Esstertp aloag satd leR bank a distance of One Huadred �
<br />Forty-'Ibree and Six Tenths (143.� Feet; t}�ence deflectiag lett 49° d9' S?" and tw�ning Northeasterly
<br />alaog safd !eft bank, a distance oi '11�ree Hnndred Three and Eigbbt}-Five Hnndredths (3ai.SS) Fa�, . .
<br />thence detlecting [eft 2S° 15' Sl", Northeasterly aloag said left bank, a distance of One Haadret! Fit1y-Two -
<br />' and Fittiy Five Hundredths (152.'S� F�t to the North Line oi sal� SecNoa T�esty-Four (7.�; thencx
<br />Westerly along the North Llne of said S�tion Twenty-Fonr (1A), a dtstance of One 'lLousand Elght .� r
<br />Hnndred Sevettty-Four and Three Tenths {1,8743) Feet to the place of beginning • ..
<br />G►t Fotu' (4), Island, sitaated in the Sonthwest Quarter of the Northw�st Qnarter {SWI/4NW1/4) oi
<br />Sectian Twenty-Fanr {x4), TownsWp Ten (10) Nort6, liange Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />Connty, Nebraska, more particnlarly described as foUows: Be�naing at the Southwest Coraer af sald
<br />Piorthwest Quarter (1VW1/4)3 theace Nartherly along the YVest line of said Section �venty-Four (24),
<br />a distaACe of Ninety-Fonr (94.0) Feet to the ri�t bank of Woad ittver; theace. deAecting rlght 161° 27'
<br />1�!' 'ttnd � NosBls�t� s�4l�jg �Afd gig6t iQ$� e �iistance of �ree �iundred �iu�ty 1�vo and
<br />Fitty-Eight Hnadredths {332.58) Fcet; thcnce detlecbing lett OCi° 10' 23", and running Nortbeasterly along
<br />said rig�t bank, a dfstance oi 1�vo Huadred Forty-Flve (?45.0) Fee� thensc deftectjng lett 31° 31' 13°, and
<br />ruaning Northeasterly along said right bank a distance of Two Huadred SYxty,Six and Forty-Eight
<br />Huadr�dths (266.48) Feet; Wence �eflecting tight ?0° OT 33° ant! rututiug Nottheaste�'1y aloag sald �ight
<br />• bank, a+�stance oi 7Lree Aundred NinetyEight and Eighty Four Hnadredths (398.84) Fee� theuce
<br />detlectl�ag left lb° 15' 37" and running Northeasterly along said rlght bank, a distance of One Hundred
<br />'hventySiz and Thirty-Si�c Hnndredths (126,3� Fee� thencc deQecttng rtght 55° 2T Si", and rnnning
<br />NortheASteriy aloag sald rlght ban14 a dlstance o[ T6ree Hundred Forty-Faur and F.ig�ty-Eight
<br />Anndredtbs (344.58) Feet to the East line of said Lot Foar (4); thence Sontherly atong We East liae of
<br />sald Lot Faur (4), a distance of One Tl�onsand Thirteen and Forly-Seven Hundredths (1,013.4'l) Feet
<br />to the Sontheast Corner of said Lot Four (4); thence Wester�y slong the Sonth Line of said Lot Four (4),
<br />s dlstance of Qne Thonsand Three Hnndred Niueteen and lrvo Tenths (1,319.2) Feet to the Place of
<br />���� .
<br />I.ut 1�vo {2), Maialaad, Secdoa Twenty-Fonr (?A}, Township Ten (10) North, lisnge Eleven (il) West
<br />Porm aole�r. e�r I Wma�ma ri�d EabL.Bdvlaa. �mo. 1-soaaaod2oa oa-2n. /
<br />