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<br /> .16.Baruwer'o Copy. &xrower chall bc given one coaformod coPY of t1�r rtoto�nd of thls Sacurity Ias�umu�t �_:
<br /> 1T.Trapster ot tl�Qfro-�eHX ar�Beat!'icW Iatitrest ia Borwwer. If�il or any pact oi tda PropertY or anY incaest in it ia �;
<br /> . sold or vansFcxrod(or t�a Qe�e�iCiAl int,�test in BO►iOwCt i� co{d Oc(iaitcfe�iad atld BOtc(1wU is a0t A O�t�v�l Dcisal)wittl�wt i
<br /> l,eiukr's prior writtca c�nsen�1�may.at iu o}�tlon ro4uire i,�nzoili�ca p:Y�:•:-•-u in,fu3!af:U swrs securod by this Security �-
<br /> Ins�utr,rs�t How�e�w,thts obtim sha11 oot 6o exd'Clrad 5y Let�d�if axercisc i�ptohibuod by faiael law as of Ihc dite oi this �
<br /> Socwity tastrurnent.
<br /> If Lender exetcises Ihis c�ttlon��.eacier stull give Bormwer notica os�aoe+eration.The rwtice shall pr�vid�a peti�d of not les.c �;_
<br /> it�n 30 days from the daic tae aotcG Is�'ieliv�ad a r:'.:�1�:iL'�i�z r�Ai:,h�oc�uu�es mut pay sdl.sw�s socurod by thic Socurityr --
<br /> o�'I A i v{�a i o d.l�u l e t a s a y wvoke ap y ccmodr:s p e r m�o d �
<br /> Instlumts�l.If Bormw�er fnils to pay these wm,4{X i O r W e t�o tac P�� �=
<br /> by tbts Sacur'scY Inswment Nut�out f�►itpa notioa or d�i�1 8arcnwrr.
<br /> It.Borrower'�Ri�6t. Rehstxte.� If Botroiwlt,�s oerWa 000ditions, Barrower sbal! davo tbe right co,hava
<br /> eafocceaxnt oF tuis Sec In�try�t d�iooatir�aL�t'rr� d+ne P�io�w the earlier of: (a) 5 dsys(ar such otlur puwd ac ��
<br /> �s before�aF We PmQaty w�ay powa of s�1e caataii�ed in tLis Sc�snsity -
<br /> �pQlicaD�e taw may spec+fY . t wfarcin�this Socurity Icuaument.��ioadrtions s�re th�i Bort�wer.(a)�ays I,etxkt�11 -
<br /> Instnw�au:or(�)aurY�a1�8� oxumd:(b)cu�aa9
<br /> wcas wi�icb tl�would be due un�kr tAis Socurity InsuumeAt�ud tbe Nde a9 if no axekration had _
<br /> def�ult of sny otba oove�wts ot�t+aaarna:(c)P�Ys sll aP�es iocurtad ia�farcing this SocuritY Instrume�t.i�1�in��6w
<br /> na l�nitec�M+.*sa�on�b�e auo�n�rs'fees;aoa(d)uices such actioa as I,waa may rr�foasbIy reauire w ass�u�e�c tdse uea of tt�is
<br /> Serurity Iaipumcnt, i.ender's rigdcs in the Pt�operey aad Barower's obligauon to paY the s�ms aocucod by ihis Sesw-:►y
<br /> Iasttu:aa�t s1Wl ooatinue mch�n8a1•UPon reiastalanent by Borrowa�thi� unty Instrument aad the ob' socu�'od _
<br /> bereDy shall rea�io fully effectivo at if ao s�roeiaarion had occurtod.Hov�rever.�'�i�ri.hg t to reinst�te slWl not y ia ihe csse of
<br /> acceksatioa undrr p�ngraph 17.
<br /> 19.Stifr ot IVote:C6asi�at l.oaa Serviar. 7'he No1e or a pardal iatarese in tbe Note (toSctha, wit6 thic Sacurs�y -
<br /> Iastrumeot)nuY be scW oae or more tlmes wi@xxu pae aotice to Haanwcr.A sale may reailt in a c.hmge m tbe cauty(imo'w+n
<br /> is tbe 9.otn sen+ioa•)tt,ac oouects mon8aypaymeats anc uada the xoie ma d�is savrity Ins�umrnt.'n+«�e atso may be one«
<br /> � more ch�u of the Laan Savicrr unrel�ted w a sale of tbe Note.If tha�e is a a af tLe Lo�a Savber,Borrower v�n'U be
<br /> �ivea writtea mtice of We ch�age ia aoca�d�noe vrith p�r�ap014 above aud��law.The notioe will snte the nac�e arxl
<br /> ad�ress of tbe new Loan Saviar aad We addcess w wiuch poy�s4ouW made.�e iwtica will Also oontaia aoy otbcs
<br /> iafacaatlon c�e9uirod bY applicabb law.
<br /> 20.Hsssrdo�s SYbst�ers. Harrower shall not cause ape�t tthee preseace. use. d�1. �8�• or c+�ka9e of aay
<br /> ti��tioas Subst�oces oa or ia the P'nq�aty.Barownr s2W1 aot do,nor ilbw myaie else to d�,aaytl�g at'fectueg tLe PmpatY
<br /> that�ia vidadon of anx Eaviroume�al Iaw.'Iha procading trva seniu�ces s�U aot�p1y to tbe p�esa�oe.ase.or stora�e oo the
<br /> pfrapp�ty of small qwntu�es of Ffm�dous Subst�noes tlu�t are Qa�11Y r000�aiud to�e aP'P�'oP���t�amal rcsidaainl uxs
<br /> �od a m�n�m�eWe of We FmQacy.
<br /> Baro�►rcr sh�ll promptlY give L�ada wiitiea mtice of aay inv�o�,���1•������y
<br /> g�a�Y�B�Y Q P'i�P�Y�►��8 ��Y aod aoy Haracd�o�s Substaocc or FA Lsa
<br />- o�vWc�Ba�s�uwer has actual Itrwwiodga If Barro�er iea�s.a is�otifiod by�o�S��W���Y t�te all
<br /> crarooval ar otbet remodia6ou of any Har�dous Subaunoe at�OCt�81he PropatY noo�s�Y•
<br />_ oeoeswy raso�l actioos ia axa�danoe wrish fiavi�ooa�eanl L.a�. �
<br />- AS ui0d 1�t�i1���. ���s $tt�1CW" �'C t�104C S{1bSS�lOCS t�1110a iS `07C7C tlf 6i7s[+d01L9 911�' �
<br /> �YI�OO�Aldiil T..3W � fbC fO1�OW111$ Ai�CCS: �90�IGC. �QOSCI7E. Otbll � 0[ biD` �f'OjP.U[n�[�Od11Cts+4�:
<br /> �l3tIC1���.VO�l1C 90�Vmlt,QliiQli�i CO�$��Of fOf�Cbj�C.�1i�CliYC Alf�.�U�M
<br /> 16it e�rnafaoh 2A.�Vi/�0001d1ti1 I.iM�ml�LS f0�i1 liwf�Id�LaIS Of(bC jlii9di�i0�vYh�l�C tbC Pt�ly iS�lC:1fOd f$it iG�C
<br /> - fD�.�O[!II1►�Q� . - --- --. . ._ _
<br />- j�j�'t ZJj��ro�IQVAl��.BO[[DiYK i0d�f►IT�iC!OOY�It�9,��C a4 fOuO�Vt.
<br /> Z�.�i0ii�1lJ.l.l�lT f�i�j�Y!OOf3C!�D BOr�Y1N!!Qr�O!f0�OOdlfitlOY����!bi�Cr C�
<br /> �� COYlff� 0�' qC�lft �1 !�i $E�9 �i!!� (b� � �IOr t0 SOC�10� Y1dlr �� 1�/ r11['�
<br /> s�i!�I�1+py�H Of�lt'�/!).7tit�Ofjf!�i��1►2(��1�!��f�)�idJQa i'Oqll�'!!�b0 Cf�!fb!�'s���
<br /> t drles�Ot ids tit�30 ds�A+O�t11!ditt tlle tOtk�e i1�iw�to B�Orw�wR�07 aLiCb tlle ddf�llt n�t be e■nd;a11d(d)
<br /> t�W fa�e 10 au+e tie de[adt o�ar i�a�e t�e dste spec�fied i�iloe�otioe wJ sealt fa soode�io�ot ttie s�s saxrtcE
<br /> ��tli�Serr�h I�e�asd aak a�tie Pr+aperf,a.71�e�otics iti f1�rtLer i�fars Boem�'r at fie ri�l�t!o t+ei�t�i0e
<br /> �ar aoa3e�tio�aMi t�t ni�]�t b bei��co�rt adjo�to aoert ttie�a�ari�oe d s ddadt ar a�y atbrer de[att of
<br /> H�arrawrr 10 aood�ral�a�d nie.It t�e dda�it it�ot eRael a�or 6efare t�e daQe sp�eilied i�tie�otice.L�dar,at ib
<br /> �l�.�7�'e9�+'���P�J��i�f1r�o�a�aas�ecrred b�f�i�See�rib Lar�sa�t wittio�t t�rfiar des�ad
<br /> a�d�isv�oEe t4 pow�of ssie aed a��otl�et rese8ies perdited 6r appficabie hw.l.e�der iaY 6e eyitlal bo coliect
<br /> �r7 e�a�s i�n+ed i�p� tLe raredks pro�idea i liis Mra�apk 21�isd�8ij.brt�ot W�ited La,re�oas0le
<br /> atAa�e�s'kes aod aosts af titlt evi�de�ee.
<br /> V tM p�r af a�ic ts isrok�d.Tr�tee iiiall r�ow+d a�as7oe af detsia�i� ad�ao�tJ i� wiic� s��p�rt ot t�e
<br /> property i�lot�ted aad s��sL ooQia o�spd�olics r t�Le oa�■er p�+aa�bed��sppLeabie Iaw b Bon+ow�s�wd b t�e
<br /> on��so.��b�a�n+�e d�.Atter tLe tise reqaiced 07�PP��iaw.Tnetee sYs��ive pnbHe�otioe at
<br /> a�le to t�t peiso.�s aad i�t�e a�a�aer pracribed by appiie�bie law.Tr.aee..:u�oo�a��a o.soR�,��eu �e
<br /> p�rapeH�at p�biic srttio�ta tie Yi�Lest bidtler st t6e tia�e�d ptaa�sd urde�r tl�e ter�dai�astal�t4�otioe d's�le -
<br /> For�i02��JaO
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