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<br /> Pir��r���be roqu;ral.u thc�p�on d'rsaa«,if uwrtgaYc ins�urnoe ca�a�Qc cia ttx bmouui aud cac tbc peri� ..._
<br /> IF�t L,wde7 rcyuires)provldcd by an inwrer WProvod by l.endu�ain becomes�vailibie�nd is obLimd.Borsowtr shall PaY tbe =
<br /> p�suums rcquiea�i w c:,�it�ia�;q;e ;ns�uynce in etfazt,ar ta P�'uvide a foss rcservc. uAW tAa requiceweiu for wa�aC� �
<br /> inwranae e�in�oca�td�wilh suy writtta attoe�ne�t bs.-woea Bos�ower wd l.endu ar nppilc�bk law. 6
<br /> na�lct raso�wbl�cntri.�upot��d�°f��ny,L.EtuJcr sht11 git�c �
<br /> �.[�spectioa. I.eud�r or i� a�eat mty tr.:
<br /> Bamwer notice�t tbo tia�e of oc prior io an iaspection sP��+jY�Y rc��0 cause far Ibe Iaspac�. witA wy -
<br /> 10.coadmsatioa. fie pm000dn of any ow�d ar ciaim for�m+-�'c�,d:.�c c:cxse��al. in ooana.�oa �
<br /> c��natian or other talcusg of a�Y P�af tbe Pir,►wty.ut far co�vcyaoce in liw of�.�+rc Qa�ebY assi8°a1�wd _
<br /> s�baU be p4id to I,endu. Uert rr.r1u suo�s socured by tt�iis SocuritY I�u�u�. �
<br /> In the evcat of a iotal uscia�of tbe ProQutY�dx Proceads shall be�' m which[he fair au�rktt
<br /> �vY�ett�ar cx not tt�ea due.vvi�aoy ea�xss p�id to Banowa'.In tbc�veat of a p�sricC tx�ic�of tGe Pc�a�e*�Y.
<br /> vstue ai tha i�roQatY ic°"°�y�are tbe ts�kin�is Wual w a�thao t6e�a►ount nf tbe wens sxuce3 by�luw Secu�itY
<br /> Inmuoaau imnsodiatelY b�t'o�+e Ihe t�kin8.wsless Aocrower�ud[.ertrkr atbawi��roe a ��• tbe sums�ocurod by �his
<br /> Socurity Iasuuaxat stull be ned�iced by t6o�o�w�tu of the p�'ooeods m�iltlpiial bY tbe foibwi�fsution:W Ibe wtal�awunt of --
<br /> tbe wsnA�ocured lmroodi�elY Defota the t�icinQ. dividod by tb)th�.Gvr m.�--Y�»val�of the P�ty immntli�lY before tbe .
<br /> taking.My balu�et sball be pei�l b Aa�rower.Ia tltie c+�au of a pnctial taking of ibe Pro{wty ia which the fi�ir m�k+et value of the _
<br /> propaty immedi�teIy befaca ihe wlrin6 is kss t2Ww tbe amouac of tbe su�ms sx�u+ed immalia�elY beface tbe t�lcin�. � —
<br /> Borror�er�l l.e�ler othawise agroe i�writ�n8�ualcss��1+►w ott�ise Pm�idcs.tTse poc°°as sta11 be�py1�1 -
<br /> sums socured by tbis Sec�uih►Ia�u�nt wbether or not tbe s�uns�ce thw due. offers to m�e�n
<br /> tf dro�ra�tY i�ab�Oda�od by Ba�ower.or iF��ita aaia by Lmda eo�ormwa ttnc tbe 000dtlnaor
<br /> a�vnd a�e�cLim fa dainr�g�s-Bo�raker f�ils to ra�oed t�o�Mithin 30 d�;ts�tia tbe d�te tbe aotice is givw.l�der
<br /> is wtbakixed b ooik+ct aad apQiy t5e p�ooeeds.at its oQNoa�eit�s 10 nslo�ation ar repair of d�e PcapatY a 0�tbG sumf�cu[ad
<br /> py t�s Seeucity 1as�umau,whether a aot Ihm dt�e.
<br /> lJuias Lawler aod Baaowa otb��vi�e�oe in writin,g�anY�PP��'°f P�'�1O��not ca�taod a poctpone
<br /> d�e due da�e of the mo�h1Y PiY�b refe�red to in p:�'aphs 1 wd 2 or ch�e tt�e�wunt of wch paY�
<br /> 11.Bo�ra�wer Not IIeieased:Forbear��7�Not a'Wsiver. Exu�sion of t�e ame for pRymeot or�
<br /> of�mo�tintim of d�e sums secucai bY this S�ecuricY In�ume���bY Ixaaer a any s�ocesaor�aua�ae of Borro�rer�a11
<br /> oot openle w rt3eau d�e 1iat�iiit7 a+f d��"���°t$°�'D°��s suc°esaots in irelaast.I.et�drr tls�t tsat be reQuinal w
<br /> caama�x praceoc�s�!°Y�in iniarsl ar refuse w e:uod time for paymcat a�ot�ecwise modifY am�ti�ti°°of
<br /> tbe savms securod by thi�Sec�auY Io�u�by tr�oa�f aey demand made bY the origioai��a Bartu�ver's mooeswes
<br /> , ��,My for6e�aoce by Lerda�n exarcisiaS anY r�t a�y�tl aot be a waiver of a prafu�e d�e exenise of�ny
<br /> r1�bt ar reaiodY• '!be c;oYCaants aad sg� � t6is
<br /> 12.Soa�ors s�d Arips fa�rel;Jof�t a�d Several Lia6iiit7:Co�L�
<br />- � Secxnity Ininvmeat dqdl b�d �od beaeFit dro wooeato�s aod�of Lead�ar�od Botta+NC.wblax�o tbe P�of
<br /> p�aps 17. Bocroarrr's ooveaton and�Ceemm� s�ll be� �od xva�L AaY Bor�'�et �vba co-sips d�it Saca�itY
<br /> .. 21�'.!!Rl�Dt 611t doiSG tdOt lYOQ�WE Pio1G ����°�s`�"'��`c^�'�, s.w...wvne nn1Y In mt�.R�� �� —--- `
<br /> Bara�a's infar�ia t�e Pr�opaty�m�da tLe�ro of th�SocuricY Yn�ruma�N)��P�y��3�Y
<br /> secuired bY tbi�Sec�citY�mad(c)a�rees t6�t Iandrr�od�ay otba Barrow+er maS''�roe W ea�teod.modifY.fa�beu cx
<br /> ��y�wi�reg�rd w the tams of ans sxwitr Instnuamt m't�e N�"'�0�u�soma�r«�s oowme
<br /> !3.l.a�Cisriea. If the loaa�ec�¢od bg�is Soc�itY�is wbjod w�iavr►�vhich aets u�aximuo�tio�u ch�r�es.
<br />- sod th�t 4�r i�fiaally i�ip�dod so ttnt�e i�ar Nl�er lan cturBa a�le�ue to be cal�ec�ed w reduce t!�cl�e�
<br /> e�coeod d�e pamitlod 1io�ws.tbe�:(aJ a�Y wc���ga sball be c�eduoed DY the�oaat Aea�rY
<br /> p�mipoC,m�C.xl ro)�5►�+�►�@°°►B�nwa',Yu�m e�eeeaea p�mi�o�l�a.v�l be nfimaoa b Boao+�er.
<br /> Ia�da m�q► cboo�e to mal�c dils er�bad hy� �4� o�red �mder the D1aie ar by mvci�a dicect PtYmeat 10
<br /> Borm�Mer.If a s�neduas Pryacipl.d�a ar3c�ctioo wrill be tcealod u i p�ti�1 Pes�Ysne�t�s�Y�Y��
<br /> aedet Ibe No�e. far ia d�is Secu�icY�a�vo�t dsall be Qiv�by de�iv�aria8 it ar bS'm�o�x
<br /> 14.N�tjon. Aay nouce�o�orm+�r Pro�'�
<br /> bY 5et cLet aoail uo�est�p'Plic�bie 1�►m4u�s uae ot'anod',�r me�bod.'Ibe nntice sMll be diz�ocied to dro Pcepazr A�ar
<br /> my ol6a�ddrest Baan�re�besi�bY notioe w l.asler.Any notice w l.�a sWll be�ivea by first c}au mail b I�':
<br /> a�im.e snled beir;n a wY�addc+e�Lmder daig�bY notice te Baero�er My notix P�'�fa io dris Sea�iqr
<br /> ta�surawc�n be a�eaeea a 6ave boan�i�►m e a«ro.ver ar Leoaa.vhm�ive�as P�'��u�Pss�.
<br /> 1S.Go�e�ioq I.aRi S�'. '1Lis SauriiY In� sh�il be gov�a'md bY fedei�l lawr aod the ]t�v of tbe
<br /> jiui�diction iw�rl�ic6 tbe Prapacy i�loc�retl.2n tbe oveat thu a�►y ptovision or cta�ute of this Se�riry Ia�um�t oc tbe Nole
<br /> - caollicts with appli�abk law.sucb ca�ftic�slall noc�ffe�a a6a p�ov�s�oos of��Y�a tbe No�e wbieL esa be
<br /> giva►e�eCt w�tbot�i tbe�1���Tu tbit md dtie pra++isioos o�Ilus Sxu�itY Iast�uma�t�od tbe Nae:e uecisro�ia
<br /> be�v�ahie.
<br /> For�a02f�lf0
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