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<br /> ��'��. �' . .... �.r - " ._._
<br />___� ��- .� ��� Q�E-RECORDED
<br /> sossss 92_ 1osa��
<br /> of We,wd!4e sale�tacludiaQ the psymeet ot tha 7Yu�tec's fcea actu�lly incurred,ad to exceeA �7 `��
<br /> Ibe priacipal�mount o�tbe note at the Nme ot the decl�nllon o/de►�elt,�ad raeoa+�ble attorney�'�fees�pe�mitted
<br /> by lawi(b)to all wau Ncured by tbis Security Iastrwm�ati�ad tc)wy e:oar to Ihe person or penau le�lly eatlUsd
<br /> a u.
<br /> 22. Re�bnveyance. Upon pnyment of all sums securcd by this Security Insuument, l.cndcr shall request 7tustec to
<br /> roconvey tho Pmperty and shall surte�tdor this Secudty Instrument and all notcs cvidencing debt secured by Ihis 5ecudty
<br /> _ - Insuument to'Iyvstec. 7tustec shull ra:omey the Property wilhou� wartnnty uid withaut charQe to the persan or persons
<br />-- "� legally rntiQed to it. Such per�on or pe�ona xhall pay++ny rca:urdation wsts. �
<br /> 23� gabetltute 7y�uthe. Lender,at its opt�on.tnoy from time to time rcmove 7tu�tee+md nppoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any 7tustee eppninted hercunder by an inatrument recorded in the caunty in which this Secu�ity Instrument is recorded.
<br /> Without eonveyance of the Aroperty,the cuccessor dustec �hall succeed to all the title,power and duties conferred upon
<br /> 7tustee herein tutd by applicable luw.
<br /> ?A. Request for NoHces. Bortower requests thet copies of the natices of default und sale be sent to Bomower's address
<br /> witjch is tho Propetty Address.
<br />��-^ - --�� 2S. Ridera to this Securlty InsMnmenf. lf one or more riders are executai by Hacrower nnd rccorded together with ---
<br /> this Secu�ty Insaument,the covenants and agreements of each such dder ahall be incorporated Into und shAll nmend nnd
<br /> supplement the covenants and agneementa of this Security Insuument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Insuument.
<br /> � [Check appUcpble boz(es)J
<br />�� �Adjusteble Rate Rider �Candaminium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> _- - �C3rt�duated Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider _
<br /> z;�..;=��:v'�° �: �Halloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Homc Rider
<br /> a�iaE.[11G�_i..:- ..�
<br /> ��`H� ❑X Other(s)[specifyl ACKNQWLEOGIrIENT
<br /> �;--,y�7,�I'
<br /> !_'�A.t'1t��::xC'�ii� Ey.r_.
<br /> ,d�a,r�' BY SIaNINCi BELOW,Borrower accepts And agrees to the termc and covenants conteined in Ihis Security lnsuument `
<br /> �a--�"' and in any rider(s)esecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> _ � ��
<br /> Witnesses:
<br /> '`� .*�`' ----
<br /> - {Sea!)
<br /> ' -��^ri.�r-;.�•c'-��� HAROLD J. GREE I •Bnrrower _
<br /> �� � �OS-?6-908?
<br /> ---..,._-::,.;._..�
<br /> �, ,, .�,,. Sacial Security Numbe� __
<br /> � , . •. a, �� ��..2.2J'`• (Scub �.
<br /> : . ��� 1��6c�
<br /> `.; ,�° BARBARA K. GREEN •eomnwer �
<br />- � ,,' !� � Sacial Security Number 50?-62-0935 _ _
<br /> .��aaxr••'• .,e �
<br /> ��;.3. �--••
<br /> �;�..e,�.��..'� STATBOFNEBRASKA. HALL Countyss: ---
<br /> ��,:��t;v; .., , - .
<br /> °9""'" • `--- ���$ STH day of JULY, 1992 ,before me,thc undersigned,a Notary Public ___
<br /> .�.�,�s+n....�
<br />: des��^�- •� - � duly commissioned nnd quuli�ed for said counry,personally cume HAROLD J. GREEN, II I AND BARBARA K. ---
<br /> �'.+�_..,.,,-..,:.�� GREEN, HUSBAND AIW WIFE ,to me known to be the �=�:
<br /> �,�,��,,,. , identical persons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing instrument nnd acknowledged the execution thereof to �.___
<br /> :r�� � be THEIR valuntary act and deed. ���_
<br /> :�; a" , .. in said cow�ty,the '
<br /> � .� .' Wimess my h�nd and notn NEBRASKA •
<br /> �.�s ., . • ;. := date aforesaid. �,
<br /> �,,,--:,�_��.::. My Commission eap' s: �N�� Notuy PubBc - _
<br /> �'��� Ow�
<br /> �• °� ��"�`0" REQUEST FOR RECONVBYANCE =--
<br /> _•f •, ".: .�`� .' 7'O TRUSTEE:
<br /> �•
<br /> ' 71ie undersigned is the holder of the notc or notes securcd by this Deed of'Itust. Suid note or notes,together with pll
<br /> • `•o"`.~ other indebtedness secured by this Deed of 7ivst,have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel snid note or notes _.
<br /> • and this Deed of 7tust,which are delivcrcd hercby,m►d ro reconvcy, without wiur�nty,oll the estate now held by you under �"-�"'
<br /> r ,^� .. ., this Deai of 7tust to the person or persons legully entitled thereto. ___
<br /> � _.._
<br /> ` . Datc: ,
<br /> . .� ,.µ- . Fbrm 3028 4/90 flwRt A nf 6�wgts► Lt�'
<br /> �_ �_
<br /> b°: . , ,
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