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<br /> -- . ' applicable law may apeclfy for reinatatement)before sale of the Property pursuent ta eny power of sule contained in thfs ___
<br /> — � Secudty Instrumem; or(b)entry of a Judgment enforaing thls Recudty insirumrnt. 7boce conditions erc tiwt Borrower: (A)
<br /> I , pnys I,.ender all sums which then would be due under this Secudty Ins�rument ond �he Note as If no acceleration hud
<br /> f`�, occurred;(b)cures any default of any other covenanta or agrcements;(c)pnye�II expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> Insaument. fncluding,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fcea; and(d) lolces such action as L.ender mny reasonably
<br /> � � requlis to assure tMt the lien of thla Security Ir�sdvment,Lenderh dghta in the Property and Borrowerk obligallon to pay thc
<br /> 'r,, , �uma secured by thia Secwity Insuument shell continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Borrower, this Secu�lry
<br /> ; lnswment anJ d�e obligetions secured hereby shall rems�n fully eftective as if no nccelerntion hud occurred. However.ihis �.
<br /> � ri�ht to rcinat�te shell not apply in the casc of acceleration under paragruph 17.
<br /> - ,�,�,,L;�_�;�;�i�; 19. 3ale ot Note;Choa�e at Losp 3ervker. The Notc or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Secudty
<br /> ....._ Instrument)may be sold one or moro t�mes without pdor notice w Borcower. A sale may result in a change in the entity
<br /> ,a�mbx:s�:4�:��ae;t�i (krawn Qs the"Lo�n Servicxr")tlut o�llectsi�o�ithly paymenls due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also �
<br /> �Ati-f�°��I may be one or more chenges of the Loan Sg�+j cer.uRrelwted to a sele of the Note. If there is n change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> —',�,,,=�,'�r--,=„ Borrower w111 be given written noNce of the clwngc.L1�ccordance wilh parugraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice _
<br /> -� +��I will statc the namc and address of the new Loan Servicer and the addresa to which payments should bc madc. The notice will
<br /> ��._�LL"�`: .,,., also contain any other information requit�ed by applkable luw.
<br /> — .���-�:�.: 20. Hazardous Substancea Horrower shall not cause or pertnit thc pre�ence,use,diaposal,atorage.or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subatances an or in Ihe Property. Bormwer shall not do,nur�Ilow anyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br />—�•'� ` Property that is ln v[oladan of any Environrnenlal Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or ,�
<br /> - -��-�=-=n�'�-:�� stornge on the Property of small quandties of Haza�dous 5ubstances that are generally recognized W be appropriate to notmal
<br /> 4. residendal uses and to mainten�nce of the Property.
<br /> __ _ s��::cai",� Borrower shall promptly give Lender wrinen notic�of any investigadon,clsim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � �'``''�'--��-•{r• governmental or regulatory agency or pdvate purty involving the Property and any Hazardous Substunce or Environmental
<br /> ��"''•�',�.�.��. `�= Law of whkh Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is �otified by nny governmental or regulatory
<br /> -—�_..- , `-�
<br /> _'��. s•s•, • �" _ authority,that any removal or other remediatian af uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower -
<br /> =-_":� shell promptly take all necessary rcmedinl actions in accordance with Environmental Law. �_--.
<br /> �li�:�'�• As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those sobstances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ...� . ' Environmental Law and the following substanees: gasoline,kerosene,othcr flammuble or toxic petroleum products,toxic _-
<br /> - prslicides �ui�i LeibiciJc�. volatile satvcnts.matrdals containing u;(sestos or forrnuldehyde,nnd mdioactive materials. As -
<br /> =v'�•:;;:.;.•,;:t;:>, : '::• used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"mcans federel IAws end laws oi�he Jurisdiction where the Property is located --
<br /> -`::� r''.' � �:.•,�..:., -_
<br /> , that relate to health.safety or environmental praecUon.
<br /> _. , •��.iA�, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender funher covenant and ngree ae follows:
<br /> -- . ° �� • 21. AccelerAtion;Remedles. L.epder shall give noNce to Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borrower's
<br /> _ �-� ,.. ��.,�.�-.. . • breach oP any covenAnt or agreement in this Security Inst�ument(but nc�t prlor to acceleratbn under paragrpph 17
<br /> — ����us:�.�:__-j
<br /> . .s -: --- unless app!lca�le lasv prs�vld�s atherwise?. Thr nol4es sha!!speclfy: (el t!!r�teH11;(b)the action requlred to cure e -
<br /> " ° � deiAUlt;(c)A dale, not less t6ap 30 doys from tbe date the notice ia given to Borrower.by which the def�Wt must be
<br /> _=', � '` °�..��• cured;and(d)that Pailure to cure lhe default on or before the dote specified in the notice may result in acceleraqon of
<br /> �� ' ' the sums secured by this Secur(ty lnstrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall fuhher inform Borrower of
<br /> ��..
<br /> ���: }�' • � the right to reinstate af�er acceleration end the right to bring a court action to�.csert the no�•existence of A default or
<br /> '� . any other dePense oP Borrower to accelerption and sale. If the defeult is not cured on or before lhe date specifled in
<br /> - . .� :, the noNce�l.ender at ifs option may require immediate payment in WII of All sums secured by thts Securily Instrument
<br /> _ � •� without further demand And may invoke the power oP sele and any other remedicw permitted by applicable law
<br /> _ "� '` ' � Lender shell be entllled lo collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parograph 21.
<br /> �- � � •• '° ''�` including,but not Nmited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> -�_ „� ' '':�: !f the power of r,�le ts invoked,'I�ustee s6a11 record a notice of detault in each county in which any part oP the _.�
<br /> =-:�w,; PropeMy is located and slwll mwH copies oP sucb notice in the manner pre.ccribed by applkable law to Borrower and to
<br /> . .,,, �.:. . .
<br /> - ' t6e other persons prescrlbed by applkable law Af'ter t6e time required by Applicable law�'I�ustee shall give public _
<br />:f`•' : ,,� ° notice of sale to the personR And in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7lrustee.wlthout demand on Borrower. �""
<br /> „� ,
<br /> -;, �,,,. • � shwll sell the Property at public auction to the Aighest bidder at the time and pace nnd under the terms decignated in ��
<br /> ,,� , . .�4 ••�' the notice oi sale in one or more parcels and in any order'IYustee determines. 71�ustee may pustpone sale oP Alt or Any F`�
<br /> •�: ���� parcel of the Properly by public announcement rt the time and place uf any previously scheduled ss�le. Lender or ils =-
<br /> - .• �;;.-;"_'``' ' i"" designee may purchase the Property at�ny snle. ---
<br /> • �,�� . x Upon receipl oi payment of Ihe price bid,7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed canveying the -�-
<br /> • ' Property. The recitpls in the 71�ustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the Irulh oFthe stAtements made therein. �"
<br /> `"���y�� 7lvstee shall apply Ihe praceeds of the sale in the i'ollowing order: la)tu aU cosls end expenses of exercising the pnwer
<br /> _ �..,
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