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<br /> L. I�utwittut�dina any�f thc 1ac�uarc contdncd in thic qcecl�P 11ust tc►thc wntu�►.�I1C�Qf(�IIC`t0 il.Cqdtl�i WYl ��_�
<br /> survlve any turcc:locwr�e or rati�l'�cuon of thty Uua1 of Tnut n�wrciltr.a of w�Y[+^.s� r��,_.
<br /> dt�o�ltiou bZ�L�a�1er oPwy cu all ot thc PcoperiY•AnY c1dn�wcf cicfenscs to�!►�cx�atrarY+►re hercby waivod. r�_`:-
<br /> 20.CON�EMNA'i'iUN. G��r oiTlagl f thc Pro�ott��tscluciinQ�ny��yuemenu.throu� cxiada��t on.cri�ln,.-nt dcuraia. �_'�
<br /> entlUes to purchase or y —'�-
<br /> ac u�y a�:. m^.�as. Graator tiuthtr�trow W aotify L.ender of any proceedin8s inst tutod for the csiablis.�oo�� ��-_:
<br /> sewer. w a t�r, c o n s e r v u i o n� d i t c h. d n i n a�e,or aher district ret�tia�to or bi�itu� upaa th� Pto(+e�'�Y er aay . �;-_- .
<br /> Grautor auttwrius L�ler to intervene in Grautor's n�ne ia any of�he �bove d e s c r i U e d �c tio n s a r c l a i m s a a d t o c c�l k c t _°_„__-
<br /> aiul roeeive a11 sums cesultin�ttom t6e action or claim. Gr�ator�ssi�to l.tnder th�proceeds ot'any award or�l t� �
<br /> cian�age� oot�a:ud w�d will�lod a9 p�dedt�lciathis Deed of Tcu t.This asaignmenpt of praxats�ect w the �. -
<br /> conaidered P�Y�
<br /> terms of any prior security�reemeut.
<br /> 21.INSURANCE.GranWr agnes to milntain inturaaoe�s followe: insured a,�ainst los�by fue. -- --
<br /> A. Gr�ator sts�ll keep tbe impmvemasts tww existln8 or hensftor�huuds, ii�icluding floods or floodiag• far
<br /> ��zaMs included within the terra "extesded ooversge" �ad,aeY
<br /> which Leader rcquires iawnoce.'i�is iawranx sh�ll be�u.'s��1 in thr�.."-�ounts ancl for ehe penads d�t I.eades _
<br /> ��,The lnsuraace carria pmviding tha lnsuraace s1�11 be�aY Graator subject to I.eixkr's aPQtoY�l.
<br /> whicb shall not be unreasonably wit�eld.If Gr�ator faits to tuiinai-+�tho���to��of��of
<br /> at Lender'c option.obtaln coveraQe to protect l.etsda�e ri�hts in ttK PtuPmY
<br /> 'I'tust. `
<br /> le co Lwder�ad shall include a standard "mortgs�e clause'
<br /> All lasur�ace Policies s�ad rea�wals chall be�ecentab l.eada of caaceUstlon or
<br /> aad, wher� �pplicable, "leader loss payte clause." Granior shall im�nediaulY notifY
<br /> temoinatioa of tlie iasuraace. L,enda sh�11 Lave t2u rigt►t raaivax aad��reaow mtias.Upon loaa�,G=r�otor sh�.11
<br /> Gr..ator shall prco�tiY Bive w I.end�r��P� �P f of loss if noc made Pra�p�tY by
<br /> give promp���u:�n the iiwuana carriec aad Leader. i,eader ma�m�lce Woo
<br /> Graator.
<br /> in writing, insuraace Ptac�s sh�ll 6e applied to restoration or rc�aiz
<br /> �1'�:esa Leacler aod Grsa�otherwise agrx is ecomomicallY fe�sible and Leades's secutitY is not lesscae�t•
<br /> of thc ProoenF d�os�8ed if the restw�at�oe or repsir
<br /> If tlu raiors5on or repair is not a�oaoazically feasibk or Ltndet's secwiryYwould De I�•�lf Gran;�oa
<br /> pipceals st�l!!be ppplied to the Saxua3 D�t,whether or not thes�due.with aa exoess pa�d
<br />_ a,"�aacbns t�T�mpertY, o�r 3aes not ansv:�ilax�the npnw yance Pi uoc�s•�r rsa}t:�e the prec,�eeds �pa
<br />= offexed to sestle a claim.�hm�a�de��Y v will begin whes�tl�c
<br />� ratore the Pcoq�aty or to pay the Sxured Debt wheth�s or not thea dne. 'It�e 34�c3a. Pa�od
<br /> notioe is giiYm. •
<br /> linlesa l.eades and Grantor otherwiu s�'o�� t�atitya of ptooeods to principai s�ll not ea�t�ad or
<br />° �n w�itia8.�Y�•
<br /> or u,au��'.:�:�•.=^.s.�..sv►�,d►ts.If the PtoRert9 u a�9u�aY
<br />` . . .�stpoae tbe due date of se]�uiod paymenu. . �,�,,,,�,�e multlu8 irrom cE:�aB�w the�ropecty beieco tr+e ---�
<br /> . j,C�LIEf�GliIILOf 9 il�t LO�II}/ 1IWtTf�CC�1C3�' 1""�"� i.n.twli�trt 1L�OI1.
<br /> xquisition shall p�ss to L�eadet w the exteat of the Securod Debt..._._�.-Y�����t��ai i�� -
<br /> B. Granwr agrees w a�ntam oomPnheas►ce geaer�l liability iniur�nce nuain8
<br /> amount acapcable to l.eader,insurin8 s�a�r�dai�s azisi�8 from aay zccideat or occurreaee ia cr on tbe PropGty'.
<br /> to m�ints�in ceatal lou cas business lnurn�tlon insuraace,as required by I.eader„in aa amouat e9t�1
<br /> C. Csr�ator�grees w account deposi ( �8� ����
<br />- to at least oover�ge of one year's debt sccvice, smd required esa+�
<br /> ts if to
<br /> writing).under a fo:m of policY aoa�table w I.eadec.
<br /> 2Z.NO E.SCROW FOIt TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unteu ot�erwlse pmvlded in a sepuate�+
<br /> Graator will n+ot
<br /> y�roquired w pay ua��mdat funds fer taus and i�aturwoca in escmw.
<br /> ?3.FINANCIAL REPOjtTS AND ADDTITONAL���. G�r wlarc�pints that financ'�stat�.t�a
<br /> finaacial stataaes►t or infomoailoa 1.��kr m�Y lete. GraaWr�groes to sign,deliva.sad
<br /> infom�tioa Graator Provida w Ltad.'r ue or will be acaustc,cornct,aad comp
<br /> fik as Lea�ler m�y reasonably request�ay additional docueoeats os catificatiaos that I.tader may coasida xcasuy'to
<br /> perfax,cootinue.aod presave Gr�ator's obligshoos uadu thiti Dad of TYiut aa+d Leader's liea atatv�s oa tlse PropatiY. If
<br /> (iraawr fiils to do so�laader m�Y sign.c�1vu.aad fik sueh docua�eats or catlficaus ia Grantac's�name and G�r
<br /> hadrx irrevocably appoinu Irac�es or l,er�der's 9geat�as attameY.la fact to do the tbir�,s.nooessu'Y' oo�Y
<br /> - sa�..
<br /> - tbis ITead�f i�s¢are joint aad inciividuat. If Gr�ator sigaa tLi� Deed of Tnis�but doesf����E��aad°G� -
<br /> - e Gaaator's lcta�st ln the Prapttty w saaue paymeat �tltis D�oe�of Trust
<br /> doa�rac agrx to beyP�rso Y thu L�eader�ad aaY P�Y
<br /> - aall li�ble on ttre Socurec!Debt.Ctitau�tor�
<br /> may�ccead,modify or m�ke any c13�8� in the ucma o�tLis�Deed of Ttvst or the Eµideflee of DeM witha�c Gt�aLCx's
<br /> coaseat.Sus]�a chaage will noc Rlease Gratuor from the tams of tbis Deed oY Tnut.'ihe dutles aad bwefits of thaa Dood
<br /> = of Trust siu�il�:,.d:.�t::ef s ihe�..w^^���?+�d asriga4 of Gr�tor��d I.etxiec.
<br /> — If this Deed of Trust cecures a guarwty be�oea Leader ax�d Graatos a�does not diraxly secure tI�obligarion vr�8 is
<br /> = guuaatied,Graator agrees to wtive wy rigtua tl�t may p.cvent L�acler from bringing�ny actioa or claim stQ�inst G�01
<br /> � but n�s limiud to,ant,i-deficimcy or ono-action laws.
<br /> � or unY P�Y�under the obli��tion' udia�.
<br /> 25.APPLICABLE LAW, SEVE�tABILITY: IIVTERPREI�AIT�N. This Deed of Tnui is govemed by tIse lavrs of tho
<br /> jurisdicrion in which l�eader is located,�xapc to tIu extent otherwise roquired by the laws of ttu jurisdicdoc wtLare the
<br />- propetiy is located. 'Ihis Doed of Tnut is complete and fully integreted. 'Ihis Deed of Tnut may not be unea3ed or
<br /> modi5od by or�l agr�at. Any section or clwse in this Daed of Truat� �Hy...�.--f,Y*,—'�, or wy a�meat nlaud to the
<br />- Securod Debt th�t wnflicm wit�applicable l�w will not be effoctive.u�:ess tbac law exprasly or iuspliediy pecmits the
<br /> v�rtations by writtea agreemeat.If�ay cection.or clause of this Doed of'frust c�oo�ot be eafo�+eal xcording to tits tams.
<br /> thac sectioa or cluue will be severed aad will not affect the eafa-ccabiDiry oS tbe remaiader of tbis �af��
<br />! Wheaeva used.the singular sL�ll include ilu plural aad tLe plural ti�e singulu. 'Ihe czptions headiu8s
<br /> of tHis Deod of T�ust are for conveaieacc only�ad are not to be usal to interQrct or define the terms of this Deod of Truu.
<br /> Time is of the eueace in thic Dad of Tnzst. •'� :,`i�j
<br /> i � � p�p�6 0l 6
<br /> z
<br /> � p t Yi3 M/MH fYMM�,ine..N.CkuO.MN 11�0431743411 Fwm AG7C6DTJiE 11679�
<br />