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...�'�re.._T: �W: - -=�-•-- <br /> `� �� <br /> � ._ .-- --- v __-_—_ _— _ <br /> � .. „ . . . _ �.,;s-��E.._.�.__ <br /> , ,... :�:.�. <br /> . . , _ - �—�a�drz+!'+ - ''_�� - <br /> .._�_ --'�' .. _ 1�/Il•.c�' r�r - - �-+....:. _._.. <br /> �6� �.Q� � <br /> At th� rtnrt+� of l.ender, all or su�y put of the agreed fees ond char�es, accrucd interest ancl prutic��cbu�ll t►econ� <br /> iisun�.df�ttely clue and payable,After givia�notice if requircd by I�w,upan�he a:currcnce of u default or uuytime therafte�. - <br /> In s+tdJtl�tn, Lcnder ah�11 be rntided tp�ll the rcmcdies providaf by law, the Secured Debt, t6i�Dood of Trust �ul aqy - <br /> re1;u3J ducu�.u,:ats iaclucli�without Iin3it4ilon.thc pawrr to sell thr Property. -_- <br /> t�tbe;�:i.�►9 d�:fwlt,7tuctee ct�all,in sddition ta any c�ther{�ecmitted reme�ly,at the request of tha i..encier.advertlsr and seU � <br /> thc Ftn�cr.y as a whol�or ia sep�rate{xrcelr at puWic auction ro ehe hlghes>.bidder for cavh aad c:onvey absoluce titie f're� � <br /> �u�d cl�:ar of�1 ri�ht,tltle aad interext of Gn�ntor u sueh time�nd pl�ce a9 Trusteo desig�uUes. 7'rustee shull give aotiw of � <br /> salc inclurlina efie time.temw aad place of cYle aad a descriptlon of the property to be sold as required by tiw applicabl8 law _ <br /> iu af�;c,K�t ti�time of the proposod�. <br /> Upa,n autr of tce pmptrty and to the exteat uot prohibited by law,Trusue s1�a11 make xnd ddlver a dced to the Propeny sold =__ <br /> whfch conaeys absoluu title w the purchaser. aad aiter first p�ying all fees. charges and costs, shall pay to Iax�der all <br /> n�nnayn advar�ad for cepsirs� tues, inswance, liens. auessnoatts aud pdor ascumbrances and interest Wereon, u�d the — <br /> pr�,��cipul ana iaterest oa the Secured Debt,PaY�8��Plus.{f any, ta Grantor. Leade.r cns�y purchase the Property.The i <br /> reci�uLe iu oay dood of conveyauoe sl�lj be grima f�cie evideace of the fycts set forth therein, <br /> All r�nudie9 are distuut.cumul�tive wd not ezclusive,aud the Les�der is eatided to all remedies provided at law or equiry, _ <br /> wbet�r.r eagrt:ssly set forth or not.7be acce�st�sc�by Leader of aay sum in payment or pardAl payrnent on the Socured Debt <br /> afta:r tbR balazsoe is due or is acalerued or atkr foroclosure pmccedings are filed shall not coastitute a waiver of I.eader's <br /> r.iBht t�r r�quire full aud complete rure of any txisiing d�fswlt. By not exetcising wy retnedy on Gcautor's default,lxnder __ <br /> daca aot wai�e l.eada's rigbt to latec consider tlu evwt a default if it coatiaues or happens�gain. <br /> 1&EX�3�iSF5;ADVANCES ON COVENANTS;AITORNEYS'FEES; COLLECI'ION COS"fS.Except whea prohibited <br /> 6y luw,Gr3c►tor agrees to pay all of Leader's expeases if Graator breaches any wvanuu iw ttus Deod of Tnist.Grantor will <br /> �L'iQ�PA4 OQ�deauad all of L�eacler's capebses incurral ia wllectiag, insurin8,preservlaS or pmtecting the Property or in�ny <br /> iuveutariea. audits, inspectious or other�zanaination by I.eader Ia respea w tLe Property Grautor agrees w pay all costs <br /> and ea�eases incurred by Leader in eaforeing or protoctiag Leoder's rights aad mnedies under this Deed of Tcusi. _ <br /> includJn{S,but not limitod to,attomeys`fees.paralegal foes,�vut costs,wd other legal expenses. Once the 5ecured Debt is <br /> fuli�and finally pnid,l.eader r.g�ees:o rdeace this Deed of'�sut aad Gr�awr�gree.s to pay for aay rxordatiaa cos;s. AU <br /> sucb�n�au ue due on detnusd aad will beu iateresc from t�e ame of the advaaa u the hi�htst nte in�ffect,from ti�ae <br /> t�tLnc,�s providod ia the fivickace of Debt aad as perrnitted by law. <br /> 19.ENYIRONMF.N'i'AL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCFS. At used in thia secdoa, (1) 'finvironnxatal Law" <br /> mcana, without limitation, the C�rcheasive Environmes►tal Response, Compeasatioa aad Lisbility Act (CERCI.A, 42 <br /> U.S.C. 9ti41 a soq.),�ll oth�x fec9�r�1,state a�l local�ilations,ordinaacer.court ordtrs. attomey geaa�l opinions <br /> ac intecpretive Ieaas concerniag th�e public health. safety. welfare� eavimnment or a hazardous subuaace; aad (2) <br /> 'Ha�ar3aus Sybstance" means aay toxic. n�tive or ha�rdous material. waste. poUutant or ooataminaat which has <br /> chRnw�tr.ri+gt+cat which m�der tbe substioct da�i'ats or notearially daalte[�tu to the puWic haltb„ safety. wdfare or <br /> ' eIIV��iS��i. �iC�CIm lIICt1i.�CS� W��Oltl 1�t8210'Js 8II}r�.�lS(�C�89 "�1A7��D�19 111AZCilil�w �tOxIC AL�110GY�� _ <br /> 'hn:ardois waste" or'ha�rdous substaace' uader aay Em•�^,•,•,••••^rs�Iaw. GrAaWr t�epreseats� warrants and agraa that, <br /> exccpt aa pneviously disclosed aad acmowlodYod ia writing: <br /> A. Nu Hu�rdous Subst�ace ha4 beea,is,ar wn:l be located,transporte�.manufacttu+ed,treated,refined,or haadled by <br /> �Y P�n on,under or�twut the Proge¢ag.ezcept 3a the ordiasry'oaurse of busiaess and ia suict camplianoe with <br /> �,l applicabk Eavironmeatal Law. <br /> B. G��ator ha5 not ar.d will not cause,oontr.buta to.or pc�it the release of aay Naz�rdous Substanoe oa the Pm�erty. <br /> C. Gtaator will immodlately noafy Lea�ler if(I) a rekase or thresteaod release of Ha�rdaus Substance occuts on. <br /> uader ar about the Aropaty or migrac�s or thnateas to migrue from nes�rbY P�Y;or(2)there is a violatioa of <br /> sray Eavironaoeatal Law coacerning tl�e Pc�ty.In such aa eveat.Gsantor will take all necestuy remalial acxion in <br /> acconl�ace wiW EnvIronmeatal Law. <br /> D. Ciroator has no lmowledge of or reason to bdi+�ve tha+e is aay peading oz tl�re�tened invatigation, claim, or <br /> F�8 of aay kind reladng ta(1)aay Ha�rdoos Substance located on,under or about the Propaty:or(2)�uY <br /> aiolatioo by Graator or any tenaat of aay Baviro�+++�^*—q�Law. Gr�ntor will immacti�tely n�otify I,eader in writing as <br /> , soon as Grsator has reasoo w believe there u aay such pesding or threueood investignttion,claim,or prooeedlag.In <br /> snch 9a eveat.Lax3er ha9 the right,fwt not t�e obligation,w P�+P���Y�P�DB���8 the ri�ht <br /> ta recdve oopies of any documeau mlatiag to swh pn,aedings. <br />° E. l;raator and every teaars Cave bem,u+e and s1�aU re�:oia ia full compliaaoe with aaY aPPlicable Environma�tal law. <br /> F,�.T6ere ue ao uadergrcKZ�siorage twlcs,grivau dvmy�s or opea wells loeated oa or uader the Propccty aud m su�eb <br /> 'taalc, dnmP or well will be added unlas Leader fust caasents in writing. <br /> t�.,Graator will regularly inspeci the Propeaty, moniwr the activities and operations oa the ProQerty,aad confum that <br /> , �ll permiu,liceases or approvals requirai by aay�pplicable Eavir�tal Law are obtained aad compliod with. <br /> I-E� Grantor v�ill pamit,os c�se aay ta�acx to pamit, isader or Leader's sgeat to eater aad ie�poa the Propaty aad <br /> teview all r000rds u aqp teasoaable time w d �'�� (1) the existeaoc, location and nature of any Haz�rdous <br /> S�►hstwx on. nader or�out tlu Prapaty: (2)the e.�dsueaoe, location, nuune, aad m�gnitude of aay Hazardous <br /> Substaoce that has been r�leased on,uzdcr or about:he Property;or(3)whcthcr or not Grantor and any teaaat ane in - <br /> �wmpliance with ugplicabl�Uviroameat�l law. - <br />. I.. Upon l�eader's reqvest and u aay time, Graator�grees,at Gr�ntor's expeace,to easage a qualifiod mvimomeatal <br /> ea8►aar tn Prepare aa eavironmeatal audit of the Property�ad to submit the result�of s�audit to Lmder.Tbe <br /> . choice of the mviroameatal eaginar wtso wi11 perfotm wcb audit is subjxt to L.ra�kr's approval. <br />. I.� l�eader has the right.but not the perform aay of Graawr's obligations ua�r thit section at Cuaator's <br /> Fi;. As�Aa�nsu��ueace of aay breach of aay tepreaeaution,warraaty or promise made ln this section, (1)Gnator wlll <br /> indemnify aad hold L,eada and L�eader's successors or s�ssigac harmless from zad against all locses. claims, <br /> danaads. liabili6es,damages, cleaaup, raponse aad temodiuion costs. Peaalti�s�ad cxpaises. iacluding withaut <br /> . limitation �Il costs of litigara,a sad auoraeys' fas, wblch Lenda aad Y.eodet's succasac'�or assigns may sustain: - <br />- ' aad(2)ae I.eader's d'sscmioa,Leader may rdease this Doed of Truu aad in return Gnuuor wlll provide L�eadrr with <br /> � ooUaier�l of at lqst equal v�lue W the Property cecurod by this Deed of�tust wi.ttwut prejudict to�y of Ltesidtr's - <br />- •� r�hts uader this Dad of Trust. . <br />= -.�`•��i <br />- �' ' '`� �papt 10l 6 — <br /> 0 7 Wf M�M��S�a�,Ix..f�t.CJak.0�1 It-�Op 7!7•�34t I Fum AGIC¢Oi�NE Uili� � <br />