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<br /> th�P�oputy Is ao biksn or d�maped.L�nd�r sh�ll Mw th�optlon,In lu wl��nd�b�oluM d1lcrMlon.b��ply�II suah ProaNdt, —
<br /> �}br el�duadnp fh�rahom all coib�nd�xpN►�p incurr�d by it In aonn�odon wllh woh ProaMd�,upon any ind�bt�dn�waur�d
<br /> + h�nby and In suoh ord�r u L.�ndu m�y debrmine,or to�pply NI�uch ProoNd�,afbr wch d�duadon�,to th�rwtor�Mon nl th�
<br /> P�operty upon wah oondidons as UncNr nuiy detemdrw.Any spplla�tlon of PrxMd�to ind�bbdnaa�hall not�xt�nd or pottpon�
<br /> ,��., the due d�b of any paymonb under tM Not�,or aun�nr dd�ult th�nund�r or hw�und�r.My unapplf�d lund��hdl b�paW fo
<br /> ^ Trwtor.
<br /> ��� 8. Pwlorm�na�br L�nd�►.Upon Ihe oaourrsnas ol�n Hvant of DHault h�r�under,a if�ny�ot Is hk�n or Ip�l proaMdlnp
<br /> rommenced whioh mstsri�lly a(I�cb L.�nder'�intere�t In the Propeity,Undsr m�y in Iq own di�areqon,but without obtipadon to do �_
<br /> �o,end without noUc�to a demsnd upon Trustor end wlthout releasinp Trwror 6om any oblipation,do�ny eCt whlCh T�u�tO►h11�
<br /> aprsW but iNls w do and may siso do any other act It deems necesaary ta protsct the a�ouriry hereof.Tru�tor�h�ll,Imm�dl�toly
<br /> � upt�n demend therefor by Lender.pty ro Lendar ell aosts and expeneea Maurred and sumisxpended by Lender In conn�etlon with
<br /> ��� �'�- the exerol�e by L�nd�r of the foreyolnp riphb,topether wilh intereat thereon at tha defoultrate provlded In the Nof�,whlch�hall be
<br /> .`•�J=�?�` added to the indobtodnoa ucund horoby. lender shtll not incur any Ilobiliry becauw of anythinq It may do or omit to do
<br /> � harounder.
<br /> � � 9. H�t�rdou�Mab�l�.Trustor ahall keep the Propsrty in compllance wlth all applkable lawa,ordlnancer and rapul�Gom
<br /> � �:`;;,, �.y_:'. relatlnp ro Indu�Mel hyplene or environmentel protectlon(collecttvely referred b herei�aa"Environmental L.ews'7.Truewr aholi -
<br /> �w:. : �.;
<br /> keep the Property tree trom all aubtlancea deemed to be hezardou�or toxia under any Ernlronmental Lewo(collecGvely�efeRed to
<br /> �• • herein aa"Hezardou�Materlal�").Tru�tor hereby warrants and repreaents to Lender that there are no Hozardou�M�terlpl�on a
<br /> ' "���a''}�� z ""' � undar the P►operty.Tru4tor hereby aprees to Indemni(y and hold hermles�Lender,ita direcbra,ofNcers,employees and apenb,a�d _
<br /> � ,��`;�,�`�� n� any suacestors to Lender'a Interest,irom and ep�ln�t any and all clalm�,damage�,loasel end Ilebllitles arialnp in connecdon wlth
<br /> "��'��'"" the resence, uae,dlapoeal or transport of any Hezerdous Materlals on, under,from aabout the Property.THE FOREDOINO
<br /> �w.�.. ,., r P _
<br /> � x��� "'' . ` � 10. ANlpnm�nt ot q�nb.l'ruetor hereby asaipne to Lender the rente,t4auea and profils ol the Property;providad that Trustor --
<br /> - • •• ehall,undl the occurrence of en Event o1 Detault hereunder,have tha riQht to collect and retein auch rente,isaues and profita a�they __�
<br /> � ' � beoome due and peyable.Upon tha occurrence oi an Event of Deiault,Lende�mey,either in pereon or by aper.t,wlth or without __
<br /> _�► ��.�•,.,a,},.�� ' ,��• brinqing any actlon or proceeding,or by a recelver appolnted by a couA end wlthout regerd to the adequacy ol its securiry enter �;,_:
<br /> • ;,,� upoo and take poaseselon of the Property,or any peh thereof,I�ita own name or In lhe name olthe Trustee,and do any ants which It -
<br /> • ''�°'� deems neceasery or deairabte to preserve the value,marketabllity or rentebilily of the Properly,or any paR thereof or interaet therein,
<br /> ���' ,�• „ • ���.,r Increase the Income therefrom or protect the security horeo}and,with or wlthout tekinp poeseaeion of the Property,eue lor or ���
<br /> ' ••�� � otherwtse collect the rents,iseues end protlte thereol,Includinp those past due end unp�ld,and apply lhe same,lees costa and
<br /> ^��� �� expenees o1 operation end collectlon Inaludinp altorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order ae Lender
<br /> --�.� � may determine.The entering upon and takinp posaesafon of the PropeRy,the collectlon M auch rents,Issues and profid►and the
<br /> ___ ' ��' appllcatlon thereof ea etaresald, ahall not cure or waive any delault or notice ol defauN hereunder or invalidate eny act done in
<br /> �.�y�,,yp t,;:�:;; respenee to auch defeult or purauant to auch nodce o1 delault and,notwlthatandinp the conYnuence in poaseeelon of the Property or
<br /> __.•� ��4:�;{�1'. •.�YN.,.� the ooNeetlon,receipt and aqpllcedon of rents,leaues or protlta,and Trustee end Lender shell be entitled to exerciee every ripht
<br /> _,:
<br /> �-�--- pravlder!!or!n sny o}the losn Inetrumenta or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Delouit Including without Ilmiteilon the r n l �°
<br /> --_ � � � to exerciee the power oi sale.Furtf�er,Lender's riphta and remedles under thla paragraph�hall be cumulative with,and in no wey a
<br /> --� ��-t��� -•• • Ilmftetion on,Lender's riyhts and remedles under any asslpnment ol leases and rents recordPd epain�t the Property.Lender,T�uatee
<br /> .,;�Y?� and the recelver ahall be Nable to accou�t only for those rents actually recelved. -
<br /> 11. Ev�nb of DN�ufl.The following ahall constitute an Event ot Detaull under lhis Deed of Trust
<br /> =�� � �:%.�-.`.:;.-'�;_ (a) Failure to pey eny Inamllment of principel or Interest ol any other sum secured hereby when due; -�_
<br /> � (b) A breach oi or delault undet eny provlsion contained in the Note,thia Oeed of Tru�t a�y of tha Loen Imtrument�,or any
<br /> _'� '""�'� . other lien or encumbrance upon the Properly;
<br /> ,- _ .� "• (c) A writ of ex4cution or ettachment or eny simllar proca�s ehall be entored Apelnat Truator which�hall bocomo a Hon on
<br />- .t�^ tha Property or any portion thereM or intereet thereln;
<br />�°�;,_ ' . ., ' .,� (d) There shall be ffled by or a�alnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any preaent or lutu►e federal,atete or other ��
<br /> statute,Iaw or repuladon relalinp to bankruptcy.Insolvency or other rellel lor dobtoro;or there ahall be appolnted eny Irustee, �,_
<br /> - ' • • ' recelver or Ilquidetor of Trusta or Borrower or ol all or any pert of the Ptoperly,or the ranb,isaues or prolfts tharoof,or Trustor
<br />:_„ ,V � " or Borrower ehall mnke any yenerel aasignment for the beneUt of creditors: —
<br /> u�. - '� (e)The eate,transfer,(eaae.aeai�nmeM,conveyance o�lurther encumbrance ol all or eny part ol or eny intereat in the
<br /> - ;,,,,,,, , .. Prope►ry, either volunterlly,or Involunterily,without the express written consent ol Lender;provlded that Truetor ahall be
<br /> ��.,•..a:�. permftted to execute a lease d the Property that does�ot contaln an option to purchaae and the term of which doe�not oxc�d �_�.
<br />.-�, ,. ,. ; ,�l � one year,
<br /> _.r �,�� , (Q Aba�donment of the Property;or _
<br /> (p)If Truetor I�not en Individuol,the lasuence,sale,trensler,esalynmeM,conveyance or encumbrence ot mora than e tofal �
<br />- � ot percent of(If a carporatloM its lasued and outatandfnp stxk or(ff a pannership)a total oi percent oi �--+
<br />- .•;.; '. • �� pa r t nera h ip In tere a t s d u r l n p t h e p e r f o d t h i s D e e d ol Tr u at remains e Hen on the Pro p e r t y.
<br />- ." �•• � 12. R�n►�di�s:AecN�ratlon llpon DNauIL In the event al any Event of Delault Lender may,without notice except es requlred by �-:
<br /> law,declare all Indebtedneas�ecured hereby to bo due and peyable end the seme sholl thereupon become due and payable
<br /> • :�:• w i t h o u t a n y p r e s e n t m en t,demand,p�otest or not�e of an y klnd.Theroa(ter Lender may: _.
<br />�;=� '..�n�,�,�� (a) Demand that Ttultee exercise the PAWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shall thereaRer cause Truator's
<br /> �° „ Interest In the Property to be eold and the proceeds to be dlatributed,all In the mannar prowded in the Nebraska Truat Deeds ���,
<br /> ' Acx
<br /> � �,.,= - (b) Exercfse any and all rlflhta provlded tor fn eny ol the Loan Inatruments or by law upon acCUrrence of any Event of �'�•
<br /> Defeulk and �,'
<br /> , �' (c) Commence an actlon lo foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mort�aye,appolnt a receiver,or specllically enforce any o1 tha �
<br /> covenants hereof. �`�
<br /> • � No remedy hereln Conlerred upon o�reserved to fr�atee or Lender is�ntended to be excluswe ot any other rumeciy hainin.{n li�n
<br /> Loan Inelrumenta or by lew provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulallve,ahall be In edditlon to every other remedy given � •
<br /> herounder,In the Loan InstrumenUor now or hereafter exlatinp et lew or fn equlry or by atetute,end mey be exercised concurrently, � ,
<br /> ,. � � , Mdependentiy or auccesalvely.
<br /> .. �� 13. TruNN.The Truatee may resign at any time wuhout cause,and Lender may at any tfine and w�lhout cause oppo�nt a ��
<br /> �; euccessor or substitule Trustee.Trustee ahall not be Ilable to any perty.including without Ilmitatlon lender,Borrower.Trustor or any h
<br /> �,•� , purchaser of the Property.for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wfllful misconduct,and ahall not bo requ�red to take any '
<br /> ection fn connectfon wfth tho enlorcement of thfs Deed of Trust unless indemnfffod, fn writing,lor all costa,compensetfon or !
<br /> ••'' = expensea which may be asaoclated therewith.In additfon.Trustea may become a purChaser at any sale of the Property Qudiclal or
<br /> • under the power ot aale granted hereln);postpone the sa�e ot an or any portion ot tne Property,es proviaea oy iaw;or sen me � �
<br /> ,. = Property es a whole,or M separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretion. �
<br /> . � 14. FNS and Exp�n�h.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercrae�ol power of sele,Truatee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any eale proceeds lfrat to payment oi all costs and expenses o1 exercising power ol sale,mcluding oll Trustee's lees,and Lender'a
<br /> � and Truetee's attorney's tees,actually incurred to extent permftted by applfcable law.In theevent Borrower or Truator ezerclses any ,
<br /> • nght provided by law to cure an Event of Defeult Lender shall be entftled to recove►Irom Trustor all costs and expenaes actually ;
<br /> Incurred as a reault of Truator's default, Includiny wfth0ut IimNatlon all Truetee's and altorney's lees,to the extent permitted by �
<br /> � ' applicabte law.
<br /> 15. Fulun Advanc��.Upon request ot Borrower, Lender may, at its option, make eddlllonal and lutu�e advancea end re•
<br /> �� •°� edvences to Borrower.Such advances and readvences,with interest thereon,shall Ge secured by thla Deed of Trust.At no time shall
<br /> � the princlpal amount of the indebtedness secured by thls Oeed of Trust,natir�l��ns advanced to prqtect the security of th�s
<br /> _ �� �::. .� Daed of Truat,exceed the oHylnal pnnCipal emount stated hereln,or S whichever Ia qreater. •
<br /> �
<br /> ; t
<br />