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<br /> '`":� :1:.
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<br /> ; �.� - -
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<br /> "� Trwlor und�rsW�ds�at tM doaum�nl ihat Trwtor u�bout to�x�aut�I��Owd ol Tru�t ind nol�moNp��nd that th�pow�r
<br /> �.,��., ol raN la In tl+�OMd of Trwt provldN wb�tanpoly dllbr�nt�Ipha�nd obllp�don�to T�u�tor th�n�moAqap�In fhr swnt
<br /> ' � ol a ult Or br�aoh ol obll�tlon u�d�r th�DNd of Trwt Inoludl�p,but not Ilmlt�d to,th�L�nder'�ripht to h�v�th�PropKty aold
<br /> by Ih�Tru�tM without any�udlold procMdlnp.Tru�tor rpr�wn nd w�rnnta that lhN�oknowNdp�m�nt wu�x�out�d by
<br /> trwto�b�fon q�woutlw�ol tl1�i1Md of Trwt
<br /> �.' � -
<br /> j1 L Y�nny� . T or
<br /> . ���t.�..w�r �v,�, �,..o..,.i
<br /> -�- Vir�i • Di� Y�no�ru
<br /> °"—��'Ti:,•,.� .iui. ,19�.,by and amorp
<br /> ,�.L:,,�,� THIS DEED OF THUST,Ia made as ol tho�_day of
<br /> se. _
<br /> - ��+ ,� q�Try��� Daei•i y Y•RRy t� Yir�ini� Di�n� Y�nny . hu�b�nd �nd •ii� .
<br /> .�- "M •� �� 316 E 19th St Or�nd I�l�nd R� 69801-2��3
<br /> _�s
<br /> �S' whow maNl�p eddress Is (herain"Tru�tor;'wh�th�r on�or mon),
<br /> - :�,... .p.
<br /> -" �•, R•.d �� ' � •�"'� �Z��, Riw Point� B�nk. • I[�braNca Corporation �
<br /> _ �;...:.•�
<br /> ' "' �. whwe maNl�p addross fo P•O. Box lSt�7 Grand I�laad, MB 69802 (hereln"Tru4taa'�,and
<br /> �.- . ". ...�
<br /> '. '`�,�`;,;n.;;;.'� tha Banaticlary� Riw Point� B�ak
<br /> ,•��• . �
<br />. ' 4 :" .��� whoss rtwlliny addre�s is P.O. 80: 1807 tirand I�l�nd. IiE. 688v2-13�7 (hereln"L�nWr'►.
<br /> . � .��,:f'�:�;;;�
<br /> � . FOR VALUABi.E CON8IDERATION.Inoludtnp Lender's extenoion of crodit Idontiflad herein to�pi�i L Yonny
<br /> • ,y:`4-:;'.�.J�:F; :r± , L Viraiei� Di�no Y�nnx.. (hereln"6orrower",whether one or more)end the buat he►ain oreaUd,
<br /> ,w,� the recolpt oi which Is hereby acknowledped,Trustor hereby Irrevocably qrants,trenetere,conveya and aasipns to Tru�tee,MI
<br /> 'L-�-�'`�"`� _ " -_ TRU�3T,1NIrli PA�Iy�R AF CAl F,1n�Ih9 hN�NI and aacurity ol Lendpr,u�der and aubJeal to the lermo and condiUon�horolnaUor�at
<br /> .'' . .'� foAh,the real propeAy,deecrlbed ea(ollowa:
<br /> � '��'�•' '` ;r,- Lot TrQnty-Ono t21), Blaok Six l6), Morri� 3rd Addition to th� City oi araad
<br /> ; ���° � '. . I�land, H�ll Couoty. N�br+�ka.
<br /> .«..
<br /> � �- .
<br /> a�� :�c ° � �'� Topether with all bulldinps,Improvements,llxtures,atreets,olleys,pessayeweys,easements,rights,privllepes and appurte-
<br /> ' �•'-"'�' nonces located thereon a in a�ywlae perteinfnp thereto,and the rentc,isaues and prollts,reveraions and remainders thereof,and
<br /> �� �
<br /> , n,6 0 • �'!': u; iuch peroonel property that Is atteched to the improvemente so es to conatitute a Ilxture,Includinp,but not Iimlted to,headnp and
<br /> : ;,-.._ ,,.,2�;..,"; coolinp equipmen�and topelher with the homestead or medtel Intereats,if any,which Intereats are hereby releneed and weived;oll =
<br /> :; .. ,� .;. ,.. of which,includinq replacemenis and eddltlona thereto.Is hereby declared to be a part of 1Fw roal oafalo�aourod by Ihe Ilan of thlt
<br /> �;_� ' D�d of Trust and aN of the forepolnp beinp referrad to herein a4 the"Property".
<br /> ���' ,. " ° ^ '• Thl�Oaed of Truot ahell aecure(a)the peyment ot Ihe principel sum and Interest evldenced by e promissary note or oredlt
<br /> l:tl.• �iR�Jle�:..�.. . ..
<br /> , ,Y;� ,,,� ..: �praement deted ,�,t� a+�. t992 ,heviny e meturity date ot JulY 10th 2YV2 , -
<br /> •:�
<br />!'. " ' . ��I in the ortylnel prfnclpel amount o15 18•�•� ,and any and ell modllicatfons,extenalons and renewals
<br /> � �`'''= � ' thereof or thereto end any end all future advences and readvances to Borrower(or any of them It more than one)hereunder
<br /> ,�7�� °, '�" pureuent to one or more qromissory notee or credit apreements(herein called"Note");(b)the payment oi olher sums advanced by
<br /> • . Lender to protect the securNy ot the Note;(c)the pertormance of all covenants end apreemenls of Trustor aet forth hereln;end(d)all
<br />��"'t�,. ,,,,-:; present and tuture Indebtedness and oblfpetfons ol Borrower(or any of them il mora than one)to Lender whether direcf,indirecf,
<br /> - � •�- . ebsolute or contingent end whether arlalnp by note,quaranty,overdraR or otherwfse.The Note,this Deed ol Truat and any end all
<br /> ° other docuents tha!eecure the Note or otherwise executed in connection therewith,Includiny wlthout Ilmitetlon yuerentees,securiry
<br /> �°��.�.q� � preemenla and asalpnments of leasea and rents,shall be relerred to hereln as ihe"Loan Inshuments".
<br /> �' !'. F .
<br /> �;;�rc�'a:i��''���• Truator covenanfs end agreea with Lender es lollows:
<br /> 1. Ps�rnNnt ol lnd�bt�dn�a.All Indebtednesa secured hereby ahall be pald when due.
<br /> 2. Tifb.Trustor Is the owner of the Property,has the rfpht and authority to convey the Properly,and warrants that the flen
<br /> � created hereby la e firet and prlor lien on the Property,except for Ilens end encumbrances set forth by Truator In wrldng and -
<br /> � . , detivored to Lender belore executlon of thla Ueed of Truat,and the executlon and delfvery ol lhis Deed of Trust does�ot violate any -
<br /> " conhact or other obllpation to which Trustor is aub�ect.
<br /> �, �' 3. Taxq,A�s�am�nb.To pay befo�e delinquency all taxes,special assesaments and all other charfles apainat fhe PropeAy :
<br />- - - °� now or hereaker levietl.
<br /> � � r
<br /> 4. InturanC�.To keep the Property insured agalnst damege by fire,hazArds�ncluded w�thm the term"extended coverage",and =
<br /> � ' . auch Othe►hazards as Lender may require.In amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender,namfny Lender as an additfonal
<br /> • � named inaured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case ot loss under such policles,the Lender Is authorized to ad�ust,collect and
<br /> '� compromise,all claims thereunder and shall have the optlon oi applying all or part of the Insurance proceeda(f)to any Indebtedness
<br /> } ' seCUred hereby and In such order as Lender may determine.(Ii1 to ihe Trustor to be used tor ihe repafr or reatoraUon of the Properry i
<br /> � or(lif)lor any other purpose or obJect satislactory to Lender without aNecting the Iien ot thls Oeed of Trust tor the full amount secu�ed
<br /> �� hereby before such payment ever took place.Any applicatlon of proceeds to indebtedne�s shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> ��_ .e____ _-___.• ._. __ dato ot eny paymeniB under Ihe Note.or cure anY defeult thereunder or hereunder. �
<br /> � 5. E�Crow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shell pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may desipnate,sufliCient
<br /> - ' � aume to enable Lender to pay ea they become due one or more ol the foliowfng:(1)all taxes,asseasments and other charges ayainst �
<br /> the Properry.(if)the premlums on the properly Inaurance requ+red hereunder,end(iil)the premlums on any mortflape fnsurance
<br /> required by�Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnt�n�nc�,R�pain and Compllanc�wlth Law�.Truator shatl keep the Property I�flood condition and repair;shall
<br /> � promptly repair,or repface ony Improvement whlch mey be damagod or destroyed;shall not commft or permlt any waste or
<br /> deterlorption ol the Properly;shell not remove.demollsh or eubstanflally alter eny qf the improvements on the Properry;shall not
<br /> �• Commit auMer or permit any act to be done In or upon the Property In violatlon of nny law,ordfnance.or repu�ation;and shall pay end
<br /> � ''� promptly discharye at Trustor's cott and expenae al�liena,encumbrancea end charyes levled,imposed or assessed ayafnat the
<br /> Property or eny pah thereof.
<br /> . "� . I. Emin�nl�omaln.Lender le hereby essipned ell compansation,awards,damapes end other payments or rettef(herefnafter
<br /> '; � "Proceeds")fn connecUon with condemnatlon or olher teki�p of ihe Property or part thereol,or for conveyance fn lieu of condemna-
<br /> • ,�,� don.Lender ahall be entitled at ita optlon to commence,appear In end prosecute In its own name any actlon or proceedings,and
<br />� , s�hall elso be 6nUtled to moke any compromlae or aettlement In connectfon with such takfnq or dart�pe.(n the evYht any portlon of �
<br /> � h .. ..
<br /> . .. N�C sIP INarprKUhwN DrdD 11�1p�N ,
<br /> �s O 1�M NM�w�M M��d Ca�nuc�i.�.r�nd 5�.+�s A�wco�wn i�ncoN N�bwa
<br /> �
<br />