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<br /> 17.'t'�•W�►�Pe�uf tise Ih�u�xrty�u•�e 11c�M(iclul li�lc�st b�Itorruuc�•.If�U�►r Any�rl uf U�c{'rape�ty or any inlcresl in il
<br /> is u�IJ„r�r�ncfcrre��iw iP a�neliri�l iiuercu in&�rr��w�cr is sul�l ur Irans(crred$�x1 E3rrn�wer is iHN a iuitural per.u�n)wiih��ut
<br /> l.e�wec's pri��r wrilten cu��.caU. I.c�xkr nuy. :�t its ��ption, rcquirc immeJintc pa��nxnt in Pall ��i'all �uots securcel hy thic �
<br /> Sccurity In::ltwix+�1. I low•cvcr,this�►�tiun sl�ll iwt be cxcrciu:�!by Leiulcr if cxcrci�e is�n�hibita!by fetleral law as uf ihc J:itc�
<br /> ul'tl�.c Sccuri�y I�w�wixi�t. �
<br /> li L�.ixter exercises thie arti�n, l.etxler shall give I4�rrau•er�xuice��f xcelcr�tiun.'!"I�e ootice sltiall proviJc a periu1l��f ix�t
<br /> Ic��11�� 30 J:�ys P�um t;u�latc thc nc�tirc i�: dclivcrcJ or nuil��i within which Ei�urowcr nu�st�►ay ull sun�s secuttd hy Ihis
<br /> Security I�ictrumcnt. 1P Eiorraw•er f�ils to pay Nieese�unu ptiur tu 11H:cxplratiun uf th�s periud. [.c�xtcr nwy invoi�e�ny rcni:,cliu�
<br /> pernuttcd by this Security Autrumcni witluwl furthcr ncuicc ur cicnuixl un I3c��row•er.
<br /> 18. Wurow�er's Right to Relttctate. li Be►rtow4r nx�ts cerlain wixliUun�, 13c�rrower shall I�ave Ihe right ta i�ve�
<br /> enfurcement of thls Securily Instrument discantinuecl ut uny titi�e prior ta the earlicr of: (a) 3 Jays (or�uch other pe�i�xl as
<br /> applicable law nny specify for reinrt�lenunt) befo�r r.ale uf'th; .Frapc�ty �wr.euant to �ny� power af sale cuntaincii in �liis�
<br /> Security Instrunu�u;or(b)entry of a judgnxnt enT�rei�eg thi; Secuzitp Instnunem. Tlx�se conditiwu are that Bnrrawer: (a)pays�
<br /> Le�xk�r all sun�.e which then woulJ be due under this S�curiq� lnstrunxnt and the Note as if nc�acceleratian had occurrod; (b)
<br /> cure.c any defauU o£nny other cmenants ur agreetnenis; (cl ��ays all expeaces incarred in enPorcing�hic Security G�.ctrument,
<br /> ineluc.ling. but no1 limited to. rea.wnable attomey� foes; u�ki (d�tukes such aeiian�.c l.ender may reaconably reyuire ta ae.eure
<br /> that the lien of lhis Se�vrity losirument, Leiticier's rig�nts in Ihr Pmperty ��d Borrower's c�Wig:uion ta pay the sunu wcurcd by
<br /> this Securiry instrunxnt shall continue uncl�nged. U�n reinstatenzent by kiorrower, th�s Securiry Insttuntent a�xi the
<br /> �li�atiau secured i�e�eby shall remain fullp�ffcctsve as if ixti acceleratiun had occurrad. Howtver. this right to reinswte shall
<br /> not apply in the cue of xceleration uader puagmph I?.
<br /> 19. Sxk of Note; Ct�aaAe oP I.oaa Servlcer. The Nute nr a pania! interest in the Note (toge�her with this S�curily
<br /> Instnmxnt)nwy be sold onc u�mo�e times wittxwt prior ncuicr to Rarmwer. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the 'Loan Servicer')tl�t collects nwnthl}�payments du�under the N.xe suid this Securily iastrument.There also n�y be one
<br /> ur more changos oF Ne[,oan Se�vicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If Iharo is a change of t�u Loan Servicer,Borrower wiU be
<br /> given written notice of the chaage in aecorcfmtice with�rugraph 14 s�lx►r�•u�x1 applic�ble taw.The notice will state the name and
<br /> acldress of the new Loan S�;rvirer and the�ddress to whid�p�ymerus-sl�cxdd be made. The notia will also cwuain �ny wher
<br /> intormation rcquired by applicatsle law.
<br /> 20. HatartWus Substaaces. Borrower sl�ll not causc or permit the presence, use.disposal, storrge. or rcte�of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on ar in the Property. Borrower shall not da, nor allow anyone else to do, anyd►ing afEet:ting the
<br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Enviro�unental Law. The preceding two sentences sltiall not apply to the pracn�.�e.u.se, or
<br /> storage on the Property oF small quantiNes of Huardau 5ubst.v�cts tttat are generally recognized to be appropriate to norn�l
<br /> residcntial uses and to mainta�ance of the Pmpeny.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give l..ender written natice of any inve,stigation,claim, dtn�nd.lawsuit or othe�xtion by uny
<br /> govtmrnental or rcgulatory�gency or private party involving tlu PropeRy u�d any Ha�rdaus Substanes or Environnx'ntal Law
<br /> of which Borrower hac xtu�l knowledge. If Bornawer leurns. or is notified by any govexcwnental or regulatory wthority, thu
<br /> any t�emoval or othe�remediation of any Hazardouc Substance�ffecting the Property is necessaty.Bortour.s st►all ptompdy take
<br /> all�xcessrry remedial xtions in acoord�nce wiui Enviro�uaental I.aw.
<br /> As used in this par�graph 20. 'Hazardous Substences" are those sub.u�nces def►ned�toxic or t►azardous substances 6y
<br /> � Environmental law and the followitig subslanees: gasoNne. lerosene, other flammabk or toaic petrole�m pt�octeccrs. toxie
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.matuials oontsinict��bestos or formaldehyde.aad radioactive mater�ls.Al�wsed in
<br /> _ this puagraph 20. "Envirotunenta! Law" metins federal laxs aad l�ws of the jurisdictioo where the Property is Ior.�Y.ed ti�at
<br /> ? � rrctate ta neatth,satay or environme�ttai Droiectior�: . . ...
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.EOrrowec and Lender funhzr covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Aocderatioa;Rdnedies.Lender at�!!give iwiice to Borrower prtor to Aaelemtbn followitag Borrower's breach
<br /> of aoy covenaat or agreement in this Security iastnunent (but not prior to aaderatiou nader paragrapi� iT unkss
<br /> � applkable law provides othenvise).The notice shall spectf'v: (a)the defsult; (b)the xtnoa reguiral to cu�ti�e dcFault;
<br /> (c)a date,not less tl�an 30 days from the date We nattce is given to Bomower,by whidh the default muct 6e curaf;and
<br /> (d)thxt fallurc to cure the default on or befar the date speciiled in the notice may rtsult in s�aYlerntioA o�the sua�s
<br /> secured by thts Securtty Insirnment acul sale cf the Property. 'I7�e notice shall fu�inform Bornawcr ot t6e ri�hf to
<br /> rcinstate after aa�eicration and the right to bring a court xtion to assert the aon-exlstaxe ot a detault or�ay otl�er
<br /> > defense of Borrower W �ccderatton and safe. If the default is not cured oa or betase ttu date spaified in t�motice,
<br /> Le��d�r, at its option,may requine immediate payment in full ot all stm�a securcd hp tf�ts Security Instruttse�t�lhout
<br /> furiher demand aed may[nvoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted D�applicable taw.La�des�s�S+U 6e
<br /> auttkd to colkct all acpenses incurred in parsuiog tbe rane�lies pruvided'w Wis pars�raph Zl,inc:�,but not llmited
<br /> to,rcaconaWe attorneys'fces and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If tlx power of sWe is invoked, Tn�siee shall record a�wtice of default in eaeb ca�aty Ea vFBich aay part ot the
<br /> Property is located and shall nuti copies of suei�notice ia the rn�nner pnscribed by sppiiG►We iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> the otber perwnc prescri6ed by appiicabk law.After the time requlred by appliat6le ta�s,Tc�astee siwlt give pvJfiic notice
<br /> ot rale to tde persons and in t@e maaner presctibed by appiicaWe law.Tcustee,witlwut demaad Ms Borrower, shall sdl
<br /> the Propecty ai p�cWic�uction to liie htghest[�der at the tin�e and place aad�ader tl�e.terms dest�ated in the notice oi
<br /> sule in one or mot�e pnrcels and in any order Trus¢ee determines.TnutcY raay postpoae sale of al�or any ps►rcd of the
<br /> Property by public aa+wuncenseut at the time and place oi any previoasly scheduted sale. Lender or its dcsi�nee may
<br /> purcl�ase the Property at any siJ�
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