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<br /> TO�GTi1CR WITl1 �1!thc improLCttix;its naw ar heraQe�crectai on tha pru�rty,a�xi all c:�oknts, ap��t��wkr+,aixi ,
<br /> fixtnr�.s �ww ur Ikrcaftee � �u�t uf tl�e pr�yk�ly. All repisKenxnts �uxl a�Witiu�w �Iwll Ylw t� �vve�oJ by tl►u S�u+i�y
<br /> liutrouticnl All oF tho fc�rcgoing is rcfcrraf to in tbis Securiiy G�ctn►nxnt as du"�'r�crty."
<br /> I30RROWER C'OVENANTS tFutt Dormwer is lawfully seisn)oP Ihc at�tc hrrcby�r�nvcyed atxi hxs Ihc right to�rw�t a��c!
<br /> cawey tfk Property and tA�t the Proprny is une�xuniberctl, except f��r encumbraitices� of rca�rcl. Ue�rc�iwer w:►rc�uui atxl will
<br /> �feixl generally tl�c title to llic Fropecty against all daiu�s A��I alenuexls, cubject ta any ei�cumbr,utices c�f recorJ.
<br /> TtiIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMEIVi combines unifnrm cc�vecunis for naiiona! uu and non-uniCarm covea;�nts witb limik�
<br /> , v�eiutions Dy juriuliction to coituitute a unifurm securily iiutruu�eau coveriug real prc�erly.
<br /> � UI�:FORM CO�'F.Ne�NTS. �rmv:cr ar�s!Lcn•.'.:.r cavci�:z:��:!agr:;:s Eoltows:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot PriiktEwl �iul Interssi; Prepayu�eul w��! late Cdarges. 13�urowcr sliall pramptlY �Y wl►tn duc the
<br /> � prfixi�i of v�tid interest on thc deW evidc�xrod by{re Note and any pre�ymant and Inte ct�arges due under thc Notc.
<br /> 0 � 2. Futuls for'['axes aue! Iusurauce. Subject to cpplicable law or tu a written waiver by Leixkr. 13arrower st�zll pay to
<br /> � I.endcr o»thz d�y nwnthly payn�ents�re due u�tder�ht Note,until thc Nwe is paid in full,u sum('Funds')for.(a)yeurly taxes
<br /> utid assessnxnts wl�ich n�y attain priority over this Security InstNment as a licn on tlK Property; (b)yearly Ic�sefwtd payments
<br /> � or Srourul rents on the Praperty,iF any:(c)yearly haxard or property insurn�ue prcmiums;(d)yculy(lciod insurunce pre�uiunu,
<br /> �p if any:(e)ycarly mortgcge inwrance premiunu, iP any; and(�any sums�sayable by Bcirrowe�to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> (� the provesions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment oP»wrtga�e i�uu�ance prea�iusns. Tf�cse ituns ura calkd�ESCf014'IIC711S."
<br /> �� L.c�xSer r�uy. at any time, wllect and hotd Funds in an amount not to c�►cted the maximum a�nount n lender for a federall)�
<br /> rclated n�wtgage Ic�n may cequiro for Bonower's escrow account�nder the federal Rc•al Estate Setdtcnent Proeedures Act of
<br /> 1974 zs am��,.ied from tinx to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�seq. ('RESPA'). wiless anotlkr law that upplles to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser ai�xwnt. IP so, t,encler nwy. ut a�tiy time,colla;t and hold Funds in an anwunt noi to exce�x! u'k iesscr �u�wnt.
<br /> Lender rr�y estin�te the amouns af Fu�ts due ws tP��b�sis af currcau data and reas�nabk estia�atcs of expenditurcs of futuro
<br /> Escrow items or otherwise in aocordu�ce wit1��pplicabk law.
<br /> The Funcl�s �hafl be hel�i in a�� institution whose depasits are insurod by a fedual agerr:y, instrumentality, or entiry
<br /> (iuelwli�g Leader.if Lenckr is sueh an inctitution)oc in any Federal Hortx L.oui Ban{c. I.ender shall apply tb►c:Funds to pay th�
<br /> E.ncrow itenu. Lendu may aot charge Borrower fw ho;ding and applying the Funds.su�rwally artialyzing t6e es,:�t►w account,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow ltems,unless l.etxler pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law Errmits I,znder to make such
<br /> a cl►arge. However, Lender msy require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an ir�dependent r�estate tax rcporting senice
<br /> nsod by Lender in caineclion with this lostn. unless �pplicabk Law provides otherwise. Uniess an agr�nt is nu�ic or
<br /> applicable l�w rcquires intercst to be paid. L.�oder sliall not be neq�ind to pay Borrower any iiuursi or earnings on the Fuads.
<br /> Borrower and Lender may ag�ee in writing, however.that interest s}�all 6e paid on the Funds. I.et�der sl�ll give to Borrowu,
<br /> without cUarge.an aruwal xcounting of the Funds, shawing cre&ts and debits 4a the Funcis aad the putpose for which�ach
<br /> debit tu tlu Funds was made.The fiurxls are pledged ac additiona[serarity for all sums securcd 6r this Security Instrumtnt.
<br /> If the Fw�ds held by Lendu excud the amounts permitted to be held by applicabte law, I�xSer shali acwunt W Bomo,r�r
<br /> for the e�cau Futds in acax�lu�ce with the requitesncnts af applicable law. If the amouni of the.F�u�ds luld hp Lender at aay
<br /> �ime is not wffiaent to pay t�he Bscrow items whcn d�:r,�I.er�lsr may so notify Borrower in writing.ar�d. in suc�cace Borrower
<br /> sball pay w L.eader the surnwnt necr,s:ary to m�lce up the dctic'�eucy. Borrow�er shall malce up t3�e deticiea�cy in no more tl�aa
<br /> terdve mootWv navtuents.at Irlder's snae dir�c.�retinn.
<br /> ----��--- ��- - • - •
<br /> tJpcsn puy-met�i ia fu11 of a!1 sums secured by thls Security I��strun�au. Laxirr sl�ll prou�UY refunci b 8arowu�ay
<br /> Funds held by LuKler.If, under p.�trsgraph Z 1. i.ender shall xquire or sell the Property.L�ender,prior to the acquisition or sal�
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Letider at the cime of xquisition or sale as a credit against the wmx sacured by
<br /> this Security Instrurnent.
<br /> 3.Applicstba ot Ps�ywenta.Unless applicable law provides otherwisc.all paymr.nts reoeived by Lendor undu para�graphs
<br /> 1 and 2 s1�ll 1x appliad: first. to anY P�Y�t charges duc under the Note;saond. to amouets payabk under pa�agr�pit 2:
<br /> thitd.to interest due;fourth,to principai due;and lut,to any late charges dae under tlx Note.
<br /> 4.C6trges; Liens. Borrow•er sl�ll p3y all taxes,assessments, ch�rges. fines and impositio�.s attributablc W thc PropettY
<br /> which rtzay attain priority aver thi:Soa:rity Instrumatt, uxl leasehold p�yments or ground ruus,if any. Batn�we�stutll pvy
<br /> t}xse obligoteons in the ma�u�er provida4 iu puagraph 2,ar if not paid in that nunr�er,Borrowa s�aall pay them on time dirct�
<br /> to the person owed p�yment.Borrower st�!prwnptly furnish to Lec�ter all notias of anwu:tits ta be paid undu this psua�rs�.
<br /> If Borrowet m�lces thae payments dirxtEp.I`wrrower slull promplly fi�t�ish to Lender receipts evidencing the payntents.
<br /> Borrowes shall promptly discharga any lien which his priorily over Q�is Senuitv Lutrument unless Bomower:(a)agroes in.
<br /> writing to the p�yrtxnt of the obligation securcd by the Ila�io a nutuxr aoceptabk.ou i.es�der: (b)oontests in good faith the lier�
<br /> by, or defcnds against enforcement of the lirn in. lega) .procadic:gs which in t�e L.eader's o;rinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforeanent of the lien; or(e)seeurcs fcan thr holder of the lien ort agruaneni satisfactory w ixc�der subordin�ting the lieca to
<br /> this Serurity Inurument, if(.e�xler detern»nes th�s any part of the Properry is subjxt to a liat�a�iich may attain priority over
<br /> thu Sa�rity instrument, L.uKler may give Barrower�notia identifying ttre licn.Borrowu si�ll satisfy the lien or takc one or
<br /> a�ore of tbe xtioas set lortl�above withir►10 days of the�iviog of notice.
<br /> ' Po�m 3028 Sl90
<br /> qo.za�
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