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<br /> ' � 92-- 10bS14f
<br /> __— — , appUcable law may cpecify for reinats►temcnt)before aule of thc Property p�rssuant to any puwer af sale contalned in this
<br /> � Securtty Inswment;or(b)entry of o judgment enforcing this Secudtg fnstrument. Thoso condlUona Are Uwt Bomower. (u)
<br /> — ; payr Lender dl cums which then wuuld be due under this Security Insirument and the Note as if no accele��ion had
<br /> - occurred;(b)cwCS any def�ult of any other covenants or Agt�eements;lc)pays all expe�sex incurred in enforcing this Secu�ity
<br /> imdvmau,including. but not Umiuxi�o.n:asonuble att�rneys'fees: and(d)takea such ac�ion as Lender may reasonobly
<br /> ; roquirc to assuro that the lien af this Securiry Inshument.Lendcrk righlx in the Propcny und Borrowerk obligaUon to pay the
<br /> ' sums secwsd by this Socurity Instrument aha!! continue unchanged. Upon reinsatement by Borrower, this 3ecurity
<br /> Instrument u�d the obligations secured hercby shall r+emain fully effecUve ps if no accelention had accurtW. However,thiQ
<br /> . ri�ht!o reinslate shall nat apply in the caso of acceleratian under p:uag�aph 17. —
<br /> t9. 3ale ot Nole; Ch�aQe ot I.o�o Sawieer. 77�e Note or a partial intercst in the Note(together wi�h tbic Securiry
<br /> Insuument)may bc sold one or more dmes wlihout priar notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change in tt�e entity
<br /> (knovm�s the"l.oan Servicer")that collocts monthly payments due under the Nota and this Secudty Inswment. There Wso
<br /> may bo one or more changes of the Loan Servicer un�lated ta n sate of the Note. If there is u change of the I.oan Servicer,
<br /> ��si'g•�";"•''�;,,� Borrower wlll be given wrilten notice of the change in accordance with parngmph 14 above and appiicable law. The notice
<br /> will state the name and address of the new L.c�n Servicer and 1he address to which payments should be made. 7he notice will
<br /> ��,�:,�:..,,,;� also contain any other iniormatlon required by applicuble Inw.
<br /> �,,:;�-,�� 20. Hazwrdoua Substaaces. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit thc presence.usc.disposal,storuge,or release of any
<br /> �;t•::.�� HezaMous Substences on or in thc Property. Borrawer shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,unything affecting the
<br /> ��''`�=�;�� Property that is in vloladon oi any Environmental I.aw. The pnxeding two sentences shnll not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> -_.=-==.-y�� storage on ihe Propeny of srtutll quantitks nf Hazardoua Substances tlwt are generally mcogaized to 6e appmpriata to r►amal
<br /> �.�,�� residentlal uses and to maintenance of�he Property.
<br /> ��•.� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigutfon,claim.demund,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> --- ---g��---��„��� govemmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substuncc or Emironmental
<br /> �,,;�� :,,_
<br /> ��`' Law of which Bortower hns actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> -���v� authority,thet any removal or c�ther remediation af any Hozordous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Barrower
<br /> .;�.x�., � .
<br /> ��= shall promptly tNce ull necessary t+emedlal actions in uccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � As used in this purnngmph 20."Hazerdous SubstAnces"are those substances defined as toxic or huzardous substancec by
<br /> ;.�t,�.,�'�..',.u:My�; E�vironmentel Luw and the following substences: gasoline.kerosene,other flammable or toaic peaoleum products,toxic
<br /> �.:o..:.. .. pest�cides and herbicides, volatile solvenis. materiuls containing asbestos or formuldehyde,and radiouctive materials. As
<br /> -! �"^�-���:::-; used in this paragrnPh 20.'.Environmemal Luw"meuns federal laws and Inws of the jurisdiction when the Piroperty is lacated --
<br /> ,, ��. . , �� Uwt rrlatc to health,safety orenvironmental protection.
<br /> ,..�`.�;:,;.�,;.�
<br /> � -.x� NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Barrower�+nd Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ';•�.�t k�,:�:•.�,,� 21. Accekratbn:Remedies. Lender shall give nodce to Borrower p�ior to acceleration following Barrower's
<br /> • � •i,�r breach ot aoy rnvenaat or agreement in Ihts Security Ioshument Ibut not prior to ncceleratioa uader paragraph 17
<br /> _ _ _ _-_— uak�xs spplicabk law provWes othenvtse). The aotice sdall specify: 1s►)tde defi�ult;lb)the action required to cure the
<br /> _-::-�-=Y=;-��.-� ifet�uit.ic)��tie,uat iess iiiar+30 dsyx frats ilac s!a!e!he a�is slvta!o Sorrowe�,by wfhich the default must be
<br /> �,,. �,,,_. ,_; . ., cured;w�d(d)t6at fAilnre to cure the dePault on or before Ihe date specifled in the notice may result in acceleration of'
<br /> the sums secured by tbis Security instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> -. ,- '� the right to reinstate aRer acceleration And the right to bring a court action to s�ert the non-existeace oP a defauit or
<br /> — �� '+� any other defease ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. It the deiault is not cured on or before the dote specif7ed in
<br /> ��: � , . � the notice,Lender At its optbn may require immediAte payment in iull of all sums secured by this Securily Instrument
<br /> -- . • wiWout Purthcr demand and mAy invoke lhe power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br /> '`��`.�'� • � � I.ender shs�ll be eatitled to collect �II expenses incurred in pu�suing tbe remediea provided In tbis paragmph 21.
<br /> ' = i.� -:�= �� : � includiag,but not limited to�reasonAble attorneys'fecw And costs of titk evidence.
<br />��� _�_ ' If the pnwer uf sale is invoked,7lrustee shAll record a notice of default in each county in whkh any part of the
<br /> -- �,�,,,;,,,� � Property is located and shwll mvil copies of sucb notice in Ihe manner pre.ccribed by applicable low to Borrower and to
<br />-�-� • • the other persons prescribed by applicable law. Aner the time required by applicable law,7lrustee shAll give public
<br />..-� ir��;k •'•Y .�t;:�; notice of sale to the persons and in tbe manner prescribed by applicuble luw. 'I�ustee.without demand on Borrower, _
<br /> z���.f.�„..�,� sdall sell the Property At public aucdon to the bi�hesl bidder a/the time s�nd place and under the terms designated in _,
<br /> , ,�": .,�y, : the notke of sWe in one or more pn�ceis and in any orde�7lrustee determinec. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any �
<br /> -- _�. �,. . parcel of the Property by public announcement At lhe time and place of nny previously sc6eduled sale. I.ender or its
<br /> _� ' ��; e ��• designee may purchasc the Property nt any sale.
<br /> �� - Upoa receipt of payment oi the price bid,'I�ustee shall deliver to Ihe purchaser'IYustee's deed conveying the _
<br /> n'� Property. The recitals in Ihe'I�ustee's deed shall be prlma Pacie evidence oP the truth of the statements made therein. �-
<br /> =_� � � ' .,''. 7lrustee sdall apply the proceeds of tbe sale in the following order. (a►to all costs aad expeases of exercLsing the power
<br /> .i�"'�" - �
<br /> ���L .11,�� . .%r.
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