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� -- - -_�..* ,�,' --..�� R-�,i'. ^_• . ., - - _ -_ <br /> � . �'�J -I ' i V'l._ . �_.. ._. . ..r_—.—.. <br /> � t !� J __ <br /> ��e� — <br /> _ _ - `�, 92 i0���1 <br /> condemnwion or aher tokin�of any purt of�hc 1'ropurty,or for conveywke in lieuot'carclemnwian,we hereby wsiQncd orxl <br /> -- -- chall bc:puid lo Lender. <br /> In the cvent of a twAl tAking of the Property, thc praceedg shull tx applicd �o the .uma sccurcd by �his Sea:udQy <br /> — -- lnstrument. whcthrr or not then due,with any excesg pafd to Bomnwer. In�he evcnt of a panful �aking af thc Property in <br /> which the fair market value of thc Propeny immediotely befixc the tukiog ir eyual w or g�ewtcr ihun�hc onxwnt of the nums <br /> ,_ � r,ecured by this Security In�lrumcnt immcdiutely befure thc�ukiog,unless Borcowcr und Lender othcnvi�e ogrce in w�iling, <br /> the xums eecured by this Security lnstn�mem sholl be rcduced by the umoum of�he pra�ced�muldplied by�hc follawing <br />-:a�_.. fraction: (u)Ihe taul emount uf ihc Fums xecurcd�mmediately betare thc tnking,divided by (b►the Fair murket value cif�he <br /> ° PmpeRy immediutely before the tt�king. Auy baluncc Rhall be paid to Bortowcr. In thc evcnt of u purtiul �uking uP Q�e <br /> Property in which the fAir mnrlcet vnlue of the Fropeny immediately beforc the taki�g iK ktix ihan the umount of Ihe wm� <br /> = securcd immedizttcly befare the taking, unles4 Sortower und Lender athcrwire ugocc in wriling or unlcsc upplicablc low <br /> othenvise pmvidea,lhe prnc¢eds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instnime�u whether a not the�umr nre <br /> --__-- - then due. <br /> If�he Property is Abvtdoned by Borrower,or if,afler notice by Lender io Borrower that the candemnor offers to make <br /> -------- an uward or settic a claim for ciam�ges,Borrower fails to respond la Lender within 30 duys ufter the dute the naice fa given. <br /> ---=__-�-- Lender is authorlud to collect und apply the proceeds,at its option.either to restorntion or repair af the Property or to the <br /> sums secured by thia Secwity Inwniment,whether or not then due. <br /> -----------= Unless Lender suid Bomower othenvixr.ugree in writing,any upplication of proceed�ta principul shall not extend or <br /> — i - , � postpone the due dnte of the momhly payments ref�rred a in p�uAgrnphr: 1 und 2 or chonge the amount of�uch payment�. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; ForbeArance By Lender Not a Walver. Exten�lan of the time for payment or <br /> — modificution of wnortizution of the sums secured by this Security Inatrument granted by Lcnder to nny succexsor in inte�st <br /> of Borrower shAll nat opemte to relense�he liubility of the original Borrower or Borrower's xucce�son in interest.L,ender <br /> .�...,, shall nat be rcquircd to commenre proceedings agninsl Any succe�u�r in interect or refu�e to extend time far pnymen�or <br /> ____—__ -.--�.�� otherwise madify amoAizution of the sums secured by this Security Instrument 6y reason of any demond mude by the origlnul <br /> —==-%���a�� Borrower or Borvower's succeasors in interest. Any forbenrunce by Lendcr in exercising any right or remedy shall not bc t� <br /> '`=.°"'��""� waiver of or prcclude the exencise of ony right or remedy. <br /> ��s� <br /> �` ` " � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;JoMt and Several Liability;Co-�igaers. The covenums and agreemen�s of�hiti <br /> �.}:_;i�r;_..:, -. <br /> �,:r'�+'.�`,; Secu�ity In�uument shall bind and benefit the successon und uscigns of Lender and Borrower,subject ta�he provisions of <br /> ;;�,��.F�;�''• purograph l7.BoROwery covenants ahd ogreements shall be joint und +eveml. Any Bortower who co-signs Ihis Securiry <br /> -, �,�• lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (u)is co•si�ning this Secwtity Instrument only to moAgage,grnnt nnd convey�hue <br /> x . Borrower's inlerest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumen�; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the swns <br /> secured by thia Security Instrument;ond(c)agrees that L.ender und any other Borrower muy r�gree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> '^�' � or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnsnument or 1he Note without that Horrnwer!v <br /> -, �.:.�;: consent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If 1he loan secured by this Securiry Instn�ment iw sub�ect to u law which setc maximum loan <br /> �=��_�_;�-�,-- chur�c,,u�n1 ihai 1aw i,�ually inte�rreted sa thai ihe infiresi ar athcr laao chargcs ca!lccicd or ta!:c co!ledcd in conncnian <br /> — �--°-= ,, rk,.�� with the loun exceed the permuted limits,then: (u1 uny such laan cha�ge xhall 6e reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> ��• •-� • the chArge to the peRnined limil;and(b)ony sums alreudy collected from Bomower which exceeded permitted limils will be <br />� ,�• <br /> ., refunded to Borcower. Lender may choose to make thi+refund by reducing tNe principal owed under the Note or by making u <br /> " = direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated us a psutinl prepaymen�wi�hou�any <br /> _ ��� .,o' prepayment churge under the Note. <br /> ` ,�;:,�_;.,�•,� 14. NoNces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Security lnstrument shall bc given by delivering it or by <br /> " muiling it by first class mail unle,s vpplicablc law reyuircz use rf unother method.The not ice shall be directed to the Property <br />���� ' V�''`�+' Addrexs or any other Addresx Borrower de,i�nutes by notice�o Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint cluss <br /> �-. <br />� ''�"'�t`�� mail to Lender's addrers ti�u�ed hercin or uny othrr uddnss Lendcr designutex by notire t�Borrowcr. Any notice provided for <br /> -'�'r°t„ in �his Security Inxtrument xhull bc dcemed �o havr t►cen given tn Borrower or Lendcr when given ac provided in Ihis <br /> � :��:�t:y�r- ' paragraph. <br /> �� -.�-' � lS. Governin� Law; Severability. Thi� S�wuriry Instrument shull be�ZOVemed by federul luw nnd the luw of the <br /> � .�.:�• jurisdiction in which the Propeny iti laated. In the eveni thut any provi.rion or clnuse of this Serurity Instrument or Ihe Note <br /> �•. <br /> �''��' ' , conllicts with upplicuble luw,tiuch conflict shull not uffect other provisions of this Seruriry In,trument or the Nae which can <br /> � �-�`�r�.g, ���� Ix given effect without the conflicting provi�ion. To thi.r end the provisions of thix Security Instrument und Ihe Note are <br /> ° declsued to be severable. <br /> — ,_ �'�'�• 16. Borrower'4 Copy. Borrciwer shall he�iven onc confomied copy of Ihe Notr and of thi+Securiry Mxtrument. <br /> � � ' . • � l7. 7Yansfer oP the Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. If all or any pun�f�hc Pmperty ar any interes�in <br /> � ,�`- ° it is sold or tronsferred (or if n beneficial inte�rst in Bormwrr iti tiold or transferred and Borrowcr is not u na�urnl perxon) <br /> ��"";,'r'`�;.°�•� • � without Lender's prior wrinen, Lender may,ut it�oplion,rcyuire immedialc payrnent in fuU of ull�ums�rcured by <br /> .. iS y�-:" � <br />_ - ;,�- �.�.; •• this Security Instrument. However,�his option�hs�ll ncx he exercixed by Lender ii exerci�e ix pmhibi�ed by federnl law u�of <br /> —% '�" � „ the date of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> - If Lender excreiscs this option.Lendcr shull give Bormwrr noiicr of:�rcelrru�i�m. The n�xicc shull provide u periad ot' <br /> �c .. not less Ihun 30 dayti from the da�e the notirr i.dclivrreJ or mailed within which B��rrowcrmu,�puy all,ums ucureJ by ihi. <br /> —�.?.�`_�` 5ccurity Instrumenl. If Bormwer fail+ 10 pay Ihesc sum+ prior lu thc expir:ition ot'thir perial, Lender muy invoke u�y <br />-� .,. � �`.'��, . remedirx�xrtnittrd by Ihi,Security In.lrument without funhcr nutice ur d�nwnd on B��rr�►wer. <br />� ��, �.,; 18. Borrower's Riaht to Reinstate. If Borrowrr mrc�. ren•rin c�mditionc, Borcowcr.hall h•rve the right to have <br /> enforcemcnt uf this Securiry Inx�rument Ji,r�•minucd:d any timr prn�r to the carlier uf: la� 5 day�(or�uch other period ati <br /> . ' Single F�nuly•-F'annle Nae/F�eddk 11�c UNIFIIR4t INtiTRI'NENT--Vn�GKm ca�cnrm. 9/9p Ipa¢�-1��/n�wersl <br /> 's`��,— - _ -- <br /> � ._ <br /> � .• � . .. . f. .t _ —�-_. . .. ...�.. � .. .. :.�� •�l_t l��Tl'�F����'�' •i iwY.�i.AYU�WiJu{�M.�....!1.:_.-�_- <br /> a <br />�-- ' . . . . . . . . <br />-.• t \�':_ . � ��. i. _. ..- ___. ____ "_ __ ___-" �� . __ . _ .._. .-.�. . _ -' ' �' _ <br /> — -___ _"__"_" '"_ " " " -_-__ � ' - __ " _ __ <br /> _-__"_ ___ _.__ -___-_" _.__—_ '_ ___'_____. . _. . , , . �. . . . ..-' _'__'_" . <br /> ' �. .. .. '} ____"__ - ... ._ " ' "' ' <br /> .a .. ` „ <br /> � r . - ,. . <br /> J" n �' . . <br /> ` � ... . <br /> . ;- -��.•� .. .. .. . ., " I .. �� <br /> '� �� ,. <br /> - � . ..rJ . ' .. . . .. <br />