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<br />.'4y _�Y. rar�YliYbSlf� "
<br /> l����,��p.�o�tv�.�ge�Acial lpterey In Borrower.If all ora�ty part of Ua Pmperty or arry interert in it
<br /> � — ic�old or transFerred(or if a brne�icial inttrest in Borrower is cold or tronsferrad and 8orrower ia not a�tuati perwn)wilhout
<br /> • L.encier's pdor written consent. L�nder may, at i�s option, rcquim immooliate payment in full of all sums securod by thi�
<br /> _ Secu�ity Instrument.However,th14 opt i o n c t w l�not b e czerc i s e d by L.c n t e r i i e x e rc i s e i s p r o h i b i u d b y fedeinl law a�of t6e date
<br /> o/�hix Secudty Insuument.
<br /> • 1P l.ender exarcises this option, Lender slwll give Borrower naticc of'occeleration.'Che aoticc sl�11 provide o perlod of not
<br /> less ttwn 30 duys from the date the ratice is deliveral or rnailed within which Barrower must pay �II s�ur�cocurcd bY thi�r
<br />�..� Security Instrument.ii Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc eapin+tion of thic perioJ.Lender may involce�ny remedie�
<br />='! pemdttod by this Secur�ty instrument witlxwt further notice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> °� - 18. Borrower'x ltight b Reinstate. If Borrower meeu anuin conJitions. Borrawe� shall Imvc the ri�ht ta Iwve
<br /> enforcemeat of'this Socu�ity lnstrument disoontinued at uny time prior to the eulier oi: lal 3 Jays (or sw:h Wixr p�:dud as --
<br /> ��°°�--- applicable Inw may apecify for Kinstaternentl before sale of'the Properey pursunnt �o w�Y Puwer of sale containod m this
<br /> `�'�"� Security Instrument:or (b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Tlwse canditions are thsH Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> - Le�xler ull sums which �hen would be due under this Security Instn�ment on�i the iVae as ii no acceleration Iwd accurnd: (b)
<br /> cures any dePault of any oilxr covenaats or agrcementa; (c) pays ull expences incurred in mforcing this Securlty Instrurt�ent,
<br /> including,but not limited to,reasonable uttorneys' fecs;and ld)wices such uctian as l.ender may rcasonably requue to assurc
<br /> --�-�_�°' -�°' — that the lien of Ihis Secudty Insuument. i.ender's�lghts m the Property wd Bornower's oi+ligation to p�y the sums serurod by
<br /> --- ---- this Securiry Instrument sl�ll continue wrcrchanged. Upcm rcinswtement by &►rrower. this Se�vn�y Instrument �►d the
<br /> abligatlons secured hereby shall �cmain fully effective uc if no acaleration had occurred. However.this right to rei�wate shall
<br /> --_-___ not apply in the rnseof xceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Nate:Ci�ao�e of I.oan Servicer• 7'he Note or a parti�l intcrest in the Nate lto8�r wiU� this Security
<br /> ---n��r Iastnimentl may be sold une or more times without prior notic�:to Borrower. A sale nwy resu�t in a chsuige in the entiry(Ictwwo
<br /> . �+�� s�s the'l.oan Servicer")Ihat collects monthlY payrrients due under the Note ond this Serurity It►strument.There also m�y be one
<br /> '°'"" u"'T� ar more changes of Ihe Ioan Scrvicer unrelatod lo o sale oi the Note. If there is a change of the Lpan Servicer. Qorrower will be
<br /> �:.. ,r:_
<br /> � �.-_�•:--;�.. •��•,;,,, given written notice oi'the change in uccordance with pa�uBraph 14 ubove�td applicable law.The ndice will swte the name and V
<br /> -,- --..�._._
<br /> � �.:,��?:---;: :- addre�ss uf the ncw l.a:�n Servicer and�he address to which pay�neMs should be made. The no�ice will alw eonwin any
<br /> --'Y ._ . .�..�'
<br /> <<z:�^:•.u� : ioforniation required by applicuble law.
<br /> �" � 20. H�ardous Subst�oces. Borrower siwll not cnuse or pemul Ihe presence. use. disposnl. storage. or rclease oF any
<br /> -�5=�-= --•-� � H�rdous Subst�nces on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall nae do, nor nllow anyone else to do. any ihiag aifecting the
<br /> �11�}"';�::�r, Pmperty Ihat is in viola�ion of any Environmen�l Luw. The preceding two sentences�hall not apply to the presence. ust.or
<br /> � 4 ds� .: stomge on�he Pmpeny af small quantiaes of Hamrdous Subswnces that are gener�lly rerognized to be r�pPropriate w norn�l -
<br /> — ,..r?�iJ` residential uses and to mvntenar�cc of the Propeny. �
<br /> :.4,;Tx,;;•:.�a f p' .' Borruwer shall pmmptly give l.ender wntten ootice of any investigation.claim,demv�cl,Inwsuit oe other actjon b
<br /> , ;,,� ' .j.. governmental or regulatory agency or private p:ut�•im•olving the Property ond any Hautrdous Substanc�e or Env�l.�w
<br /> �' ' - uf which Bortov►'er tus xtuul knowledge. If Borrower le�ms.or is �wufied by any governmenwl or regulatory eu�tlwrii�. t6at
<br /> any remo�•al or ather remediation oP pny Huzurdous Substance affnKing the Property is necescary. Botrower shall promply hlce
<br /> - all ne�aary remedial actions in ucrnrdance with Environmental law.
<br /> -- ;�,...� :-;.,;:,;,— Rs uscd ':�ils:�s�uscrspts 24. '!�l�.�rlM�c CG�i+c�ancec" are those substwce�defined as wuic or ha�ardaus substaaoes bS' -
<br /> Environmental l�w and the fullowing substnnces: gau��ine. l•ero�ne, other flartunable or to�►ic petro�leum pra4tcts. wxic
<br /> � � pesticides und herbi�id�s,volatile�Ivents,materials cont:uning asbestos or fornialdehyde,and radioxtive m3terials.As used in
<br /> . �.� this par.lgraph 2U. 'Envi�ann�entul Law' means federrl law•s and laws of the jurisdiction wtiere the Property is toc�ted thtt
<br /> �t telate to health,s:ifety or envirunmental pnxection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAhTS.Borrower;u�d Lender furthrr covenun and agree a.+fullows:
<br /> — ��''i� � -� 2l. Acac�leraUou;Remedi�s. I.ender shall gi�e notice to BotTOKer prior to aeceler�tton foUo�rio8 6onower's b�e�eb
<br /> . of any rnvenaut or agreemeot in tbis Securih Instn�ment Ibot nat prior to pccderatton uude+' �aragraPh 17�
<br /> "- `'�?• appNcable Ipw provtdes otherwise).The notice slwll specifj: (al the default; (b)tDe�ctiou reqain+i to au+e tbe dJauili
<br />�� °".• '•�^^� not Ie�s ths�o 30 dx�s from the date the notice i.s Riren to Borrnw�er.by which lhe defAUlt mt�st be rnred;atl
<br /> Ic1 a date.
<br /> _— '""f'"" ''1°t �d) tl�t failure to cure the detault un or betore the date�peciiied in tbe witke uwy' result in�cc�a�oO��s�
<br /> � �„'1 secured by this Securiq Inctrument and sule o[tde Property.The notice s6�11 furtLer iatam BorroRer ot tbe ri�bl b
<br /> reic�state Wtec accclernlion nnd the right to brin�a court action to susert the noa-extsteuce ot a defauN or aoy ot�er
<br /> -� .`u s_�:. - defense ot BorroNer to s�ccelera/iun and siile. If the dc(ault t� not cured an or be�ore tde date spedtied in tbe ootioe�
<br /> _ �"�'�'°'","�"�'-', Le��der. at its opbn.mpy require immediste pa�ment in full ut yll wn+s secured bY tLis Security imirm�eot witLout •
<br /> — �' �-'�"' "�`' 1L�ther demynd ynd ma��in��oke the�►wer uf sale s�nd an� other remedies permitted b� upplkable law•L e o d e r sh�l0 be
<br /> ::.�::: ; ;�'�' mtitkd to collect aU erpensc+iacurred M pursuia�;the remedies provided in tl�tsi par��Ph 21.iacludio8,bot oot limited
<br /> ,� ^ ' `+�`� to.�ble attorne�s Pees aad costs ut title ecldcncr.
<br /> �' ' If t6ep�wer of' s�le is imoked. Trw1cr �Iwll record� nutice ot default in e�i count)' in wWch a4Y P�'t��
<br /> :�� . � Propert��is I�cated and shall mail rnpies ui�wfi nutice in the munner pnscribed b�• ypplicabk!aw to Borrower aod to
<br /> _,� ::��:.: the otder persnas presc�ibed b�appliruble luw..�tler the time rcyuired b� applicable Ww.Tn�stee eiall giv�pubik ootke ,
<br /> � °'�'"' . ut sa{e to the persoati and in the msumc�prc+�ribed by vpplirable I�w.Tru+tee. witduut det�wnd oa Borrow'er,sball sdl
<br /> ' - � � t6e property at public auction tu thr hi�he�t bidder at tl�ti�oe und plxe vnd uuder the terms desi�u�ated io tbe mtiee ot
<br /> -- s_•- . stle in one ur more pucel+aad in un} urder Trwtee dct.�ines.Tnut�m�� postpone�le of WI or any p�oe1 ot tie
<br /> _ �� properh by publk sann�wnc•ynent ut tl�e timr und pls�ce of any pre�iuwh xdeduled sale. I.�nder or its desipee o�ay
<br /> - :.r.�,...r. puerhase the P�vpert�ut aa} aule.
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