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.," ., . , . � <br /> .��� y ����� L�_�_ <br />. . '*♦ '.' ' - .'_ __—'�._.r.'.. .... <br /> i_. <br /> . 92— zos�s - <br /> p�ymenu moy no lon�cr!w roqulrad.rt the�ption of I.crder, if muA��e inwrwxc covor�e (in thc anwunt and fbr�bo pa'tod �` <br /> �h�t L.ender roquircr,)Pmvided by An insurcr ppprovad hy l.�;nder�Qain ba�av�ilable wxt iQ obuinod. Bonawar�lull p�y f <br /> - - the premiumti raquirod to m�fnu{n mortQn�c inxunnce fn eifoct.or���pmvidc a I�rcserve,uMil the roqulr�►rau forpw�t��e <br /> inwrar�ce ends in accotd�noo with any wrlttcn�toemau bolwan liorrower wKl Lender or Applicabio IAw. � <br /> 9.Itapectlon. Lcndcr ur ils t+�cnt rtwy makc ��ca�bto ent�ier upun and inspaiiunr uP ihc Property.l.endor�I�all�ive ` <br /> - Bormwer�x�tice�t thc�in�u of cx pri�yr to un inrpa�ion ipocfl'yin�re�rc�nable cause fiu the inapection. � <br /> 0 <br /> 10. Co�mnatlon. The prcx�i�oP Any awr►rd�ir claim for JAmagec, direct or c�mseyuential. in eunnection whh any <br /> .,r co�demnaticm or dfier ukin�ui�ny pan of thc Property.or fo�convcy�xac in Ncu of uomlcituu�liun. oro heneb9�e�i�r�od+ud � <br /> - ahall l+c paid tn I.ender. ' <br /> la the evenl of o taal alcing of�he Pn►peny.the pnx�dx cl�ll bo ap�plieJ to the suma cocured by lhis Sacurity Irotrumem. ;r <br /> - ----�--- whether or not then due, with any eacess�id to Bom�wer. In the event uf u pnrtia!wking uf the Prc�eMy in which the fair , <br /> '�"'�""�� market velue oP�he Property inunediately befbre thc�aking is uyual tu or g�catcr�Iwn thc wnount of the sums secund bY thiti . <br /> �,�� Security Instrument immodiately before thc tnking,unlcss&irn�wer wxi Lendcr cdhervvise agroe in writinQ,the sums sxura!by <br /> �"� Ihia Secu�ity lastn�ment slwll be reduced by the anxwnt of thc procti�eds multipliod by the Following Prs�clion: la)the towl <br /> ---_ - - ---� nm�wm of the sumx�ecured imnx�diatcly betore tl�ee ta{cing. divided by th) Ihc fair rtu�kel v�lue of the Pn�peny immediwely - <br /> �-=--'"�""'� befbm the �nling. Any balance shall be pAid t� Borrower. In the event of o panial tuking of the Hr.ipeny in which the tair <br /> market velue oi the Property imn�iiutely before the Iaking is less than thc anxwnt of�hc sums cecured immniiately beforc the <br /> �""—�"--"""°—= wfcing.unless BoROwer urid L.ender othenvise agrce in wtiting ar unless upplicahle law aherwise provides.the praoeeds shal� <br /> ' be appliod to the sums secured by this Security Itwrument whether ar nat the sums ure�hrn due. <br /> �r�.� !f the Property is abandonod by Barrawer, or if,af'ter�xitice by L.ender to Bornower Ihat Ihe rnndcmawr offers to make an <br /> _ award or sdde a cl�im for damages, Horrower fails to respnnd to Lender wlti�in 3l1 ds�ys afler the date �he notice is given. <br /> -- T.-�:_=�:�:�� IxnJer is authuriced to cullect�1 apply the prceeeds,at its aption.either to eestoration or rcpnir of the Pr+o�ertY w'w tha cu�m - <br /> --*��ae�•�"`` �ecu�ed by this Security Insuument,whether or not then due. <br /> �`�""�:`--:"�+s��� Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise ugree in writing, any upplicatian of proceed.v to principal stwll not extend or <br /> �..,.-.---'a <br /> $�' :�:_� postpone the due dnte af the monthly puyments refemed to in parngraphs I and 2 or change the artwunt af such payments. <br /> I1.BomoK•er Not Rdeased; ForbeAt�nce By I.cnder Not s�Waive�.Exteasion of Ihe time far payment or modifiauion <br /> ;� } of amortiuuion of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument grantod by Lender to any successor in itUercst of Borrower shall <br /> -°_ . a• ^ � not operute to release�he liubility of the original Born►wer or Burruwer's successors in interest. l.ender shall not be required to <br /> _ �^j�*��ar.,,;.,.:;,p? commence proceedings against any succzssor in interest or refuse to eztend time far payment or Wherwise modify amortiiation <br /> _ � _.• :,,���;:; of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of uny dem•rnd made by the original Bomower ar Borrower's <br /> ��� .... <br /> ,• successors in inten�st. Any forbea�ue by I..ender in exercising any righ� or reme�y shall not 6e a w�ive�of or preclude thG <br /> —• • :: .` ':..>. exerclse of any right or remady. <br /> -.- ..� a,;,.._ ' _- ti. !2. ��r.:uK3 ass3� Sa:s�:: �alai snd ste�crss! L4abi!!!y: Co-slgrw+R. The covenv►ts and aRrcemaits of this <br /> s, Security lnstn�ment shall bind und 6enefit the successors und astiigru uf Lencler and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> ,�, � . paragrnph 17. Borrower's coven:ints and agreements sh,�ll be joint ond several. Any BoROwer who co-signs this Security <br /> _, ,� :; � Instrument but does not execute the Notc: (A► is co-signing thi� Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey that <br /> �'4'�: 13orrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; Ibl is not personally abligated to pay the sums <br /> � 'i:,:�� : •., <br /> _ secured by this Security Instniment:and(c1 agrees that I.ender and uny other Borrower may agRe to eatend,modify.forbear or <br /> ° make any accommadations with regsud tu the terms�if this Security Inrtrument or the Nute without that Borrower's consent. <br /> ",'_� �.. .'.,.�.. • :... - <br /> ='�'�' 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thi+Security In+t�umen�iti subjc�ct to a Inw which sets maximum lo�n charges. <br /> u�.� . ,,,�,F,.,�.. �,,,,,�„ and that law is finully interpreted w that the interest ur ather kwn cha�e+cullecteci or to be rnlfected in rnnnection with the _ <br /> ,.,sr� loan exceed the pertnilted limitx, then: (a)uny tiuch laan churge sh:dl be r��iucc�i b�� the umount necessary to reduce 1he charge <br /> . ..a �.;: <br /> to the permitted limit:+uid�bl any sum,alre:►dy rollectc�i frum &xruw•er which exreeded pennitted limits will be refunded to <br />` _� �. � " � ��,,., Borrower. l.endzr may cha>se w muke this �efund by reducing the princip:il ow•��l under th� Note or by m�king a direct <br /> _ ���, :'" paYment to B��rrower. If a refund reduces princip�l. the reduclian will be �reated os a p:utia� PrepaYment without any <br />-__ :.,;`;;! � prepaymentchargeundertheNnte. <br /> '' �'ti.:� . �. 14.Notices. Any notic� io Bonowcr provided for in this Sc�urity Instrument stull t+c Fivcn by delivering it or by mailing <br />--_,;,�,� �>:rr : it by first clns.�mnil unlek�applirable law reyuires u+e of anather n�ethod. The n�xi��.h�ll tx dirc�trd to the Property Address <br /> ;�::!�' �,�,; ar any other uddress Borrower de.ignates by ncuice to l.�:rxicr An� ix�tice to lxrxlr� .hall br given by first cla.s.s mail ta <br /> -':_�•-�.r-.':. I.ender's addre�s stated herein or any other addrc+s LenJe�de�ignate,by n�Kire tu &�rn�w•cr. An) notice provided for in this <br />'� � '�� � Security Instrumrnt sh�ill bc d��emcJ tu have bctn given t��&ircow�r or L.rnder w•hcn�:i�•en a��provided in thi}paragraph. _ <br /> -- • � 15.Governin� I.s�w; Severnbilily. Thi+ Security In,trurtknt .Fwll t� go�crn��i b>• i'�Yirral law ;u�d the law ot'the <br /> ' =- ''� � jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is lix��ted. In th�c�•cnt th•rt any provi�ion or clau�e uf�his Security Instniment or the Note <br /> _�_ ,,,a-"a:�� -- <br /> . .., ronfli�ts with applirahle I•rw, such cunflict ahall nut affc�t uthcr pr�ivi.ion.i�f thi�Sc�urity Imtrutnent or the Note whi�h r.u�be <br /> '� � : �.. •, given effect withoul the conflicting pm�•i�ion. To this end the pm��i.ian+oC thi�5��urity In�trument anJ the Note are declared <br /> .�: "" to be severablc. - <br />_� 16. Bomow•er's Cop�.&im�wer shall be gi�•rn rne c��Niimu�l cop�•uf�he\ut�anJ ol thi.Srruriq In,wnknt. ¢ <br /> -_ � �,' Fa�n 3028 91a0 <br />-3� �� Paye 4��6 <br /> +. , ._. __ <br /> . � , <br /> . _ _ " F�n-�= _ <br /> '�;�A'+�1f.�t'�'_�_.__ .. . ,. _._ , .. �. �:��LaY-�.4�'i-�s��'s��F'���Q.�•t� _ <br /> - � ' � . •1 . . .� <br /> :J �}�i�:�S.1Nl:_i7.� � __ . _ . . .. . _ . . _ . <br /> ' q . <br /> �l .� . ... - . .• <br /> � . ' " . <br /> �. . ���• . . � �. -� " . <br /> ' • x� ''.� �. <br /> :�.. <br /> �. . . . 1 <br /> ' .. _ ._ . � . _. <br />