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<br /> �� .. �' ,. " :._.- —
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<br /> . att'cc�ed t�er+eby,and Tn�ctors hercb�•a0solutcly aucl un►.�onditiooally assign�ll such i�ents, isstxs aad profits ta tho beoeficlu'} 'fhe
<br /> benefiCiuy,dowri'er,dcteM'wasents W 7rtWota w13a.'ii�u and retusl;oa of su:.h renls,iscues and profits, w tw�trti Z'iu,"w:a v.:
<br /> aot.u wcL tiwe. 111 Qa�UII K�t�1 I'Gt�IOCt t0�1i�lllt:ill OF iilly iucl�b:a:L'�:ss s,a.ucc:d hcr�hy�, or ia tbe pafoassance of stay�Eroecanu
<br /> bemu�dcr. If u�y c�•cnt oi deLuilt dcscnbc+d iurealtcr iu res�ct a this Dea�of 7'nut s1nU tu��o oca.�vrod aad be canticwing.tl�e
<br /> Bcyet',Jary,ac a wuter of right psxi K1Waut natice to Tcustors or auy�oae c.aimiug uader Truuarc,and w�itIsout rc�rd to the�•aluc of
<br /> ���u� �e i�uc�o,f'tbe Tcustots thereii�. slull hace ihe right to apply to any oou»ha1iag jurisdicdau w nppoint a�
<br /> rooeit�er of the property. �� for the�
<br /> t. 'i'h�e Br.aef'uiarY• �c iis age+'�ts. ara authari�.od w entcr at any rs�so��aD�e elu�u�n or iu a�}P�ast p�TpD�Y
<br /> pi;ip�xe ef iaspoctia�the saufe and fiu the purpose oi perS'or�u++�any of tbe acts ttu�are wthoritad w perfonte wtid�er tbo tertt�s af�
<br /> atq Iww instrua�e.ot�eac�ted b5''�cusior�. _
<br /> 9. If a11 or uny paR of the pmpercy or aay inLercst of Tnuto�s is wld,transi2rrod or fwt�cr cacuatberod�tilAout tbe v► '
<br /> oonoeat of the&s�eficia�',the Beuet'uiuy�uaY doclare all sums socurod by this Trust Deod to tx immodiatelY due aatll�y�bk W
<br /> pr0000d to tho remedies�vailahk w it under the defuilt provisioas oocuaiaed hereia. �
<br /> 10. My of the foUovriag e��ents sball be detmed an et�ent af dtfault heneundea:
<br /> a TnuWts sball have tailai W mako paYment of any ic�limeot d'prindpsl or iaterest or any'otha sumc coetund be:d�y'wLen
<br /> du�e:
<br /> b. 'f'bere bas oavrred a l,rexh os'or default unckr aaY tcrw, oo��en�ai, agroen►en!. onndidon.W'oti'is�on. r�r�tst�°° °r
<br /> warc,wty wataiaod la this Deed of Ttust.the note or aay otl�et loan insWsnent saxucd hccoby:
<br /> c. 74ure has bau�defa�ilt by tte Tn�siors iu tlye payment of any prior or sut�soquent liea oc eaauabrana in r��ect to all or wy
<br /> �°f��y' os insotveat, or sL�)] malct aa
<br /> d 1lrusta's sh�ll file a vWuatary Petition in bankntipwY cx shall be adjudic�ated baolwW
<br /> assigneuat ior t�e bcne5t of croditors in respoct to tLe p:opesty:or aa actio�a W eafoe'oe aqY tioa or eoaia�ana orluctgmeats
<br /> ag�iast the PccPary is°°mma'°°d•
<br /> ll. Ia tLe tveat of a�c8efanit,the Bearf�+c�'declare all�e���notipe of any land. 'Fheceatter.tbe Bea�ic�ary
<br /> st�ll tAcra�pon bocomr ci�e iad plyxbie without aay pa+�nt�acat.
<br /> �a atAer ia pessoo er Y��eut,aish or aitUout btingioS a�} ��oa°r W'°0O0�D�•a by teaciva aPP�+�tiY a oo�ut and
<br /> without regud to tBe adequary af azty s�aurity,enui upon as�d talce passasioa of tl�o pcoQaty,a any patt tDaeo�ia its own
<br /> name or ia tbe n�me af the Ttustee, u�d cb anY xt� which it dee�s n�ss�rY and desitable W persetve tbe v�ltx,
<br /> ��,�t,�ilit�,af tbe ptoQeny,er part tl�a+oo�or interes[tbesrin,inciease the inoome tLadrom oc p�+o�xt tLe
<br /> secettiry haeof and,witbout takin8 Po�se�io°°f tLe ProP�Y•sue for ar othesvvise aolbct tbe rwtc,iswes u�d pt+oStt tltiereo�
<br /> �y�g t�o�e p�t due u�d uopaid, aad�ppiy the sam�. f�ss oosts aad expeases o�f opa�tion aod oollecxloo.iacl�inE
<br /> atboceey foes,upon aaY indel�tedarss secumd!xs'ebY,all 'na sucb order as tbe Ba�iary maY ddamine. The mfe�ia6 npon
<br /> and taidng poe�esaoa o�f the uust astate,tbe oaiioction of sue�rwts,iss�es aad pcnfits and� tLer�eot ac afa��aaid
<br /> shall mt carc ot rvaive aay default or noeic,e a�f default Lec�ader or iavs,°�date aoy act aad ia c�ase io a�dcfaaR ot
<br /> p�ts+uaat w such notice of default aad mcwit�taa�ia8 tbe���p°�0°°��p'0a�`c+r tfse oouectioo,reoe��t
<br /> ��pi�on o�'rpoCs,is�ves a p�fitc,T�ustet or We Bc�rfidary maY be eatitlod w e.ranise e�erY�P��1°�'
<br /> , of tLe lo�a iaurummts or by law�on occurrtoce af aap c+er�E of defantt,incL�aE We right to excsr.i�e tLe powrr af salo;
<br /> . .- .`. oommCtlOC an�dioII iD tA�OCfOOe�S laood a Tns�ia�,:.u:yy.�.� .�•.»���:=•;�--`�r•�:�'tiv n�fiwrr_.sny af tht
<br /> OOVClL1dS���;
<br /> c. &liva w Trustee a writua doclu-jtiaa of defanit aad de�aad for sak.and arittea notia ef dr�'adt a�od elocboa w cwso
<br /> Tcustws'iaterest ia tLe propaty to be wW,wvic8 notica Ttvstce s1�11 cause m be dWy fikd for rxad in tbe a�'irsal zecocds
<br /> of tUe oo�atY in which the peoperty is loc�ted.
<br /> 12. Sbaild tLe Be�aa�'deat to fo�+ecloee by ex�e:r.ise of tlse pe�sera'of s�le hxein 000tainod,tLe Bea�fivuY sha31 notifY Ttustee
<br /> aad sbail depoot�vith'fn�toe this Deed af'Itust amcIl t�e note and s«ch rooeiPa and evideace af a�uu�made aod�eaual
<br /> ba+eby ae Ttu�ioe mry require,aod upon��tt�e B�f ciuy,th�Tiustoe shall cau9e to be rooaded,Pubii�hod aad delivaed
<br /> to'IYweors�ch Natice af Ddw�tt aad Notue af Sak as tLai r�by'la�►'aad bY tl�is De�d a��n�st.Tnutee s�il�eitLouR demand
<br /> os Tn�ior,�s surh time at may tbea 6e required bY 1ao►�w��er troocdsti�on af mch IwGAe vf Defautt antl�Rer IJatice of S�1e
<br /> hnrio�poes pvea as mqsi�ecl bY laa',scll tLe psnpe:ty at the time aad ptaoe of cale 5�ced by it ia wch I3otioe of Stie,atLet ac a
<br /> vebole,or io sepaett {r�c or p�reels a iumt as Tn�stoe sLall da�n a�.�ad ia fvch ocder u ii may daermiae. a�Pubiic
<br /> � anatioo a ttie hi�6nt 6id�ler for cash aod st�all deltva to sucb purc6aser or purc�as tlweof a deod to tLe p�apaty�oid.000�eat
<br /> w�ith tLe h�v tBea ia e�ect Recitals ia tbe Ttusta's deed sbaU be p�ima facie evid�aoe af the uutb of tLe Wtemmts m�tl�e tbae�a.
<br /> 11�toe sball app�y t�ee p�aoeeds of the sale in tbe fo�lowiag o�der.(a)w all:r,a�od�bie oocts wd�dthe sa3e,inc�odin8 but
<br /> not limi�ed to Tnul�oe's fees a�'not moe�e tlm 2Y.of the�oa sale pria.rea�o�ie at�ocney faa aud eocts af ritle evi�leaoe;(U)w all
<br /> sums soc,vtod by'tbis Deed of'I'n�and(e)t�e Gxass, if aay, w thc peaoa or pe:soos kgxlty eaatlod�es�el�o. A�nY pe�son.
<br /> ;acS�og w�aca�a�x�'P��wov�r at s�ia s�3e. Tc�e�Y ia the m�nna providea by aaw.po�tpane s�e of�u
<br /> or anY p�xtion d'ttre P�'oP�Y-
<br /> 13. T«sme u�d the�Y.aad exb uf thm.s1�a11 be eotitled W eaforct p�y�eat and pe�f'brmaace o�su}•iade3�tdoess or
<br /> ' obiigalioo soc�:+al bereby aod w exerci�e all rights wd poweis uoder tLis IAYd of Tnut or uader zny loaa instrumeat or otIier
<br /> � ��raeme�Cr aay lavvs aor or heseaft�Q eafarood not�viihstaadiaB some or�ll of the iadei�tedaess�nd obiib��tions saauod LaebY
<br /> � msy now a�6e dLawise seaued, whtl�er bS' mo�t�e, doed of t�t, WodBC, 1ie�. �eipmeat ar eRha*�e•
<br /> � Nri�LLe x�:e�a�e a�tLis Dad af Tmst mr sts ea6o�ameal�.wbed�r tN ao�ut action ar p�wot W tLo poa�er of sale a u8kr
<br /> i �p�Cf�dp OOdi�pO�.5�1�Qi�CJii4iOC Ot��ID�3LiCCE�tuiit��9 Ga t ic aTiF-'`�=•r G s"s' tG �� C�C�aS ^G.�tOQ IIIIY
<br /> otber sea�ritY m�w or 1�S+aRa hdd by T�nstee or ttn Bear�ciaty.u bang�Bcoed tl�st T�u�ue wd tLe HamSc3ary,wd deL af
<br /> � tlnm,s1�U be entitled W wforae tl�is Datl af T�st wd any atba seauity naw ar Las�Etar hdd by tl�e Bea�ciary ot Ttu�ee in
<br /> ' such ada a�l m�anes as tLey mry ia War abcolote discretion d�usmiae. No c�emedy ha�eiu 000d'e�red apoa a�ese�vad to Tn�tee
<br /> � er Bead�caary is inteaded to b�exclu�ive of ury otha ermodY hman or by law pwidod or pamivad,6nt acb ctull be cumWative
<br /> aod sball be ia additio�n w tvrsy othet nmedY 8n'ea hereuade�'ar°°'v►'or baraRer�dstia�g at law or oquity ar by stau�te. Ev�ay
<br /> po�er or e+emociY Biv�en bY aay of tbe laan inctrumeats to T�ustee or the BwGSciary or to which either of tLem mry be atLawise
<br /> eotitled ma5'be exa'cised,000ausratlY or in8�d�ttY•fmm time to time aad as oRm�s mry bc dxinod acyedieat bg Ttustx or �
<br /> Br�e�'sriacy,wd dtl�ei of tLem may P��Tnutots W We e�aeat wch�ctioa P��bY�coastrued as prohilxtiu�the Bme�cia�y
<br /> from sodciaB a dd�c�'l'�5����
<br /> 14. Ttustas herd�'co4u�t� ooP�'��Y notia of default wd thai aaY notioe oi sale hesruada bc mailod to Tnsataa at tLe
<br /> addresc sd facth ia tbe firrt para�ap�of this Dood of Truu.
<br /> IS. The B��ciar�'�aay.�S5'a wriitea insuumeat acxuled wd xkaowlod8ed bS'Beaefici�a�y'•m�ikd to Tcustors aad raoorded ia
<br /> tLe Ceuary ia whicb the property is{ac�ted�ud by otberwise canA1�'su8 with tlte provisioot of tbe app�icabie law af tbe State of
<br /> I�bp�ic�,wb�te�wc�so�to the Truttcc mmod htreio or actir�tkra�ad�r.
<br />