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<br /> � af o�co�, l�s,by and ainung�JDY L I1ND�I.I..s�
<br /> � This DEED OF TRUST is�nada this lsiii dsy �� � �1
<br /> �ik P�, lx�dnafter refared to as "Trvstor�," whethu onc or more, whose rnailin8 \ —
<br /> Buckia�ham Drive, Gr�nd Isl�nd Nebraska 633�3; T� STATE B�ANK OF CAIRU, a Nebsaalca ._
<br /> COipGri�lOn. �1CiClI�ftCf �Cf1�iCOd t0 8S ~�1'LLSt!l,�� WhASC iY181�1i� A��1'ESS IS BOi ��. 'C�if'0.
<br /> �:i�� C tion, heranaRa --
<br /> Ncbrislcs 6�24; wd THE STATE BANI� OF CAQtO, a C ��°��
<br /> c e f e r r e d t o a s B e a e�i c i a*Y,"whosa maitinl3 addres�is Boi 425, t o T n a s t e e, ia trust�
<br /> For valuable cons+deration, Tru�3ors'vrc�v o c a b 1y S r a n t, �s n��• c o n v a y a n d a s s i�
<br /> with power of sale,for the beaeSt and socur�ty of Bax�ps�►,�a���ect to the ternas and rAaditioas of
<br /> this Deod of Trust,the following desait►bd rea1 propeny lacated in HALL County,Nebrsslc�:
<br /> L,ot FiRy(50),Castle F.states Subdivision,Grand Islancl,Hall CountY�Nobraska;
<br /> un ravem�ts,Sxtura.sveets,allaYs.PassaSeways, essanwts.rig�ts. Pn�Sa and
<br /> �g��� locuod tbereon, aod�f1 Personal prO�Y�hst may be or hereaRes become sn integtal Put of such
<br /> sPPucce�'�, all af wlncb, inc�8�
<br /> �ding�ymd uaprovemcats, a11 crops raisod thcreo4 �a11 wata righu,
<br /> aad s►idditi�as thereto,ase�rc�Y dgclared w be a part of the rcal estnte convryed in tn�st ha�ebY, rt b�8��
<br /> i
<br /> that all of t�foregoing shall be hese+nu8ar r�ferred to as the"Propa'ty
<br /> - --.._—�- -- �� �.� E1y TIUSLOlS` . .� _. .�.,�� �u�t1� in the }]ci�'�Dil S� �, __ _. _
<br /> psymeat of indeb � no�e v� �.� •••••• ...-- -- -
<br /> rovid�tberein, ancl aaY amci all res�wsls,mt�dificotioas
<br /> 515,000.00, togetbu with inierest ai �he rate or rades p �;a accordance with tbe tams
<br /> and�oas of such not� bot�P�P��interest on the note txins P�Y
<br /> set fo�th theteia,which by this refexmce is hueby mida a parc hereof, and wy aad all fu�ue advances �ad
<br /> re�dvances to Ts�stors herau�da Pu�uu�t to oae ore mon Pconuss°rY n°tes or credit agre�is(Ise�'e�a call�d
<br /> "�~�� geneficiary te protect the saa�rit3►of the Not�; �'
<br /> b. the psyn�ot af utha sums advancod isy
<br /> c. the�c�f all coves�uts aad agre�s af Tnistor sex forth he�n;s� whe,ttha' direct, iadiroa,
<br /> d. all preseat aa�d future iadebcrdness aad obli8atio� of Tnuwrs w B�rY
<br /> abso�trte ot coo�in8au and whd}�er asisip8 bY nou,S'�ara�Y�overdraft or ot�se:
<br /> i. To pay wbea d�e,the Pci�cip�°� aad tbe iausest on.the iad�.
<br /> evideaced bY tbe aate,chac�s+faes aad sll atber
<br /> svmc as pca�i�3ed in the loaa insuumeats. �laav�the ri�a��y tO e7��tLis Doed af Tcust in�rspact to t�
<br /> 2. TtuioO�s are the ewaets of the propeztY
<br /> �y wlra due, zll taxes, spa��1 asu�'•wts �d a11 other cvar8a aB� � P�'O�riY• befare � �Deed ot'
<br /> 3. To pay> �y�may be levied upoa S�S�s intuest bereia or upoa
<br /> �Oqueat. TnWas sh�it P�'�witE�t re�rd 1��fi'�'tbaic may be eaa�tal impa�ti6 P�'�ot tbe wboie a asr 1�t t�°�
<br /> Tiott a tLe dcbe sxo�ed Lcrd�►,
<br /> °P0°��' oa the iawm!again�i d��i'fite a�l wc�at���
<br /> — 4. Ta�s���r novv ar�a�s Ioratcd P�Y .;�:`�,u;�.'.�**����,outaia a staad�cd
<br /> the Bao�a�5'�Y�ia aa�ounes and oom����r�m�aad re�i�ce the p�P�Y��Y P��'�O�9D
<br /> moctg,ayc cl�ure ia favor af Beoe6Ci�cy
<br /> � w�ear and tesr,tbe P�'ePeRY�aot d�erio�� ��m calLxt aocl
<br /> -- �� �p�+eputy,a�aY Pvrt Wer°°�si�all be t�icea by emineoi do�su°, the B�f a�i' sL�ll
<br /> wBich maY be paid for aaY Pro'pertY�a°i�d�8'�tO P��'°O��'�and tl�e Beo�ici:u3
<br /> �y�y��p�t�n' ,at its ciptios�,�itLer to a reduction of the i��s���•or to cnpau aod rata+e t�e peopenY
<br /> so talcea but sha11 have no obli8ation w. do anY a�wl�ich Tnutors bave a�'eod 1�t failod W do, and thc
<br /> 6. The BmdciuY maY, � �liea he� TYUuo�rs agee w nWY•����so
<br />= Beaef'iciary m�Y�do aaY�et u dcxms aeoescuY Pi�
<br /> and�uy sum sa�sbali be added w tbe ia�3d�tedness seau�he�'a�
<br /> �b5'�g�'for ine abnve putposes. au �t do or omii to do
<br /> bewme secut+ocl bY tl�e liea betoo� Tbe Ben�ia�t3' s�no is�cur a�'ti�b�1��Y 6�s�e ef aaythin8 � �Y
<br /> �• tLe coatinu�ace of tbis Deed af 7'tust to ooik,ct tht reats,
<br /> 7_ The B�Y�have thc rigbt.Pw�er ud�Y�tLt[+eoa vrith or�itboul taicin8 P�O'°���y
<br /> — icAxs aad pcofi�s o�th�praQe�r�Y as�d of anY P�P��n3'
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