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<br /> S. �{y�y�l w. Nru{��iy Itywruu�Y. kiurrou•er shall i:eep th� impm�•en�ents nc�w existing an c�reafte� crecteJ ou tl►c _
<br /> Pru�rty in�w�r! :+Ya�it�t la.�hy fire, h+�:irJs iruludui within thc tcrm "exteixled co�•erage" s►nd :u�Y ather ha�-azds, inclu+li�$
<br /> I��NMI��H'I11M�1II111. (l1Y KIIII'Il I.l'IkIC�i1:l�Uf�Cti IILLUfttI1CC. T�11S Illalll�111CC SF.�II L1t�`111JII1I81f1Ct�IIl II1L a1110tiRIS�Il(I fnT l}l�.QC
<br /> �IM� L�iKkr rryuuc► CI►. iuw�r�M�.�:�rier prmi,ling the insurance stw{I be nc�uen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> w•hi.•h .+�+ti ��;►1 t+� uiir�.:i.ux�hly �it►dxl�1. If Borrou�cr fails to n�rintain cover:►ge deuribed above, l.e�xier may, at l.e�ulc�s
<br /> uptiuo.��1►�ain ruvrr�ytr lu{���a«i l.crxlrr's riShtc in the Property in accordance with paragraph 7. —
<br /> Aii inw�+�i��►�•�!{rl.�:u:J rcn='K•als �fu►11 t+e:uceptable to I.ender and sh�ll include a standard mongage clause. Lx�xler
<br /> stu►II Iw�a�lu riy�N�tu Iw�W Ak�diciea u�u)rcnewsl�..If Lender requirec.Barrawer s�lt pr���F�r�co cari ecjand�l,enderf —
<br /> �►id prcmium.wxl�c�kw+l iwaiccs.ln thc c�•cut uf toss.Bcutowcr shall give protnpt =
<br /> l.uxlc�nw�� nule p���w�i uf lu.r ifixK urulc pr«mpt{y by Eiotmwcr.
<br /> un�;�.�l.��xtc�wxl k���ruw cr�ai�crwise:+��ee in writing, i�a�.ttr�nce proceedc shall be applied to re�toration or repair of the
<br /> pr���+Crty�l:un;y;'�1,il dx re�tur,�ti+m u�r�{uir ir ecnnomically feu�ibk and Lender's security is not les�er�ed.If the restoration or
<br /> rep;sii•iv�u►t eru�uunically t'c:��ihle��r Le�u�Cr'� �ecurity would be Ie.;;:ned. the insurance proceais shatl be applied ta the sums
<br /> ac.ural by uiis S�rurity liutn►nxnt, whetA.� or iw� then due. with any excess�id to Bc�ra'ower. If Bonowcr abandons the
<br /> Propeny, ��r Jues iwt waw�r W�thin 3U�l•rys u ixuicc from Lendcr that the incurance carrier has offered ta scide a claim,chen
<br /> l.endcr may cu!!ut Q�e in.�ur�uue pr�keals. l.c�xler nu►Y use the Proceeds to repair or restare the Pro�x�Y} or to �ay� sunu
<br /> secu�ed by this Security Insitumetu,whcti►cr ur ixu thcn duc.The 30-day Pe�tion of b rsoceods t princitpal�shallenot ext�n� or
<br /> Unlcss l.c�x�e� :u�l Burrov►•er uttkrwi�e urrce in writing. �u►y app' P
<br /> �stpone the due date of thc nwtuhlY {faYnk:nts rcfcrrod ta in paragraphs 1 a�d - .�r change the amounl of the y��tt�nts. if
<br /> under pus�raph 21 �tu Property is acyuirat by l.c�xlcr. &�rrawer's right to am in.�aran��Po��cies ar�i proceecia resultis�from
<br /> danwge ta the Praperty prior tv thc w:yulyitiun slwll pas�s to Lender to thc extent of ti�e sums secured by this SecuriYy ba�:xume�
<br /> inunaii�tcly priar tu thc ucyuisitiw�. ������dy.
<br /> 6. Oecup4ncY.Pt�rvQlk��.h��wtd Protection ai't6e Properiy:&�arower's Loan APP�
<br /> Barrowcr st�all accupY.cstub��sh�uixl us�c�he Pr°¢enY°S B°n°Wer's p�inci�al residen�.,e within sixty days after the ex:cution of
<br /> this Secutity lnstrumen�and shall condnuc a.�KCUpy the Property as Bosrcewer a principal residence for at lepst one y�ar afw'
<br /> the dute of l..eixler c�tturwiu agree� in writing,which cansent shall noc be unreuonabiy witltiheld.or u:til�
<br /> cxtenuatin� circunuta�xes eziat which ue beycmd Barrower's control. 6arn�w•er shall not destroy. damaSe �T �mpa
<br /> Propeny. altow the Property ca deteriorntc. ar conmu� waste on dio Prop:rey- Borrower shall be in defautt ii any fos:eiture
<br /> action or prococcli��. whether civil or crimi�u�l,i�be�un that in l.cnder's goac�fsith judgment couYd result in forfeiuur of the
<br /> p��n�����,���naterial�y impuir tho lien crcatai by this Security instrununt ar Lendeer's security interest. Borrower au�y
<br /> cure such�default w�d provida!in wra�raph causing the action oc proccxding to be dismissed w+ith a rulu►8
<br /> that, in Lender's�ood faith dcteimitwt�on. proc�uJcy turfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the PropertY or cxher matenal
<br /> impaimtient of the lien created by thu Sa:urity hutrunxtu or Lcndcr's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower.during the loan applicatioo proces�.�avc�ttaterially Pals�c or inaccurate inforn�ation or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with any materisd infomwtlunl in ccMno��t'tun with the I�su�evidenced by the Note,including,but not Iimite:l
<br /> t�.s��.""'�-"---r�..�c mneernin¢ Borrower's c�cup�ncY uf the Prc�perty as a principal residepce.If this Security Instrument is on a ----
<br /> leasehotd. Bortower �i►a11 co.�p1Y xith �11 ehe �n�visionc �f thc Ieau. If tsarroarr as:yui�c� ia��u� �� �'-- _�"-;- '-�'!'
<br /> ��asehotd and the fce titic sf�ll not nxr�c unlcsa Lc�xkr u�rocs to inc merger in writing•
<br /> ?.p���q�'9{�ht�{n the prupt�ty•If Burruwcr fsuls to perforn's ihe covenants and agreements eontained in
<br /> this 5eruriry Insuunx�►t. or theu is�k�al p�ocwdi��that n�y si�nificantly�ffect Lender's rights in the Property(sueh as a
<br /> p�oceeding;o builcrttptcy,probate, for wndu�uu�tiun ar farfciture or to enforce laws or regulations), tHa�1-endu maY��
<br /> paY for whatever is�wcxssary to ptoioct the value af'the Pm(►tnY and Letider's rights in the Property. Ler►der's actions may
<br /> include paying any wms secural by a licn which tu�s� pfioricy ovcr this 5ecurity instrument. appearing in oourt. paY�nB
<br /> reasoc�s►ble atwmeys'foes and enterin�oa the Property ta n�ake repairs. Although l��der may take actioa under this para�r'aph
<br /> 7.Lcnder does not t�sve to do w.
<br /> Any atrwunu disbursod by Lender under thls pArn�raph T shall becomo addirion�l debt of Borrower saured by this
<br /> Savriry Inutumnt. Unless Borrower and l.cttider aKre��°�th innterestp upon natice ft�om ni.ender w Borrox�s�n8
<br /> date of disbwsenxnt at the Notc rate �nd shall be pay
<br /> vay��u.
<br /> 8.�t�e Insurance.If i.euder roquirod nwtt�a�e insurwue uc a condition of making the la:n secured by this Secunty
<br /> Inururrtient. Bortower shall pay the prenuurn�requirnd ta mAint�in the mnr�gage inwr.►nce in effect. If, for any reason. the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage requiral by l.ander Ixpse9 or ce�sai ta be ia eifect.Borrowu sInaYl pay the preaniums���
<br /> obtain coverage subsiantially equivalent co the nwrera,�e inrurance previausly in effcet, u a cost subssaiuiall�ved b i.ender. 1f
<br /> cost to Barrower of the morcgage insurance previously in effat. frwn an �lternate rrartgage insurer app Y
<br /> wbstantially equivalenc morcgs�e inu►raiue coveru�e i��wt av�llablr. &�rruwer shall p�y co Lender each month a sum oqu�1 to
<br /> onc-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance Prc��lum bein�wfd by Bu�rawer when the insuran�e coveiage lapsod or ceased to
<br /> lfe in effect.I.ender will soctpt.use and relain Ihese payu�us u(or� re�crve in fieu of mortgage insuraz�ce. Loss reserve
<br /> Epwq 3Q28 9/90
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