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<br /> y - UMIFORM GOVENANTB.8orrpw�►and L�nd�r eovenont and ayrN as lollowc
<br /> r� n �=r 1. �a�t d IMMialpd aed Inl�nsl. Borrowsr ehNl pramptly pay when due Ihe principel ol and intere�t on Iha
<br /> �.�► � ind�bt�dnMSwld�nqdbyth�NoU,p�rspaym�Mandlat�charyesup�ovid�dintFwNolo,andtheprincipalolandinbrerion �-� "^�---
<br /> — ; ; , •> � �ny Futun IWvanca s�nund by the De�o of Trua�
<br /> - Z. FwMNlaTarM�ndhf�u►�.8ubl�ctto�pplloablsl�worto�w�ittenwaivsrbyLender,8onowe�ahellpaytoLender
<br /> � onth�d�ymonthlyinsLll�nbofprincip�l�ndint�reilarepsy�bteundetlh�Note,untHtMNotsispaidinfull,asum�harefn
<br /> �- " "Funda")eque)to one•twe hh of Ihe yee�lr Mxes A�d eeseanmants wMch mey aftein prforiy ove►this Deed of Truat,and j'-:. - _
<br /> • � �� pround��nbonthsProp�rly,ll�ny,plutons•Mr�lflhol ysarlypremiumfnsqilmenfsforhazardinau�enoe,ptuaone-twetlthof
<br /> ^ ys��ly prNnlum In�qlim�nb for mwt��ps inwrance,lt a�y,all as re�aonebiy estlmoted Initlalty and from time to dme by � a'''
<br /> . � l,Mder on th�bal�of aowument�and blll�and rea�onable e�tlmetes thsreot. �•--
<br /> Th�Fundsth�Ilbshddln�nf�edtudonthsd�poaiboraccountsolwhlcherefnauredorpuarenteed,byaFederalorelete -
<br /> , apsncy(includinp L�nder If L�ndar is�uch en InsHtudon).Lender�hall opply the funds topa y taid texea,asseasments, ..,.
<br /> insuranc�premlum�and�round�ents.Ls�der maynotaha�pe lor aoholdlnp and applying the Funda,enalyzfnp saidaccount
<br /> � '� � averlylnpandcomplllnp�aldosasasmsnts�ndbills unleasLenderpeys8o�rowerintereatontheFundaandapplicabtelew
<br /> . ± IbUndertomaketuch�ch�rpe.8onowerand�.endermsyApreeinwridnpatthetlmeofexecutlonotthisDeedotTruat
<br /> � , hst Internt on ths Funds shall be p�id to Borrowar,and unleaa euch agreement is mede or appIfcalbo law requlrea such _-
<br /> � ,�.ra�� � Interat W bep�id,l.ondsr shqll�ot be requirod to pay Bonower any Intereat or earninps on the Funda.Lender shall�ive to
<br /> V;r ' � ' 8orrowor,without chsrge,an onnu�l accoundnp of the Funde showing credits and de6its to the Funds and the purpoae for
<br />,i,� w whichNChd�bittolh�Fund�wasmad�.Th�FundswepledyedaseddiUonalsecuriryforthesumssecuradbythis0eedof
<br /> TnuL
<br /> � � II the amount of the funds held by Lender,topether wifh the future monthly instellmenta ot Funds peyabte prfor to the due
<br /> ' detes of texes,aasesa�nents,inaurance premiuma and ground rents,ehall exceed the amount required to pay sefd taxes, _.
<br /> aeses�mmb,insu�ancs premiuma and round renb es they fall due,such excsaa ehall be,at Borrower'a option,elther
<br /> . � ptomptly repaId to 8onower or c�editsd�Bor�ower on monthly inetellments of Fund�.It the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lendo►challnotbsauMlelanttopaytexe�,ea�eaemente,insurencepremiumaand41roundrentsastheyfalldue.8orrowerahalt
<br /> pey fo Lender eny emount necessery to make up the deP.ciency wfthb 30 days�rem the date nodca is malled by Lender to
<br /> .� Borrower�equsatlnp payment thereof.
<br /> Upot�paymsnt in full of all euma fecured by thia Deed ol Truat,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower eny Funds hetd by �
<br /> ' Lender.II under parepraph 18 hereof the PropeAY la sold or the PropeAf►isotherwise acquired by Lender.Lender ahall apply,
<br /> . � no Ister then Immsdlately prforto the wla of the Property or Ite ac uialtfon by londer,and Funda held by Lender et the time ot
<br /> opplication as a crodlt apainat the eums secured by this Deed of�ruet
<br /> � °' 3,AppNcatlon ol P��b.Unleas applicable lew provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under the Note
<br /> � end paraprepha 1 and 2hereot ahell be epplled by Lender fint in peyment of emounts payable to Lender by Borrowe►under
<br /> . �� paraprapt�2 hereol,th�n to inbrestpayeble on the tJote,then to the principel ol the Note,and then to interest end principal on ��
<br /> my Future Advances. __ _
<br /> � �.Ch�►pa;LUns.Borrowers ehall pay all taxes,assesamenta andother charges,fines and impositions attributabla to the
<br /> Properly which msy attaln a pdorlty over thi�Deed of Tru�t,and leasohold payments or ground rente,ft any.In the manner
<br /> rovided under repraph 2 hereol or,If not paid in auch men�er,b Borrower makin peymenf.when due,direcGy to the
<br /> p yee thereol.Bo�rower ehall promptly furnieh to Lender ell noticea of emounts due underihfa paragraph,end in th0 event
<br /> ---- - --� �qwwr ehall make�a ymeni directly.8orrower ahell prompdy bmish to Lender recelpts evidenCing euch payments. ------
<br /> Borrower shall prompUy discher�e any Ilen which haa prioriry over thls oeetl ot Truex provided,thet Borrower sinaii noi io� _
<br /> requiredtodischaryeanY suchlleneolongesBonowerahaNagreeinwritlnptothepeymentoftheoblipatfonsecuredbysuch -
<br /> � Iien in a manner accepfeble to Lender,or shall In�ood leith conteat auch Uen by,or defend enforcement ot such Nen in,lepal �__—
<br /> procaedfnps which oparate to prevent the enbrcement of the Ilen or Iorteiture of the Property or any paA thereof. ___
<br /> 5. Hw�d losuranc�.Borrower shAll keep the improvementa now exietin9 or he�eaRer erected on the Property inaured __
<br /> apainst loas by 1fre,hezards included within the term"extended cove►age",and such other hazerda as Lender mey require
<br /> and in auch amounts and tor auah periods as Lender may require;provided,thet Lender ahall not require that the amount ol
<br /> such coverape exceed thet amount of coverape requiretl to pay the eums secured by thia Deed of TrusL
<br /> This insurance caRierprovidinp the Insurence eha11 be cho�►n by Borrower sub�ect to approval by Lender;provided,that �'°"-,-�,, •
<br /> � auch approval shell�ot be unreasonebly withheld.All premiums on inaurance policiea ahall be paid in the mannec provided ��-- , _ .,
<br /> under perapraph 2 hereof or,II not paid fn such menner,by Borrower makiny payment,when due,directly to lhe insurance
<br /> ceRler.
<br /> . All inaurance policles end renewals thereof shall be in form accepteble to Lender and ahall include a standard moAgage --
<br /> � cteuee in lavor of and in form accepteble to Lender.Lendershall hevethe right lo hold the policles and renewels thereof,and ___
<br /> � 8orrowerahellpromptlyfumiahtolenderallrenewalnoticesandallreceiptsofpaldpremfums.lntheeventofloas.8orrower _ __—.
<br /> ehollyfvepromptnoticetotheinsurancecerrlerandLender.Lendermeymekeproofollossllnolmedepromptlyby8orrower. p--
<br /> ` , UnleaaLenderandBorrowerotherwlseaqreelnwriting,inauranceproceedsahellbeapplledtorestoretfonorrepairofthe - == ,
<br /> Property demaged,p�ovfded auch restoration ar repelr is economlcelly feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust Is not
<br /> . the�eby impaired.If such reatoraUon or repair is not economicelly feasfble or if the security of ihis Oaed ol Truat would be :�;'
<br /> Impalred,the Insurence proCeeds shell be appIted to the sums secured by thta Oeed of Trust,wlth the excesa,If any,paid to =
<br /> Borrower.If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower}ails to respond to Lender within 30 deya 1rom the dete _ _
<br /> � notice is melled by Lender to Borrower thet lhe Insurance aarrier o8ers to settle e claim lo�inaurance benelits,Lender is , _
<br /> aufhorized to collect and apply the Inaurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoretlon or repair of the Property ur to . ,,r}-,�
<br /> the euma eecured by this Deed ol T�uat .. -__ __.
<br /> Unless Lender,.nd 8orrower otherwise agree in writing,any such application ot proceeds to principal shall not extend or • _.
<br /> , ' po s�pOne ihe due date of the monthly fnatellments referred to in paregraphs 1 a�d 2 hereot or change the amount of such �-
<br /> � � inatellments.ll under peregreph 16 hereof the Property is acquired by Lender,ell rfght,tltie and Intereat of Borrower in and to _`
<br /> eny insurence policlea and in end to the proceedsthereof resufling from damage to the Property priorto the sele or acyuisldon � ���
<br /> e h e l l p a a s t o L ende►to the extent ot the sums secured b y this Oeed o(Trust immediately prior to such sale or acquisition. �
<br /> 8. PnsKVatlon and 1Aa1nNn�nc�ot Prop�tl�r;L�neholdr,Condominlums;Pbnn�d Unll D�vNopm�nts.Bor�ower ahall �
<br /> keep the Property In good repair end ahell not commlt waste or permlt fm�airment ot deterioretfon of the Prope►ry and shall ,
<br /> compty with the provisiona ol eny lease ilthis Deed of Trust Is on a IeasehoCd.If this Oeed ot Trust is on a unit fn a condominfum
<br /> or a plenned unit development.Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration or covenents
<br /> � Creating or governing the condomfnium or planned unff development,the by-lewa and requlatfons of the condominium or
<br /> planned unfi development,and constituent documents.It a condominium or planned urnt development rider la excuted by
<br /> � Borrower and recwded together wlth this Deed of TrusG the covenants and agreemenls ol auch nder ahall be incorporated
<br /> Into and ahell amend and supplement the covenants and agreements oi this Oeed of Trust as if the rider were a pa�t hereof.
<br /> 7. Probedon ot L�nd�r's S�eurHy.If Borrower fails to perform the covenents and agreements contamed in thia Deed of
<br /> TrusG or If any ectlon or proceedfng ia commenced with meterlally aflects Lender's mtorest In the Property,includfng but not
<br /> Iimited to,eminentdomafn,inaolvency.code enforcement,or arrangements or proceedings mvolving a bank�upt or decedent
<br /> then Lender at Lender'a optlon,upon notice to Borrower,may make auch appearances,dlsburse such sums and take such
<br /> acilon aa la neceasary to protect Lender's interest Including,but not Ilmited to,dfsbursement of reasonable attorney's lees end
<br /> entry upon fhe Property to make repafra.It Lender requlred mortgage insurance as a conditlon ol making Ihe loan secured by
<br /> � the Oeed of Trust,Borrower shall pay the premiums iequired to malntam such insurance in eHect untd such tfine as the
<br /> � requlrementlorsuchtneuranceterminatesineccordancewithBorrower'sandLender'swrlttenagreementorapplicelbelaw.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Ihe emount ol all mortgage insurance permlums in the manner prov�ded under paragraph 2 hereol.
<br /> Any amounfe disbursed by lender pursuant to this ara raph 7, with interest theraon, shall become addit�onal
<br /> _ �1��J��Tiu::,�;P__�............_..������:�,..m.....,�e.,e,,,,�,.�.,o;.r,o.,.a„�h
<br /> ' -• If10r1DteOn�Saliioti�ivwoPSoi.vio�i�ru�:ouw..v. oo �... ..... ti................
<br /> emounls ahall be peyeble upon notfce lrom Lender to Borrower�equestmg payment hereof,and shaii bear�nterest fro'm the
<br /> dateol dlsburaementatthe rate payable lrom time to lime on outstand�ng pnnc�pal under the Note unless payment of interest
<br /> at suc�rate would be contrery to appllcable law,In whlch event such amounts shatl bear interesf at the h�ghest rate
<br /> permfaslble under appllcable law.Nothfnq conte�ned In this paragraph 7 shall reqwre Lender to incur any expense or teke any
<br /> actlon hereunder.
<br /> � �. Intp�ctlon.Lender may meke or Ceuse to be made reasonable entries upon and�ngpections ot ttie Property.prov�ded
<br /> that Lender shell glve Borrower nohce prior to any such�nspect�on spec�fymg rensonable ceuse therefore related to Lender's
<br /> � fnterest fn the Property.
<br /> � � .
<br /> ,� ,
<br />