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<br /> 'r������iii� ��ED OF TRU$T It m�d�thls nd —day ol �u Y
<br /> __ _ _ 10 a ���T�, __Duana A. Reia�� ane ThA1�na A,�a�e�!l+nnc �
<br />- HuYbBnd�art$ wife , - lhef'piQ"80frawOt'�,Fif�BGflk,NiIUP�I ASSOCfatton,
<br /> -- pr�ha,N�b►ask�.(h��ln'Trusts�"I.and Ben�Nalory�FintTle�Bank.Netloruil Auxlallon,Omah�,Nebaaw.•
<br /> corpoadon or�nlz�d�nd�xtatlnp undK tl�e laws ot Tho Unitod 8taMs of An�►ia�,whos��as b 1700
<br /> Y-�y:�-- Famam 8tnM.Om�h�.N�braska►Q8102-21e3(he►Nn••L�ndK'�.
<br /> s,..,.e�a.n,��,.� BpRROWER,In consld�ratloe ot tlw Ind�bt�dnau hareln reclted and the trun heroin cr�at�d,iRevooably —
<br /> ��� pr�nts�nd conwys to Tn�sM�.in trusf.wfth pow�►ot al�,fhe followlnp deacrlbed p�oparty located 1�th�County
<br /> ;�'v� of ._--.�a�� - .SWs of IWlorutc�:
<br /> .., Lot Siac (6) in Knickr�hm EighCh A&]itioa to tho City of (irand Ialend, Hall
<br /> Cotu�ty. Nobraalca.
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<br /> "'' whfCh has the add►asa o? 2211 MapleWood Place Grand island
<br /> —:y�"' rer..v �c.�n
<br />-� :" . N�``' , Nebraska 688oi (hereln"PropertyAddress");
<br />:�� .:� • �er..�+azacow
<br />��: TOaETHER wlth afl the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property,and ell easements,riqhts,
<br /> � "' � apputtene�nce�,rents(eub�ect however to the ri9hts end authorides qiven herefn to Lender to collect end apply
<br />. � . . ' , r
<br /> such rents),royaltiee,mineral,oil end�es rlphts and proHts,water,weter rlyhts,and water stxk,end all Nxtures _
<br /> • . now or hereaRer aftached to the pruperty,all of whlch,fncludinp replacements and eddltions thereto,shall be -
<br /> " a � deemed to be and ramaln e pa�t of the property covered by thfs Deed ot Trus�and all of the foregoing,together L.
<br />- h with aaid property(or the leasehold�tate if thia Deed of Trust Is on a lea�hold)are hereln referred to as the �
<br />_ „P���„�
<br /> ,..
<br /> ;� �� � TO SECURE to LENOER(a)the repayment of the Indebted�ess evidenced by Borrower's note dated �
<br />- '� Julv 2. 1992 (he�efn"NOtA"),in the princlpal sum of Fifteen thoueand and no/100 �
<br />:..
<br /> 1._ . -�-- ----- - -----iei G nnn nn1--------------- n..11.m Wifh Infornat fharwnn erovidfnn fnr monthlv instellments =
<br /> � � ot principal and intereat,with the balance ot the indebtedness,i(not sooner pald,due and payable on i
<br /> � July 2, 1997 ;the payment of ell other sums,with fnterest thereon,advanced
<br /> � fn accordanCe herewith to p�otect the security ot this Deed of Trus�and the performance of the covenants and �
<br /> �.o � • '�`' a�reements of Borrower hereln contained;and all�enewala,extenalons and modlHcations thereof;and(b)the j
<br /> repayment of any futureadvances,with interest in thereon,mede to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paraflraph 21 �
<br /> ' ' . Iwreof(herein"Future Advances"). '
<br /> y, �� BORFiOWER covenenta that Borrower is law(ully sefzed of the e�tate hereby conveyed and haa the�Iqht to !
<br /> � �r� �rent end convey the Property,that the Property ia unencumbered,end that Borrower will wanent and defend �
<br /> qenerally the tltle to the Property ayalnst all claims and demands,subject to any declaradons,eatemeMs or !
<br /> • � � "'�° '" �estrictions listed In a schedule of exceptfons to covera�e in any tltle fnsurance policy insuri�p Lendor's interest
<br /> � � In fhs P�opeAy.
<br /> ; .i . . ,
<br /> ��, • J '
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