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<br /> i�t�e su�lounu held by lxndcr for Escrow items excxd the unounu Pecmlttod to�held 6y�R���
<br /> s2ial�account to 8orrowa for the excess funds�s cequirod by RFSPA. lf the wwunu of funds held by Ixnd�r at anY
<br /> ticno are not suffieiuu to pay ttu Eserow Items when due.Lender m�y notify the BorrowGS ancl roquire Borrowa to
<br /> m,�i:e up the shcrtage�petmltted by RESPA.
<br /> 7tu Escrow Funds are pledged as additioaal secwiry for �ll sums secural by this Secvrity Instnunent. If _
<br /> Bottawer ta�den to Leader tha fWl paycneat of all such sums.Bormwa's xcouist stull be cra'ited w�th ttu b�lanc�
<br /> rcmaining for all installcueat items(a). (b).�t►d(c)usd�aY mortgs�ge ituw�uce Premiwn installmeat thai l.eader has
<br /> not become obligaud W pay to the SecrasuY� wd L,euder chall pramptly refwsd aay excess fur,ds to Borrower.
<br /> Immodiately prior to �foreclouue sale of the PropertY or iu acq�tsiti9n by l.md�r. �orrower's account shall be
<br /> croditod with sny balu�remainlnC for�11 installmeats for itans(a),(b),u�d(�)•
<br /> 3.Appikxtbn of P�ynta�ts.All paymeats under paragrapbs 1 aad 2 shall be applied by i,eiuler as foUows:
<br /> �,to the mon��e insuraace prcmium to be p�id by l.eadcr w the Socretuy or w the monthly charge by tho
<br /> Soc[ctary instead of the awnttily mortgage insurance premium;
<br /> �,to aay taxes.special�ssessmeat��lea,sehold PaYtnents or ground renu, aad fire. flood aad other har.vd
<br /> jpsurance premium4.as requirod�
<br /> ��to intaat due unckr ttu Note;
<br /> Fourth.w unortizatioa of the principal of the Note;aad
<br /> �,to late chuges due under tlu Note.
<br /> 4.Ftre,Flood aad Ot6er H�sard InsurAnce.Borrower ch�ll insure�ll improvaneau on the Propercy, v►�er
<br />- naw in existea�ce or subsequently erected,�Balnst aay hazattls,easnalties.and oontiageaeie�,includiag fire,fcraa�.5ch
<br /> I,ender roquires insuraarz. 71�is uuuraace shall be noaintainod in the amaunts aad far the periods thac ➢r�der
<br /> roquices. Borrower shall also inwre all impmvemeau on the Pcop�cty. whetlur now in exisuaoe or subsequeatlY
<br /> . �a,aSaias�loss by tloodss to the exunt required by the SocrauY. �w�an�����a wub o�m�es
<br /> �pproved by l.eadar-7�e iasurance Policies aad any naewals th�ll be held by Leader and shall iactude loss F�Yable
<br /> clauses in favor of,aad ia�form xceptable to,I.eadsr.
<br /> in tlx�of toss.ldormwer sball give l,eader�����bY �r�zed wd directed to fmake P�Y�t
<br /> m�P�tiS bY Borrower. Fach insursmce oompsnY
<br /> for such I� c:inctlY w L�ea�ler. insuad of to Bormwer aad to F�xader louuly. All or ony put of the insuranx
<br /> procee�s may be applied�by I.eader,at its opdan,eit�'(a)to the rod�uxioa of the indebtedaess uader the Note aad
<br /> ;.c.��rsr�•Tn�ummt,5cst to wY dello9���P'Plied in the ordet ia paragrapi�3, �nd thea to ptePry�t
<br /> of principai, ar N) to th�rGUOrstioa or :ap3ir of*.�e dam�,Sed Prope�CY• �Y �iicaciou oi we p►�:�t;,t::. .
<br /> , piincipsi sh�lt not eacten3 or�rtgor.e ths stUe date o.`thc monthlY PaYmeats whi�L are refared so in par�grapb 2,or
<br /> chu�ge tiu amouat of sacb paYmeat=• ADy C7cCess inSUlabCe pioceeds OVCr�7�IDDULi nqUil�c1 Lo PaY all 0uts��^A•n
<br /> i�debtedt►ess under the Note wd this SeCUrity Instru�►t shall be paid to the en6cy 1eg911y entitlsc:e'•xnto.
<br /> Ia tbe eveat of foreclosiu�e of this Securiry Ic�a�:mrnt or other uaasfa of rnate to the Propaty thu e�uishes
<br /> t�,e icdebcaitxss. a11 right� title and interest of 6caaavwer ia aad co iasurancx polici�s in fora slvll �s no tLe
<br /> �p�,y,prexrvatioa,Matete�oe nnd Protect�ot tLe Propa'ty:Boei+uwds I�App�licatjoa+
<br /> I,easeLoi�. Botrowa sh�ll occnPY,extablish. aod use the Propecty as Borrowa's principal resideflce within sixty
<br /> days afta tLe exavtion of this Sxvrity Insuumes�4�within sixty days of a laur sale or te�nsfa of tLe Propaty)
<br /> aad sl�all concinue w occuPY the Pr�p�Y as Bo►t�oxYr's principal reaideaa for at least one yar aRa the d�te of
<br /> : occup�ac.y,ualess l.eader determina that requiremeat will cauce uadue h�rdship for Borrower.or unles�w��u�inS
<br /> circums�oa exist wbich are beYo�d Bomowa's conuol. Borrowa st�il notifY I.mctra of any exte�n8
<br /> �c�ox.Borrower sh�ll aot coramit wsste or destroy,d�8e or 41t�•�^�9tty�ange the Propacy or allow the
<br /> pct�xrty w deterior�te,reasanab3e weu aad uar ex�oepced-i.eadu maY inspxt tlse�P�Y if tl�e Pcopect�r is vacaat
<br /> or al�ad000d or the loza is in default. L,eader mry take reuoasble actioo to protxt and prescrve sucb 1gcaat or
<br /> ��atu�!�awn .+w•aa• ....,..��D A
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