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<br /> uf Burrower's cavenants n�u9 a�rcema�ts urukr thls 5ecurity Instrument und the Note. for this paipose. Borrow'ze
<br /> irr�o;.�ly`::ASS aad c�►veya to the Tnuta,i�ttust,with powu of cale. the tollowin�describal pmpeny locatal
<br /> �A�L County,Nebrask�:
<br /> LOT t. �LOCi� 13, iUI.LILH6
<br /> �DDITIWi. CITY 0! OR�L1D IBL�liD.
<br /> 1'i�LL COD1i'i'Y, HlaR�1C�.
<br /> THI9 I8 � pURCY�9Y ft01i�Y SSCQAITY IH9TRU�iT.
<br /> T� BT�Ta[sliT3 3HOIILD HS BniT TOs HOAIRST 1tORTG]10� INC.. P.O. SOX
<br /> 5137, Di8 1[OIHl3. I!► 503065137
<br /> whiCh hat the�tldiCSS af 1�19 1tiST 7T8 BTAitT. G�iD I82+�1iD (Sneet,Ciprl.
<br /> H��y� 68801 [�PC�1 (��P�rtY���)+
<br /> TOOETHER vViTH all t�e impmveineuu naw on c�reafta erected oa the pragerty, aad all easemr.ats,
<br /> appurtenaooes and fi,xtures now or her�after a put of the prope�ty. All rtplacemencs �ad additions shall also be
<br /> covecod by ttua Seev.r�ay Iastrnmenc.All ot the fongolag is nferrod to in this Securiry Insuumcat u the'Property.•
<br /> BORROWfiR COVPNANTS that Bomower is lawfully seiud of the esnt�e hereby coaveyed aad has the right to
<br /> gr�nt aad convey the Prroperty wd that thc Property ia uncacuazba�od,exapt for auumbranoes of rocor�.Borrower
<br /> w�m�ats wd will defead grnerally the title to the Propeity ag�lnu a11 c�lsimv aad demaads, aut►ject �° �AY
<br /> eacumbraoces of rcco�d.
<br /> THIS SECU�2➢'TY GtiS'PRtJAlEIVT comDines uaiform coveaants for ra:ional use�ud noa-uan£� covwaats
<br /> wlth liraiud variatioas by jurisdiEtiou to coasdtuu a uniform sxurity j++�t�•�.+wvesipg ieal propercY-
<br /> go�y�,a�ad l�s�r co�,eaa�t aad agi+oe as follows:
<br /> 1. Pasntm! o! �sS�4. E�imst and Late CbarCe. Bottower s�a:! pay �cea dmu inz p:in�ipai vi. :'u�
<br /> iatetrst on,the debt evideaced by the Note and lau chirges due untkr the Nott.
<br /> 2. MoaW1Y PaYn►eot at Taxa, Ina�raaa and OWer CharQes. Borrowa sh�ll include in each montbly
<br /> WY�•together w-ith the priazipal and intucst�s set forth in the Note ama aay late chuges.a sum for(a)rues aad
<br /> 'special assasmeacs leviod or to be la7ed aggiast the Property, (b) teas�ald PaYmeat� or grouad reats on the
<br /> Piopeaty,and(cD P��fer iasuraact required uadet ParaBrap�4. In :ny year in whicl�the l�eadei'must pry a
<br /> mortga,ge iasurana premium ca cDe SeeretarY of Housing and Urban Devdopmeat("SecraatY�).or in aay yeu ia
<br /> whicL suds premi�m wouW hau beea t+equired if l�eader still held the Securiry Iastn�mcat� acb montblY WY�
<br /> shall aIso inc]ude�t�er:(i)a sum for the aanual mortgage iasunace pismium to be paW by Irader to the Secre�a;�.
<br /> or(ri)a monthlY chu8e iastead of a mo�tga�e insuraoce premium if tbis Security instsumeat is held by the Secnsary.
<br /> ia a reasooabla amouat ta be deursninod by t1u Sa�+etuy�. Facapt far tI�e montWy c6ar�e by the Secraary. these
<br /> items an called'Escrow Items'aad the sum�paid so I.eader are c�lled'F.s�xow Fund,s.'
<br /> i�ader maY.at any time,collxt snfl lwld amouats for Escrow items in u►�g,gregate amouni not to excad tbe
<br /> muimum amownt thu may be required for Borrowa's es�w accouat u�cle,r the Real Estate SeWemeat Procahira
<br /> Act of 1974, 12 Q�.S.C. Section 2601 et stq. aad impkmeatinY 1tiSuF�:ioas� 24 CFR Put 3500. ss tbeY maY be
<br /> ameaded from t�mre to dme('RESPA'). except that the wshion or tnsrar�Y permi!tod by RESPA fa�r ua�aticipacod
<br /> disbursr.meate or disbursenrnts bofon the Horrower's paymeau are avaiLble in the ticcount may not be basod oa
<br /> ",,•,�H,•�due for the mortp,�e iauuwce premium.
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