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<br /> Barrrow•er s}uill pran•.ptly gl�•c Lcnder written noticc of any im•auigaticn, clxim, den��d. towsuit or c�tt��r�duu hy �uiy
<br /> Q��vt�nmenwl ur re�ul,�tury afiency u�priv�te paa�ty in�•olvin� the Pro}xny�and any liazardnus Subs:tancti��r�m•imnn�e�u�l Ls►�+t��
<br /> oi uhieh &�rn�wer hac �•tupl k�w+wl�i��. !f kiE�rm�•rr learn+ rr is txKified hy eny iavernnxnte! �r�ebutst��q�st�thc�-ity�, th�e
<br /> rny tLnxrvyt ar cxher rzmadiation of uny Hwrsous Sut+st�ke aft�titt�tAe!'ropCrty is uec:�es,xsy.Borrowea•atull p��u��tly tai�,
<br /> all►�.:xs�ry rrnwJia!s�•tiar�s in a�:runla�k�e wi.h Envicwuixsuxl i.aw.
<br /> A�. uuxl ii� thii p:u�agr:apl��0. "1-i;u;udc�us Subuariccs" are thor•c wbu:uurs ciefine�i a�t��xi,:or 1►�zardcws cub�wn�:e� by
<br /> Envirunmental Law an:f the following subuancta; g�.K►line, kenue�u, uther fla�nmahlt nr toxic petmlcum�rc�ducts, toxii:
<br /> pesticide,:n�xl I�.rblcicizs.�•ufatile wl�jetits, n�ri:ils contai�u�ustxstcu or fomiatdchy�dc. :uxl ra�lic�acti�•e nuterwls.As usod iQ �
<br /> th'ss ttzr'�4".��gt► =0, 'Em�iroiui�.nt:s! Law" rn,«ru F:atzr.►� laws wxi law3 aF tlk:juri;ciictio�whera the Pr�x,-iy is la:ai� ttu�
<br /> rtl�[e ta hcalth, �fety or env�ranmentzl prouction.
<br /> NON-UIYiI�URit1 C�VLNANTS. &�iiiiwet uuJ Lenckr funher cove�nt a:xl agrer�e �RIIOR'S:
<br /> 21•Acceteratlua; Rewetit.�. Let�der sl�tll give notkr to Burrow�er pt•tor to aaclerAtbn followiag Sorrow�er's
<br /> at any �n�e�ot or ngmment la t�is Secu.-+.ly Ir.�tes:�s:s�t �� :sa: p.�:• ta zccclrc::iw� un8rr p:x.�ra� .?w _..
<br /> appllcaWe law provides otberwtce).Tbe potk�sl�11 c�xcUy: (�)tl�e default; fb) tbe wctbn requtxed to cure tbe drfautti�i
<br /> (c)a d�te,�wt tsss t6an 3!!�bys ftvm the d�ie tlse aaike ir�i�•ta to Barror►�er,by w�hich the default must De cut�;�+ud
<br /> (d) tlwF f�ure eo cure the def,�ult oa or before the d�ttte specltkd in tbe uotice raay result In�ocei�tloa ot z6e s�uims
<br /> cecurrd by this Security Inatruiucat aad s�le ot tl�e Property. 7'6e nottce sWdl[urtber iuforw Borrowcr ot tbe ci�ht to
<br /> relaaate�iter acode�auou aaa cbe rtghc eo buin��coure�ctto�a w�ere ebe r�on�exkceaoe oc s aefputt or�y abrr
<br /> deimse of Bonrower to aader�tioa �tnd s�le.It the delault is not cwYd oa or beiore the ds�te specificd tn tba notia�
<br /> LeiWer, at its opllon, mAy requirr immedia�e pa�yment In tn11 0�aU suau cecured Dy th�s Secucity Instrwumt withcwt
<br /> fwlber de�nd ard may ipvoice tbe power ot ssle�nd�ny other remedias pa�miLOed by ppplicaWe taw. Le�3er sA�11 be
<br /> eW5t1M to collecK aU expences Incurred Gt punutng the rea�edies provtded ia this por�r�tp6 21.inoM�diq�.b�t not Wutted
<br /> tq�so�xWe s�tWr+Aeys'fi�es and costs ot titie cvidcuce.
<br /> I[t6e power of 6a[e fs iur•oi�d. Teuctee sfwll rectird a aotice ot delautt iu ench onuaty in whkb an�r put ot the
<br /> Property is located s�ad sh:dY a�ii oo��01 sucd notice(n tbe m�enner prescrilxcY Dy appl�raDie Ixw to HorruKec and to
<br /> the other pe�soas p�+escritx�l b��g�oiic�nAae l�w.After the time required by ppplics�ible law,Ttustee slwli gi��e pabliu:�x�Nce
<br /> of s�le to the persvas and iw @�r di:�auuer p�rescribed by applic�bie law.Tnistee,w•it6au dem�ad o�Bosrow�r,sbttll sdl
<br /> the Property ot p�@bsic Au��tion to tbe E�i��rCSI Wddp�at tAe tiwe�d pbce and m�kr the terras des�nated ta tl�e ncitice ot
<br /> sWe ia ooe or cawa�re p�cels and ta iwy wrier Teuctee detsrmine9. Trasiee msiY P�P�s�ie d s�U or�ny p�rcei uf tbe
<br /> �P�'�Y bY Pu1�.auaouncemeat at tLe time w�d M��aRY W'n'�Y scLeduln�Q cate.Ir�ader or its desiYwa mAy
<br /> P���'�P��Y at an�a�le. ^.
<br /> — UP� �P��PRYae�t o[tbe prloe bW, Tructa sh�i! deityer to tbe purcLaser �'n�stee's deetl mnvc3ria� the —
<br /> E'�opertY. The r�c5�r'b io tie'Iln�tee'c dad shvll De prinia facie rvidencs ot tbe trutb of tAe statcouots mAde tlielein.
<br /> Trustee�N appi�tbe p�oee�s o�the sale io tbe�dlowio�order:�a)to all ooeic and expeases�of exa�+cicioQ We pawer of
<br /> sWr,aod tT�e ccie,tndudin��be p.yma��ot ihe Tn�cce•s fas accu.uy ia�wml,not to acccedth e� �S 0.00 �r1� 96
<br /> ot H�e prtacipd aa�ount ot the note s�t tbe tMe ai tbe declaratioo ot dKault.aod�+eacoaAble sttorotys' fees ss parmftted
<br /> bp Isw:(h)to aY�sxura!bY Wic Sea�rity I�trno�e�t:aod fc)a�i'asces�ta tLe peiaos or Perso�s In,�i1Y e�tit{ei to
<br /> ii.
<br /> 2Z. Becoa�vey�ooe. Upon payment nf afl sums securai by this Savrity Instrument, I.axkr sh�ll roquest Trustx to
<br /> _ nronvey tbe Propecty ancl stwll surreader rbis� Seariry Instrumtnt arxi all twtes evidrnciog debt savred by this Socucity
<br />- iaatn�na�t to T�ustx.T:ustee siu�ll ncanveg�t6e Ptoperty without w�rraoty and without charga w t�i�pasoa ar P�+'�k8�1Y
<br /> aYi�t3od w it.Suci�persoa or persons sh�ll psy any reoordation oosts.
<br /> 23. Su6�dtnte'Ttv�tee.t�.'nder.at its option. may fmm time to 6me remnve Trustee w�d appoint a suooa.�uvstee to
<br />� �wy Ttustoe�pp�oiated bereua►ier by�n uts �",•��reoorded in tbe oounty ia which tl�is Sewrit�Iivaumeat is nacoedod.Wkhout
<br /> oonveyanoe of the Propeity,the wooessor ttststoe st�sdl sucaed to a]!the uslr,Pawar aad dutus oonfared upon Tivstee tkrcin
<br /> 1 aod bv aoolic�6le laW_
<br /> - — �- . . . - - - - - � - - _ ._. . .. .. ... ....- - -----
<br /> � :�.��OT K�}tiS.HOlrOW�1'C�i4�S i}�i C�I25 Of L��2 iL�iiCeL Of��iiiiii�911d ►itC bC aCOt io 80fi'OW'Gf�B 8�7lSz
<br /> = Which IS the Propaty Add[ess-
<br /> ?3.Wtkts to tbic Savrity Iachwneot.If one or mon ridors are exa�wted by�crOwer and raoo�ded together with this
<br />= Security t�utrument,the oovenants and agreeaxnis of qeh such rider shall be incorpor�:d iato and shall ursa�d and suppleuxat
<br /> tlw�oovemc�ts u�d�groemeats of this Socurity Listrunxnt as if t6e rida(s)wae a put of thi.s Security IazUUmeot.
<br /> [Cbecic appliabte box(e$)1
<br />_�
<br /> ' Adjustabk Wue Ridu C.ondocs�inium Rider 1-4 F,mily Rider
<br /> = Grsduatad Paymeat Rider Pfuusa3 Unit Devdopma�t Ridor Biwectcly Payment Rider
<br /> Balloan Rider Rate Itnprovemmt Rida Secoa��iome Rida
<br /> - V.A.[ti�a� od�er(s)[specifyj �
<br /> �
<br /> c
<br /> t
<br /> i
<br /> HY SIGMNa BELOW, Barowu aooepts and agt+ees W tht tem�s aad wvenuus a�ootained ia ti�is Seairity Ltsttvm�at aod
<br /> irt any rider(s)e�uocuted by Borrower aod reoorded with it.
<br /> Witaesses:
<br /> ' � (�)
<br /> , Y.B 21ETH A D�iCEjtT -Banwver
<br />-�
<br /> T � c�d \ �C1.�.�5.�
<br /> + (�,
<br /> -� LAU�IE S D�t3EERT '�O"'°�
<br /> (Se'+1) (,Seaf)
<br /> -Bo.rowu .gp�
<br /> �
<br /> ' SfATE OF rfE8iiA51U�, HALL Ca�ety a�: ' •
<br /> T6e forcgoiqg it�stntmmt wat r�sowiodyed before aaethic � day of pGTOBER � 1996 �.
<br /> . W'�s°�y������ GBAHD 2 SLAND, NEB&ASICA ��C�y.the due af'oreraici.,*
<br /> My Commissioo E:pires: �M4iAAY,fWeMMIMiWu ` ��� 1 A
<br /> , . JUDITH L BAUERT N�y
<br /> Mf��E�p.h0.i,19lt
<br /> ao.s r• ��p� y�pp
<br />