<br /> �-�'we-- . _•---°----- .. :.,_ ._ _ ._�.
<br /> T�e . .- � . ' .. �,, -• T --��-���—. ___-_ - _
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<br /> substantislly equiv�ient nx�rtg��c in.car�uxc cu��erage is nut zv•rila[�Ie,IIorr��wer shall p•ry ta Lender ca�h nw�nd�a tium eyual to _
<br /> o��e-iwelflh af thc ycarly nx�rtgage ir�cu�anre pmmium bein�paid by Barrau•er whcn thc in�uranc��r�veraFe la�tiec!or cca.ud to
<br /> ' hc.iu eCfect. Le�xter w�il�accept,�use u�x1 rctaii��hece paYments ac u loss reservC in licu of nxmgAgc in.wr:uxe. Loss reserve
<br /> p;�y���t,u�y ix�lo�ig..r be r�uirccl,at tht nption of LcnJer.if n►�rigugc i�wwrik�cc►�'era�c (in th�amUUnt an�i for the �MCicxl C� ,
<br /> . tfiat[�u�kr re.yui�•csl pi��•ide.�l by an insurer appruvcd hy l.ender again bcca��es available mu1!s abtaii�ed. Borrnwcr shell pay _
<br /> thc pmmiums rcquired to maintain nx�rtbufie ii�,urance in effect,or to pro��ide a loss reserve,until the r.:Guiren�ent fur nwrtra�e �
<br /> insurunce eiuts in accare1anre with any wnu:n�reen�ent betw•cen&�rrow�er und Lendee or applicAble law.
<br /> q, Iaspectkw, I.eiuler or its bgei'it �i�y nc►ke reau��whle entriec upcm und iRCpeclians of the Property. l.ender shall give�
<br /> )dorrower natice at th€�ime uf or prior t��sut inspocH�m sperifying rea.ccmable cau:e for the incpection. `
<br /> lp, Gon��naation. The pr�xeeJs of�iy uward a• cla�m for darn�zgcs, direc:t or con�equential, in rooneciion with ar.y
<br /> condrnu�atioo or o:her taking uF any �S►�t oi tl�e Pru�cny.or for wnvcyance in lieu of canclenu�tian, ure hercay assi�nrd and
<br /> s�t�rll bc paid ta Lcndcr.
<br /> in the event ai'a twal takinR of the Propeny.the proceeds shall be applieil to thc su�nc cecured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> whethcr or nai thcn due. with pny excess patd to Barmwer. in tiie cvent of a partial taking of ti�e Fiope«y in whirh thr, fair
<br /> market value of the Property immodiatelv 6e;ore thc taking i�equal to or greater than the amount of the sunu securai by this
<br /> Security Instrumens imn�diutely before the tal;ing,unless Banower and I..cnder athera�ise�groe i�writ�ng.the sums securd by
<br /> this Security instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceads multiplied by the following fraction: (s)the total
<br /> anwunt of the sums secured in:nxxliately beforc the taking, divided by (b) the fair murkct vulue of the Property immediately
<br /> before the talcing. Any bala�ice sh.al) be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Properiy imn�ediately before the t�{cing is less than the Anwunt of the sums secured immediately bofore the
<br /> taking, unless Borrower and Lencler otherwise agrec:in wntmg or unless applicable law cuhe�wisc provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> be applied ta the sums socured b�this Security Instrument whcthec or not the sums are the�due.
<br /> If dx F�roperty is abandoned by�rrower,or if,after noticc bv Lender ta Borrower tha�t the condemnor offers to m�lce an
<br /> a�varcl or�x'�le a claim for damagcs, Bonower fails to respo+Kk oa 1..ender within 30 days afte� the date thc natice is given,
<br /> L.ender is s::t;�orized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opu��,eithcr to restoratian or repair of the Progerty or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Ir►strument,whether or not theu due. �ICation of rocecds to rinci �6 �t�ll not extend or
<br /> Unless Lender ;uxi Borrower otheneise agree ae evritingr anY �PP� P P P
<br /> postpone the di�e dztr:of the monthly payments refc�e��to inpara.�raphs 1 and 2 or change dse ynount of�::i�payments.
<br /> Il.6utrower 1Wt Relexsed;F�rbearance By Lender Not a Wsdver.Extension of tGc ti�e for p.yment Qr rtwd'zfication
<br /> of amonir�iK�►rf the�um.�secured b�ti�is Security Instrament granted by Lender to any suc�a�r in interest of Barrvv.�•sha1�
<br /> not operate to release sJ��i�bility of the orlginal&urower or Bonower's successors in interest.i.ender sliall not bc;requ�t�d to
<br /> comm�aue procoedings�ainst any successor m itatz.�st or refuse to extend time for payment or atherwise modify amort�zation
<br /> of the sums sec'arad by this Security Instrumenc bti' reason of any demutid ma�1e by the ori�inal Bor�wer or Borrower's
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remody.
<br /> 12. Sucasscu's and Assi�ns Bouad+Joint w�d Several I.iability; Co-sfgners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Security Instivaxnt sha1� bind and benefit the successors and assiBnc of Leitider and Borrower. subject to the provisionc of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's coven3nts and agrcemeats shall be joint and se�etal. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Inst:vment but does not ezecute the Note: (a) is�-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage. grant ar�d eonvey that
<br /> Borrowet's interest in the Prc�perly under the tem�.c of this Security Instrument; (b)is not nersonallY ob�i8ated to pay the sums
<br /> securod G�this Security Instrument:aod(c)agrees that lxnder and any other Borrower may�gree to exter�d,modify,forixar or
<br /> m�Ce any:;;rrooaur�oclations with regass@ to the teans of this Security Instr�ument or the�Iote w�tlwut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13.Il.u�an CbarBes.If the lou�securod by this Security Instrument is�ubjoct to a law whi�h sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and tt�at law is fin�lly interpreted so that the intecest or other loan chargac collocted or to be oolloctod in conna.�tion with the
<br /> loan exoeed the peimicc�3limiu.cnen: (a��y��t�n�t�se Snat�t���ny ctu s�,noura�ry co rat�e��n�e
<br /> to the pertnitted limit:and(b)any sunu slready collected from Bonower which exceeded pemuued limits wip be rofundod to
<br /> Acrmrrer. Lrader mav choose to make this refund by reducin� the principal owed under t1�e Nou or by m�icing �direct
<br /> �-- --p�yrnent to Borrow�r. If a refund roduas princigal. t� �uon aui ce ueuod az a l,asi;si N:�i,:�:,.��:9L`.:.si :.�; - -
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note..
<br /> lq,Notias,Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be givtn by ddivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class mail unlass applicahle law roquires use of another method.The notice s}►all be directod to the Propercy Addras
<br /> or zny oth�r address Borrower designates by notiae ta Le�Z�. Any notice to l,ender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> Lu�der•s 3ddress stated herein or any oiher addracs Lendcr d�siy�tes by notice to Borrower. Any noNce provided for ln this
<br /> Securit}•;r�st�vment st�ll bc deemed to have been given to Ram.�•�zr o�Lender when given�.s provided in this paragiaph-
<br /> 15.Governiag I.�a; Severability This Security Inst:v�u�eat shall be govemed Ix�: federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Ptoperty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of tnis Security Insttumeat or the Note
<br /> contlicu with applicabt�law.wch oonflict st�all not affax other provuions o�E tlt'ss Security InsUument or the Note which can be
<br /> givon effxt witbont tbe 000flictia�provislon. To this ad tl�provisioas of tla�Sauriry Iasuument s�tk�e Note ue doclarod
<br /> • to be sevesable.
<br /> 16.�errower's Copy.Borrower si�all b�given one ooafo�s�d oopy of the Note aad oE this Security Iiutnuneat.
<br /> lq.•p�����p��perty a.p B�kla!Iota�t in Borrower.If all or any put of the Praperty or�ny intonest in it
<br /> is sotd or a�nsferred(or if a benaficial interat in Borrower is sold or tr�nsternd and Borrower is not a natural peiwn)witl�out
<br /> �.eoder's prior written oonsent, Lender roay. at its option, requiro immediate payment in full of all surtts secured by shis
<br /> Securiry ynstrwneat.However,this option sha11 not be exercised by I.ender if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of tho date
<br /> of tl�is Securiry Inurwnent•
<br /> If L.cnder exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of xaleration.71�e notice stwll provide a period of not
<br /> tess than 30 days from the date the notia is deliverod or mailod within which Borrowor must pay all sums socurod by this
<br /> Securiry Instiument.Ef Dorrower ftils to pay these sums prior to the expiration af this period,l.end�r may invoice aoy nmodies
<br /> � permittod by this SavTmty Instrument without further notice or demand on Banuwer.
<br /> 18. Boreovre*''s Right to R�te. If Borrower meets artain cat�Sitions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforonoent of this Secarity Instruroent discontinucd at any time prior to the qrlier of: (a)5 days(or such ottx.r period as
<br /> applip�e law may specify for re'srut�tement) before s�le of the Propercy pu�nt to�anY Power of sale oontair►er�m this
<br /> Secung•�menr or(b)aury of a judgmer►t enforcing this Security Inarument.Those c�nditions are that Borrow�r=(a)pays
<br /> i,ender all.sams which then would be due under this Securiry Inswment and the Note as if no aceeler�tion had ocez:rnod; (b)
<br /> - cures any ckfau}t of any otlier eovenants or agercments; (c)pays all ezpenses incurted in enforcing� Security inswment.
<br /> inclucling, but not limited to. reaconabte attomeys' fees;and(ti)takes sucn aciiun as Le�er may r�,.::�1y rc�uire to a�.:nre
<br /> ths►t the lien of this Secutity Instrument, Lender's righis in thc Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sumv s,ecured by
<br /> this 5�a�ysrity Instrument shall contioue unchanged. Upon manuatement by Borrower, this Secunty InstrumerA :rxi the
<br /> obligations secured tiereby shs11 rcmain fully effective as it no�oeeieration�ad occvrre�I. riuwcver. uus rigiit to rcir�t:tc s}�:11 `,
<br /> not apply in the case of xceleration urxkr p�ragraph 17. �
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note; Ct�n�e of I.oan Serviaer. The Note or a parcial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instn�aunt)may be sold one or more times without prior notic�to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> �,s the'L.oan Servicxr")t}wt collxu monthlY paYmeras due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.There also may be one=
<br /> or more changcs of the l.oan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Not�.If there is a change of the L.o�n Serviar,Borrower will be �;
<br /> give�written notice of the change in accotdance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will statc the r�me and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the�ddress to whith payments slwuld be made. 'I1ie�tioe wiU also contain any other
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> 2p, Aaysrdous Sub�ace�. Borrower shall not cause or pemtit the presenoe. use, disposzl, storage, or releasc of�ny •
<br /> H�zardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower sha11 not do, nor allow u►yone else to do, anything affecting tGe
<br /> - Property that is in viol�tion of any Enviro:unental l.aw. The praceding two sentonoes s}wll not apply to the presence.use.or
<br /> _ �����Property of small quantiYies of Hazardous Suhstatices chat are generally recognited to Ix appropriue to nora�al
<br /> residesuial uset�sd w mainienana of the Properry.
<br /> r.o.�oi a Faca�3028 9J�Q
<br />