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<br /> cit.r• are iiuurad by a fecieral ugency, �n+trumentality. or entity —
<br /> The �undc :hall be helcl in an inctitution wh��e de{x�. —
<br /> �including l.ecder. it'Lenckr i�such an i�tituti�+n?���•i��a��Y ���=r"1'Hcn»thc hwkis�uiin lyru��alyz ng ttu:te�ow acccw u,t��r �-
<br /> �semw Iten�s. [.eixiee►►k►y iwt charge Rormwer fnc twliling an�1 app y 8• ---
<br /> verifying thc Eu�ow Remc,ur+less Le�ule�rrnw�ta Me)'u�ne-�>>x�'��+��°r�i�epeixten+c�l�e.ctate c x�rep��tin���en ieh _
<br /> a chargc. Howeve�, l.e�xler may require Pa �--
<br /> uscd by l.endcr in conr►ccti�»� with this Icun. unlcss upplicablc law provide�r�TM�� ntcrect or ea n�gs oo the Fu�u1s` ---
<br /> appiicablo law rtquires intere�c io t�c paid,l.ender shull tx�t be reyuitui to paY, )' �.-
<br /> Borrow�er w►d l.endcr may agra in writing,hUU•e�cr.tha� iiRcec�litc�Ia xl d b u au the FunJs And t�hc�Purpa�et�fur��wh irl•�uuh --
<br /> witiwut clwcgc, an annu�l�cecwniing of thc Funds, stsowinr �
<br /> �bit to the Fu�xls was m-u1c.The Funcic are ptedcecl;u udditia��l security f y�I lieable law.dl..ender shalt account tc���4�rmu•er
<br /> 1f the Funds h�ki By Lender excced the amounts pennitted ta be held b ApP _
<br /> for the excess Funds in acc i��e ow Itemsrw en duz�L.ende.-pn�sa'n��1�Yf B0n0�T n wr tin�, and.n�uch case�ti�rruW r
<br /> time is nat sufiicient ta pay -_-
<br /> ��J� �y�o Lend�r�he amount necessaiy to make up the defteiency. �orrowcr shall make up the defieieney in no nwre n
<br /> twelve monthlY paYments,at Leixler's sale discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of a{I sunu secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bott�wer uny
<br /> Funds held by Le^eicr.If.`u aner para�rh ld by Ixrr3er�the ume of acqc�i�ou or�sale as a credp s►�ain.ttthe sumst�cecured by
<br /> of the Propeny, sltall aQP Y Y
<br /> this Security instrument.
<br /> 3. Applicatlon o!PeYm���•Unless�pplicable Iaw provides otherw'sse.ali paymetus reccival i�V L.ender under paragraP2s
<br /> � ��� shall be a,plied: first,to any prepaymenl�h�8�due utxier the Note; sec.�aci.to amounis payabte under parazraPh —
<br /> thini,ta intereu duo:fourth, co principal due;and last,to atty l�te charges due u�x)ec::�a Note. _
<br /> q.C�rges; Lienc,Bonower shall pay all taxes, assessments, ch�rges, fines:�l impositions attribumble to zhe Propeny _
<br /> which may atutim pciurity over thovided n�y Inst�Pmet�t.o:tt f��h d n�th�at man�r���er shall pay them on time d'rcctly
<br /> these obligatians irr the manttier p P�S
<br /> to the pewson��,9these nymratsdirectly.Borrowelr sfhall promptly fuem::�►to Lend c��eupcs evidenci g he�PaYmentp s��ph
<br /> If Barro � iien which hac prionty over this Szcurity instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> Bormwer shall promptly discharge any le to i.endcr;(b)contests in good faith the licn
<br /> writing to the payn�nt of the obligation secuaod by the licn in a manner accePtab .
<br /> by. or defeods a�gs�i��st enforament of the Fs� in, legal praceedings v.hich in the Le�der's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the I�en:or(c)secures from tlu iw►der of the lien an;���St� b�to a 1 en w��ratta+n Pnoni}'e vcr
<br /> this Securiry Instrument.If Lender deternunes that any part of the Pn.�q+erty j
<br /> th,��ctsrity Instnunent.Lender may give Borrower a notc��e i,ci�ntifyinb the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lu�or tuke one or
<br /> en�a�of the actionc set forth adove within 10 d�ys of the giv�nE of notice.
<br /> 5. � a, p�,o�y �urance. Botrower shal1 kxp the improvements nc1w existing or �e��inciuding
<br /> propertY insw�ad a�ainst loss by fire,hazuds iru:luded within the te�m 'extended rnverage" and anY
<br /> floads or flooding,for which Lender requires incursu�ce•Th�s insuranoe shall be m�intained�n the am°°nu and for the periods
<br /> ' that I.ender requires. The i�surance�ier pmviding the insurance shall be chosea by Borrower subject to i�ender'�s���1
<br /> which sliall not be unreasonab�Y withhel�. IE Bnrrower fails to maixmi�daz Ce w€teh�raphaTbave. I.ender!n�• ,
<br /> option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rishts in the Prolperto��r� �1 i���a st�dard monga�e clause. Lender
<br /> All insurance policies ancl nnewals shall be aeceptab � ve to Lender all rooeipts of
<br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and t+�a�ewals. If Lender requircs.Bo�rowec shall p*ompt Y 8�
<br /> paid premiwns and renewal notices.In the e+rau of toss.Borrower shalt Eive prompt ratice ta the insuranoe cartier and l�endes• .
<br /> i�r may make proof of toss if not made prompdY bY Barrower. shall be lied to restoration or repair of tt�e
<br /> itntrcc itndei and BoTrower otherW+ise a8t�e in writiog. iawrusce procx�eds.c c.�,�ri�s not lessenod.Yf the reswration or
<br /> - _.._. - R�vperty d�rt�Sed•if ths rastoration or repair is ewnomi�i.y�w.�t�:•:�L-..wr_ �S�1 be Applied W t11e smns . ._. :..
<br /> repair is not 000nomically feuible or Lender's s�ecurity wautd be lessenod, d�e icu�r��p
<br /> secured by this Stcurity Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. if Borrower abancWns the
<br /> pcoperty• or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender tFs�t the iosurance cam�c�*t�°���rty�ot to pay�sums
<br /> I.ender may coliax the insurance proceeds. l.ender may use the prc�c�ds to repa'
<br /> socured by this Securiry instntment,whuher or not then due.The 30-d�Y Peno�Will begin wtun the notia is g�ven.
<br /> U�� �nder and Borrower othcrwise agree in writing, anY a}�Ptic�i�af�Q,�et�°��� ���y�s. If
<br /> postpone the due date of che monthly paymenu referred to in paragra�i�s
<br /> und�r paragnpt�21 the PropertY is ac9uired by Lender.Borrower's nght to any iawr�nce policies�nd proceeds raulung from
<br /> damage to the Property Prior to the acqusitioa sball pus to Lender to tf�e oxtent of the sasas secured by this Secar'ty'1�s�°� .
<br /> �a�ly�c�Or to th�acquisition. +
<br /> PtlSCi'�'�qps Msiotawncc�nd Prota.'tion d the PropatY:,&+nnwer s I�o�a Appii�tba:
<br /> 6.Oocupaney, , as Borrower s principal re.adec�ee within sixty days after the exa.ution of
<br /> . &rrtower st�ll oavpy.estab�ish,and use the PropertY���as Borrower's princip1l residena for at least oae yar after
<br /> this Security It►strumuu and s1�a11 �ntinue to oavPY witliheld, or udess
<br /> the date of oxupu►cy.unless I.eader otherwise agras in writing. whic5 oonsent st�all not be utue�sonably e or imptir the
<br /> extenuating circnms�a�es e�s� which are beyond Bo�wer's contrcE. �����er sh�ll�n�def�if any forfe�tnre
<br /> pcoperty� allaw the Property to deteriorate,or oommit waste on the Lh�oPertY•
<br /> z,ction or proceeding. whetha� civil or criminal, is begun tt�at in Lender's g°°d faith judgment c�ld result in forfeit�r�of the
<br /> �P�nY or otherw�se rozterially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's secwity interest. Botrawer may
<br /> cure such a default and reinuste,as provided in paraSr�ph 18.by causing the xtion or proceeding to be d�s�nissed����
<br /> t}�at, in Lendec's good fait}i determination, precludes forfeicwe of the Borrower's interest in the PropertY
<br /> impair�eat o�ttit litn created by this Seeuriry Instrument or Lencl+�r's security interest. Borrower st�al! also be in default if
<br /> Boirower,dnring the loaie application process.Save materially false or inacc�rate�nformadw►or siatw�enis to Les�der(or faile�
<br /> to provide Lender with aay material information)�n of�PropessY�IPn�A��denc.e.If this�Secun'�i�yintg�,bu��i on a
<br /> �o,represcut�tionc conoeming Borrower s occupan�Y . .
<br /> (casc}wld, Borrower shall com� with all the pravis�ons of the tease• If BorroR'er xquires fee title to thc PropertY•
<br /> leasetwld and the fee tide shall merge unless Lende* f��wer�g o�perform tgtK covesia�ts�nd a8reeme�s��'��
<br /> � 7.Pro�ec:tia�oi Lendec's Rights tn tLe Prope�tY.
<br /> this Securlty Instrumeat. or ti�ere is a tcgai p�oc�.3iag tlsat may si��flcanrly affect l.euder's ri�,rhts in U►e ProperY (w�h uv a
<br /> proc,eeding in baz�kruptcy.probate. for oondemnation or forfeitun or to enforce laws or regulationc). ������°�
<br /> _ �iY far whatr_.v�r is txr.e.cskry to ptotect the value of the Praperty and Lender`s rights in the•PropertY• , in
<br /> cs
<br /> include pay�ng any xums secured by a lien which i�as prioriiy �r�.r:.��s `.�an�y Insm��, �nng in court, paY
<br /> rqsons+yble auomeys'fees and entering on ths Property to malce cepanrs.Although I.ender may take action under this Pura�rapb
<br /> 7.I.er�der does not have to do so.
<br /> Any unounu disbursed by Lender under this paragrdph 7 ska11 bocome a�tion�l debt of Borrower secured by th s
<br /> SecuritY Instrument. Unless Bonower ux1 Lender��able«w'ith inureup pon nodoe from nl.ender to Borrower requesting
<br /> date of disbursanent at the Note rate and sh�ll be PaY
<br /> PaYmcnt.
<br /> 8.r�g�e�osurt�nce.If l,ender required mortgage inwrance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Sc�eunty
<br /> Inst�ument, &�rrower shall pay the premiums required to m�intain the mortg,age insurana in effect. If. for �ny ��n, �
<br /> mortgage insuru�ce coverzge required by Lender tapses or ce�.ce�to be in effect,Borr�wer shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> obtain coverage subsiantially equ�valent to the mortgage insurarxe previously in effect,at a cost substantialiy equivzlent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of dtc roort�age i�surance previously in effect. from �n altexnate mort�a�e insurer approved by L�endcr. if
<br />�-- • � • F«m 3028 9190
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