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<br /> of the Pr rt or an interest in it
<br /> 17. Traarta at the Property a'� Ba�cla�1nt�t Ip 8°*�'°wa'.tf all or any pan � Y Y
<br /> i��old or trAnsPerted(or if o tieneiicial intore�t in Borrower ir sold or transferred end [�rrower ia nut a ns+tural person)wilhout
<br />-- — S�ecu�rfr'�l�rument�Howeve.�ihi�option shpllaiwt b c ee r+c i c d byr L e n der�ifi e e rc i r Y e�ir p r a h i bf t e d�b y�foderAl law ac of the �dWc
<br /> uf Ihfs Sacvrity In�tnimcnt. •
<br /> If l.e�xlcr exercises Ihia uption.I.endcr shell give Borrower ooticc of�cceler�tfan.The nulice shall Providc a pe�lal of not
<br /> �ers than 30 daya from the date �he notice is deliverod or muilod within which Barrower mu�t pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Socurity instniment.IF Borrawer fuila to pay these sums prior ta the eapimtion of thia periad. Ixadcr may invo�e ony rcmedies
<br /> =— permltted6y thie Security�instrument wltNout funher nodce or demsind an Bonower.
<br /> ' n
<br />.,,� 18. �orr+ower's Wght to Relastate. If Barrower moeta ceh�in conditions. Born►wer shull hs�ve the �ight to Iwve r
<br /> enforoemeot of lhis Socurity Inst�umrnt dia�.untinued at any tinu: prior to thc eurlier of: (n)S daya (or wch other period as
<br /> appiicable law may specify for reinstatement) bePore sale of �hc Property porsuen� �Q onY PpWer of sale comalned in this
<br /> '�°� Secudry Instrument;or(u)entry af u judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions ure tPwt Borrower.la)pays
<br /> l.ender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry lnstrument and the Note as if na accelemtion had occurred:lb)
<br /> — -- cures any defnult of any other covenants or�g�+eements; (c)pays all eaponses �ncurred in enforcing thia Security lnstrument,
<br /> including.but not limital to,reasonable nttarneys' fees;und(d)telces such action as l.ender mny reasoneb�Y require to assure
<br /> that the lien of lhis Security Instcument. I.ender's rights in lhe Property and Borrowcr's obligntian to pay Ihe sums secured by
<br /> � _,��,��� this Socucity Instrument shalt vantinue urml►angod. Upon rcinstntement by Borrower, this Secunry Instrument and the
<br /> -- obligutions securod ha+ebY ahall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had accurred. However, this righl to reinswte shall
<br /> not eppl,y in the casie af acceleration under pwagraph I T.
<br /> - 19. Sale ot Note; ChQaRe ut l.oaa Servicer. The Note or A partial interest in the Nate (together with this Security
<br /> Instrumenq may be sold one or more times without prior naice to Horrower. A sale may result in u change in the entity(known
<br /> as the'L.oan Servicer')tiwt collects monthly payments due under the Note and t6is Security instrument.There also mny be one
<br /> =�=-=�— or more changes of the Loan Servker unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of the Laan Servicer.Barrower will be
<br /> "='.�"'°'�� given written notice of the change in accordance with parugwph 14 ubove and applicable law. The notice will state the nante and
<br /> ---.- ,.., :.-.s
<br /> __���;�i• �� '' address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments shuulJ I�e mude. The notice will �Iso contein any at er _
<br /> �"•; • .,"•:�'w- inPomiation re.quired by applicable law.
<br /> � =.;:':K .i;,��� Ip, �rdous Substa�ces. BoROwer shall not cause or permit the presence. use,disposcil, storage, or release of any
<br /> �irlad::,a.: � Huzurdous 5ubslances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor aitow anyone else ta do, anything affecting the
<br /> ....�"�-`y�- Property that is in violation of any Envimnmenu►I Law. The pteceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> =�>_...�' :.
<br /> :`�-:�_'' storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha�ardous Subst�nces that ure general ly recagnixed to be appropriate to no
<br /> � .:�
<br /> .r.�,�.::�n• re:�idential uses w►d to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Horror�er shall promptiy givF l.ender written notice of any investigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or ather action by any
<br /> _ .��� •`�� governmental or regulatary ugency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardaus 5ubstance or Environmentnl Law
<br /> - •+�� of which Rorrower has ectual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is not�fied by uny governmentul or resulutory outhor�ty.that
<br /> •�•;a��.�--` '•� • any removal or other remediation of any Hazardoua Substance affecting t he Property is necesgary.B o r ro w e r s h a l l p ro m p t l y t a k e
<br /> _ �y`�',' �� �II necessary remedial actions in accardance with Emironmental Law.
<br /> G��att:�_ As usod in this paragraph 20, "Na�urdous Substances" sue those substences defined as toxic or haznrdaus substances by
<br /> '-'°^'`hO"� °��. Environmental Law a�d the fallowing substances: gnsoiine, kerosene, uiher Owiunabie or taxic p.Kmleum graduct�, t�xic
<br /> �' +�'�:.:..:. .1„ pesticides and herbicides,valatile solvents. material�containing asbestos or fomialdehyde,und radioactive matenals. As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmenlal I.aw" me�tns federal laws and laws of tFie Jurisdiction where the Property is Iacaled that
<br /> ,. � relrae to health,sufery or environmental protection.
<br /> � �' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and[.ender futther covcrwnt and agree i+s follows:
<br /> -- ' '���� 21.Acceleradon;Remedies. I.ender shall �ive notice to Borrower prior to accelerption following Borrower's breach
<br /> :��t�s. .qk',' of s►ny covenant or agreemeot in this Secu�ity Instniment (but nat prior to acceleratton under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> ����n*��.:��•..,; �. nppllcAble IAw provldes otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the dei'AUIt;
<br />,'•� �.�;,.�. .:-;=�;; (c)o dt�te,not Iess than 30 days irom lhe dnte the notice Is given to Borrower, by whkh the defeult must be cured;and
<br /> ,�-�•��•-• (d) tt�t i'ailurc ta cure the defuult on or bef�re the dAte specified in the notice may result in acceleration of Ihe sums
<br /> �-- .r,y,. ., o,�g�`��t secured by tids Securlty Instrument and sale oP 1he Praperty. The notice shall further inform &�rrower of the right to
<br /> reinstate atter acceleration and the right to brinR a court action ta ussert the non-existence oP a default or any other
<br /> �.� ��. � defense of Borrower to ucceleration and sa1e. IP the detAUlt is not cured on or before the dete spociiied In the notice.
<br /> r -w. .n- •
<br /> `'p� ����`• Leader, at its option, may require immcdipte payment in iull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wit out
<br /> ��+�-;,��� °„�. further dem�nd s�nd may i�voke the power uf sale and any uthcr remedie.r permUted bv applicublc law. l.ender shall be
<br /> �'-• •�, . o�,` entitled to collect ull expences incurred fn pursuing the remedi�provided in this parsigruph 21.includinR, but not 1{mited
<br /> — F�;: to.reasonable attorneys'fees and rnsts of title evidence.
<br /> _—� � , ,.. .v:.,..• If thepo wer of sale is invoked. Trustee shpll re�rord n nolice of defuult in each iicay'e i wh�o��P�ana�o
<br /> -��. ,.•:_ - "' property is I�cated and shall moil coples of�uch nMice in the manner prescrib��d��y aPP b
<br /> -�'�� •�;::,: _.. � the other pec:�ons prescribed by applirable law.Af'ter the time nyuired by upplicAblc IaM�.Tru.gtee shall give public nntice
<br />�� �. � , .
<br /> Y•-�wi , , of sale to the persoos and in the manner prescrlFxd by uppllcable IAw. Tru+tec. �ritl�out demand on Borrower.shall sell
<br /> '-' _�. ;_ •• t6e Property�t public auction to the highest bidder�t the time And place vnd under the termti desi�nated in the notice of
<br /> � �""" Q • snle in ane or more ps�rcels and in stny order Trustee determines. Tn�titee ma�• pnstpone wk of ull or uny parcel of the
<br /> �=� property by public announcement ot the time und place aP any previousl}• +ch��duk�d wle. I.ender or its d�iRnee may -
<br /> -._••� �.-' ' -• purehase the Property at any s�le. �
<br />.— '°��J.�` -f
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