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<br /> paymenl�nuy �to lan�er bo requirod,iu the option of Lender.if mong�gc insu�txe covcrs�e Iin ttic s+nxwnt utKl Pi�r Ihc periad
<br /> thU l.endcr roqulresl providacl by an insurcr opprovad by l.endar a��in bocomeai av�ilwblc�xl is uhwinal.B��rn�wer rF�all p�Y
<br /> �ha promium� roqui�ed lo mainuin mon��go lnsunnce in effert,or to provide a lore re�ervc, until the roquirement f'or nxxt�e
<br /> -- imunn►�o aid� In��cordanco wilh�ny w�fiten agroemcnl betwoeo BcHrower wid l.emkr or opplicable I�w.
<br /> 9. IaqMCdoa.Lcr+dcr or itr�ent nnoy rtwkc reacotwblc entrlcc upnn wml ir�poctioa�oP Ihe Pniperty. lxnJer rtwll�ivo
<br /> Borrower natce rt tho time�iF or prfur to Mn inipatiun spxif'yin�re�conoblc cnuse Pi>r the inspcctiun.
<br /> 10. CatKlMnnNlun.The pnx�eocis uf ony �ward ar cl�+im fi�r darnagcr, dirccl or con�:eyucnlial, in rnnrxction with any
<br /> conlemrwNon ur wher ta�ln�oi wny pon uP the Propeny.or far u�avey��c in Ncu of�ndcm�wtion.w+C hercby orri�nal�uod
<br /> ---T-----� shdl t+e pnid f�,I.e►�der. �
<br /> In!hc cvent of a lot�!uJcing of'the Property,thc praceodi alwli bc r�pplia!ta thc sums socurcxi by�hiti Security Instrument.
<br /> whether o�not then due.with uny excesa paid to Borrowcr. In the evenl of u pnrtial taking ut'thc Prupeny in tivhich Ihc i�ir
<br /> muket vulue of the Praperty immediately befon the laking ia equxl lo ar greater Ihan the amount af the cums secured by this
<br /> -_.--.— Socurity Instrumcnt immediately befare Ihe ialting.unlcas Bartnwer�nd Lendcr otherwise agree in w�iting.ihe sums securod by
<br /> ------.-- this Sxurity laurument s�hall 6e neduaal br the unxwnt of Ihe proceeds multipliod by the follawing frxtion: (a) the tWal
<br /> --_ - - - am�wnt of the �ums�ocured imn�fiAtely before�he taking, divided by(b) the fair market vulue of the Property immediately
<br /> beforc the wkiog. Any holunce shull be paid to Borrowcr. In the event of a piutial taking of thc Property in which the falr
<br /> -- market valua of�he PropeAy immediately beiore�he talcing is lesa tl�an the umount of the su�ns secured immediwely before the
<br /> - taking,unleas 6orrowcr wxl Lender otherwise agree in writing or ualess upplicable law otherwise provides,tlx proceede shal!
<br />,�;d.�r� bo applied W ttu sums securad by Ihis Secudty Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> --_-- --- !f the Property is alwndonod by Harcower.or if.after notice by Lender to Barrower that the condemnar offers to make an
<br /> — - award or settle a clalm for damages. Borrower fuils to mspond to I.ender within 30 days after the date�he notice is given,
<br /> d������
<br />-..��;��'.t_�a>� I.emier Is Authadzed to collect and apply the praccccis,at its option.cither to resrorution or r�epair of the Property or to thc sums �
<br />--'r`•"��=�-% secured by U�s Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ,�.;'d,;�,--
<br /> Unless Lender ot►d Borrower otherwise t�gree in writing. any applicAtion oF procetds to principal shall not extend ar
<br />��.,�,.:.:,., postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in purngraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />--=--— 11. Bnrrower Not Rdea�ed;Forbearaace By l.ender Not a Walven Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> �r?�`. oiamortization of the sums savred by this Secudry Instrument grnntod by L.ender to any success�,r in interest of Borrawer shall
<br />��:
<br />�::F.�. _ , nat operate to mlease the lishility oP�he original Rorrawer or Borrower's successors in Mterest. L.ender shall not be roquired to
<br /> ' •s:",�:`",:'I�' ' comrtKnce procroedings against uny successor in interest or refuse[o extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortiration
<br /> of the sums secured by this Secu�ty lnattument by reASOn af uny demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successors in interest Any forbearunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall na be a waiver of or preclude the
<br />�`'�'�'` exercise oi any right or remedy.
<br /> "���. !2. Stt�ars aad:i�ns Bossasl; .I4I!!f A!!!! �YYtlB! LfRDII�'; Co-stgners. The cnvennnic ancl aEreemen4c of this
<br /> �-/y�ii�i7�IJv��.r�v��7'
<br /> Socuriry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of i.ender and Horrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> "�:., paragraph 17. Borrower's covenunts und agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ..`°�=`,��»::� instrument but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Iostrument only to mortgage. grant and convey that
<br /> , � . Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not petsonally obligoted to pay the sums e_
<br /> '� �, '.: ,,; secured by�his Securlry Instruri�ent;nnd(c)agrees that L.ender and any ather Barrower may agree to extend,madify,forbear or
<br /> ���'� mWce any uccommodations with regunl to the terms of�his Security Instrument or the Note without�hat Borrower's consent. —
<br /> h' '' �°'": 13. Wwn Ch�uges.If the loan secured by ihis Security Instrument is subject to a Iaw which sets mnximum loan cherges,
<br /> `r'�`�'''s`.`�'���" ond that law is tinully interpreted w that the irNerest or other loan charges collected or ta be collected in connection wlth the
<br /> .�a:��.+. ... �.�+, ,
<br /> .��,,,�; loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge sh�ll be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> :.•„��.,.
<br /> �;� to the permitted limit;und(b)any sums aiready coilected from Bormwer which exceeded permitted lirnits will be refunded to
<br /> �"L�'=' � Borrower. Lender may choose to muke this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Nnte or by making u direct -�
<br /> �����`�''"��`�: p�yment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treatod as A partiel prepayment without any ``
<br /> - x'�?" � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> St- ��;�'�'� 14. NM[ces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instn�ment�hall be given by deliverin�it or by muiling
<br /> :.x�".
<br /> ���+ , it b first cluss muil unless n licable law uires use of unother method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> .�"�:,: Y PP re9
<br /> ' '�.:.. : � _ • or any other address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice w I.ender shall be given by first class mail to
<br /> •-��<<�., _ l.ender's eddress stated herein or any other uddress Lender designaks hy nrnice to&�rrowcr. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ""'l'"� ' � .� �'' Securiry Inurument shall be deemed to have been given to Borroweror Lendcr when givcn�.,provided in this p�rugroph. __
<br /> '��� ' 1S.Governing Law; :Severability. Thi� Security (nstrument shall t+e govcrned by fcdcrnl law and the luw of the
<br /> j•= jurisdiction in which�he Propetty is lacated. In the event thut any provision or cluuse of this Security Ins�rurnent or the Note
<br /> �'�"•'�^� '�� wnflicts wiU� applicable law, such conflict shall nnt affcct uther provisions af thiti Security Instrument or tlie Note which cun be -
<br /> '- � -�•.,.-.,�, .- given eff'ect wiUwut Ihe conflicting provision. To this end the pn�visions of�his 5ecurity Instrument and the �lote are declared �
<br /> -'°:'.. to be severablc.
<br /> . �• � 16. Rorrower's Copy. Borcower shull l�given one runfurmed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. F
<br /> .:'•`� ..'.''r� Form 3028 9/90 `-
<br /> _:?�-;, . �� �,
<br /> Pp��of 8
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