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<br /> 7
<br /> ' BaffOWt!S�j SJ90 bC Ll t�8U11�$Oii'OAYJ.d11i171 tti0{3�7i1 � ������ �
<br />_� � W�P��P����vo m�terially f�se ar waacura.e
<br /> •inforau�or sratanetus to�(or falfod to provi3a L�end�r with a�ry�y�terial infc�nnatlon)in connoction witA u'tia
<br />`i .ban evid�nced by the Note. incksdir�.but not li�ni�cd to.represen2ation9 conoernin� Bomawrr's occup�ncy of the
<br /> = • Property � a principal reaitlenco. If this Sacurity Inswment is on • kasehold, Ilorcowu sha11 comply witd t1�c
<br /> � provicioas oi tlse iease. If Bomnwer�uirw foe litle m tAe Propaty.the kasehokl aacE Ex titk sF�aU aoi ba as�Qed
<br />':; u+�ess I,c�uler a�r�ees to tbe mcxga�iw writing.
<br />`"' 6.Coodemnatioa.The procoals of any av�rsrd or elaim[ar clin�es.direct or eooseqneariat.in ccu�cuectian with
<br /> = �ay woJetw�tioa ac cxHer I�kiaQ of anY Peu'E of the P�e�tY.tu for 000veyaoce ia Riace of�a�ae*ane lxteby
<br />:; �ssigned arul c2sall be paid t4 I.es�der tn the extent�ttx f�?=r�ouot oF�Ae�thae�••�����ua�,aic{utulct the
<br />°_ :Wt�an3 this Suauriry Iawumeat I�zudei sltait s�pQ1y suc�pro�coeds to tLe�+oduction o��incf�Ototioesc uc�r the Note
<br />= aad this Suauity Iasaume�nt,First ta�y ci�Iinqueat amouuts apptiad in the ordcr pu�-id�va k�x�a�gra�h 3.and tbea to
<br /> P��Y��P��-�7+�PP�ia�'��Y tbe procoods to tAe priaci�a]st�all tWt extec�ar�po��t2�e dcae date oi tt�
<br /> �y wy�.a�e a►�e ns�oa a���2.o�cn�fl c��„oW,c�����u. ,�ny�xs��ocoo�ts -
<br /> over aa aawunc requi�Qo pay all outsta�Kliu�u��ness ua�c d�e Nwo and this Securi;y iastru�eat shall be ptid w
<br /> t1+e eo�t��gallY eatitkd thuttn•
<br /> 7. �CLar�n ta Bor�mvrr asd Protectima of Leod�'s Rtg1W io tbe Property. Borrowu s]�all pay a�Il
<br /> . goveraraeavl or muaicipal char6es,fiaes�sd impayitions t�t sre mot included ia parqgraph 2 Bomnwa s�us�lt p�y�sese
<br /> oNigadons oa titae directly to tbo eatlty w6ich ic avu�d tbe�yaseat.If f�ii�ma l�,s pay waild�versely��I.et�da's
<br /> io�aers3 in tbe Fropelt�. u,pon I.ender's raq�est Baaxower s0�31 penmpdy far,c�:�to I.eader rxeipu ev�,�tbeso
<br /> P�Y� _
<br /> If Ba�mw�a fails b make tltie.se�Sayme�fs ar tlse PaY���"�d bY P�a�6 Z,v�e f�"s eo pc�farm any otha
<br /> _ 1 wvenaots aod�caataine+�ua Wis Sociuity Instn�mnu, a tbere is p ie,gal Prooee3in,� fbat aiaY s�aif�c�tlY
<br />- affoct I.ender's r;gLZ,,i�tba P�+npe�ty(wch as a pcocaedinQ iu baniuu�yr.fas con�iemas�aois �to e�aGa�ae taa9 a °
<br /> re8ulatio+is).t�ea l.cnw9tr msy da�ad pay rvts�oe��e,r u aecessary t�a protect tbe vaWe of tbo Pic�ptrty and�a�'s rights
<br /> in tDe P�o�aty.iac3udin�A�Yma�t of►sxes.�d�aar�oc�e�c:cie�i`aus meatiotxd io p�1t 2,
<br /> ,::,�` Ab�r amo�ts disbw�ed by L�under this p�a�p��beoane a�additia�al dd�t of Baa��uer and be
<br /> socuro0 bY this Sac�ritY jasuuma�t.Tbese amoraocs shatl bar inta�est fmm ehe d�oe of dis�t„at tL-c°.lYwo r�te.
<br /> � a�d at tbe oQ000 of La�ier.shW be immodlaWy�Lud payabk.
<br /> BamnNar s6�ll p�riority ovel this Sectuit�r Luotumeat ualr,u Ba�rowa:(a�
<br /> .} P�P�Y�Se aay lk�whlch haa
<br /> s �m���P�Y���obli�t�oo cec�rod by tbe liea ia a m�cuxr aooepnh3e to I,e�sda;(b)caniw�ia
<br /> ' 4 �aod 6id�the lim by,or detmda�aiaix adacraueat of tba lieo i0.k�l penceedio�s rv6ich ai tbe I.eader':opinioo
<br /> � q�aale b pesvoot tbc wt�on�aarnt of the li�a►:or(c)�eaues from dre 6okler of the li�ea an a�e�mpot�Y lo
<br />. ��J� �.L._s�
<br /> .S i���ts�toC 11C010�J��f1�C IF I.L'OQlt QE�ID�11��lY�Nt O�(j10 p!'OQltL�'i9!!!�l�CC!�O --- -
<br /> ! S�C17Y�Cb Rlf)►��jOf�ty OY�i�i SOQYIty�I.Cfidll R1iy�VC BOf[OWl1 a OOt1iCE 1�W1�tbC l�lA.
<br /> t Baem�re�r�11 s�m!'y the iiai or uke aae or raooe of tbe�ctiont�t fattL�bove withio 10 d�y�of tbe�tvin�of aot�Ce.
<br /> /.FeM.lRaddr rwy coliect fas aad ct�ar�s authorir�d 6y the Socl+duy.
<br /> '� f.Gro�wb kr Aooeierafio�of Debf.
<br /> '� (a)DefiWt.Lea�ler
<br /> _ ����e:ce�t as 4mited bY neB�t�aoni�wod bY tbe�Y.in tbe cme of p�ysoeat
<br /> � p�ynxat in fu11 of al!wms sx�ued by�is Soc�rity L�trwaeat if:
<br /> � (�HaeroMer def�ults by failin� w pay iu fiill aoy moorhly p�yraenl ne9uie�od bY tL�Sop�rit�► Tamummt
<br /> prior b or m tbe cWe dMe af tbe oai moatht9 P�Y�a
<br /> , (n)Borsower def�wlts by failic�,for a petiod af thirty d�ys.b ppfarm�oY otha oWi�oos 000t�iood'w
<br /> - dw Sac�rity Ia�tume�t.
<br /> (b)Sde Wit�ort Cmlit App+oral.��all,if pamittod 6Y�PP��'�V�(�Section 341(d)of
<br /> L � d���t.Gannaia Depo�itory Iast�tion:Aci af 1482.l2 U.S.C.1701j-3(�)aod�vitl�tLe prior approval of
<br /> : t We Sear,tsy.roqt�re immedi�te pymeot ia full of all waas�ocmnd by thi�Scanity Iosttumtat if:
<br /> „
<br /> !
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