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<br /> 1f the ss:wunis detd by l.ender fot F.scruw Itcma cxcad ihe�txwnts pcmnitud to bc hcLi by RESPA.Ixnde+ct�il
<br /> ac�ount b Bcxrowa for tho exoecc fwxlt as requirod by RESPA. Ii the�uuouats of funds l�c1d by I.e��dcr at any timo
<br /> ara nat cuificieat to puy the 6scmw Itomc wbca clue.Le�la ms�Y notify tho Botmwer and raqulra Bairowrr to makc up
<br /> t!��twrt�gc a9 pnu�ivad by RIISPA,
<br /> Tha Sscrow Fuads�ro ploti�od��cWidonal socuritY for all sum�sceured by this Socurlty Instruissent lf Bortower
<br /> tencias in Lat�der tbo fulf paymcnt of all such suuis,Barrowu's account shall be creditul with t!u balancc remaini�for
<br /> aU iassaUcsent itenu(s).(b),aad (c)wd �nY mo�rt�aYe inwrar�ce Premium instaW�x'nt d,ae l.e�rr!ws aot bocome
<br /> abligated to pay to tia�oQei�7.i�a�+'�;--=;h;S!R'�.'�ilY rafurtd any c.xccss fs�t�ds!o R�nnwer. Ima�edi�tely oriot W
<br /> a foroclasura We of the Propeny at its�quisitioa by I.andet,Borcowu's account s6a11 be ct+edited with eny balance
<br /> rrra�inin�for aU iast�llments for irans(a).(b),acul(c).
<br /> 3.Appl�CatLo�ot'Paymenh.AU paymcnta undar puqgny�hs l aad 2 shall be applied by l.cnder as fol{ows:
<br /> �.w the mortgage�nsivaitra nr�mium to bo paid by l.e�u�a to tho SecretarY or to tbe mcuuhly char�e bY the
<br /> Secretacy iosLe�d of tbee moathlY�B,Y�iasuranca premium:
<br /> �, oo any taues.spc�cial ass��e�us. 1e�we�ld payments oc ginund rents.and fue.flood ancl other dazs+rd
<br /> iasurance pc+omicuns,os roquirecl:
<br /> �.tn iaoarst due aoder tho Nota:
<br /> �,w�monizAdoa of the pdaci�ll�f tbo Notfl:�i
<br /> �'j$h,io late elu�ges dt�e under tbo Nc��. �ements oa the Prope�tY.�sha
<br /> 4.Fire.E+bod�uod Other H�rd Inzura�a.Ram�wer sl�aLl�:;�.-e all im�a�r.
<br /> a�aar ia exisLear.e or cu6soquently erectal,a8�iast anY h'�r�n3�casua�es.3ad��encles.iacludia8 fm.fnc xr,�icd
<br /> �enda roquira insurt+nce.Thic insurance sball be••,°:*'�;^�ia the�►ntnis aud f�r tGo puiods that L.e�der zoc��,�iTS.
<br /> Barowa shall also insvro ail improvemcnt�oa the I'mpaty.wha�r c►�rr ia eaciStc�ce or s�bse4uesidy rrxcea.as'�:ust
<br /> bss by floods a We exta►c roquirod by the Sa�Y.AU iawrAnoe s::3�De curied wiil�cw�npanies•rgproved ey Lc�er.
<br /> 'bbe ias�uance pollcies and any ra�ewals st�sll be hcid.lb�k�da aod s1�u i�clude tass psyabie ct�sa io Ea�ec r�a�
<br /> ia a fam aaneDtable w.Le�td�r.
<br /> In tbe eveat of bss.1�,�.xa�rrr sh�l[�ve E.esadec iu�diate aotice by ma�.L�cawes�eay ma�Ce poof af ia��`i ooe
<br /> .,maae pnmptly by Barowa:F�h insucau�camp�ay�uaod is Ga+eby autborized�ad dit+ocLeef tx�mWce pa►ymeat far
<br /> �lo�e tl�aect�y to Is�sdei,ias�ad of w Bocrowtr aad ua Le�da joiatty.All or aay p�rt of tLe iasurs�oe:pcocoods m�Y
<br /> be apQiied by I,eader.�t its oQtion.eitha(a)w the nduction og Ihe iadebtod�ess uadrr tbe Nota aad this Sec�ritY
<br /> 1n.�.+.�.�.�+„�fint to iaY de]inQuea!iaw�mts spplied io d�e o[+drt iu p�al��ph 3.and tlidn to p�yuxot of peincipal.Cr
<br /> (b)n md rwor�tioa or ra��a��d�m�ad PmQe�tY•MY�PD�OO°E'�a°COOdY f°�a p�i�cip�1 st�oot�tead
<br /> �postpoae ibe du;,dase a€tbe asoat6ly P�Yma�tt wi�icb are refeire9(b L�p�i.ar ci�c we anwni vi sw:� �
<br /> P�Y��Y��P�S over an a�nount re4uired a pay all ow�odic�iadebta�ae�undrr Ihe Nde
<br /> �od d�SecuritY Iw�umnu sl�il be paid to tLe eotity tieg�IlY eotitied thaeio.
<br /> Ia tba evau ot faecbsure of tLis SocuritY In�uu�a�t a otb�traasfa of titie to the Propecty th�t ca�dqguishes d�e
<br /> iadeblodaess.dl rl�tu.title siad iotarst of Batower in aad to insnraoce policies ia foroe shall pw to the pucr,l�sa.
<br /> S.Occ�aacJ� �ra�'+u°°+M��s�ud Protettioa of t�e P�'opnrtJ:BaTOwir's l.oaa AppYcatio�;
<br /> Lweioias. Borro�v sh�ll occupY.establish.sad we tbe P�eperty as Bartoara's prisrcipl trsidmoe within sixtY dari
<br /> �fler the e.�cecutioo of Wis Sae�rity tastrumeat(or w;thia sbcry days of a later s�le a orand'a ef�he FraQe�ty)�ad�Il
<br /> �uo to axtspy tbe Pra�sty as Barawer's prioci�l c�aidaKx for�t iact oae yar aEier the d�te of occ+�ocy.
<br /> �caicss Leode�daa�o�ina i�t roquuemaic will came nodue h�nhbip far Barowa.ar anlest a�teau�tio,g ciscumt�oas
<br /> e.�t�vhicl� are baymd Baa+owrr't caotro�l.Boaowa slw�aodfy Ir,oder o€aay eztmuatiag circumsnwoes.Bace�wer
<br /> sha11 oot oocimit�te ar dawy.d�ma�e a w�tanti�]]Y chun�a the Pc�e�tY ar�llow tbe Pro�aty a deleiioeale.
<br /> re�oo�bie.�rer snd t�ar exceQbod.L.mdr�may in�pect tAe Property if tba Proparty is vacaat ar ab��daied a tl�ee loao is
<br /> . io det�ult. l.wder m� tfice tr,asonabie action w p�otect aud preser+e wcb vacaat or al�fodoned FropatY•
<br /> �R(NE)c�oa).o� ay a a• � w�r�_
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