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<br /> p�ymeats may no{onQu be rnquirod.at tbe option oF L,cad�r.if morc�r�e iasunnce wver�e(ia thc 9mo�nt usd far the period
<br /> cAat i.aKkt raquireA)p�+nvidad by�.�iasiucr ap�x�avcd by l.e�dct agaia beco�xs avatl�bk aad is obts�lued.Boimwtr sdall pay tbe
<br /> P���4�irod tu m�inWn awrtQ�o iusunujcc in etfaci,or to ry�ovide a loss reservc,uatil tbe roqu�saixnt far aoort,��o
<br /> iauuwx auls u�aa�cdertce witb�y writteu q�ae+-u�at brzwazn Bottawtr aad Ld',�tr or a�piicabte law.
<br /> 9.I�pectio�. La�der or iw s�yau a�y m�ice rt�sar�bfe mtrics�:po�u aud iaspectioos af the Propttty.I.cad=r st�l1�ivo
<br /> Barowrr aotict at tbe time oF or psior ta aa ia�tioa spxifyi�6 reascxu�k cau�We t��.i:aa.
<br /> 10.Coodesa�tfo�. 71�e procxds of a��y award a cWm foe dan�4&as,direct os consequwtlal.ia coaaaxiot� wisb�ay
<br /> ooada�uiaa or oth�c t�i�of�ny put of the Propaiy�or for ooaveyaaoe ia liw of 000demnadoa.�haoby asciptiod an�
<br /> sbel!be paid to I.e�ler.
<br /> In tbe eveat d'a tot�l wicio�of the Propaty�tbe procads slull be appliod w ttse sums ucutnd by this Soeurity Iast�uoa�t.
<br /> wbdher or aot tbm due.witb any exccss p�id W Ban!ower.Ia tAe eveai of a partul taida�of tbe Ptoputy ia wbicb tbe fair macicat
<br /> vaGio of tLn Fropo�ty immodiateIy befoto tbe taluqg is eqwil to or gre�tri tl�n the acooiu�i of tbe suu�s socurod by tbis Socurity
<br /> Inmuaaent imaooa�ttly Dafore ttie takiag.w�less Batowa tud L.eade�r otheiwLse a�roe ia writiaQ. tde cums sxurod by this
<br /> Socurity IosawnEat shall be rcducod by the a�ootust of tLe pcocoeds mWaplied by tbe fo�lowiqg fractfoo:(�tbe tWal amount ai
<br /> tt�e sams sxured iia�uodiately beface tAe taidng.divided by (b)tBe fair m�rl�tt value of the Property immodiatety before the
<br /> tskiq�.Aay btlac�c,e shsU ba paid W Borrovvv.In the eveat of a partial takia�of tbe Property ia whicd tLe fair a�rlcet vslue of tt�e
<br /> A�opaty immodiistely befaro tLe taking is less Ihaa tbe amouat o�tbe awts tocural immodiuely befuro tbe t�1cln�g� uai�sa
<br /> i3annwer aad Les�da othawise sgree io writing a uokss applicaWe iaw oibawise provides.the procteds sh�ll b�applied tn tbe
<br /> suaw gecurod by t1�is Sacurity Instn�mwt��EesMr or uot c8e suma arc thm due.
<br />_ If tLe Prape�ty is ab�doaod by Baccvvxr,or if.afta nooce by l,�k,r to Bacrov��a tbat tt�e ooademnar o�as w m�ic�e�
<br /> awsird or s�tfi:s claim fa d�es.Borcu+�er fails to rzspood to I�cr witAia 30 days�er tbe ci.�s:t�e nc�tioe is�'GS.L�r.�,ict
<br /> iis aotho�i�o�'ta�diasa acd a�ty tl�e prooeed�,�t ies aptioo.eatna b�esla�oon oc ue�ir of t6e�c�itsQei4►ar tt t�e�ser�:d
<br /> by diis SoasiRy�a�maoam�,w�ei or aot tben dne.
<br /> Unlext Lreo�iar�Bacsrxxer ot�awlx�ca iu wris�i�6.aoY�P'Nx'��P�t�priac3�1 sbal!not ex�ead ar�o�x�oe
<br /> tbe due d��of t�e moadstY pYmeats r�t'anred w ia p�ragraQhs 1 aad 2 or ch�ge t�c sm�wat of s�P�Y�
<br /> 12.Baee�aa�ar Not�ered:Forpnra�ee B�I.ead�Not a W+�iver. F�cr,asioa af the time far paymimt a�wdificatioa
<br /> vf aooe�ratiu�of tbe s�as.sxured by thn Security I�.rsvmeat�anted by Leades 3o say auoces�mr in��E H��ro�ver ttiall
<br /> ncx apa�e e ir3e9se d+e 1�mbibty af d�e c�iw1F Bo�scvRC�t or Barroaer's aioasao�s ia iatarst l�ea3ri s�rati e�be req�irad to
<br /> oomoxaoe p�voeedi�s a�ainst any suooessor m in�arst ar refwe io ea�ta�d dme fa p�ymeot or ot�nvise modify amortiration of
<br /> < t6�swos seaaod by this Sayuity lastn�mr�u by reaeoe of�ny dans�d made by t6e arigin�l Bannwer a Bartowe�'a suoocs9ors
<br /> io ialereu.Aay facbeaeaooe by I.eader in exarisiqg aay ti�t or rrmedy s�ll mt be a�of or pocltd�e the a�arise af�oy
<br /> � �12.S�ocoeo�s a�d Arips Bo��d:Joi�t a�d S�ve*a11.i�Yiiit�:Co'd[�as. �e eovemots aod � of this
<br /> Seeu�ity Ia�t tMll 66ad atb beo�fR tbe w�oat,fon aod �of La�der�od Banc��er, wbject to th�e provi�ioni ot'
<br /> Z' �.�.'�ir :3. y.�.-�i-..:..�i Sr�i.w.:..M�.A..y. .ww ��..0 �� .�.���...�1 ��. A..�.r.,.�...i�„N��.1�s. c.M..:� _.
<br /> 1 �11��dOCi QOL l.�ECNIC tbC NOk" ���f CO'f�1�!.�OCIQI�I�OOIy ID IOO[ij�C,$iilt�C�V�►t�
<br /> , Barm�►�er's iaaat iu d�e Property under tbe�aaas of tJ�Sa;urity 1a:ocumea�(b)v oa pa�onaliy ob�ira�od w pq►�wms
<br /> scc�ned Dy ebie Security Insaumen��od(c)a�es d�t L,enda�ad�ay oWar&rrew+er mry atcee w ea��eod,modifY.fabear ar
<br /> � m�ioe�y�ocam�oauiooe arit��d a me�ams or this seauity ras�c«me lvae�vimom aac noaowrs's oommt.
<br /> . 13�i.oa�Gurps. If d�e 1ae�ecurod 6y this Seauity Luaument if abject b a L�v w6icb aets maxim�o�lo�n c�cges.
<br /> ��t!iw�SoaUy�kcp�1��o tt�t tbe ialet�esi ot o@xr lo�o c�arges ao�ia,yed or w be caikcaed in 00000ctioa wid�the lo�n
<br /> escad tbe pamitted 1+n�s.thm:(a)auy s�cL lan chuge�11 be ceduced by dtie amwmt uooas�ry w red�oe tbe ch�rge w ebe
<br /> pa'mitl0d 1imi�aod(b)aaY wmt ah�eady COlieClOd itam BO[rol�er wrhiCh CxCOOdOd pam�lDd lioits�1 bE tr�'un3ed b Balo�ei
<br /> Itadtr may cboose m maica this t+efimd by rodncio,� tLe p�ocipd o�rod mdrr t6e Nate ar by mairieg a d'anct p�yaoeat b
<br /> Borm�rer.tf a refimd roduces p�cipd.t6e reducom wnll be ornrd as a P�P�Y���Y P�'�Y��8.'�
<br /> uockr We Na1e.
<br /> � 14.Naf�oes Aay mtice to Bazo�er p�ovidod far iw this Soaa�y Iastnm�eat s�wl!be B►veu bY deliv�aio�it a bY�8�
<br /> by frn cLes m�uoiess�ficabie isw roquire�us�06. aootffar mdhod.'ibe mti�x sLaU t�d�xied io the Piopaty Add�ea or.
<br /> � any aher add�ese sa�oMer desi�by ao6oe a t.eswer.�►ay oodoe to t.esder sbW be g;vm by fmc clae�m�u�o t.mder's
<br /> t adcl�rss st�od har,�ar�ny ather ack�ex�I�mdar desigo�tes by meiae t�o Bamwrr.Aay nooc�e pcovidod fa io d�is Soauity
<br /> , Imuum�aot d�ll be cbeaied to l�v�e bem givm w Bo�row+et or I,eadet a6e�givea as providod'm tLi�p�r�apb.
<br /> 15.Go�e�I.iw;Se�as6�ity. 11� Seantity �ssttnmeat sha11 be govelned by fedesal laM and tLe l�v of d�e
<br /> � j�r,idiaioa in�rhich t8e Pr4paty v bcued.1n tbe aveat tfut aay p�vviaioo a clwu o�F t!�Saauity lawameot a the Not�
<br /> . omNcts�appticabie I�w�svch c�ooflict stWl oot a�oct otha povisions of this Seaarity Iasavmait a tbe ISo1e Mhicb cai be
<br /> giv�eSect�vi1l�a�t d�e oonttictiq�provism.To this ead tlie provisians af this Saauity Inwuasmt�od the No1e�re decl�d to
<br /> be uresaDiG
<br /> Fen�lOt� U�0
<br /> - ��i11(li�jca+�.oi �yasa� wuw:
<br /> rlru•_p .
<br /> /���� f,• - - ..-'_ .____. ' �� - . r . ` / - �r�i��.'s1 1'�A -..
<br /> � M "{T'� _ � �` .
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