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<br /> S.Hasara^_r ProPa't7 i��ct. [tarmwcs shall��he►mSunr�r►unts tww exis�in�or hae�i'tex crxsrd on thc Prnpc�tY
<br /> ins�u�od �g�bss by Cuc. hazorsis includod witbin �he tcrm "atita�d�d cavtrago" �usd anY c�r hazuds.includinY f{ooci�oe _
<br /> (3oading,for wtucA l.endet roVuires insurauct.Thlc tasstroncc st�all bt ms:�nts+r�x1 in Ihe tttnuuats�ttd tar 1!w periads thst L,tt�cles
<br /> tequirts.'Ihe insuru�
<br /> cArti�r pcovidl�►r the insurance shall be chorca by Borrowcr subjoct to LeAdct's approval whkh shail t�at
<br /> be ucucasonablY withtieJd.If �cxrovrer faits to maintain covct�a dr�caibnd abova. l.cssd� m9}�, at Le►tder's ogtion.
<br /> coverage W p'otect i�2��*�hts in tlio Pro�xrtY u�accordance wiih pstai rxph 7. e clsuse.l�uSer sha11
<br /> All ias+uanco Policies aad�wAls stWl be Accepubla to i.asdtt aod shaU inetude a s�e to l.etfder�11 rxeipts of Paid
<br /> have tbe nBdt ta Mid the policies and reocw�ls.If l.etulet requices.�3wmyu shall pcomP�Y 8� -
<br /> praa;,�as,s�renewal aotices.Ia tlse evuu of Wss.Borro�er st�ll�i��a pmmpt n�tia a tt�o insucanco carrier aad I�esuies•I.endu !„-=
<br /> �y maice pcoof of bss if not m9do promptlY bY Borrowcr. r`'
<br /> Unkss I.a�la aad Barower otbc:wise a�ro� in writing.insiuna.'�e Pnx�ds stwll be sppl'+ed W restorstlon o�re�air�� !
<br /> ed,if tbe nstoration or rep�ir is oco�eoQw'.a11Y fezsiblc�ra:i Laider's securitY ic aot iessemd.If the restocatioa a —
<br /> �y�� feasible or I.eudei s socua�►Y woukl be ksser►e+3.tbe ii�suranoe W+oc'�1S s���PP��to the sums
<br /> repair is aot ec�oaoa�stllY , ta Botmwet. If�arrower pba�rdous the �
<br /> soGOUOd by tt� Sec�Y � wbdhu or not tbm due, wiib as�� exass 1� haa offe�of to aett3e s�cl�im.thca �
<br /> pro�paty.or doas ao�t x�ver withia 30 d�ys a notioe fmm I�ttw ttse ie�nce cacriac �r� sums socurod `�.
<br /> Z,ender ceay calloct q'�r,:is�uanoe Pca'.oeds.l.�endor m�►Y use the Pnocood3'to�or resooce tl�e PropaRy P�' �
<br /> by�i,�Socurity Iastautaeat.w�or not thea due.'Ihe 30�►Y Pesi[�d��iJl b�$ca wbea tbe aotloe is Qivea. �_�
<br /> �n wriling,am}.a4�te.:�tiun cC��oC�ds�P��shall not ea�tend or post�one
<br /> Uciess Lender at�d Bomowet othetwise agroe� ts If�'(?�s+�8� ��
<br /> tbe due�e of the monthlY P�Y�refarod m in para�raphs I aa�2 or c�e tl�e ama�of the paY� • to the --
<br /> 21 tbe Propertr is acauiroa by l.w8e�.E«n�wu s rigt►t to a��.iasuraaoe policies aad p.�ds nesuking fmm�=
<br /> property pcior to the aWuisitioa sha11 Pass to l.a�der tn tha ext�af d�e suas secwced 6�7his SauciU►In�u��uali�elY
<br /> prior to tbe aWais+�c�n. Borr�ower's l.ou A��li�0�'
<br /> fr,pccupsacy,�rnerratio�.l►tiinteaaace�mll Fruiectbo ot tLe I'�'eP�'; af�rs tbe eucution of
<br /> Boerav�es sh�U oocoPY,e�biisb,�aci u�e the Pta�ty ms Bormwa s pnincipa]�v�itt�ia siuty days
<br /> tbi,s SocuritY Ia�u��ad sAaa:i ooatinuo t�oxuPY��P'�Y�Bucrower's pdac�pal cesidmco for K iar�aoe pes�after the
<br /> � dat�e d oc�Par+cY• uakss I,eader o8�nvis�e agtees w w�� w�hicl� cr,�eseat shaU not be nnreisoa�iOeYa a��y.
<br /> �g�oa e,�ist�rhich ata 6eyo�1 Boauwer s a�L$�C��s�U aot destmY.dama�e �
<br /> a11o�v tae A�paty m d�r�o�a�.°r °�°�wrask an ttre Propeny•��aCrowa sAa11 be ia defaWt if�oy fafeiouce actioa a
<br /> ,wbetha civ�7 ar crimiail.is be�un t1�at ln L.end�r's goocl faitb�oov�result ia fafeimre of tfse IA�aRY a
<br /> W�l�ruo' m�Ma'lil1Y impir the lim cre�ted by this SocucitY In�u�or I.enda's mx�oi�►iata�est Batrowu may cvre wcb a
<br /> a lg�by causiag tAe acLOn ar p�ooeodin8�o be ditmi.s�ed a�h i��.�°
<br /> Ltadef's �dda�.P��fatfeiwoc of tt�e Bamow�r's�ia tbe Yro�e�Y a od�a mitai�l imp�iQa�mt of
<br /> �e L'en cx�od bY d��q'��or l.ea�fer's oecwity i�a'ms Bam�s�U abo be ia defa�lt it Baro�+er.dumf d�
<br /> .a ..�......�w..�..i.w4r fllr failed b 1�+OY1dC��
<br /> �p �pOG�l,�iYE AWC��y[�L1C Q IIt�DC�a1G uui��"''r""""'�'� ��OOi ilIDltOd t0.�� -
<br /> �Y ��i�c� ia oo�eaion witb tbe loaa�viAa�oed by tbo Nooe, ioctudiva
<br /> . �garo�rer�s oa�ocy of tLe t'�oP�tY a�a Pn°��m�ce.If this SocuritY I�u�is oa a 1ra�ebold,Baro�va
<br /> sA�ll compiY�rith a11 tl�e peovisiont of the i�e�e.If Harmwer accluirr�foe 6t�e lo dtie P�Q�Y�tbe feaaehoW and dfe feo tit�e s�l!
<br /> aat ma�e uo3e�L�ender�'oa�w tba caa�er in wridag. �oovea��od agroema�t��ia
<br /> 7.Yratectlo�af 1.nder'�Rk�b t�tYe Propa�T. If Bocro�er t'aiLs w pafacm m the P�opertY(such as s
<br /> - �a Security Iastnuaau,ar tha�o is a le�al Pc+oceedii��L�t�'��Y�xt I�eoder's rigbtc.
<br /> p�in ho�up�y�pd�oe,fa oondamatioo a fafe�are a�a eofor�e la� �)���_����
<br /> far�vfnleva i�necas�eY e D���value of tho Propat9 aod I�der's ri�Ot�.
<br /> �� �y��riqg oo tbo preQdrty w mr3�tep�irc.A�yib 1�d����i°�oder p�pb 7,I�der
<br /> �Y=
<br /> das oot 6ave�o do�o. ?�1]�bxn�me additioo�l debt of Ba�m�va�ecurod bl►this Sac�itY
<br /> �y�di�based by I.ender mder tbis pa'a¢r�ph �e�mouats sh�11 bar�st�axst fcom tbe d�e af
<br /> Ia�nmt Uale�Boaowrer aad l�ea,�a�ee ta other tauss of WY�•
<br /> - dis�emeat at tb�IJole rale and st�a11 be payable.witb interest.u�Oa nocice from l.eoder 10 Bon+o�a ne9uatio8 PaY��
<br /> i.�Ia��oe. If ie,odet raluired mo�8�8��at a condinm of a�ioo�d�e lan�aan�od b7►dus Soc�Y
<br /> �������� r�� � � �mo�t�e ios�rac�e m effect.1f. for auy�+eawn.d�e
<br /> t, aoo�t�a�e ida�ooe�ves�i'p9�bY i��ar ceases to be ia eftec�Basa�rr sha11 P�Y�P'�m��4°�'0d t° •
<br /> ,,, ��p�o,tially equivakot w the�gaBe inw�raoce pr�viousiY ��.�a cast c�b�ia11Y e4a�vakat iO If
<br />—= oost oo Ba�ro+ver of the moctg,� �aOOC P'CV10�Y ia efferA,froea an�lia�le mat�a6���PP'o"�bY I�t.
<br /> ��Y����aaooe c°ver�ge is aot availiP�ia.Bamaer s�p�10 I�ender ach mmth a sum equil io _
<br />— �,�jb��ypdy�oct�o inwhooe Premium ba�s�D�bY B��r wlxu IID�ias�uaace oova�6��a��cea�ed b
<br /> bC in e�oct Leadrr will acceP�.us�and retain tbcce P�Yzuea�s as a loes re.9arve ia lieu of matgaBe�uaoa.Loss cesave
<br />== Foro 302a 9t90
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