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4:�e <br /> ��� zr� <br /> !.' ..,��c�4`4i <br /> �„�, .x <br /> � v^_'?F <br /> � n y_a� <br /> '�F""'N'�'''$"a <br /> ���'.��:ti�.'�ti <br /> ��M� ioo4�a 10/21/1596 . <br /> ��`'�>�' sT�vFr: E xos=rrsxz T�rua xoszhsxi 9�° �i����,Q <br /> �g. <br /> " '- 1�. FScrroever's dt€ghE Yo Reinstate. Notw?thstan�ivg Ixnder's �cceleration of the sums secured bY this Deed o <br /> Trust, due za Borrower's breacn, Borrower shail have the right t��ave a��y proceec!ings bcgun by L.end�r to enfoece this <br /> Deed of Trust discontinued at any time piior *.� the eazlier to occur of!i) the fifth day before tne sale of the Property <br /> � ;4;.::�3 pursuant to the�mwer of sale co�tained in this Dc�d ef Trus�or�ii;��•-;�of a judgment enforcing this Deed of T:ust if: (<:) <br /> � ,� '" Bonower pays Lender a31 suu�; whsch �.�ould tx the�. d�P under :his Deed oi :'_�� acxi che Note hacl ct: accelera�i�a <br /> ��� <br /> ��,,�;v� occun�d; ;b) Bcrrower cwes al1 breaches of any other cove:�nts or agreements of Bonf•,:er contained i;i thi� �eed of <br /> ��.��''"�'�� Trust; {c) Borrow�r pa�s al: reasorabie ezpenses inciured by Len�er and Trustee iu enforcira [he coveoaf.s a�Ed <br /> ��x'��� aeree:nenis o`Bozra�ver cot�tviaed in :.his Deed of Trw�e a.� in enfo��ci��g ?-end°r's and Trustee's :2m�edies as prvvideti in <br /> ��'` '°'�"'��' F,arag�apn 1:' he-eof, in:.ludir�g, t�ut not limited eo, re°�nabte at:orr°�::' fees; and (d) Bcrrowe: takesf suca ?ction 2� <br /> S f 4J�i2 <br /> �.,� '::b; may reaso;iahly .*equize to as..�ure •LL'�..�.t the ;ien o: tL�is Deed e� ircut, ;xnder's inte:est in �he Propert} and <br /> �'�� "'';� Eorrotiver's obligaticn to pay the surBS s.°cured by thi� Peed ��f TruCr s� ,, ��nxnae unimpai*ed• TJprn such paymont a,� <br /> ���� <br /> `�� r;-:� cure by Borro•�er, this Deed of T�w-t ;;�•� t�: ot,?i���aon� s�.•�r�: �:,.� .; shai: rem3in in full fr,rce and effec: as if no <br /> '�y�` accele:atian ha�i occurred. <br /> '��� i9. :�ssi�aner.t of Rents; A��iointment of �ecedeer; Y.znc3Lr , a':�,�esseon. As ac!�iidoaal se�.-u-ity here�nder, <br /> t " ss <br /> �k� � Bor.ower I�ereby a�signs ro T,xnder d�e :ents af the Pmgerty, pra�'-�'.c' � :t ��_�ower ,3�.a11, pria: to acceler.tion under <br /> �.� paragragh 17�eryof or abaadoa�ent�f th�Pmperty,havs the rg;it to cu�� �:and retain su:.h ren:s a�chey h�come due and <br /> PO <br /> � � '�°� payab�e. <br /> q� �'�� �Jgon acceleration under paragraph 27 hereof or ab2ndociment of che Propezty, Lendr'. in pers^n, by agent or by <br /> i judicially aopointe� recei��er shall be entided to enter upon, takc possession of u�d manage:he Property 2nd to coliec�the <br /> � x:, reuts of !he :'rogerty inciudi�g those past due. All rents collected by Leader or th_;, receive* slall be zpplied first to <br /> '�� rayment�f*}t?cn�t�of mas+apemPnt of the Property and collection ot:er.ts, ir:Iudin�, but not limited to, reee;veT's feea, <br /> ���'� -em;un�s�a receiver',bon�s ancl x�easoc�able attorneys' fees, an,;the��to �`ie sums secured by rhis Deed o.Tn�st. Lender <br /> �. ��"r-lzre �� t r•- 1�•• <br /> ry�, ;�;,� an�the r:�eiver�ha; he Iiabie to account only for those _:.�ts acr;ai 1 receive�. <br /> ��,� 5;�,. 20. Rcxonveyance. Ugan payment of ali sums secur� by this Deed o� Trust, I.ender shz]! :eques: Trustee to <br /> �.� ��s::� recom�ey the Propercy and�a11 s.uren��c�r tius Dee3 of�rvst:nd al!netr.;evidencing in�ebtedness sec�jcd by this Deed of <br /> �- ���. <br /> "� '�� Trusc >.<>Truster:. ;rustee shall reconvey the Pm;,ercy with.,uc warran*f anci w�thout charge to t}:e�erson or nerson� �e�??i; <br /> � �-.-� en;itled U`arreEO. Such�erson or pe:sons shall gay a1S cos:s of recor.,ation, if any. <br /> �� �u} <br /> ,�,�r ; 2f. Su'�sti!utP'3'rustee. Lender, ai Lender's e�aon, sa� fr�m ti:7±P<<�uine remo�:e Trustee and apnoint a successor <br /> �''�' `' qns?ze �o any Tn�stee app�inted 'nereunder by an :nstr.;:r�: �'�rdeci in the co�:nty in which this De� of Tn±st is <br /> ,�� ��.� rec:;rded. �S�ichaur conveyance o; the Property, the a::t;essor cn�st�e s,ha11 succeed to all the tide. *,ower and duties <br /> �''�,�� �, coaferred upcn t�e Tru.,tee�erein��bY aF�l'-=:!�,e law. <br /> ���, <br /> i�,; e'�; 22. Reguest for �Ioiises. B�rro���cr r�uesu that cogies of the r..*tice of defauli and noace of sale �e sent te <br /> �'""'��� <br /> ���?�'. Borrowe:'s address which is the Pn;,�perty l,ddress. <br /> z°S,*�+' <br /> ���;' 23.FIara�dous Sut,�Yanc�.s. Borrawer shall nat caase or pe.:.ut the presence,use, disposal, stora�°_, or release of an� <br /> � z��-�'�." �-iazazdous Substances on o: in t�e P:opPrty. Borrower shall aot r3o, nor allow anyone else to do, aaything aff�cting the <br /> ^-t��� � <br /> ;>�� Pr�Fert; chat is in v:.olation of any Environmensal '1"�e prece�iag nvo sent�nces shat?not apply to the presence, s:se, <br /> �;; v* st�ra�P on thr_ Pro�er.ry of smal] quantiries of Hazardous Substar2c..°s t�a: are geaerally recognized to be appropr•��� :a <br /> x::.:.r-;,.�;.. <br /> k�.��^�=�' ! �orcr,aI resi�e�.tial uses and to mai�te�.;ance of the Property. <br /> ` �"�?�*"'` Bormwer st;alZ pra�nptSy give Ltrnier writren nocice of any investigatio^, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by <br /> ';,�fi,�; any gove^tmen;al er regulatory agenc�� ar private party involving tfie Pmperty ar.d any Hazardous Substanc: or <br /> >.d.= �;�vircmmental La�e ef wh�eh Barrow�r h�actual t�.nowl;ccll�e. If$orro�.ver le�rns, or is notified by any govern.�nental or <br /> l''� �"r'' s <br /> <;,;� regu.atoy :,uthor.ty, that aay r.emova� or other remedia5on of any Hzzardous Suhst3nce affecring the Pro�rty is <br /> ,��, ;,,;� � necessa.ry, �3c*rower sha?1 p,-ompll,take all necessary remedial acdons in accorddnce wit�Emironn�ent2l Law. <br /> �t,`�,� ''e: R.s used in tiiis paragraph 23, "Ha�udous Substances' are those subcances defined as toz:c or h�ardous suhstai�ezs <br /> ���'}'��' by cm�irorunen::1 Law anct die fol�owing st:bst�eces: gasoliue, icerosene, other flamn�able or tozic peaoleum producc�C, <br /> �. <br /> E ;�` tc-zic pesdc:,�.es and herbicides,��o:adle soiveats, m,2feri;�s contzin:nd ashestos or f�m�atdehyde,and radioactive materials. <br /> "-� "`��' As a,pd ia this paragraPb..3, "Environmen;�I Iz:.a�" u�a.:s`:;leral 2a��s and laws of che ji:cis�icdon where the Property is <br /> - :•,3:S,wAy �_ ar• � <br /> � <br /> �` '�''�` s locad�z that re�ate to h€:alYh,safen�er e�vironu�.eatai proc^ctio�. <br /> .fzr;y..��`(!^,.}� <br /> �i�S�,i 5�5�. <br /> � iY�i T .H <br /> }5 .��� <br /> '�y`��..'tr�i� <br /> �'��h;,r <br /> � 1M i�` <br /> �sir�`►�� <br /> � <br /> br+ '� <br /> <��y^�',1 ::'1 <br /> �.ra � . j <br /> {�:d.�fi�k49� <br /> h1� <br /> �"r�.� �� (Intet�.ionaliy Left Biank) <br /> r'�{ r` �f <br /> r � ?rt <br /> �� <br /> AS �`���� . <br /> �r� �;�vfr":;� <br /> 3 <br /> }{Y��l ,�FT� <br /> �,rL�'.C}4 fi?i,'y <br /> n <br /> Y '��w <br /> ������� <br /> 4j,,�u},,,3F�� <br /> §�'!%sf�f::, r,�,fi`yy <br /> �r > <br /> *�F`3+'`�� . <br /> � y ;:gxr� <br /> r� ';} <br /> '�j4 t s> <br /> � �.�r�i <br /> fs w ��� <br /> � }'�� �Yl <br /> �'n�„c�`r�"' <br /> �A ��� <br /> -�,r ,��'�,{ <br /> � � +'�'�a.h� <br /> � <br /> N � <br /> � � <br /> n � <br /> � � <br /> ��� �ttin�.�ifR76-'L 5�95 ^ricrin�l(Rec.crr�esd) Cog�(^nraach) Co�y(Cuatoaer} Page4of3 <br /> � a s'.:. <br /> *�, -� <br /> � � � <br /> r� <br /> w ��� y� <br /> X � <br /> r* <br /> ��'� r�l,;v.� �yA t <br /> � '���3y��H�� . +� 1 <br /> .�.I��)��9�v <br /> E R°�!:e�"�f2 <br /> ..._..,{,' :4 <br />