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<br /> „ %.�'° ��QA�J � 1QQ438 l0/21/1996
<br /> � SmF?VEN E KG�7u�KZ TIt3i, KOSZTeSKI 9�� z,�tg
<br /> rr� �' 9. �Con�'�nnatian. Tl�e pmceeds of any award or claim for dan�ges. direct or cons..°quencial, in conner'tion with any
<br /> cos��enuiatior. or o:her taking of the Property, nr P2rc thereof, or fax c�nveyaace in licu of condemnation, are htreby
<br /> ��.zi;r.rd and shail be pa:d to Lender.subject to Lhe te*ms of any mon�a; �'eed o:ta�:st or ocher s�urity agrcemeni with a
<br /> �. lien wkich has p:iUrity over this Deed of Tru�K.
<br /> r 7,��,r:
<br /> �;�.�! Y0. �orrower Nok Rel2a.te�:'; Forbearnncr. By Lender Not a °:'�::1�er. Eztension of the ame �r payment or
<br /> ���� moclificatiaai of amortization of che sums secured by tFus De�d of Trusc granted by Lender to any successor in inter:st of
<br /> ,�''��`'��;�--,'�''�4 Borrow�r s�all net oporate te release, in any manner, the liabil�ty of the original Bor.ower and Borrower's successors in
<br /> � ��:'�
<br /> ��"����,� inte�est. T�er_der s�a3l not be required to cor.�eace proceedings against suc�successor or refuse to eztend time for payment
<br /> ` �_� or o�.�erwise moclify'amoni7ation of the sunls secnred by this Deed of Trusc by reason of any demar.d madc by the original
<br /> ��,�� Borawer,.nd Borrower's suc�essors in iuterest. Any forbearance hy Lerder in ezercising any right or remedy hereunder,
<br /> �.i,._.,."S,r'< C P T
<br /> ,�s or oth�r�vise zf�erded by applicabi„law, �hall not?�e a waiver of o_gr:clade the eaercise of any ssch fight�r re y.
<br /> �"����'�`�� f 1. Succ�ors and Assiy,ru P.ound;Jotnt and Se?eraI Llabdlity; Co-s:gners. The covenanss and agreemencs h�reia
<br /> �,� ��
<br /> contained shall bi�, and the rigtits hereunder shall imue to,the zespective successors and assi8ns of Lender and Borrower,
<br /> �-�� si:bject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All coven3nLS and agreements o.`Borrower shall be joini and several.
<br /> ��� " A�y B�rrewer who co-sigrs this Deed o:Tn�st, bu;does n4t ezecux c�e Note, (a)is co-signing this Deed of Trust only to
<br /> ���* � grzat a�d coavey thai Eorrower's in:erest in the Property to Trustee urde* the terss of tivs Deed of Trusi, (b) is not
<br /> ��„�..�m� persor,�lly liable on rhe ?vTote or under this Deed of Trust, and (c) agrees that Lxnder and any othcr Borrower here�inder
<br /> "--��'�'
<br /> '�� may agree Eo ez±end, modify, forbear,oz make any other acco�modations wit�re;ard to tbe ternm cf this Beed of Trust or
<br /> �" � die Note, w3ci�ouc that Borrower's consent and wi;hout releasing th_t Borr�wer or m°lifying chis Deed ai Tcust as t�that
<br /> z�, �'� Bor:ower's interes:i�the Property. _
<br /> �"�f,��� l2. Nfltiee. Excep! for any notice required �Lnder appiicabie Iaw to bP gi�en :n anether matt�r, (a) a�y notice to
<br /> ��,�����
<br /> � � �o-rou�er �ros�i��d for In [his I�eed af Trust shall �ae given by delivering it or by rrailin$ s�cL notice by certifieci msil
<br /> �-s��`°-.<•_' audressed t:� P,orrower at the Property A:tdress or at r:�h other alyress ae Borrow•er may designate by notice to I.evder as
<br /> �� �;°� provided t:erein, and (b) any notice to Lender�3�i1 be givtn bp cetcifie�l�ait to Lender's address stated he:ein or to such
<br /> � ° ott-,er addres��.s Lender may designate by notice to Borrcwer as pravided herein. Any no:ice provided for ia this Deed of
<br /> �f �� Trust�.hall?;e c:eemed to[i.av�been given ro Borrcw�r or Ip:Ader w�en given in!he mann�.r desieaatPd herein.
<br /> ,,`'-�,,_,:;�.,� .3. Gove:��reg; SeFer�b[iltp. The scate aad lacal laws appticabie to this Dezd of Trust shali be ti�e laws of the
<br /> s� t��� juris.�i�cti� w�ieh the°roperty is loc;ated. The foreeoing se�tenee s�all aot limit the applieability of rederai law to ttus
<br /> �,y`?:" Deed of"irust. In the �vent that any p:ovision or c?ause of t�is Deed of Trust or the Piote conflicts with applicable law,
<br /> �";'°'"?'` s??ch c^�F:cr eha1S nnt affect other provisions of Deed cf Tr,�s� or tne �iote w�ch can bP given effect uittrn�t the
<br /> d���`•�
<br /> � ;-� coafiiccinu pr�vision, ar_d to chis end the proviszons of this Deed of'f:ust and the Note are declared t� i� s�verarle. As
<br /> � �' z�� us�c! herein, "cosu", "expeuses' and 'aTCOrneys' fees" ir<ciude alI sums t� i�.e extent net orohibi�ed'oy apgiica��e law or
<br /> E L�.,. �;;;� I1IL1��C��lefelYl.
<br /> z:4��,°�R� ld. �e,srower's Cogy. Borro�ver siiall �e fiuu�shed a confor�L:d copy of ntie Note and of t'�is Deed of Ttust at the
<br /> ,. tim�of e�ecution or afi:r recr�rdation herevf.
<br /> L M` ��.
<br /> �x 75. �te;eaf�ili.ati�an I.oan Agre�snzrsz. Bor.rower sha:l f�slfill all of Eorrow�er's oblig2cioi; und.r any home
<br /> � .r--��;�
<br /> y;.�,_.,.-.��n re:�bilita�ion, im�rovei:i,at, r�pai�or oct:er!oarr agreement wtich Borro���:erter into��1th Ler.der. Lender, at Lender's
<br /> ,,,4,>�? oa�:or., »�y :�quiz� ?orrower .� Pzecute and deliver !o L.e�er, in a rorm acce�tabie to Len�r, an assigiunent o: any
<br /> �->
<br /> � ��..;-s_�; r.eE:ts, claims or deie:ses wvch 3orrower ma}��av?agsinct parties;���o s;�pply labor, materi.�is ar services in conn�ccion
<br /> � r ��� w�ih improvemens made to die Progerty.
<br /> �,�;':a ?�i. Trar�.fer of the Proper4y or a Beneficiai ;nieres!dn B�rro�ver. If aIl or an}�part of the P:operty or any interest
<br /> t;n
<br /> , ,,,;;�; en i� is solc! or tra�sferred (or if a beneficial interest in Bczrower :s sold er tra.nsfe:zed and Borrower is aot a nan.iral
<br /> ' ` ��; oers�n) .��tsout Lender's pr�or uzitten coBSeni, Lender ma�, at its ogtion, requix immed.iate gayment in fiill of all sums
<br /> °����-; secv:ed by �t�is Deed of Tr�st. However, this epdon shall not�r ezercic�,d by Lender if ezercise is prohibited'oy federal
<br /> '''�'' Iaw as of the?ate of�his P.eed of Trust.
<br /> ;� �� Ff?.e��er exerci;>es chis o�t;on, Le�der s1ia11 give B��rrower nodce of acce?e*at�on. T'hP r.olce s5ad1 provide x period
<br /> :��
<br /> ¢"�a� `:s; o:ret lcss t3kn?0�ays f:om the date the no�ce is delivered or maiteci wir�in whicn Borrower must�ay ail suaLS secureu
<br /> `t��:� by :.his Deed of T:ust. I:�orrower f�ils to pa�� these sans p::or to tl�.e e�piration of t�is period, Lender may invoke any
<br /> ` a rdt��;3' remetiies gerr.iitted by this Deed of Tnst withoat furt,5er nocice o:demand on Rorrower.
<br /> 3-`,yr.,�i
<br /> r ,��??d' NON-UNIFQRM COVENA\"TS. Bortower an�Lert�er further ca�enant and agree as follows:
<br /> :'�G`;r>�` 17. �ccrierati�n, Remedi��. �scept ss prrv[de� in parx�uh 16 hQrcof, u n Bc�rrower's brearh ot' any
<br /> '� ,� �:�; Po B
<br /> h`' �`•'; ca�•enant ar agreemeQnt of Bocr,ow•er in thi� Deed o€Trusi, incis;iing Boarower's faiture to pay, by the end of 10
<br /> �� � cal�ndar days af'tzz' t!�ey ftre du�:, :iry s�mLS secured bv this Deed of Trizst, Lender prior to aceeterailon shall give
<br /> k'�; n�?;ee to &orr�we; as providevl �n para�raph 12 hereot spe+cifying: (Z) the b*ear_h; (2) t6e adion� required Yo cure
<br /> �.�� �' sLSh hreazh; (3) A c12te, not fess tha�24 c3ays fcom the date the nat�ce is maifed t�Borrower, by whirh such br;ach
<br /> � ��`4'",,
<br /> m=ist be curea�; and (4) thmt failure to cure s�ch 5reacln on or tt�e4'o,e the dste speri�ed En dhe noiic2 may result in
<br /> 3,� �„��� acceter�iian of th� sw-ns sx��umd by tf��s �eeed 4i Ts^w�t and sale o€the Pr.�nerty. The natice siaali further inform
<br /> ����-,�=:,x�, �arr�e�v�r of the rseht 4o reinstaie a1�er acc�tera2ior, �nd t;�e r�ght to�rin;g coeut astion to assert the non�xistence of
<br /> �
<br /> �'�� a c��t'aiilt ar any other defens�Qf Bari��er ic s�c��ati�n�nd�ala. F�'tbe br�arh is not eured on or befote Yhe date
<br /> �� �� `
<br /> �� �: sqeeirQCi in !�3C' 'ROtYCP,, a' d.er_der's ogi3on, may derllare P.11 �f the sums secured be this Deed cf Tr.:�.s t:e
<br /> ,x„ �;,
<br /> �,,��aN�,�', im��e�i�tely duf �nti paysble w�th�� fur�her demfr_d ar�d ma� invokc the power of s�e and any other remzdies
<br /> �r�` *t'�; �erez3itt�3 by �p�+icahle taw. Lender shall b2 s•nii?ied to coll�-' alI re.asonnble rns+s and expenses incurr�d in
<br /> ,� s ``� �Sassuing ttee rrmedses prc�ided In this paaagraph Y7,4nciuding,but not timifed 40, ret�sona�le attcrneys' fees.
<br /> ��� if the power of s�?e u inQg4eci,'I'nr��ee s,'zall recerd a nc:iEe af defaule in ebcta count��i�which the i'roperty or
<br /> �* ��"' sc�� �a.rt t�apx��sF is l�ea�ed und s�!! �nafl copfes o�' su�h nr„�ce in the mflnner prescrihQd by ap�licable la�v ta
<br /> ���� u �;
<br /> «���s,,,�-y� �iorro�ver g.n�l tc,xl�e rsther p�r�+ns p;escriGe�by appi:cat�le la�s. �FYcr the la�e o€such time�may be re�nired by
<br /> �"`�`;s;�' �zsp3i��9� Euw, i n�eP stw�i give pub�,r, nt�Yice of 3ale t� the �rsons and in the manner pn�scrib2d by appilcable
<br /> ���"�s='�y=a t;e�v. i r��:;te�,rr;gs r�ut�f�z-i�n3 c�°k�orrcx-�r,sha��sei!ihP FArop��cg at�ubffc�uetion te Qt�e hSbhQSf bldder$t the llane
<br /> x �x`�'�i�,� :�i n_.c.. �nd .�.�r,e:the t,.r:ns d�i�axsat_d in iF.e nati�e of sal, in o�e or Enore par�cels ans3 in such order a� nistee
<br /> 7 k b t^' � ! �;t A S � P P P T
<br /> ,ri' °, = ri�y c��4erar:;��,T�:sl���y ��st�or.:.�sale o!'s41 or a^.� p�rret �f t'�P PsoP�Y bY P�btfe acupa�rem�ent at Yhe tfrsxe
<br /> f' �� =r ;, �rux j.€a���r€�ny previt�usly schet3ult3 s:1p.g.�nder or Ls�c�er`s dasi�ra enay p*�rc�se the I'ro�oerty at any s�le.
<br /> ' ;3
<br /> �; �.; <.:� ��:-� re�e;�t o''�rsynapn: o"itze grfc� �9�i, ""�stee�halt �€Iieer to the oz��rc;saser'�'ezasiea's deed conveying the
<br /> �'!u;ae^;t3• ;n'�. ':'i�=� �F:igsls ��� th.:T!nssYec's c3ec�d st��i 1>e Friiria j�ci�eE�id�nre ot'E�trutl� of the siat�nes�ts mtde
<br /> {, " {� tl� ���;�.'6'�-.��*.e�s��s::ii��;p!}•€::e or��s oi?the safe in the fUi,owisp�+ord�r: (a):o afI reator+�ble costs r�nd ecperse�a oi
<br /> ', �e� �h�s�if, 1^��u�Sn�, �c�, a�e_ �imiir3�o, r ru�!�'s f�es ectvally ineure�eci of e�ot more tteEn S °,b of the grass sate price,
<br /> ;, , �:, r��.5_r.�P�'.�. .PEn��ys' f� aci�3 c�s4s of alsle evidence; (i:) Po a1l se:cr� sect�r�! by ehts Deed of Trusi; and (c) tt�e
<br /> '' �xr - :i'z2:�t• co t4:� r�cz ar res�a:s C�al� �r±?tled t�p:�U.
<br /> :�-Kf.t,� ''r .f E�� � r� �
<br /> a iS���. "'�
<br /> t.�
<br /> S �.� ,��$ ..rti :.a 26.°.7�,-2 5r?5 ��i�zinaa.(R�ccrdad) Cap�!(:;r;snc:} Copy f Cuetomar) Psgc 3 of5
<br /> x
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