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! �;. .. , .: :, �., ,f,t� ,. ,�, , . .,, <br /> _ •1;�. '�`iflr: '�1-.,� 'r. �. a�ast :'y' .vR• a-�!•'{�.f� Jf`•°r�.-i. .�� <br /> ��?ti�rk.. . • ;, ..r.� r� rarF� }a .+- - ' �ri,�� , .. _���'` <br /> ... .n� ��� "j �"` • —"".�"'T-- 'r - <br /> .__... ti:;: <br /> y�Y+�i1�A0'rFi7►i*+.'�:;. _ _ <br /> .r� %Y- - �Y.��.4f L:,i i.. n� , � ... <br /> - - .•.uij�l `l•�:.�:c.. -. <br /> �• �� <br /> . .�viaw�wr�-"ifYf�Nlt�rfl�_"'w ._.L ._ . ..'�'�u:-.—__�.. <br /> Y�ili�__� <br /> ��oR UB@ I��LH@ STA78 Op N6eRASKA TO���o w�'��Me0�0i —_ <br /> "'"'�' � IMSTALLMEMT SAI.ES C08ilUCT ApD MORTCAQE s"�� 10 518 8 <br /> o � � �� TNE PACESETTER�ORPO�TI�O�,A CORPORATION �N7'RALT NO. <br /> � ��_� .' ""�, � ra�tr�orouuw arwu w�aci rau�w» <br /> � �r. .. , '�, .. Z � c� <br /> '^.,'L, ? 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In�his Controct U►e words 1 me.nnd my R r a Iho Buyer nnd/a Co-Buyer.Thc words yao and your refer to thc Selkr w�dlor a bank or dher flnancid instiwtlon if it <br /> ..,;�,— � � buye 1hi:conimct.if it doa.l wjll make my p+yments to it.Undcr the Mmtgage stalutcs,i am also known a41he"Matgaaar,"and you aie rcferted w w thc"Mortgaga".1 <br /> - �'��'' undetsWnd�hat if more tlwn one'•Buycr"signa below�hu exh wfll 6e�eapons�ble for all promises mede and for paying the obli8u�ion(s)in full;you may collect agafast one <br /> 'L t,� or nny.7�Uii conaxt covers my purchasc of products manufac�urcd and/or disviburcd ond instolled by'Ibe Pacesetter Co�pontion.You bove quoted mc a Cash Prfa and�7bta1 <br /> __ .•q ' :�?� Sale pryce.Tho Tdal Sab Price is drc total casl�f 1he products ond cervlas if 16uy on crtdit.I now chaou w buy.and you a�ee w sell,for 1he 7brol Sale Prke.set fanh <br /> �, . below,lhe pmducts and servias desc�ibed helow 1 ogioe to pAy you�he wnount finan�in xco�ance with 1heps�ymeM scfudule set forth below.Wgether with intercst Ihenon <br /> �,�';rt - at the saqual pement�e nte whkh is discl�aed t+elnw 1 alu►A8re�e to ull of thc ather terms on both sidex of this con�Oaly prod v�mantdactund�Tbe C� _ <br /> C �re covned 10 yeu Ltml(ed WomalX No euteMor or lakrlor lrim.P��B �� � Pro <br /> t • <br /> L ` - _ . <br /> ��u <br /> �_��1. . � . � <br /> ' -A�r�`��� L DESCRIP770N: ve desttihed g end rvkes �ue o be ns�oJj��nJ pleccd upon Ihe 'Address" dosignoted obove, and d�¢ IeQal deocdption <br /> ry �,i,', . :.,`• tor such"nddress•• �� H'ci LT 1-�- 15l k 1 , <br /> :, �,:,y� ..,. <br /> - ' • • � � If l,egnl Descrl ion ic nw av a61e at Ihe this conuac� s eaecuted,Buyer gran r the right to obtain and insen tho 4eg�1 Descripdon al o later date. ��' <br /> .. .,i��°, SUMMARY OF SAI.E: Base ca+h price S `�o�t� + tax �U + additional wa�runry/scrvice covenge� m S__ �0� i v.�'�'�'"ma�: <br /> •'' ': ,. '�:� . O �/.lJ7� S/dDb.UO � —__-- <br />_:�u. 7i�a1 cash pdce S -Cash(taal�down payment S � e Unpaid brlaeco of S __ <br /> � ��. ITEMIZATION OFTHE AMOUNTFINANCED OR S '1OC,o.� , _ _ <br /> � j - � Amuunl�miiirJ iu ihl.cuntiaci tSun�uih�uni ac ih:."L'npald Safancc.") ° <br /> - s po�� Amouni paid on net bdance fmm prior contrxt wilh yau. (9) <br /> _ ' ;r,• Amouatla)paid to oUiers on my behalE <br /> - s �'� to inwrance company(ar Crcdit Life insurunce S � d� to public ofPkials for filfnglRCOrdinQ kes -- <br /> � , ' -,� � s b�- �e to insu�ance company(or Aaident anJ Heal�h in+urrnce S C�� `76 w ISped(y) Aon t <br /> . . AN UAL I A Amount Finenced Total of Peyments Total Sele Price —_ <br /> � PERCENTAGE CHARGiE Thc omaum nt rrcdit The amoum 1 rill have Thc tuul¢ost nf my punhese ------- <br /> � � RATE 'Ihc doll�r unxwn��hc pmviJeJ in me�tt��n paid n(ter(hore m�Je rU �+n rntiG6 inclu'di�n'm,y-,d�,own _ _ <br /> �'.. crcdi�will cu.l mc. my bchall'. p�ymcm��xheJukd. r�ymenl af S� --- <br /> _ Thc�nsl nf my ciedit ns a L, <br /> _ . • yculy mte. $ � C'c f./� $ 7 G'�.�C� �C� e y .��J•�.� 6 / 0 �`'' �.� <br /> � % 6 � -'_= <br /> �� . MY PaY�nt schedule will be: Securlty:I um giving u s�turiry intcrc+�in: �-=___ <br /> = . ---- 1. tlk �eiwd+.urvices anJ propcny being purehayed.and �==----- <br /> • - Number of P+ymee�. ArooUM nf Paymenh WAen 1'aymenh uie Iwe � IUd u• <br /> . ,• ` . - -- . roy rcal eslale und impm�ert�emy. inc in�my house. �`_��_..�_-. <br />- Fint payment Jur uppmximotely ul dayti all ot my'AJJmsi'Jesignatcd uMivc. e�';�<--—K- <br /> • . lu Payment s '3(�S�(�, e n8cr dutc of in.tulla�lon. E'`'"""`- <br /> ,� Filing/RecordlaR�ees S� � °�.-..c:?; <br /> ( � s 3 6 .S. �b All+ub�yucn�imtallnxnt�nn Ihc wmc Jay of eskh I.ate Chory�e:If a�_yment i.mone�han tiRCN11115)days lale. '�u <br /> : consecutive munth until prid in full. �will he ch•rrged %of the ins�allmeo�payment or 525.00 ti� -. <br /> INSURANCE - — -- - - whichcvcr�.leaser. r.�'_ <br /> '�. � ., • Credll Ilfe In.sur�nce rnd credlt dlss�bllity In.aumnce are NOT requtred to ubt�►in cn�dlt. <br /> �qd�rW nW be rorided unksa 1 slqn u�d aRree to pay the ad d l t bn w l cost. �'e p a ymeat:If I pay�off earl y.I will not havc to p a y u p ennlry. �•'�.^��- ',`;. <br /> � � 'rem� 5�¢nawrc - - unJ 1 may h emi�l�d�o r mfund of put of Ihe finance charge. <br /> . rype P�auum Thc unpaid balancc may bt pald at the time of installatian ac • � <br /> � '�'J Crcdlt Life � 1 wunl creJit lile payment infull.Bu eriswlelyresponsiblefarflnancecha�es � <br /> , ci�mmenrinµ ufler�uu uf inctallauun. o � <br /> ` $ inw ,���,��„•-x.,��-- � <br /> �• —► I will Rvicw other ponions uf thfs contruct for f <br /> • oe':� Cl — �R --„�, adJitional Infonn�tion about non-paYmenl.Jefaup. any m. G <br /> �� CrcditAccidem Iwrm.nJuar• — --- yuircJ Rp»•ment m full 1nfaR �he xheduled dule. ond � <br /> &Hcal�h � , unJ Ix�l�h rrnre. pnP�)mrm Rfund�and pcnalu�.. <br /> � ' (1lri.(,t,• L ,�m,��R H�,« -- _ e mcans oo csllmate. <br /> if.`" . <br /> � � REYERSE SIDE:I UNDERSTAND THAT TNE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVlSIONS PRINTED ON iNE REVERSE SIDE OF TNIS INSTAILMENT SAIES CONTRACT ARE A <br /> PART OF THIS INSTALLMENT SAIES CONTRACT AND THAT 1 AM 80UN0 BY THEM IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF THEI WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VER� <br /> . . INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT.MOTICE: PROVISIONS PNINTEO ON REYfRSE SIDE COMPRISE ADDITIONAI TERMS LIMITINB SELLEH'S WARRANiY OBl16ATI0N. • <br /> NOTICE TO BUYER <br /> ' 1. DO NOT SI6N THIS CONTRACT BEFORE I READ Ii OR IF fT CONTAINS BUNK SPACES. 2.I A61 ENTITlEO TO A C9PP OF TNE CONYRACT I S16NE0.3. I MA1 PAY <br /> OFf THE FULL BAUNCE DUE UNDER THIS CONTRACi AT AN�TIME,AND IN SO OOIN6 I MA�BE EN?IriEO TO A REBATE OF THE UNEARNED FINANCE ANO INSURANCE <br /> ' CilANBES(lf ANh.4.I UNDERSTANO TNAT THIS INSTRUMENT IS BASED UPON A HONE SOIICITATION SALE ANO THIT TNIS INSTRUMENT IS NOY NE60TIABlE. 5.IT <br /> SHALL MOT BE LE�AL FOR YOU TO ENTER MY PREMISES UNIAWFULL/0R COMMIT ANY BREACH OF THE PEACE TO REPOSSESS 600DS PURCHASED UMDER THIS CONiRACT. <br /> BUYER'S RI(iHT TO CANCEL <br /> I iIAVE BEEN ORALIr ADYISED THAT I MAY CANCEL THIS A6REEMENT AT AN1 TIME PRIOR TO MIONI6HT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DA/AFTER THE OATE OF THIS <br /> - _ _ ---. w wr�w�V�wwwun�ur�ue untlne ne�IAY7 T/1 P�YpN tI10Y L110�Y lYOI W�flOY IIC 7Y�� p��YT t <br /> . .... — IIfMJ11411V1�.11 1U1tL wtwv�nc n�r�rm�m�nww�v� n.�u�w YM�YM�Ynw�.vn n.. .. .r <br /> � COPY RECEIVEQ:I:Il'I(OOWIC�IELt rercipt��f a rompklrl��tilled m.npc U1 1F11�iUflIRICI'JIOOt:NIIN INP''�c�rf����f thc lvuhrr ut Right ta C.mrcl Fom�. <br /> � W WITNESS HEREOF.�h�.ImwllmeM 5ole.C��mr:K�anJ Atunprgc ha.lxtn.ign�J un th�._T�Ja� ���k.�t�_�_ . ly ��1- • <br /> nt IcitY1 -- .S�a1c u((�chra.l.a. � <br /> ` THE PACE8EITER CORPORATION��k 111:R MtNtTf,AUEh� ��<< .< <��i � ' ��•-2� _ �ll_____ <br /> �ia Hcn�ai;��t � � � <br /> By. '�. o c�t� -- -- ----- -- — . . <br /> IOPIIfN \PrylTl.ilAlµ <br /> A� � 11K fufl•'o��n.ltunkrt xr.xlnuwlydgcJ t+ctnn mc ull lhl� �Ja)nl <br /> BY� �� "� ---- <br /> �F RF SFhT�Trvti �_ . 14 ��.h�ihr rM,�r de,igna��til <br /> StaM of Nebrs►�ku �� E�u�.n:� ��nrtg�g� � j�1 <br /> ' C�wnty ul . . i;�� ------- ��� V�aan Puhl�. ��� � /�L�• <br /> . ht}�rmmi��i�,n eapirc. �_�� � � Sn1•101'NE•N�IA <br /> � , PAUL T REILLY � <br /> �'=ONFIf`:' �ii�l �'' } , ,.•� i r: .� , . . ,,. <br /> .. � . ,. . . <br /> � ' NCRGA Cv r nimm�vv <br /> �; <br />