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<br /> Ft
<br />-`J s.��rd ur g'.ro���"�^�•^�. °�no���sl�.:It�ts"�mprovements now existir►g on c�reafter eaected on the Property E_::f.-`_-T__-- ��'�
<br />`- insuied�ainss loss by fire,harards uastuded within the tem� "extcnded covera�e" and any other hazardc.including floods or . , `-:
<br /> � flood'mg,fos which Lender requa��s�'�ran�'����`������e�ounts and for the periods that Lender
<br /> aa . __.
<br /> � requires.'1he msurattce c�rier P�'�'�g�e�'��shall be chosen by Bocmwer�ub�ct to I.ende,r's approval which shall not . , ' ' , v
<br /> �,, � ���ly ��d, �g���er fails tfl maintain wverage descnbed abnve, Lendea may, at Lender's aption, obtain
<br />- coveiaga tn pmtect Lender's righrs ia�fhe Propeaty in acxordance with paragraph 7. :,. '. . ..
<br /> -� � - -�- - -._-
<br /> All insuleACe pOliCies 2Ad ce�t�.'*'Mt�s shaIl ire acceptabte ro L,endra aied shall include a standard mort�age clause.Lende�shall . . � `:'' ,
<br />`,� have the right m hold the policies ar.d renewals.If Leader req�res,Boaawea shall promptly�ve to Lender all receipcs of paid . . . :,;
<br /> premiams and renewal notices.In d;e event of loss,`Boirower shall ginre prompt nodce to the insurance canier and Lemder.L.ender ,
<br /> maY anake Proaf of tnss if notma�r:promptiy by Boaowet. �be apgiied to resoorarion or repair of the •_ . •,:-.�;�-.;•:�`..::
<br /> ` - Unless Lendea and Baffower o'hervvise agree in wriaing,insurance proceeds •-.. •--.-
<br /> propeaty damaged,if the restmairn or re,pair is ecoeomically fe�ble and I.ender's secauity is not lessened.If the restoradon or : -•$:�J�
<br /> ..•.,�-
<br /> r�aa is not eoonomic�ally f�is�ar I.e�dea's secaritY would be tess�ed,the iasivance prace�ds shail be applied to the sums • ___-�- - :-:
<br /> Se�ed by this geca�riiy Insm�r.ni, wherhea or noi tfren due, with any exce.ss paid to Barrowec. If Bosower abandons the =_ ----.�-�:
<br /> ' g�cyg�tyy,or daes not answ�wi�►30 days a notice from I.ender d�at the insivance caaier has offered to settie a claim,then __,. �
<br /> ..- �, tr ceeds.Lendra may ess s�e pracceds tn repanr or cestore the i'ro�ecty or so pay s�rsns secured __. _-__ _
<br /> � Lr:.�..�r may co��t the ursur^�e pm . . .-
<br /> ,.;;; by s�is Sacwdt;��°s.�em�,R-he�er or not then dne.'18e 3C�ay periad wiII begin when the notir,e is given. _.---�,�_i
<br /> ,.�,;:, 'Unless Lr�a��y�c�c�ca Q�ermise�in wQti�.�a�y applicatinn of proceeds to pancipal shari not ext�md er pos�irr� ` ;.
<br /> ����..• t��.�c�.�n�.�~�-�•.i.�pss-m�s refe�a r�in ga�-�ys 1 and 2 or change the z�nunt of the pa5ments.If v��a r�.�.."��.'�s �*�'� _
<br /> �n oliCics 2�a' ceEds reSU!SIIg f�tzt a.�j�z:3�i:�tC
<br /> � �
<br /> l;�� r
<br /> �< ;���er?r �zcy^�:� T..�'.:'er.E��s a*�^.ua�p insarance p � ,�, y � ,�
<br /> ,t�'ji° y.�.
<br /> L7L'a�}1.�.'�,t�.:^'r'�' ��,�+^.r—i.::�F3?'?jS;u'.�[YcSz 2?.:�^.So�'W'�.,d!i°.�.d![0�!�'i.°.SSIDS 3`�.^�.L'�t�llS$�.�:'.:!.c.��tSff2.�'�!!"1i.'Zi9�RF:�y ��°�.�y^ - ' ��,k��fi` � .
<br />:..-;i�G 't .� k-+t�'/'.'�c.�u�(..
<br /> .1� �SS�.�F TJ�t$:k.�:i�II. a,�;', a_r.r._
<br /> '" -� i°;�, �,���?'ae a�.d Fr's-'.�au7ic+3�taa��e�aiY; B�rro�er's Loan App':i�P�a;�'���.fis. .��°`=,
<br /> a.`��' "'r'° re�3ense wirhu,sixty days aftea tI�e exec�aan af ��.. �� :-�:�'�F--�J.---
<br /> �a�,vwea shaIl occupY,es�ab�,and nse the PtopertY as�:rv�'s�'..r.s�a1 � .-��,�- .
<br /> S) _
<br /> � ttris S�y Inss�meut and shall contmne w occupY the F��'as Br�bwer's principal re.sidence for at least one g�after the .��, - , -
<br /> - date of accupane9,unless Lender atherwise agtees in wriimg> which consea�t shall not be unreasonably withheld, ar unless
<br /> extenuasin8 ca�umstances exist whi�h are beyond Boimwer's con�oL H�owea shaU not destroy,damage or impair the Prope.ny, ':4: 7':�
<br /> �w �6 pmp�y� ��o�commit waste ou the Pmperty. Bouow�shall he in default if any €orfeiture actinn or �
<br /> ;-, � :.
<br /> �s�w������im�al.is begun that in Lended's good faith judgm:nt could result in forfeiwre of the Property or
<br /> othe:wLse materialtY impair the lien aeated by this Security Inmument oz Lend�'s security inieres�Borrower may c�re such a �,;�';,�..
<br /> ,�` defauIt and reinssate.as provtded in paragrapb 18.by causing the acaon or praeeeding to be dismissed with a n�ling that, in . � ,, ..�
<br /> ap e � .
<br /> Lendea's gaad faith determination,Pruludes forfeinuz of the Bomawer's interest in the Property or oth�matcaial impairment of }: ' �' +�j:.�..
<br /> au .
<br /> tha llen created by this Security Insorument or Leadcr's security inteaes2 Borrowea sha11 also be in defanit if Botrower,during the - :;i�„,
<br /> 1oa�uppHcadon pmces.�,Save materialtY False or inaccutate infonnation or statements w Lender(or failed to provide Lender with :,.;
<br /> any ms►ter�al �farmatton) in canr.ecdan with tha loan evidenced by the Note. incWding, but not limited to. representadons � .:,�,.. ,
<br /> cancaning Botxower's accuparccY af the Pmpeaey as a principal residence.If d►is Security Insuument is on a leasehold,Boirower
<br /> ' shall comply with all the provLsions of the lease.If Bormwea acquires fee atte to the Prape:ty,the leasehold and the fee tille shall
<br /> not merge wil�ss I.end�s agcees to the meage,r in writing. , �
<br /> � 7.Yrater,tloa of Lendep's Higbts in We Yroperiy. If Boaower fa�s w perfonn the coveriannts and agreements conta'sned in __
<br />.. this Sec�uiry�mea�t,or there is a legal praceed'mg�e may si�cantly affect Ieader's rights in the ProPertY(such as a jy�.--�:: _-_-----
<br /> �:��.
<br /> F�8 in banlQUP�7+�P���for condemnatina ar f�fe�re ar to eaforce taws az regulations),then Lende.�e�a9 do and pay �a;,,s'� t= _.�
<br /> • for afiatever is n�y w pr�tect the vatne af the Pr�p�ty and Lender's rights in the Prope�ty-Hxndea's a�tiens may inclade ,i,;,�.�y; _ �r �-__-
<br /> ea ' ;,:.,r:,,
<br />` ' V�S �Y � secured by a lien which has piiaritY ove� this Se�mry Instcument,aPP�B in coan.PaYmg�su��° sY:,;:i�-���?S�i�r};.:"
<br /> a¢aa,meys' fees and entering on the Propeny w make r�-rs.Atthough Leaide,r may take action under ihis paz�,�raph 7,Le�el�r ,�.�ag�,._,A,.,.,_._
<br /> �:.;.. �ti..
<br /> dues aot have w do so. ����`-.��':.-,�''.�'..
<br /> poy amo�ts disbursed bY_Lendea under thi�parr�a�i�7 shall hecome additic,�a7 debt of Boaowea se�uru�by this Seauity ��,�:,:=.---` �
<br /> 6T��"^wr�[.�.
<br /> Instnuneut U�Ile��Boirower and Leaidca agree to other terms of�o-ay�rnt,these amounts s6a�bear inteaest from the daL:cf �.-�•--_:-.--:_
<br /> Lea � �
<br />-- disbiasernent al the Note rnte and shall ba payable.arith inte3rest.aPan��e from Leaida w Boirowea requesting payment r "—°- �,�:...�:.
<br />, S.Mortgage Insarsense. If I.ender reclui�ed m°rt�age u�su�ance as a candi6on of making the loan secured by this Sec�uity �.;
<br /> Inswment,Borrower shall�aY the Premiums iequired L° maintain �e mortgage insurance in effect.If, for any reason, the �'
<br /> � mortgage ins�unce coveaage a�quired by Lendea t�pses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall paY the premiums required to ';-
<br /> P _
<br /> obtain covernge subsfantially eqwvalent w the mortgage insurance previnosly in effed.at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Banmwer of the mo�Sgape insurance previously in effect.fram an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender.1f .. . . :t:1���
<br /> ' valent mos�gc;ge insurance coverage is not availublo.Baaower shall pay to Lender each manth a sum ec{ual to �, "�c---..;,_`•_'";�_"
<br /> snbstantially equi
<br /> onedwetfth of tho yearly�ce•�gase insutance premium being pnid by Boaawer whesn tho insqmnce coverage lapsed or ceased co f 1?�w°-` _--�_
<br /> ►r',�'��`�_�,-,---_=�°-
<br /> be in effect Lc�ader will accepL use and retain these payments as a ioss r�rve in lieu of mortgage insurance.Loss resen+e �[����
<br /> . Form3028 9190 �`:��{'.°��'� —
<br /> ��6A(NE)tez�z�.o� va0.a oi e mivaro: h . ,
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