_ . I. ` . .. ♦ _' ! . . . . . . ` - . . ' . .. . ` . . �L .. . . '_
<br /> __—� ( , . • ___ � .. .. ` _ ....._ .� �_ '_. _ . ..;. . .. . _ ._ . - r_ ' • ' +_ __� _� ' .. � � _
<br /> � r . . . � � . , . : �:� . . . . ' . -
<br /> • � • . , � •, � �` ; � . � ; _t
<br /> ` ��. <i� . . _. ' .� _.. '. � -- � �..: • • . .. . � . . , �_ . _ . ___�•� ; '
<br /> � .�.1 � - 9�- ����s� �. � . : , ., .,,:_
<br /> 'I'LGETI��R WITH all the unprovements now or hereafter aectEd on ihe pmperty.and all eacements,aPPunenances,and - ____- �
<br /> . � fixtiues now or hereafter a part of thc pmperty.A11 rePlacements and addinons shall aLso he covcxed by this Security Instrument ; , ,
<br /> All of the foregoin�is referced to in ttris Security Insimn:ent as the"Property." . . .
<br /> BORROWER COVENANT'S that Borrower is 1$wfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and . .
<br />` .'t convey the Pmpe�ty and that ihe Propercy is anencumix�.excePi for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will _ �
<br /> -_- defend geueially the titic tn t&e Propeaty agau�st all claims and dcu�zu�s,sub}ect w any encumbrances of record. ---- - ---_---, .;
<br /> - TkIIS SECUR1Ty INS'TRUMLNT combines Uniform covenants far national use and non-unifoim covenanu with limited ' ,. • .
<br /> variasioas by jurisdiction w constitute a uniform secuiity instrument covering real ProP�Y• � � ,
<br /> UAIIFORM COVENANTS.Boirowea and Lender covenant and agrr.e as foIlows. a �� due the �
<br /> � 1.Puymeat o!I�In�al and Intemst;Prepa7ment aud Late Charges. Boirvwer s6a11 promP�Y P Y : � , .
<br /> Ii .`•`;,.
<br /> � prmcipal of and interesc on the debt evidenced by the Note and any pregayment and late charges due under the Not,e. : , , : `
<br /> . Z.Ftmds for Tag�s and Insurance. Subject W applicable law or Lo a wriuen waivea by I.ender, Boao�ver shail PaY w '` `.:'_
<br /> � I.endea on the day monthlY PaYments are due under the Note,unn'1 the Noie is paid in Cull,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearlq t�es .,''E'�""`�. `
<br /> �'. ,� ��j----�-=-�--_
<br /> = and assessrnents which may auain priority over this Seciuity In4uument as a lien on the Aro�ertY:(b)Yearly leasehoid paymeaits �.'. ` . . .
<br /> -�r
<br /> or groimd rents on the Property,if a�►y,(c)Yeazly ha�ard or Propert}'uis�erance premmm�(d?:�arly fload u�surar+ce premiwns,if ,-: � -= ;��
<br /> e
<br /> a�►Y.(e)Y�Y��Se��P��S��any,and(�anY sums PaYable by Boamac-a to Lender,in accordauce with the . ,` .. %" -`:
<br /> pro 'v�nns of paragaph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage�n�ance premiums. T6r�i�ems ar� caIIed "E;c�w Items." ,�� .:
<br /> Izndca may,az a�►Y�e,codt�t aad hold Funds ia a�amou�t not b exceed the maumum�-�t a teadec fnr a.`e�eraliv:zlated '•�.��j��F.���ti,,�
<br /> 1 if r { �•i.�_�.
<br /> mortgage 10�mag�ag�e fer�o�wer's esav..a�auat uri�a�e feder'�.I IZ�1 Fsaie Sr�j..-�ent�iu.m��~L�F i�374 zs ,, �4���N�r ��
<br /> . .`�� t�U�.�.Section 2601 et seq. ("RL.,�A'�,�.�;.r�:,�ea�.��.-:;.apglies?;.iii�:vads s:,�a'� ���� r rs,���,_
<br /> �•�.�. 'dII1CII�fIUITI �*n.A.�'j�!°., '.'_...�..- hf.xu�,� rs:
<br />;:.:::: �-::,,:t:�,u.? i.�se.collect and hold F.s:,1s �a�a�m�t L�t tu �:�a�c the lessw�ount T�dr-r�.aS �.r,:����:.o h'�t,`t's':'�,;t'�.�`=��::
<br />,;,,, _, amo�t I€ so,I.�s�
<br /> -- esam��e ama�.�cf r��a>�Se basis of current data and reasoa�bla�oF��.��es of fe.�Fiscce�•�'r�'s or g�: :._��.`��r`��'.-;x.�;��
<br /> r oiheiwis°.frs�aoce�rz w�',ri��Ie law. d'��"'
<br />-t.��i`�. ,T -�, �s �„rarn,er:cr5 i�c3ndin _ �r��,,�-
<br />•_-,:.::., 'P:e�-...s1s sba�be h�d'm z��.�:.�ion whase deposits aze insuaed by a fede�al agency, � g ��": 4..
<br />';n;;�;; Lr��,if 3�der is such an inst�n�an)or ia any Fedeaal�iom�Loan Bank.Lender shall�gply the Funsts o¢��aa�,e�cmw �-.,;sY�`{�.J�
<br /> Lr , �F ��• .
<br /> ,:;,y.%;•• Items.Leadea maq not charge Boa�uer for hal�ing and aPP�ri�g the Fands.annually analyzmg the escrow account,nc varifyu�g •,�;,�,.�'` '��'
<br /> ;`� the Fscmw Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on tha Funds and applicable law pennits Lendea to make such a eharge. ��:.�-.��, - .�
<br /> ; Howevea,Lender may reyuire Bmrov�ea to pay a on�time charge for an independent real estate ta�c reporting service used by ..� ,
<br />� ��r ia c�nn¢ctifln arith this toan,utilr,ss applicable law provides othenvise. Untess an agceement is made o�applicable law : :l'. , '�
<br /> req�s int�t to be paid,I,ender shall not lse required to pay Barmwer any interest or esmings on the Funds.Bos�rower and �y.�,, ',�� . ` �
<br /> Lendcr may agree in writing,however,that interest shall De paid on the Funds.Lcnder shall give to Borrower.without chaage,an � '? _
<br /> annual accounGng of the Funds,showing credits and debits W th�Funds and tha purpose for which each debit ao the Funds was ��;
<br /> � made.'Ihe Funds are Qledged as addiBnnal securiry for aU sums scwrod by this Sec�uity Insuumcnt �,; ti� �
<br /> - - If the Funds he2d by Leiuica cxceed the amounts permitt�d tn be held by apptisable law.Lender shall ucco�nt m Bonower for _ ,
<br /> the eacess Funds in accordance with the requirearcents of applicnbl�law.If the amount of the Funds held by L�ender at any time is -� ��.
<br /> �.. nat sufficient ta pay t�e Escrow Items when due,Lendec m�y so notify Borrower in arriting,and.in such case Br,rar�wer shall pay �,�'
<br /> � .. to L,endea the amount necessary tn make up the deficlency Boiro�Yed sha11 make up the deficiency in na mare than rxelve ,,�
<br /> monthly paymeuts.at Lend�'s sole discretion. �''�'' �
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums sec�ued by this SeLVrity Insuument,Lender shall promptty refund to Barrov�er any Funds �`�"�-
<br /> held by Lendet.If.�der Paza�b 21,Lender shaD acquire oi sell the Propeaty.Lendea,prior w the acquitri�ian or sale of thv t�+;;A:,
<br /> . PcoDeatY. �all aFPIY aay Futtds held by L,ender at the time of acquisitifln or sale as a credit agamst cH.e sams secaued by thiv '��
<br /> �� �
<br /> ' Sectuity Insuumea� � - -
<br /> . 3.Application a3 Payraens. �;aless applicab2e law provides otheaa+ise,atl payments received by I�nder nnda paragrapt►s ..�.-- ^ " -
<br /> �� _
<br /> ' 1 and 2 shall be a�glitd fuss.a�z�y gregayment charges due undgr the N�te;second,to amounts payabte und�paragraph 2: .-��,�'`-
<br /> '� � . 4tuid,to inteaest d�E�th,w�cipal due:and last.tn any late charges due a�nder the Nooe. .�:;�_:,�.—.-�-
<br /> 4.Chargesi Lie�. Boau�sr�all pay all taxes.ass��ts.charges, fines and c�positions attri'butnble to sha Arogerty '.� t•�;;�;;n-
<br /> ,�<_
<br /> • � w h ic h may a t�i n p ri o ri ty o v e r c.TM,s S x u�i ty I n s tr u m e n t,an d l e a s e h o t d p a y m e n t s o r g r e u n��t s,i f an y.Borro�uea sholt pa y ihese {;� ��,{�'�"
<br /> .. abligadons in the mannec provided in paca�a,ph Z,or if noi paid in that manner,Boaaaer si.all pay them on time directly w the � � ,`• _,.�;-.
<br /> persan owed paymsn� Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Lendea all no6css of amounts to be paid andea this paragraph. If �`:�3�t_s?";���;��'
<br /> . +, r.���.�,.i.:w,�.
<br /> Borrower makes these paymears a::�fly,Bormwer shall promptly fumish to Lender iece�ts evidencing the payments. �..+ F��'�::�, :: =;,__
<br /> B m ro�,er shan p r om pd y c2;sc:,�:,ra�-�y lien which has priarity over this Securiry dnst�ent unIess Borrower: (a)agrees in ��j���f..°a
<br />� writi,�g to the payment of the obiiT,,...:fln secured by the lien in a mannea acceptable to Lender;(b)conte�ss in goad faith the lien '. 1"YA��'���-
<br /> by, or defends against eaiforcert►ent of the Ii�a in. legal proceed'm8s which in ihe Lender's opinion operate tn prevent the ��������'
<br /> � enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures f r om t he ho 2 d e r o f t h e l i e n a n a g r e e m e n t s a t i s f a c t o ry ro L e n d e r s u 6 o r d i n a t i n g t h e l i e n t o �"��`��
<br /> '�<.�y�'+g�'.;�:£ ,.
<br /> �,y S�ty Ins�ument,If Le�ndear detemimes that any part of the Property is subject to a liea�which may attain priority over this _;_ ,�z����x.::�.
<br /> � ge�mty Instnunent,Lender may give Barrowea a noticc identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or take one or more . .
<br /> . of the actians sel,forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � �� ''��
<br /> Form 3028 9/90 . ;,,;�,ti�
<br /> . �•BR(NE�192121.01 Page2olB Initlab: . • .
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