. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' �` . c' - ..
<br /> �( ' . . ._._._�_ � ._...��...._.�._..• _..�.5_"_'—.._........�......_.�_._... ..�._�f..... . _-- _
<br /> �� t� - $���� - - -_t �'
<br /> ��� `�roceeds')(n connastion with condemnaUon or ot9�er taWng of the Property or p�thereof,or tor oonveyance in Itau ot oondemnaUon. � •r ,_ `� V`-�
<br /> L en d e r s t�a ll b�e M i L'e d a t i t s a p ti a n t o c a r n m a n c e,a�p a a r i n a n d p ro s e c u t e I n i t s o•m m �a m a a n y a c L'o n o r p r o c e e�n g s,a n d s h a!I a l s o ° �
<br /> ba entiflsd to make any oompromiss or settls�rtont[n connectlon with such taking or damage.In che everrt any partion of t?ee Property is . ; : -.�=�
<br /> � so taken or damaged.Lender shali havo tha op�on in its sols and absotute dIscretlon,to apply aU such proceed3, after deducting � ,. . - -
<br /> �- � therotrom all cesis and expensas incurred by it in conrsec�on with such Proceeds,upan any indebtedness secuted hersby snd in suet� ,� � -`'
<br /> �- order as Lender may detsrm3ne,ar to apply�11 such Proceeds,after such dsductions.to the restoraUon of the Proporty upan�uch oon- _ � �r_
<br /> - ---��._: � - -
<br /> ' ditions as Lender may determtne.My ap�licaUon of Proceads W indabtedrta�shai!not extend or posipone tha due d�te of&ny pay- - �.�•�
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any defauR thereundsr or hereundsr.Any unapplied ftmds shall be patd to Tnrstor. -;
<br /> 8.Fer[ormanse by Lendar.Upon the oocurrence oi an Event of Oefault hareunder,or it any act(s taken or legaf procea�ng . � --
<br /> commenced whtch materiafty atiecLs Lender's interest in the Property,Lerxter may ire its own disareSon,but�nrithaut o�llgaUfln to do so. • . ° � � __
<br /> - and wilhnut noHae to or demand upon 7nistor and without reteasing Tn�.stor frpm any ehiigation,do any act e�hich Tnutar has agread ' ,, �. � � '`
<br />-Y--: but fai!ed to do arM may aJso do anp other aat ii dsems necessary to protect the security hereof. Trustor sha0, ImmediateSy upon • � -:��
<br /> �-� demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lendsr ai�cosis and expensas irtcurred and sums sxpended by Lentlar in cannection wr�th the exer- --- ---_--- _
<br />. , c�sa by Lender ot tfie foregoing rights,mgether with interest thereon at tfie detauit rate provided in tha Note,vrhich shal!be addad to � • •
<br /> the indabtednsss secured hareby.Lender shai nat incur any liability bscause of anything it may do or omit to do hereunde�. , � '
<br /> : 9.liazardaqu 64�teelaia.Y►ustor shaU keep tha Properiy in campliance with all applic�ble taws,ordinances arid reguiations .- .' .� .•'�-
<br />� � : ralating to indusfrial hygiane or environmeniat pmtection(collestivvety referred to herein as"Environmen�!Laws"�.Tmstor shall keep - - � =•Y���`':: ;"-
<br /> + ., ;,,..f.t. • _
<br /> : the Rroperty frea from aU substances deemed to Be hazardous or toxic under any Environmentai taws(collectIvvely referr�d to herein � *;.„
<br /> e ,;. ,g�,ync.��. .
<br /> ' as`Hazardous Materials'�.Tnrst,or hereby�vananis and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardaus Materials on or u�der the �•, �;:,.-,;,�;;,,.� �-
<br /> ' Pro Trustor hereb a es to indemn� and hofd hamdess I.ender,its directors.offioers,em lo aes and a ents,and an suooesr �_�
<br /> penl►• Y 9f8 �`N P Y 9 y k. ...,:,1,'-
<br /> sors to LendePs intereat,trom end agatnst any and ali d2ims,damsges,lossss and IIabiiities aristng 1n oonnaction with ihe pres�nce, ' •
<br /> usa,d�sal or tras�spoK af any htazardaus�Jlater3ai�an.undar,tram ar abaut Uro Propariy.TFlE FOREQUINt3 WAt4RAM1ES AND ,� �..,:�- . _ -,-
<br /> , :���
<br /> RECONVEYMICE OF THIS DEED Or TIRUST. ---�-":�;t�.�.,,_
<br /> : 10.Assignmenta o!Rents.Trustor h+�-�y assigns to Lender,and g�n�Lender a security interest in,all present,futute and � •�+;�"'-�; �^�r
<br /> • afisr as�si.�aants.issues and prof+ts of the�raperty provided thai Trasior s'�U,until ths accurrence of an Event of Default,hereunder, _: . '��
<br /> • hacz#r+a r M ta coilect and retain s�a`�rents,issues and profi�as Lhe beca:�re due an� s te.U on the oocurrence of an Event of ':r, ^ ��r��"''," " -
<br /> � Y P Y� P ����"`+��;r:.�-,._.
<br /> D�;autE,La��er may,eitl►er in pe�:�r by agent,witt�or wiUta�t bringing any action or preceeding,or by a[eceiver ap�sointed by a �; :;. :. .•.:' -
<br /> . -- - c�stt and wlthout regaN to the ade�saayr of Its securi4�r.enter upon and take p�ssession of'Ctce�roper[y.or arry part thereot,in its own �t;_�=T�. :_.-_.
<br /> ,' ,~,4 name or in the name of the Trustee,and do sny acta which it deems ner,�sary or desirs?xR to pressnre tfie velue,maAcetabiiity or ;,%;t/' . .;��,:.,: °
<br /> rentabitity of the Propedy,or any part theraof or interest there(n,or to Increas�s ahe incame thanefrom or pro�ct the security hereof end, �.:_,,�
<br /> ', with or without taktng possesslon of tha Propsrty,sue for or otherwlse coftect ihe renls,issues and profits thareof,inGuding those past ""r:,,•'• ,•�
<br /> Jr"¢!i•�{: . • �".'�""`-
<br /> due and unpaid,by notitying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents.issuss and proflts,less costs and expens- �.: .�;��•;;° i�,.,,
<br /> _ ' es of operati�on and collecUon inGudng aitomey's tees,to any[n�btedness securetf hereby,all in such order as Lenrtar may da�r- }, �
<br /> r
<br /> m(ne.The entedng upon end taktng possession of the Properry,the cflltecUon of such rents,issues and profits,and the appficatlon � ;� :
<br /> �' ' thereaf as afaresaid shail not cure or waive any ddrault or notice of default hereander or invalidate any ar.t done In response to sucYs " • ��;,�i;_�
<br /> , . default or parsuant to such noUce of default a�sd,�tsvithstanding the coniinuance in possession of the prcperty or fhe collecUon, `.•� '��'�r
<br /> �yn:
<br /> receipi and application of rents,issues or profiYS,Tn�e and Lender shali b�entitled to exe:ttiva every dghi prbvided tor in any of the � � .;:••,
<br /> Loa.1[°�uments or by law upon occurrenCa of ar[y Even4 ot Data�it,inctuding w(thout limitat(o►�Y`he�ighi to exercdse the po�vsr of sale. ; � _
<br /> Fi�hBr,�ndePs dghts and remedi2s undsr this para9raph�haU•be cumulativa with,and in n�way a limitation on,Len�es's dghts and • . .'s` :..'�
<br /> ,�• ''�;....., �
<br /> ra,:iedies under any assignsnent of taasas and r�3is recorde�against the PropeAy.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall Le liehle t� , t'.°�"'::.T; � __
<br /> aocount on[y forthose renta acivalfy recQi�ed. ;:':;•�,
<br /> ' � 11.Eventa ot Oetautt The toliowing shs1:��rns3ituto an Event o}Datauh unde�th(s Deed of Trust ,,,.. .. '"a � ___
<br /> ��fil4;i y, ..;f ,i�:
<br /> - - (a)Failute to pay any ins9altment ot princlpal or interes!of any other sum secured hereby when dus; ;, �F ;,;
<br /> �. (b)A breach of or detault under any pmvision contamed in the Note,this Deed oi Trust,any of the Loan instn�n�ta,or any '��f� . :; ,.;_
<br /> �`� other lien or encumbrance upon tha Prope►4y: - -
<br /> (c)A writ ot execution or at/achment or�ny similar process sha[t ba entered aga!nst Tnistor which shall becmrna a lien an -`
<br /> �_ .._,,.
<br />, the Propetty or any portion thereof or ini•ar�5t therein; �-''
<br /> � . � (�There s'n�116e filed by or against F;-.i.,�ar or Borrower an acUon under any present or tuture feda�l,stata or aiher sffitute, �'""""��--
<br /> G3uv or regulatian relatlng to bankruptcy,irtsa'n+ency or c�ar relief for debiore;or there shall be appointed any trus?as.recetver or -- - �:,�,....:.�.. .
<br /> � , �w9ator o1 Trustor or Borraxr�r or o!all or any paR o?L"ee P.�aperty,or!hs renta,issues or proftts thereof,ar Tn�zor or Bomower �
<br /> •'•% shslt make any general as�,8rnnant for the benefit o!credtors; ��.--- ���-�
<br /> •���{;, (e�The sa!�e,transler,ie�se,assignmant,conveyance or turther encumbrance of ell or any�at or any interest In tlte �"�:���"`�u�_-�•-_
<br /> Praperty,efther voJuntarify ar involuntarUy,without the express written ccnsent of Lender,provided thrat tnisWr sha0 be pemtii- -'�
<br /> . ted to execute a tease of the�ropeRy that daes not corriain an opUon to purchase and the tertn of which does not exoead one '""'� �"''�`�"�
<br /> ��.:",-. -_
<br /> y08t; ' �::..`r:.,
<br /> (�Abandonmerrt o!tha Property;or '�`•' .�� '
<br /> �?�!��.-::�
<br /> (g)tf Tnistor Is not an individual,the issuance,sate,3ransf9r,assignmen4,oonveyance or encumbrancs of armra than(N a �+r:�r�_.•-�+•�*^.
<br /> oorporaUon)e total ot per�s2�f Ita issued and outstanding stock.or(if a pa►tners hlp)a t o t a l of �er- �"�-�•;
<br /> � cent o! partnership interests,or(i1 a lim'.',:T��bility company)a total af percent cd tha Umifad liaflili.y com�- . r"'� �+i;;;{;�-
<br /> ' ny interests or voting rights during the perioo Lhis Dead c#Trust remeins a Ilen on the propeRy. •;��';�''-` �
<br /> 12.Remedlaa;AccsteraUon Itpon OsiauiL In the etic-�rrt of any Ever�t of Detauit Lender may.without no�oe exqpt�s required ,•�;,�„�,::�•_—
<br /> by taw.dectare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due 2.���ayabla and the same shall thereupon become due�nd�yable wlth- :�a��--
<br /> �� ;:,'� out any presentrnent,demand,protest or na8ce of any kind.Tl:ereafter Lender may: � • �•. - ��.
<br /> ''+`.: ----- °.-
<br /> ,;;;��,.�,;� (a)Dema��hat Trostee exercise the�t�WER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shaU thereafter CBUSe Trustors lnter- ���„�,,,:.,,,
<br /> '•j;l, eat in the Pro�acRy to be sofd and the preazmds ta be dlstributed,all in tiie manner provtded in the�!ebrsske Trust Oeede Act; - - -
<br />��'�'��;rt (b)Exorcisa any and e"!;��hts pror.�a�l tar in any of ths Loan Instrumonts or by law upare�x;.urrence ot eu►y Event o} i��'t���:.�`::=�;T�w�-:
<br /> , G.:s
<br /> � .i qr� P�'i�},i �.. '_
<br />?�'�,'.�:•.` �A�'dUh's 8fld ��'i'�'�.
<br />�''i.':�.�':h c Commenoe on actio�r,z f�recfose tt�a�et''r..w as a mort e�aPAn(nt a raconrsr�oc s�=rr�ffiqly crr�caa aay of the kWi:'. ' .'.'d"k.�'r+".'..'
<br /> �) 9a9 �.,- �--.:
<br />. . . :.,:s covenants horeof. .t�4'�i+l�9i�Jf�'t:��
<br /> '�•� No remody herein�ntorred upon or reserved to 1"rti:..�ee or iendsr Is iMended to be exctusive of arry o�^rFr�..:��nedy Aerei�a,in the La� "'•"-'`�'�`;�
<br /> ��' InsUumenis or by law provlded or pertnitted,but�:,�?►shall be cumulaUve,shall be in additlon to every dtrr.�medy given hereurtCa+ ^r�aF,���:M1�1,�N,�?
<br /> • in the Loan�nstruments or now or hereafter exisang at law or in equtry or by s[atute,artd may be exerc�sg�:�a��ccumently,independe�?�: � • ��
<br /> orsuoceshrety. ;�,�t��"r'� :_—
<br /> 13.Trustse.The Trustee may rosign at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any time and withcui causa�point a suc• _
<br />� . cessor or substitute Trustee.TNStee shall not be liable to any party,including withoui IlmitaUon Lender,�orrower,Tnistor or any pur -.-. -
<br /> ohaser of the Property,for any Ioss or damage un>>sa duo to reCfdess a williait mk�oonduc4,and shaii nat he required to take any acL'cn . • -
<br />� '' ' in conneC�on with the ontoresment of thJs Dee�ot Trust uniess indemnifred,in�vtfting,for ati costs,compensaUon or expanses which ' , .
<br /> may be associated there�;rith.tn addiUon,Trustae may become a purchaser at any safo of tha Property Qudictal or under the pawer of � ' �
<br /> � . sate granted herein);postpone the sale of sll or any poRion of the Property,as provided by iavr,or sell the Property as a�vhoto.or in . • � ��
<br /> . �--
<br /> � � ssparate parcets or lots at Trustea's dlscreUon. • - . _
<br /> � 14.Faw and E:ponses.In the event Trustee sells tha Properly by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee shalt be entiUed to appJy '
<br /> any sate proceeds flrst to paymant ot ail costs and expenses of exercising p�wer o}sate,inciuding atl Trustee's fees,and Lender's and �
<br /> . Trustee's attomey's toes, acivally incuRed to extent permitted by applicable law.in tha event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right , .� -
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Detaui�Lender shall be entiiled to recover irom Tra�stor all costs and expenses sctuatty incum�d as , �. —
<br /> `� ; a resutt o1 Trustofa dotauit,including withou2 IimitaUon eil Trustee's and attome�s tees,to the extent permitted by appltcable law. • .,�
<br /> --- 15.F�m��Ae�janr�l�.U�n reques!ot Qarrower.�ender may.et its opHC+n.�+ake acic�itional and flrture s�dvances and read- � "
<br /> vances to Borrovrer.Such advances and readvances,v�ith interest thereon,shail be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the • .� ' , ___
<br /> � • �`.
<br /> ;�.,...
<br /> ..�,- . . . � ' � . : ,.
<br /> ' _, . �`� .4�; '.'' ` .i,. " . , � . ' . ,
<br /> .. t:. . • . ,. . , � . . . .. . , ,i�+ � . . . . . . . _.. . . . . . . . . , �• ., . • �
<br />