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<br /> ,-- DEED O�TRUST VIIiTH FUTUiiE ADV�I�CES �o� . _ , --,`:;_; _ _..::
<br /> �x a�.n:,;��:�:,..
<br /> :x � .tS,��bl►andamong C�?, .�s;�➢_.::�.�:.'. _
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST.is mada as of tha�.�Y�t e \� } y �. _
<br /> tt�Tnutnr, H H i a PAI�?HHBSBIP b 80DER'� J ?ES�f@Ft B = .
<br /> __. ., 370 p ilAi.Ril3 S�.A� �!,.�9 liE 68801 ��?���`'-�' _ _::;;� - _ ��f'�`._
<br /> � (herein?nisto�'.whethercrna��ie), �
<br /> • whose maiGng addrass is -`:Y'. .. `;�.
<br /> ti� �. �
<br /> ` Q r„ 'l'�_4;:`y,�'.
<br /> Ute TYUStB9 vB ' F' ,�' "��p�fi�[
<br /> � P.0. ��u 1�3' Grand Island, li� e8802 (herain"�Ra�T.� , ' . � • . :� _
<br />�. . whose mailing address is 'rf�`' � ` -"
<br /> - . the Bsnefic[ary Five Poin�s B�alt �4,4 -,_-- ��"_
<br /> , �—.��
<br /> 2015 �. Broadvell 6razt�f L��.�r�cf� �H. 68802-is87 (tsere�.�"��^��'�- "����'.�. • _
<br /> wiiose mai►ing address is K H i B PAA'rAERSHIP —
<br /> ��"�=_� .
<br /> FOA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,indudlag Lenders excs!�.��an of c�e�r7:identlfled herein to �.-�� , .
<br /> _ -'•_,� ,..6��-.
<br /> . (herein°8ormwer,'whether one or mote)ar►d the oust herein cres4�1.the re�e►�2 - °;�� ` �•
<br /> tants,bansiers.comeys and assigns to Trustee. IN TRUST.WiThi �. t�; ?f�, .
<br /> . o f w h i c h i s h e r e b y a c h n o v rted ged.Trustor hereby irrevocabty 9 •,.,-� «,.: • -
<br /> -• ' ` POWER OF SALE,for the 6enefit and security o1�ender.under an d su bj e t t R a t h o t e m�s a r►d c o n d i t i o n s h e t e t n a ft e r s e!f o rt h,t h e� f, •, __
<br /> �.� ,�. r
<br /> pro erty desctitseA as foitows�
<br /> �OT �#!�B t3). DE�111f�D Sl1HDYiTISIOH IN 'fgE CI7'Y �� �ID ZSLAI�ID. 1W.L CQU}i7'Y, r�:, .��.
<br /> , �ASSA• "• _
<br /> . ���
<br /> .. .. ':s�;,,'•_-,
<br /> .� ..�...,., ;,,
<br /> : , r•'� andappurtenarxx�a r���;�;�'�.-
<br /> � Together withall butidings,improvements.fnctures.sbreats.afleys.Pas..r,ey+►aYs�easemenLg,d9hffi•Qtivileges nar j'�� ��:..-�._,
<br /> - tocated mereon or in anywise Dertatning t#►sreto.and the cents.issues and profits,reversions and remaindee tlpg arsd coolinB equ�P �V".i�,jr t ..
<br /> sonal praperty that is attached to the impravemenis so as to constitute a flxture.induding,but not Iimited to, '
<br /> • menx end together wift►the homestead or marital interests.it any.whtcfi i'�ests a�tate seyr.ur 6}I the pen of this De,.°d o4 Tn�st and .,.=t:_ _ ��
<br /> • ing replaoemen4s and addiUa�s thereto.is hereby deGared to be a paR c - �:��:-
<br /> all oi the foregoing iaai:�l reTSrted tn herein as the'PrapeRy'• ,:�:� ;;"'•.:
<br />� This Oeed ot Tcust shall secure(a)the payment of the pdncipal sum�,a�interesl evidenced by a promissory note or cradit agrere- �� �,
<br /> • mentdatod n�+�.+n� �n+ug95 .having a maturity d�te of _'.�^� --
<br /> �''�
<br /> , in the ork�(nal Pdnc(pal amount o7$ 85.000.00 .and any an�r�l moditicati�ns.extertsiocw and renewals = ���-���;�"
<br /> ' rsc.r.,._.,,:,:�_--
<br /> thereat or thereto and erry and all tuture advarioes and rea�i-�:aae�Bor,a�xer(os eny dr fhe�moii��re�ones�eaade LWusaar►t V� -:. ..
<br /> � to one ormore promissory notes or credit agreemenb(here�� WalJ�ai':�r i�@)�Pa� �=`�=�-�'-°4-'==`-�'_-'=-�..
<br /> � pmtect tlis secudty of the No4e;(c)the PeAom�ance of all cot�-wr:.��.���t�aments o!Trustor&et toM t��eein:and(tq a1�present and �__:y..;��:
<br /> � _ �.,...;,.
<br /> � .. fuUire indebtednesa and ob�igaUons of Borcower(or any of tt�r�fi mare t�har►one)w Lender whethor direct.indired.e�sotute or contin- ,.
<br />�. ... gent and whether arising by note,guaranty.ove[dreft or otFx+n�s�.The Note,this Daed of Trwi and any and atl att[ec documsnts that :• - Y�°�'��
<br /> • secure the Noie or otherwise exeCUted in wnnecUan th��rirh,inc(uding without limitation guarantees,securit�agreements and ���� ���,,;;;
<br /> assignmenLs o1 le�as and rents.shall be�s'.s�ce�"o herei�as;he'Loan Instrument�'. �:.,. -� .�.,
<br /> Trustor cov�sa.��and agr�s with Len�:�toliows:
<br /> 1. p�y�t,�f�nd�bts�xss.All indebioQness secu�ed hereby s"�alt�l�e paid when due. ': '�, . .•.. :.',::��-,.:
<br /> 2. THts.Trustai is the oa��:of the Propedy.has the rh�,��:i and authorft�l to convey the Property.and waRents that the Gen crce�- . � •
<br /> ed hereby is a flrst and pdor fie�on the PropeAy,excepi t�r J:ans and encumbrances set forth b Trustor in writlnQ�'�d de�ivered to ���1..• '> :..:'- �`_%'�:
<br /> y yf..:,.�;_�::.�,� • .. °�
<br /> LenQet befare e�cecutlon o1 this Deed of Tnist,and the e��`on and delivery of this Oeed of TNSt does not vioSate any oontrad or .,, ,•
<br /> . . �::-:���_�
<br /> � � atherobligatiantowhichTrustorissubject _.��^�?-
<br /> � 3.Ta�css.A:sessmsnta To pay boic�definqueruy all taxes.spea�i assesst►►ents and all othar c�arges ar,,�^0.nst the Property ��;_
<br /> � now or hereafter lev�ed. � � �
<br /> . � 4.Inaa�anC�.To keap 1t'�e Pc�o�ortY insured against d�r,�e by fire,harards inctuded within the term°Axtortdad:coverag�'.and ��'�'�-
<br /> su�hazards as Lendor may rr��ina,in amounts and witts rr,rr.Danies acceptabfe to L�ender,naming Lender as an�iUanal�amed _.
<br /> � insured.wlth toss PaYab'a W ti"�e E.�°der.in case ot toss unE�-•r such polides.the lender is authodzed to adjust.coUect and compro- I:,.,��."�` .
<br /> . ��;' mise.a11 ctalms b`�:�under and shall have tt�o�tion ot applying ail or part oi the insurance prooeeds(�to any indebtedness i 's� ' :
<br />';;;;{:{,,,,, , �;i�►"�:y�. —
<br />����•_'i� i hereby and ln surfi ard2r as L�nder may detem►lne,(ii)to the Trustor to 1�used tor the�epair or restoraUon of the Property (��l�s� � ��
<br /> �', . , any other purpose or obJect sa�.a�ctory ta Lender withaut aftecting tho lien of this Deed of Tn�st for the tull amount secured he:�.y ,.�.-,'���_ _
<br /> � � before such payment ever tocr���F�ee,p�ny appUc�Uons e!pmoeeds to indebiedness shall not extend or pos�one the d�e date o1 anY �,,.,,..�:..�• .
<br /> '...1'.y.�.�.�'.. .. '.��
<br /> payments urrder the Note,or cur�any dsfautt thsreundar cr nr-.r,aunder. - - .--
<br /> � 5.Escrow.Upon w�itten damand by Lender,Trustee shali pay ta Lendor.In such manner as Lender may deslgnate,sutficient ,
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as thay become due one or more of the to:tawing:Q)all taxes,assessments and olher charges against � u_ �' . . ��::
<br /> ffie Property.(i�the premiums on the properly insurance required hareunder,pii)the premiums on eny morcgage insurance re4uireA by •
<br /> � Lender. � .
<br /> 6.Itatntenanse,Rogalrs and Compllance wlth lswa.Trustor shall keep the PropeRy in good condition and repair, shail
<br /> prumptty repair,or reptace any improvemont which may be dama9ed or desuoyed;shatl not oommit or permit ar�y wasto or deteriora __,�_;_ � ,
<br /> tion o!the PrapeRy;shali not remove,dsrr.oqsh or substanUalty aiter any of the improvements on the Property;st�ail not oommit,sufter :-�_•��- _
<br /> or permit any act to be dona in or upon tho Proporty in viotafion ot any law,ordinance.or regulaUon;and shall pay and promptry dls- . . .
<br /> charge at Tn�stofs cost and oxPense atl liens,encumbrances and char9es levied,imposed or accessed against the Property or anY . 1 �.,_•-
<br /> a�r.
<br /> _._:_...-,--__ parttitereoL � M ar:d att+es � nts or relie?(hereinafter ; -_,.-_,--.-�, ..._•�
<br /> . 7.Eminent Gomaln.Lender is hereby ass�gned a1i wmpe�r�auor�,awar�s,darn..g.... • �-Y� �
<br /> • . �ecxvo�ada.m�..aro � • ' ==
<br /> Otoesrtuaw0a+sa�w.nvmrmt+mes++ro�uc�aiemrs�a . . . � .o:_
<br /> • ._.. ..,�.. .t . �� -
<br /> .
<br /> ���-..-.-, . .. _ .. .
<br /> - T.S.ItIy�tY\L'SS{�+jLw' �It• �. .. .. ' . 1". G . •Y. . r , . . • '. __
<br /> ,�'s��;l-- � a ..'!,• . :/ �
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<br /> :_ .. . ,�,�, . ° .,.
<br /> Y. .. ,': . . . • . „ , . , . , . , . . . �. . .. . � �. � . .. .
<br />