�•�•{ i • e � r,en«'_'� iu . . ..,,.:t: J I !)!x r i17Alii.irr� -� ,-.,.,.:_.
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<br /> "�� -ey,. t�., 1 �r� �_ ���•�f �.CJJ44i l�s "
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<br /> '•.r7�' 'WpTllt
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<br /> f�,�,�,,...:�.:� y;�Q�i-�r 1p5955
<br /> : . . . �,�� .
<br /> , : :�t�.,�:�r ' 11.M�r11M fl��fwM1�Mt�• ��t b�r Tnntar in th�parnMnt of a p�famonu of tM t�►nu ood conditians of
<br /> ;,,.•..�R;;.,.,�, th�Not�,a an�t r�wds,modiikation�a�xtMiions tlwnot,or th�pa►rnMnt of c�r otl�ind�bt�ss s�cu��d h�r�b�r or in th�pMiamana �
<br /> .. of on�r oi ths canv�nonts a a��r�nts Mrwi�,Baufkiory nwy d.clar•all wms s.cund h.r.br imn�dioaly du.and parabM ond�M sam. _.—_----
<br /> shdl tMr«+Pon bao�+�dw ad pa�tabb wifhoul p►�s�+1�t,d�maid,P►of�sf or notk�of on�r k i n d.T h�n a f tK, B�n s f k l a ry nwr d N irw to
<br /> _�.°r - �•�.• •� . TnutN a writt�n daloratian of d�tadt and d�n�ord far sow.TrustN�oll how th�pow�r of sab of th�Prapat�and if 8�ficiory daid�s th�
<br /> ' ,�" propwty is ro b�sold It sholl dposif wilh T�ntN this DMd of Trust and th�Not�or not�s and on�r othK docunMnts widMCinp�xp�nditu�s
<br /> "�"'�°' .. �tund hrr�r.ond sholl d�liv�r to TnntM c wr(tt�n notk�of d�falt ad�bction to cais�th�P►ap�rtY to b�sold.ad TnntN,in turo,sho11
<br /> �„•,.�.,
<br /> �`�„c` �� " pnpan o similar notia in th�form nquind b�law wAich tholl b�dul�fil�d far r�card by Trott�. - -
<br /> ,�..,
<br /> �-� .....�> - (o)AhK th��aps�of wch timi as moy ba��uir�d by bw followGp the recordation of I�Mtke of Ostau�t,nnd Notk�of D�fault and Notk�o _ ____
<br /> � ��- ..
<br /> -3 _ ,. �" .�. Sol�hm,inp bNn 9ivan as nqukd b�low,TnntM.without d�nad on T►usta,sholl s�ll tlM PropKty tn om a mor�porc�ls and in such udK r .
<br />�y-�,:�,;i�►_:.�;�� �: cs Tnntor ma1►d�t�an tlw dot�and at tIN tirtw ad pbc�d�sipnaR�d M soid Notk�of SoN,m publk auction to tM higl�st blddK,tlr pur-
<br /> ' ' , 4 �Ms�prin p�ryobM in cash in lowful mom�of tM Unitrd Stot�s ot th�tim�of sol�.Th�pKSOn caiductinp th�wl�rtwr,for anr caus�h�or sh�
<br /> _ ;. 'o �' �' d�ms�xp�di�t,posfpon�th�sal�hom tirt�to tim�um�it ihall b�campl�t�d and,in w�ry wch cos�,fl01�0��lOS���II��IVM
<br /> ,.�.,� ,.�.:�i by public dalorotion thK�of by such p�rsan at the tim�ad ploc�bst oppoint�d far th�sol�:p►ovW�d,if iM wl�is postpon�d fa brg�r thon
<br />- .� �''E'c- -�.. . � orM(l)day bhrond th�da�d�sipnat�d in tha NNotico of SoIQ,notin th�recf shall be piven in the som�rtwnrw as tM oriyfiwl Notke oi Sok. �____�_. _
<br /> -.� �`�' ti, TrostN shaU�K�cuh and d�liw►to th�purchos�r itt ONd tonr�yinp ih�PrapKty so sold,but without ony conv�iant or war►aity.�xpnss.or
<br /> = y � � ��� impli�d.ih�rKitols in tM ONd of any matt�rs or fats shoN b�caxlusiv�proof of th�mithfukwss th�►�of. My pKSOn,includir�without
<br /> :_�_ ` '`• limitotion Trustw,ma►�pu►thas�at th�sob.
<br /> • �
<br />-_ +• � � (b).Wf�n Trust�s�lls pu►suoM to th�powKS f�ein,Trust�e sholl appl�tlw pra�ds of th�sal�to pa�rm�M of tho costs and exp�ns�s of
<br /> °_ .� �� '�a�l+ ' �x�rcisirg tlM powK of sok and of th�sale,includirg,wiihout I'unitution,tik poym�nt of Trust�e's f�s incu�ad,which TrostN's F�s sMtl not
<br />�.�•�:� , �,,... . *' �� in th�ap�rpob �xtNd th�folbwinp amounts based updn th� amount sacund h�nb�and r�moinhg unpoid: 5 prc�ntun an tiw 6olaia
<br /> � - . •� '� th�r�ofj and thm to 1M it�ms s�t forth in subporayroph(t►haroof in tFw order tMnin stated. ° ----
<br /> '�r; .�. , " (c)Aftrr pa►rinp th�it�ms sp�cifi�d in subporoyraph(b►,if th�salQ is b�TrostN,or ths prope►caxt ond otlwr costs of toncbsure ad sola ------
<br /> '' � if th�w l�is pursuant to judicbl for�cbsun,ths p ra�ds of sale sholl b�applied in tFw ord�r stat�d b�bw to th�paymmt ofi
<br />:._.'� -. Yv"� 4 —
<br /> ;{` ,'� � •• - `, ,.� (1) tost of any wid�nu of titk procw�d in connation with such sol�and of ony revenus requued to be poid:
<br /> :�, ., ' � (�I Attorrwys fpss '
<br /> .. • .., (31 AU sums N�en sacw.d I�ereb�,
<br /> '`"; ,; (41 lunior trost dwds,mort�ap�s,or othe►lienholde�s;ond —
<br />�R"'j' .. ., ,, lS) �r��r,if on►r,to th�p�rson or persons Iqally entitl�d th��to.
<br /> _:ri= ". ��-=--
<br />�,.,.. :, :' __-
<br /> , . �.,. (d) If the 8meficiory of this De�d of Trost is o bank as dafined by t�Nbraska law,an�statement contoined in any other sectian of this deed _
<br /> — - _ notwithstaodinp. 1hR Bw�efiCiory si�all rqt be ontitled io recaira m 4uke oin�d6bior SliGll ttoi be ob1i8C?¢d!o poy Ot Qivt;ar�sonfe:sion of juQg- -`°-
<br /> � .,�., � mant,power of attorne�to confess judymeot,power of attorney to appear fa a borrower in a judicial praeediny or ayreement to poy the costs
<br /> ' � of collection of the ottorneys'fees,unless such octs of callection would not otherwise be prohibited by Nebraska bw.Provided,however, that _,��_.
<br /> ' �� this soction does oot apply to the Trostaa fae referred to in paroyraph 61b).ProviJed fwthQr,that this parayraph shaN not opply to this lked of �`'"�°`
<br /> ' ' � ' Trust,if the 8tneficiary is not a bonk. _ _- -
<br />- � .:�, �Z, A�itiwl S�q�if�Upt�Mtt.Trustor,at its expense,will execute and deliver to the Benefitiory,promptly upon demand,such securi- __��
<br />- �:'... ; {N: ty instrumerns as ma�be requirad b�Beneficiory,in form ond substance satisfactory to Beneficiory, coverirg any of the Prope�ty conve�ed by a<� ._�
<br /> � � this Dwd of Trust,which seturity instruments s h a l l b e o d ditiono l securi ty for Trus tor's fai t h fu l p e rf o r m o n c e o f a l l o f t h e t e r m s,c o v e n a n t s a n d � r:
<br /> " conditions of ihis Deed of Trust,the promissory notes secure d here by,a n d ony o t her secur i ty ins tromen t s ex e cu t Q d i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h i s tr a n- ,,•`';: ' v'l
<br />��' ' ' sation.Such instnrnents shall be retorded or filed at T�ustor's expense. '
<br /> _� !V ' � �g, �� �}���r ?wqN. Beneficiary may, from time to time, by o written instrument exetut�d and acknowledged by �,�r:��; --
<br />"", '�' ' &neficiary,mailed to Trustar and rQCOrded in the county a counties in which the Prope►ty is Ixated and by otherwise complyiny with the provi• �-r�-
<br /> :�r-_=::
<br />- •" •����� � � sions of the applicable lows of the State of Nebraska,substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein a acting hereunder. _� y!, _
<br /> �'1- � .-+ 14, M�etie�u,Btneficiary,or its apents,representotives or workmen,are outhori:ed to enter ot any reasonable time upon or in any port � �=�"'--_
<br /> i�'. -
<br />� �^� • • of the Property for the purpose of inspectinq the sume and fa ttw�purpow.ot-p�famwp any of tiw ats it is outhroiied to perfwm under the •'�`"t�'� _,u=,
<br /> :���= .. »rms of the Deed of Trust. � ' a� ' •
<br /> "A"=-
<br /> 15. O�tlo�to Ionelew•Upon the acurrence of any defoult h�reund�r,�B�n�fltiary shal!hava the option to foreclosQ this DeQd of Trust in ,;;,,.�,,,.,__. -'
<br /> ' �� '� tha monner provided by low for the fweclosure of mortgapes on real prop�rt�. • - �::-
<br /> ^"Y . • �6, �p�Mw�wq w Q�fkl�ry Not�w�it�r.Any forebeorance by Beneficiary in exercisi�any rpht a remedy hereunder, or otherwise ;q,
<br /> . �, ` afforded br applitablQ law,shall not be o waiver of or preclude the exercise of ony such right or remed�.likewise,the waiver by Beneficiary of �,��Y,i__;,�
<br /> . ony dofault of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a waver of any other or similar defaults subseQuently acurring. E'`�=��'�;+,.�t�.
<br /> ` '''"' 17, Trwfor Not R�Ma�d. EKtension of the time for payment or modifiwtion or amortizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Tn►st • �•d t;�•.�:'._.
<br /> ' granted by Beneficiary to any sutcessor in inte►est of Trustor shall not operote to release,in any manner,the liability of the oriqinal Trustor and ,
<br /> ° Trusta's successw in interest.Beneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for �
<br />' � • pa�meni or otherwise modify omortization of the sums setured by this Qeed of Trust by reoson of ony demand made b�the oriyinol Trustor and
<br /> Trostor's suctessor in interest.
<br /> . 1 g, M�fld�ry'�hw�rt.Without offacting the liability of ihe Trustor w any ofher person liable for the poyment of any obligotion herem �
<br /> �� menfionad,and without affecting the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of rhe Property not the�a tfieretofore released as � ,
<br /> • security for the full amount of all unpoid obligotions,8eneficiary moy, from time to time and without notice.(il releaseany person so liable I��i
<br /> � " extend fhe moturity or alter ony of the terms of ony suth obligotions. liiil gront other indulgences. livl releose or reconvey,or cause to be
<br />„ ti releosed or reconveyed ot any time ot Beneficiary's optians any parcel,portion or nll of the Property, Ivl toke or releose any other or additionol
<br /> , � sacurity for any obligation herein mentioned,ar(vi 1 makecomposinons or other orrongements with debtors in relation ihereto.
<br /> 19. Whin Adaaa�. Upon request of Trustor, Trustee at Trustee's option, prior to retonveyance of the Property to Trustor. may make
<br /> � fufure advantes to Trustor.Suth future advantes. with interest thereon. shall be setured by this Trust Deed when ev�denced by p�omissory
<br /> --.- *- -----.-•:--.��__:�_...�.....�..........��.e..ti....,..,,.cd.d sw��.,r�„���.,o�n�,ll�ho corurad nrinriml futurp�u1vn►1rP.t not includina suma ad�
<br /> ..,.- ____ .—:�•— - �w�ea a�u�ny��ti�av���...........� .,..................
<br /> �. �._.."' ..._. _..._ . .- - - " -'-- -' � . � '
<br /> vanced to protect fhe security,exceed an aggregofe princ�pol amount of S .
<br />. 2p, p�eon�aYMa Y�r T►uttN. Upon written request of 8enef�cioi y stating that oll sums secured hereby hove been po�d n��d upon surrender
<br /> ` of this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon poyment by irustor of Trustee�S tPes Trustee sholl
<br /> ,, reconvey to Trustor,or the person or persons legolly entitled thereto.without warranty,any portion of the Property then held her�un�Jer The
<br /> retitpls in suth retonveyance of any matlers or facts sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof_The grantee m any reconvPyonr���,,,�
<br /> •, 6e described os"the person or persons leqally entitled th�ereto' .
<br /> • �
<br /> i `
<br /> 7 '
<br />