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<br /> ^ ,�"?� S.TqM,A�iM.�/Oiw�.Trusta�holl po�r all tox�s,oss�s�tc and oth�r chorp�s.Grcludk�p,without limitatfon,fln�s and im•
<br /> � positfons att►ibutabb to th�P►op�rfr,and Mas�lwld PaYm�nts a pround nnt:,if aqr,bfon th�sanN baon�ddinqwnt.T►usta shdl promp• ��_K__ ____
<br /> . "�"+�y,R"�-, . tw iumish to lNwfkiary oll eotius of amourMs dw ud�►this parapraph,ad in th�w�M lrusta shdl mak�parmmt dinctt�.Tru�ta ihall
<br /> �. . pranptly turnish to B�ficiary nc�ipts�vidmcinp such poym�nh. Tnntor sholl por all tax�s and ass�ssrtwMs wl►ith mo�t b�Irii�d upon
<br /> �� larMfkiary's intK�st IMnin or upon this OMd of Tnnt without npord to an�low thot mo�b��noct�d impotinp poflnNnt of NN who�o�on� — ---
<br /> _ �`� - ,�� .::-.,� port tiwnof upon th�ll�fiebry. —, ..._�-
<br /> --------
<br /> "� �• �' •� 6.AMIMMI!i��i MtK1iM d�Ikt�ry`�fawiqr.Trusta iholl mak�oU pa�rn+mts of iMKat and prkrcipol and po�rnwnrs of any - -
<br /> �r'1---�-"-�-=��: ot{�chorp�s,fNS and axpansas contractod to b�paid to any existinp IimhoMers or prio►b�fkia►i�s u�d�►am Prior dMd of trust a na►-
<br /> �- _-
<br /> ' � ipog�b�fa•rh.dot�th�y ar•d�linqu.m ond prampdy po�r and discharp�an�r and all mhK tlms,claims or ctwrqs whkh mo�r�opordi:�tl�
<br /> ''"� � � acurit�r pronf�d hK�in.lf Trusta fails to mak�ony sueh porm�nt a fafls to p�riam any of tM covfnants ad oprMrr��ts contoimd in this
<br /> :.`_,� •f "' , OMd of Tnnt,or in ony prior mat�or dNd of hust,of if ony ation or pra�adLg is cann�nnd which motKblty affats B�rNfkiory's in- _ - -
<br />��� ; • -� t�nst in tM PropKty,includinp,but rat limit�d to,emin�nt domoin praudinps,a p►a�dGps involvinp a d�cMdmt,or if T�usta faUs to por _ _
<br /> _. � �� � Trustor's d�bts 9an�rall�as th�y b�can�dw, th�n B�neficiary,at Bm�ficiarY's oPtlon and withauf^otic�to a d�mand upon Trusta und
<br /> �� ° • -� ,� wsth�wt r�l�asiny Trusta nom ony oblipatlon Fwreund�r,may make such oppeorances,disburs�such sums,and tak�sah ation as is naassory -�_.-�--_�
<br /> � ,+ a ' �• to protat B�rNficiory's int�nst includinp,but not limit�d to,disburs�m�nt of rwsonabw attom��'s fe�s,paymmt, purchas�,cait�st cr com• �f--`�"'--`''--'
<br /> W___'� �'. c _
<br /> } p►omis�of on��ncwnbranc�, charp�or IMn,and ontry upon the Prop�rty to mak�►�pairs.In the event thot Tnntcr shall fail to procur�in-
<br /> ,�A
<br /> ,�� •�• �= swant�or to poy tax�s,assassm�nts,a any other charqes or to moke an�poym�nts to�xlstiig prior lien holders or bmeficiai�s,8mefkiory
<br /> '� ' ' " may p►acure sah insuranu ond moke such payment.M�r omounts disbursed by 8en�ficiary pursuont to this Parayraph 6 sholl b�come cdditlonal ���.�
<br />�""� '�' ind�btedn�ss of Trustor secured by this De�d of Trust.Such amouros sholl b�po�abN upon notic�from 8�neficlary to Trusta r�qussti np poy- �.._
<br /> _.:� ..: '
<br /> °;�,. �...,� ���, n�nt th�nof,and sholl bea►inter�st hom tho date of disburs�ment ot th�rot�pa�robw hom timt to time on outstandinp principol onder tiw °���`�
<br /> " Not�unlass payment of interest at suth rote wauld 6e coMrory to applicable law, in which ovoni such amounts shall baar intarest at the hlphest �� _ --
<br /> . ,T . .�,��;� rott pKmissibl�under applicobb bw.Nothinp contained in this Paopraph 6 shall nquiro&naficiory to incw aa�expense or taka my ation �:.•
<br /> �.`.'�`.-.. , � h�r�under.
<br /> �:tss��_ ...
<br />' ' . 7.At�M of RMta.Benefitiary shall have the riyht, pawer ond authority duriny tlw continuant�of this Deed of Trust to tollect the `, '�_-
<br /> - rents,issws and profits of the Property and of any personol property Ixated th�reon with or without tokirg possession of the property aff�ct�d '�� °"` "�
<br /> 1 ' ^ '� hQnby,and T�ustor iwnby absolutaly ond unconditionally assiqns all such rents,issuas and profits to Bwieficiary.Ben�ficiary,however, h�reb� � _ -
<br /> ' � c o n s m t s t o t h e T r u s t o r's c o l l o c t i o n o n d r e t e n t i o n o f s u c h r e nt s,issues and p rofits as th�y acrue and bQCane poyoble so lonp as Trustor is�ot, �4�,�.
<br /> •� at such time,in d�fault with respoct to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby,w in the p�rformance of any a9reQrtwnt hereunder.Upon y*�� _
<br /> any such default,BenQficiary ma�at any time,aither in person,by apent,or by recaiver to be appointed by o court, without notica and without '�::�:
<br /> � � rQyard to th�odequacq of any security fa the indebtadness hereby secured, (a)entor upon and take possession of the Property a any port ���:�
<br /> ' ;. th�rtof,and in its own narr�sue for w otiwrwise colloct such ronts,issues and profits,includiny thosa post due and unpoid,and opply tF�o wme. �.t-..
<br /> - - - I�ss costf ond axpmses of opermion and coffection,inciuding reosonablu uti�itieys feas, upors any indabssdr�a:::etured he►ebY. aM! i^suth �'`: - --
<br /> ° • order as 8trwficiary mo�determine, (b)perfam such acts of repoir a protection as ma�be nQCOSSary a proper to canserve tiw vdue of the ___��° '
<br /> �...�
<br /> �;�' Prop�rty�(c)leose the same or any part thereof for suth rentol,term,and upon suth conditions as its judyment may dktata or terminoteor ad• -----
<br /> •.Y,� ��r^ssrm�.
<br /> � • just the tarms and conditions of any existing IQOSe or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiary ayrQe otherwiae in w►iting,on�application of rents, ' '�'�''° •�-
<br /> ..�.,.. . '''�''
<br /> o�^ �, issues or profits to any indebtedness setured hereby shall not Qxtend or postpone the due date o}the installment poynwnts as p►ovided in said .
<br /> �;. . promisso►y note or chonpe the amount of such installments.The enteriny upon ond tokinq possession of the Praperty, the collectian of such ., �-
<br /> � ,. , ...-. rents, issues ond profits, and the opplicotion thereof as aforesoid, shall not woive or cure any default ar notice of default hareunder,or in• ''
<br /> volidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary, as further securlty for the perfom►ance of the obl iyutions
<br /> � " ,~ sacur�d horeby,all prepoid rents and all monies which moy have been or may hereofter be deposited with said Trostor by any lessoe of the Pro• - -
<br /> �.:. -,• .
<br /> ; pe�ty,t o s e t ur e the payment of ony rent or dartages,ond u p on default in the performance of any of the provisions hereof,Trustor ogrees to I
<br /> i. deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercisa of the riqhts qranted hQrain,to ony tQnont a• ' , :, ::.__
<br /> ' tupyiny soid premisas shall be sufficient to require soid tenant ro pay said rent to the Beneficiary until furthor notice. ;;'�";�_"_
<br /> .f I' .... 8.Ca�ttoe.If title to any port of the Property shall be taken in condemnation prxeedinys,by riyht of eminent domain or similor action, � �
<br /> . .. .�y F
<br /> • • ° or sholl be sold under threat of condemnotion,oll awards,damages and praeeds are hereby ossiyned and sholl be poid to 8oneficiary who shall . .:. •.=°' '
<br />' apply such awards,domagas ond proceeds to the sum sQCUred by this Deed of Trust,with thQ excess,if an idto Trustor.If Trusta�eceives ` °'� �
<br /> Y•Pa
<br /> •• . � any notice or other informotion regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall yive prompt written notiee thereof to Mnefitiary. �'"�, . .�
<br /> . Beneficiory shall be entitled,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its own name any suth ocflon a praaedinys ond shaH be em -- "`°�
<br /> y ^�i'Jq r
<br /> titled to moke ony compromise or settlement in connection with any such oction or proceedings. =•-=;��,�=`.
<br /> . ; 9. R���di�s Net Exctuiiv�.Beneficiory sholl be entitled to enforce poyment ond performonce of any indebtedness or obliyations secured ,
<br /> herQby and to exarcise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony other agreement executed in connection herewith a an�lows � _,�:A
<br /> �� - now or hereafter in force,notwithstonding some or all of the such indebtedness and o6ligotions secwed hereby may now or hereoHer be other- • �
<br /> '""` wise secured,whetFwr by mortyoge,deed of trust,pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise.Neither the occeptonce of this Oeed of Trust nor its ;
<br /> � enforcement whether by caurt action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined,shall prejudite or in any momer offed �
<br /> Beneficiary's right to reoli:e upon or enforce any other security now or hereaher held by Beneficiary,it being ogreed thot Henefitiory sholl be j
<br /> ` enlitled to enforte this Deed of Trust and ony other security now a hereafter held by Beneficiary in suth order and monner os it may i n its ab• •
<br /> '� solutQ discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein .
<br /> or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulotive ond sholl be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder a now or hareofter
<br /> existinq ot low or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it rtwy be
<br /> otherwise entitled,ma�be exercised, toncurrently or independently, from fime to time and as often as may be deemed expedient Be�efitiary
<br /> • ond it may pursue inconsistont remedies.Nothing herein shall be tonstrued as prohib�tiny Benef�cbry from seeking o deficiency judgment against
<br /> .� , the Trustor to the extent such ation is permitted by low.
<br /> 16. Thn�F�r of Prop�►f�rt A�swNption.tf oll ar any port of the property or any interest therein is sold, transierred or tonveyed by Trustor
<br /> ' without Beneficiary's prior written consent, ezcluding(a)the creotion of a lien or encumbrence subordinote to this D�ed of Trust, (bl*he crea•
<br /> � tion of a purchase money security interest for household applionces. Ic)a transfer by devise,descent or by operot'an of low upon thedeoth of o
<br /> _e �_ _�_�� _s .�_ 1.. ..� ..�.. ww��nn�n nivrlv�e� il�rwfirinrv IBOV at
<br /> ' ----'---` c-•--". ... :..: nn
<br /> .. — .._" ' ' ' . '� �Olnt tftitlfii {Ir lU/ ii�C �Yi�i v� uii �euovnvw aua�w� vr _' "��" �' ' ' ' ' ..
<br /> ( }� � ��uac �cu�a .n .vi��v. •v..........:ti .... ..�..�.. ._ �_._.."'• _ '
<br /> Beneficiory's option,declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and poyoble,or cause the Trustee to file a notice
<br /> of default.Beneficiary shall hove woived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sale, transfer or conveyonce,Beneficiary ond the person to
<br /> whom the prope►ty is to be sold a transferred reoch agreement in writing thot the credit of such person is satisfactory to Beneficiary ond that
<br /> " tM intQrest pa�able on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust sholl be at such rate as Beneficiary sholl request.
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />