: . . : , , .. . . ' : �. .. :�
<br /> �
<br /> _ . . ., , �..�• --
<br /> . , . . . ._ . .. . .. . . . . � . ..--�___--_--.__ _. � .
<br /> , .. � ,. .
<br /> . ,. . .. „ _
<br /> .
<br /> - ` _ _
<br /> --------�----�-- �-_.� . - ------ � � _
<br /> 1 �-_. ��.—
<br /> - � .«. . .. __- . . . _
<br /> 96- �.f;��4� � .' � ..
<br /> � 5.1�Iazard or Property Iaswance. Bonow�shall keep the anprovements now existing or kereafter esectcd on�he Pmgra�y ' . ' .. .
<br /> .�� insured agais�st loss by fire,6grards inctuded Nithin the r�m "eutsaded coveaage"and any other hazards,includ'mg ftoods or ' ' , ' v.`
<br /> 1 Qaading.for whish I.endea requizes insurance.'tt�is i�surmue shall he main�ained in ihe amoua�ts and for the peaiods that Lzader •
<br /> ) requires.'Ihe ins�uance carrier providing the insnrance shall be chnsea by�onowea sub�ect to Leader's approval which shall not � , "'
<br /> � be �nreasonably withheld. 1f Ba�wer fa�s to maintain covee�ge descn�6ed above. L�deJ may. at Leader's option. obmin -= - ;---.:—
<br /> coverage tn pzouct Leader's rights sn the Property ia acc�rdauce wiah paiagrapb 7. . ,
<br /> � AII insurance policies and reuevrals shall be zcceptable to I.ea�dea�d shall u►clude a standard mortgage ctause.L.emder shall � . , -
<br /> . � have the reght w hold the po�icies and reuewals.lf Le,ndea requiaes,Bonowea shall P�mP�Y 8�e tn It.�dea aIl receipts of paid ,� ' .
<br /> , � pcemiams aud reaewal notir.es.In the eveat�f loss,Bairow�r shall�ve gsompt notice to the insurance rarrier and Ler�drr.Leuder ` '�
<br /> :.� �ay ma�e p�uf of!�if not m2�promp�iy by Bouower. -- -.. -.- - - - --_
<br /> � ; Un�Lend�and Bonower oth�wise agre�in writing,insnra�ce proceeds s6all be applied to reswratioa or repair of the .. .
<br /> � peoperty darnaged,i:the res'�uzaiion or m,pair is economically f�ble and I.e�d�'s sectuity is not lesseued if the srsromiinn or . .
<br /> .. repair is not esono�ically fe�le ar I.ender's security would 6e le�ed.the im,urance proceeds sball 6e apglied to the suws . �
<br /> ' secared by this Secwrity InsKaamwb wheiher or ant them due, wrid►any eaccess paid ro Baaowa ff Battowe,r abandons the . , .
<br /> �, ., j Rc°perty,or dnes not answer wiilvm 30 days a notice fmm Lendea t4at the insu�ce c�rier has a�to s+effie a claim,d�ea � � ' .. �. � .�'�.
<br /> Lr�s�r�ay callect the insiaance ptoceed.s.Leader may use the p:ocee�ls tn cepair or�re the Fta�ty or w pay snms secured = ..
<br /> ' � by ct�SeGtrity Instrument,whether at not thea dne.'17ts 30-day peiiod w�71 tsegin when th�ao�cs��n. - . �`�'':_
<br /> ` _ � UJrr���Boaower otdenvise agree in writin8,anY apPlis�st�of proceeds w princgaY�r311 aot exteud or posq�one - .: �„ ._ �,• ;,.._
<br /> ' • the d�e d��`:tin��onth�Y I�Y�ts zef�red to in parag��s i and 2 cr r,�ge t��°-�.t of i�e pym�rs.If andra gazagxaph __ �__ , . ��:''d�^"
<br /> zi c��o�y���a o�z.�a�,B�o�'s rigba to any insivance galicies aad Maceeds r�ultmg fcam damage w the ��-�-=����.,:
<br /> Pt�{s�xaS Pri�r��s a��:�aII pass w I.ende�to tf�e.x�t of the sams sec^�.s�d.i'sy this Security Insoium�a3�nme�iately ..`.t ,
<br /> .�s.�:t..
<br /> �c�tke ac�r�i�na. . .' �'.'.:••..: _. _:.
<br /> �_:_
<br /> 6.Occapanry.Preservatioa.ltlsinteaano�an��eot�n of the Eroperiy; Borrowee's Lc�m Apptication,I.easehold9. '' .rt s;�G•;---
<br /> ' B�ower shall oxupy,es�blish.and use the Propaty as Bunower's principal resdence wit6um�d�ys after t�e execatian of r . . '`•�`�"'�.� _
<br />' ttria Secauiry insuaraent and sLall contmue to oaupy Qte L�perty as Botrawea's prmcipal r�i�c�3 2easi a���r aftci the ., �'�-a=
<br /> ' �e of occapancy, unless Leadrr otheawise agtees im �r.dtmg, which wnseat sh�ll not be�-��.ably wi�Ea�,or�mless .;`•';, :i: �`�. -
<br /> .;�;�.:_. �:.,�;:�_:-=°'
<br /> '- ac,�nnaring circnmstanas eaist Ndich are beyond Borro�s`s controL Bormwa s6ai1 aot desucoy,�e or im�3�e Pcup�rty, fr�.. � �,� •�.' —
<br /> � ailow the Pmpe�ry tn deterioiate.or commit wasts on the Propesry. Barrower s6all be in�i�any foifeinue aaroa¢� , `* �Ir�r..,-
<br /> Fmceed'm8,whether civl oz criminal,is begua thaa in I.enda's good 6a�Judgmeut cor����ufeiwrz of the Property�r �S '..
<br /> ' or�elwise mar�rially impair c�e tieen c�ated by this Seranrity Insnn�meat er Lendea's�y int�;t.Homnwes may atte sach� ; '
<br /> n ��� �'
<br /> . d�ult and reinstaLe.a4 prmu�ed in paragraph 18,by�ansing the acaon or pmw�dlasµ� w be dismissed with a iuling ihat,u► �`='' . . '�`
<br /> '=: � :�.•;:! �..
<br /> , �da .�. _ �;:
<br /> `.' �der's good faitb detelm�ci�n,pre�l¢des forfeinue of the Bomoara's mte�rest m frre�-Rnpeny ar other mat�_l�:gaiimmt of
<br /> ��r. t�e ti�n c�eated by this Ser,a�y Ins�umeat or Leader's security m�st.Ba�owa shall atso be it�dd�nlx if Pr���,diamg the �.'�, .� �:��
<br /> '•t:,A 8
<br /> s`''' �aPP�P�8�ve mate�iaUy false ar inaccarate iofoimatioa cu stFUemeats to Leader(oz;�a�a�t��'-�e I,endea w�h -:� .' � {
<br /> `��4�l� �zr mat�ial mf�mation) in wnnection with the 1� evidenced by the Nose, mcludmg,but no�c rrr�u.Ed s�,�eata�a�s � " ��� _�`'�';�,�'',
<br /> �• ��g Borrowes's occupancy+of the Propeaty as a�ai resideaise.If tLis Seiurily instcamprt is on a I�sa�a�,B�rowa �i,. � .�, •'; i� ;��:'-R
<br /> �s,4mii:somply wltP�all the proeisions of the lease.ff B��acquues fee dtie w the Pmpeaty,the Ieasehold and�re fi�dtte shz'9 :;;;;'..:: '.:�.��-.. .si ,;,:�__
<br /> . aoi merge unt,ess I.en�er a�ees tfl the mergea in wliting. 8 � ```j'�...�'� �:� ``'
<br /> • 7.Prota�n o!I.eader's Rights in the Property. If Boirower f�s q perfo�rn the wveuanis and ag�eements conta�ed m ,M:, ��.��; �
<br /> tLis Seauity Instmme�t,os thae is a IeB�D�8 tLat may sign��-.�'itiy a�'ect Leader's rights in the Propaty(sucb as a .�. ..'�" �:' �-
<br /> � in probate,for conde�nation ar forfeihue or w eafonce IaN�ar.cP,.gudations),ihen Le�der may do�d Pa�Y �,��-• .�:' i�=
<br /> �8 �aD�Y, t�r.:... ..
<br /> � , fa�whatever is uecessaty►tn protect the value of the Pmperty and I�der's rights�.���Praperty.Leuder's aqions��ay intlnde �t��_:,. ';'�ri��••.--
<br /> � PaN�B any sums sec�Ed by a licA whsah hag priority over this Seamity Ins�uQtr�i,aPP�B ���,PaY�B ��� � }G �.���.
<br /> •• ;,,
<br /> 'i�t`� � auameys'fees aad c�trsing on the P�operty to malce repaQS.Atthough I.eader may take action u:�+zr thia pa�agtaph 7,Leader 'P �� ,; 'i��-
<br /> ea t.:
<br /> ��`� � does not have ro do so. � y� s,�:.°,
<br /> . i � ����.. -
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender ander tLis ya�b 7 shaU became additin-,Jal debt of Boirowa sec�ued L+p+this Secauiry ';_;�,; � �_`:_:_
<br /> � �tr�rumenc UWess Bocrowea and Leader agee ro ather�s of PvYea�►t,these�onnis shall bear htt�rest fru�tLe date of :�w�_--__:
<br /> , atisbursernent at the Note iate�d shaD be payahle,witb intaest.�Wn no�from Leader to Sorrower reqaes6ng payment -. A ��"�'i
<br /> �. 9.Mortgage Iaqurana. If Letldes iequiTed mOlfgH$C i11S1ueIICe a�a�OIIditiDtl Of inelang the Io2�S0Clued hy t11is SCCIUi3.� . �..;.: ,-
<br /> <.��:��
<br /> lnsaument, Barmwer shall pay the pr�iums req�ired to main�tain•ztre mortpge ins�uance in effert. If. for any reason.th.� '" � �'�,,.
<br /> . martgage insuzaace coversige required by Lender tapses er ceases t�be in effect,Bmmwe,r shall pay the preauiums reqaited to _;��•�`'. s
<br /> obmm oov substanti�all uivaleat tn the mo e insarance aviousl in eff' aY a cost salsstantiall vivalent to the ':.. . ..''���r�p�r,
<br /> u88o 11Y 04 �$ PI Y �, Y e4 �r.,;.•••`^:,: ,:'
<br /> ' cost w �orrower of the mortg�age ins�ance previously in effect.from an aItemate mort$age insuret appmved by Lead�.tE ",,�;:'' : '.
<br /> .';,r.:� subslanti�alTy eqnivatent moitg,age insurance wverage is not available,Banvwer shall gay w Leuder each moath a sum equal w . ..,. .�.':`�t:�,
<br />:1,.:�,;: 11 •4...::.:AiF;i�.?.�.� c
<br />�,��;�; on�tweltth of the yeacly mo�tgege L�s�ra,zce yremium being paid by Banower whea the insuraace oovaage tapsed or ce�ed w . ,.�}.�,�,, .
<br /> f�e m effect L�dea w�71�L nse and rerain these payments as a loss res�re in lien of mortgage insuianc�Loss resave �- .. - --.._,. ._ .
<br /> ,�.s---.._.:��.,
<br /> .:;••:'. Fo►m 802i 9lYO
<br /> Si;,:+�%;r �-6N(NE�ia.:�,z►.o� P¢y�3ofe inniaa:----- . .,. -
<br /> ,.,;��;�
<br /> ;;t`;�'�• . —
<br /> • , ���:
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