� ' . - . . .t , . t• � ' , _ . �, �....s.. ' ` . , -, � -
<br /> .. . . ,.,ti _. ... . .
<br />. ,, � '" _ . _ ... ` � . ' • - � ` • ' . . . � � ' , . . ,� � rt ,�,^ ., . --
<br /> . . � . . . ., :2�.
<br /> . ' . . ' . . . . . :` . . '. . , - .. . . .. .r� � - � .
<br /> " ' '... . . , . �E-.
<br /> -.� E . . .
<br /> i 9�"1a�4� ' � �-
<br /> �
<br /> .i 7�t'ih'I'FiFR WITH Ail �h�improvem�,ns now an c�tpafter erecxcd on We moperiy,and ali easemeaits,anPvrtenar�c.�s,a� � . , - - . ---__ —=_-
<br /> ' fixaues now or hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and additions shall also be covered by tkis Security Insuument f . ' � ' �
<br /> , AIl af the foregoing is referred w in this Seauity Insuument as the"Progeaty" � . •... �. —
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that BaROwer is i�wfully seised of the estate fieicby cflnveyed a�d has the right to grg.nt and � . . _-
<br /> convey the Prope�ty and that t�e P�oparty is uneacumbered.eaccept for eacumbrances of record Homnwer�va�ants and wiU ; , . _
<br /> .- defead geuerally t$e title w the Peoperty against all claims aud demands,sub,�t to any eacumbrances af r�ord. � .
<br /> ` � - -i�_
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRiJAl�1V'Y'oombines unifoim coveriarus for national ase aied aon-uniform wvenPSau witk� limited = ��
<br /> • variaDions by jtuisdictian Go consabitc a tmiform sec�ity insuum�t covermg real pmp�ty. �... . ' .
<br /> UNU�ORM COVENANTS.Bormwer and Lender vovenant and ag�ee as followx ' .
<br /> l.F�y�eat ot Pein�3pa!and Interes4:PreDayment aad Late Charges. Borrowes shall promptly pay when due ehe � � �_-
<br /> . I '. .
<br />: principai of and intesest an c6e debt e�ide.nced by tlte Note and any prepaymeut and late cdarges due under ttt�Note. . .
<br /> �.Funds for Taaes sad Insaranoe. SubSect tn applicable Iaw a�to a writtea wa'sver by Leader, Bomawer sdall pay w . � , ;;.r.: --
<br /> "�.'.�,cf -„�
<br /> Lendra on the day montWy payme�ts are dne ander the Note.unn7 the Note is paid'm full.a sum("Funds")far.(a)yeariy taxes , '
<br /> ; and assessments whic6 may�taia priority ovea this Security Instrumeut as a lien on the PnoP�Y:(b)Y�S+lease�old pa}rmeat� '' • . .
<br /> .; cr��td.�c;,i���.if aay:(c)Year1Y hazard�r P�A�rtY�"tu"a�Frt�ss:�d)YeariY fIood�Fremitmts.if .. "= �'.-��;.�"',�:`-�
<br /> anY;(e)Yearly moitgage insurauce premiums.if any:and(�anY sums Payable by Bonower to L.e�der.in accardsnce with the . �,r
<br /> prov�sions of parag�rapb 8,ia lien of the paymeat of mortgage iascuanoe p�emiams. 'ltiese items �e caIled "Fsaow Items." . , :.; c:� '� =�:.
<br /> Lzndea may,at any time,c4ltect and hotd F�ads in an amount aot to eanxed the maai.m�un amount a Iender for a fedesalty relaYed . . ` ` ,
<br /> .c�.
<br /> martgage loan may tequue far Batmwer's�cmw accaunt�d�the federat Real Estate Seu�emeat Proce,duYes Act of 1974 as , �•;,,� _=`=`
<br />�'��` ametided fYnm tffite tn�me,12 U.S.C.SecGan 26tli et se9• C`RESPA°).nn�ess anot�ea law that agplies to dte Fnnds s�a tesset • , • �;, "�.
<br />�:��: amount tf so.L.ender may,at any ame,cellect and hoW Funds in an amo�mt not to exceed the tessea amonnt I.e�der may
<br /> �•`i esr�a�the amount of Faads due on the bas3s of cwrenc data and reasflnable es�aE eape.ndiaues of fuuue Fscaow Items or � . { '�s,;��,,:
<br /> cti?a�svise m a�cardance witb a�plicable Daw. .__. �"����°-
<br /> -ru�'_�. � �-,. .
<br /> '�e Fuads s�all be held in an insrimtion ahose s�ts are insiued b a federal ` `. �� '� �-
<br /> depo � Y a8enc�+.u�sn�ain�tality,or ea6ty(uicludmg ��.-
<br /> :� Lettder,if Leades is sach an instimuoa)or in any Federal Home Loa�t�nTc.Lender shall apply thE Funds W pay the Escnow � . ����' �
<br /> E � .�. .
<br /> Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for hoiding and aPPtymg th�F�ds,annualiY�Y�B the esaow acr.omnt,ar verifywg - _ —
<br /> the F.sczoa Items,unless Leader pays Bonower inte�est an the Fue�s�d applicable law peamits I.ender m make su�h a ctffige. ; *" . : ,'.�:
<br /> .s
<br /> Hnwever.I.ender may requ�e Bmrower tn pay a on�time c6arge fos an independent r�eal estate tax reporm�g servise ased by °:. �
<br /> Lead�in��*�+n with this loan,u*.►1�applicable law provides c�rr-.rvirise.Unless an a�memmt is made or appficable!aw ;:,;;_,�. � �
<br /> :;'•, reqaues m��as.be pai�,Leader s�21 not be reqused ro pay Bome�any int�rest or��the F�nds.Boimwer and .`. .; :
<br /> �.
<br />-ri�� Leader may a�in�vrating.howev�,d�ai interest shali be paid on�s ria-�ar'r_?s.I.eudea sLari give t�i3'r,nnowra,without charge,an .;�;. �.. . ;�.
<br /> a„r�,a�accounting of tlte 1�mrds,showing credits and debits to the Fun�s a:.d tha p��far w�c:�ach debit w the Fimds was ,�;°';� �a• —
<br /> �d�.11►e Funds ar�p1et�;^��addidonal security for al!sums secaued by this Se��Tati.:.��~ument .. '�� -. �,
<br /> ..;.,.:� �. ':
<br />. :�the Funds�eW by�eaceed the amovnts primitted w be he2d by applica;s�.T�ua,I.eade��rrzl account to Borcower far � ,i� ::�_
<br /> the excess F.mb��aa�nrdaace with the r uireanents of � �'� � -•-
<br /> eq applicable law.If the amount of thc Funds 1�by I.euda a3 uny ti��v .- �
<br /> • not su�cie�t ui�r�the Escamw Items when due�La►der may so notify Borrower in wiiting,and,in sucb case Bomowei st�all po,y �� �
<br /> to Leader the�ouat necessary w malce up the deficiency. Bormwes shall ma�ae up the deficieacy m no m��an tweIve - " ��
<br /> moathly payne�3s,at L.ender's sole discredon. .•:�.,.Y• :.�� .;-:`. �
<br /> ��_. _--
<br /> ' UWA Pag�,:ia full of all smns sepued by this Security Insuume�6 Lendrr s'r�tk promptly refimd to Boaower any Funds ,'�.��c
<br /> held by Le�s��.�;ader pa:ag�aph 21,I.cAder shall acquire or setl t�Frepeaty,i.�der,priar to the uan or sale of 8� � ��-�� �
<br /> �P�Y.sl����aay Funds beld b Lender at the time of �� . i*�'!+�
<br /> Y scqui_�.ca�:,a credit s�;:.,:st the sums seaued by thi� . 17,'-
<br /> Sec�iry Instra�e�t :• ' .^� '-'�
<br /> Y•:1 . •1' ��-.
<br /> 3.Apptk�doa ot Fs.�sm�arPs Unless applica6le law p�•�:des otheiwise.aii�;m�sn received by lx,mder under paiagcaphs ,���----•—
<br /> � � t�a 2 Snan ne ue�:r���o an �.�,+.\; -.� � --_..��
<br /> ePP' y P�Payment charges ai�re uader the Not�se�,�,tc,amoimts payable under parag�ph Z; ��•�'.:�`�
<br /> �.:d,W inte�r.��:,fourtb.to principal due;and 1ast.ro an L3te � `
<br /> y charg.�s�e under c.e tiote.
<br /> .,t��;.�.
<br /> 4.Chuge�Eaens. Bomawed shall pay all taxes,asses�nents.cLu�'-a. fines�d imposiaons aGnbuta6le w the Pmpeny ••'�°.-
<br /> d
<br /> �i�'.ch ma a� ori ovra this Seraui Ir�suument,and leaseho� �ents or Y P Y . : Y.y��"
<br /> ��,�.:�1.:,`:_'�
<br /> Y Pri �Y zN ��� 8aound rents.if an .Boimwear shall a these -•,�: -_. .. �
<br /> aL'.�G�tions in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if nat paid'm t�.,:.,*.�annea,Boaower shall pay them on time dsectly�the ,.�,.. .�.�•:�a�.�xi�ir.� �
<br /> -son owed a eait Boirower skall m d fumish to Lender:�T �stices of amo�mnts m be paragiap �''�
<br /> � P Ya► P� P Y Faid undet ihis h. If i;;;: , .',. -- .
<br /> Boaower rr�-e3�tese payments direcdy,Borrower shall promptly f��.ua L�eadea ts evidencin the ` ...�...'� .
<br /> �P 8 PaYmea�ts. ; • '::.. . -
<br />�`.:; Borrower�:z:l pmmpdy discharge any fien which has priority ac�ii,is Securiry Instrument�lr.�s Bolmwea:(a)agrees iu j.' ` ,.; �
<br /> ���� writ�g ro tke payment of the obligarion s�raued by the lien in a mazi:��r zcceptable us Lend�;(62 ajr.�rsts u►good faith the lien 1, ' '"`;�t'{,tY„,
<br /> , 7ir;5�:.�.:•.,. ' . ;�t,,..:
<br /> by.or defends agftinst er.f'or.c,�uent of We lier► in, tega.� pioceedings which in � G�,der s opinion opeaate tn preveru�he r<:-:
<br /> tins
<br /> '������''� •` �
<br /> eafarceanent of the liear,or(�1 s�ures fmm the ho2der Qi�4e lien an agreement s�2yS�sory to L,ender subord'u�ating the lien to � . ' " �
<br /> tAis Securily Insxe:ment If Lendea det�iae3 ed�at any pait of the Pro�erty is svbject tn a lien ahich may aUain prirnity ovei tlus �'�'�� � '� '
<br /> erty
<br /> Securiry Instramc�s�e.Lender may give Barra�+ea a notice identifyiag ct�e Iezn.Borrowa shall sarisfy the lie,n or ta1�e one or m�e �. ' . ;
<br /> of�he actiarns sct forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. � . • . • . �_
<br /> Form802a 9/80 �•`;��, • _�
<br /> �-6R(NE7�ez�z�.o� Cage2of8 �nnuu: Sr�•�"' �
<br /> f 'g.�
<br /> ,•,��
<br /> f r,. � _ o.
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