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<br /> rf�o p e r t y.Ti�e red�ts tn the Tc�stee's d.�sl9zll Bx pai�rm fcste erid�ce af t�t�a40 aY tCe st�t�e��sde L'�ea+c�a. � ��,' `: ` , .
<br /> 'Tr�siee�atl appt�r tbe poceeds ot t�e aate is tDe[oli�rotog order:(a)to aD ooats ond t:pmses o!a[etdst�g iPte pow�of " • -. . -� �`•'
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<br /> Z2. Reco�eyanoe. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Seruriry Inssiument, Leader s3�at1 cequest T�usta: co ,_;•;.;�:-�:-i ,'
<br /> teeonvey the Praperty and shall sunender tLis Securiry in.,m�ment and all notes evidensing debl sesared hy this Satnity �.�;�_ .`
<br /> In�rumeat[o Tnutee.Tnistee shall nconvey the Praperty without warraaty and witDunt charge to the pe�son ar peisons 1eg21ty •`�_�:_=�:-��' .
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<br /> enfifled w it.Sac6 petson or pezsons shall pay any tecordatcoa w�ts. , ....:�_,-�--,_.
<br /> 2�. Sabslitate 7leastee.Lender, at its ogiion,maY from time to time remove Tmssse and appaint a s�or uastca�to • :,�_�;�`.,..�--
<br /> any Tcustee appointed hereuader by aa ,ment reoorded in the ooaaty in wtuch this Securiry Instenment is rec�ordsd.�thaut : .. .,--=n`-;'�---�
<br /> caaveyaace of the Piogerty.the suooESSOr tn�stee shall succeed to all the atte,Power and duties coaferred upon Tnrstee hsnin ,i--"'.�,.��.
<br /> - aad if;agplicable law. �''�"��'"�."„`". .
<br /> .� Z4. Re�uest tor Natices. Borrower requ�that copies of thy uarioes of defauic and s�te D.°,seat to Borrower's address • �_�'�='
<br /> whirb is the Properry Adctmss. _ - ;
<br /> . 2S.Rid�s W this S�arIYy ansOnm3e��.If one or mere ridezs aze exewted by Botrawer and remrded mget�er with thia "�`-.—�_----
<br /> . ' s�cu�ty insa�s.at,rDe cavenants and agreemeuts af ez�h such rider shall 6e iaco:gorated iuto and shall amensi and suggI�t „` �,.�;.;'
<br /> � � tlr�raae�ants and ageemeuu of this Secvrity Insuvment as if the r'sder�s)were a part of tHis Securiry insuamen2. ,,,
<br /> '`r� [CEctaSc applicable box(es)] �� ��' .--
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<br /> �`s,;`„ 0 1-4 Famil Itider ` -- .
<br /> '"��,.'� �Adjt�a�iics C+tsis Iiidea �Co�dominium Ridet Y -_=- --,
<br /> ��`�_,� 0 Gr^��aym�t Hfaier �Plaan�d Unit D�velopment Rider �B1W0CSCISI TT'dyIDCIII RIdE! �ary:� '•' � ,
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<br /> ,� �; BY SIGNING BELOW.Borrower accepts and agre�to the tecros and covenants cantamed in this Seturiry In.suu�nt r�� :,��`
<br /> ia aagyy rider(s)executed by Borrower and�ecorded vrith it. .
<br /> ' �� Qi/ltgA4SG4: �•
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<br /> �,. •' '�he fore�.:��g insnument w�acknowledged befora�e this �iST day of OCioB� ,1996 , ------ - -- --
<br /> �;.: : �yy JOHDi S SI',ff�70If8 3lLID 22tTTl� 31 B�IDC3Fi8. 8�S8F1I3D 11ND � DE • -- _�'"_�-.
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