�.. .. �� , � , �, '. . ; ; , : , � . _.: � _ .
<br /> � • � . � , � . . . . , . . • :�..�.:.
<br /> , . , . � < . ` , . , . , � � . _�
<br /> , , � .. . . . � - t:
<br /> . . , ... � .. , � � � . .-. __
<br /> • . . � �. . . � � . . ° , ;': . ... , � . � --
<br /> , `.�. • _ . � , .. � : �z"�
<br /> g6- 3,08�'7 . . . � -
<br /> . ' t?.'frunsfer oi t�e r�opaiy or o��?��3 Itrt�u,'�.-r��QS. If all ur an;p1t of the Property or aay interest in it . . , ', ; `' r.
<br /> is sold or uansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bamnw�r is sold or transferted and Borrower is not a aatutal petson)withaut `' �
<br /> Lender's prior �vritten consent. l.endee may. at iu a�tion, require imm�diaze Payme°t in full of all sums secured by this : , , � • �.
<br /> . gecurits Instmmant.Ho�vever,this option shall no:be exercised by Leudsr if exercise is pnotu'bite�by federal taw as of the da[e ` �-:
<br /> of[his Security Instcument. , - ��-
<br /> If Lender exercises this opaon,l.ender shall gititi Borrower notice of a�celeration.The noace shall p�vide a periad of not . ,
<br /> � less tban 30 days fram the date tite rmtice is d4li��red or mailed arithin which Borro�uver mnst pay all sums secured by this -- .- - - -- -
<br /> gecuricy Instnuutnt,If @orrower fails to pay these syms prior to the expiration of this periad.Lender may invoke any remedies . . �
<br /> pe�p,ed by this gecuriry Instrument without furttsu�sice or demand on Borrower_ � ,
<br /> 18. Borro�ce�s Fiight to Reiastata If BQrro�er m�ts ce►tain condidons. Borrower shaU have [he right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Sewriry Insmiment discontin��at anY �e prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other period as � _ � �
<br /> a�plicable la�v may specifY for reinstatement) b�fare sale of the Property pursuant ta any power af sale contaiaed 'u► thi9 . •
<br /> Seau�ity Insaum..'nr or(b)entry of a judgment eafoscing this Securiry ,,•,ene.'I'hose condttions are that Borrowez:(a)pays . : • :<: "
<br /> L�nder a11 sums w}�ich then wouid be due uader tDis Securiry Insnlimsnt and the Nou az if no acceleration hsd occurred;(b) ; .•,.'f
<br /> � c s all es iIICUtled iA eIIforCing this Seauity In. �men �t;�'' ;'
<br /> - cures any default of any other covenanu or agreemPnts; ( )PaY �P� ;�,� :,`��-; '
<br /> _ inclusiing,but not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fces: and(d)takes such action as Leader may te3sanab1Y�4��� •` ,``;��,�. J.
<br /> ch=t the lien of this Securiry insuument, Lender s rights in the Property and Borrower's obli an co the�ns secured by ";;,
<br /> c�is Seauity lnstcument shaU continue u�ch�gd. U�a reiostatemeni by Borrower. du'�s 3� r,r�.Fr„nent and the �':: �• ?���� _
<br /> aYriigation�sLSVred hereby shall remain fully effeceim as if uo acceleration 6ad occ.urred.Howedcr,ti�is rig�u:u�teinstate shall �:.::;.;}• r -
<br /> �17. ;F{G:?��'��. :�.
<br /> � a�ot apply in ti.e case of acceleration under paragrzp "
<br /> 19. S9le of Note; Change a�i Losn Serviur. The Nore or a paztial intetest in the Ncrr�(cu��'��u�h this Securiry �`;.•�r�. ��:i ,.
<br /> t3+ . ' '�:;.`�...:;�....
<br /> I�stmment?a�-ry be sold one or mote times witho�at pnor notice to Boaower.A sale may result�a��'e c�tir�enti (known ''r
<br /> � as the'Lo�Servioer")tbu collects month1Y PaYm''-n�s due under the Note and this Security �^t.'�.�e also may be one .. .; :r.;�__
<br /> • r;.... ..
<br /> - ar more�ges of the Loan Servicer�mrelat�d to a sale of the Note.If there is a ctiange of tb.e E�:a Servis�,Bairower wIU be .. .._.:' .���•; , �, _r.__--._.
<br /> -� given writt�+s nodce of the change in accordance witL paragraph 14 above and applicabie law.'£t��n.��wi'.1 state the uame and -.., r;-...<.;,,�
<br /> � address of the new Loan Servicer and the add�ss to which paymenu should be ma�e. 'I'�e���:.11 alsa oantain any other :•.�N��'.•.';:�,-;�s;
<br /> . infozmauon required bY�PPUcable la�v. . .,� �--_.—
<br /> Zp. H�rdous gut�stances. Borrower shall not cause or peimit the pr�c�r�, use, dis�csal, swr�.��r release of azry
<br /> °.:, Harardons Substances on or in the Property. Banower shall not do. nor all��w �yone eL� to do, a.-�.zinS affe�nS� ��,.�, �,. '�°�-
<br /> . Environmen�.z]Law. The precedmg two sec.-:xs shall�r.�Iy co the presence,use,or ,:,`�r-'�'��'•r,-- i, .
<br /> Prop�ccty that is in violanon of any ,.,,• ^ ,-. ., 1 : -
<br /> P �Y o be ro riate w normal
<br /> • �•:� storage on ths Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally rece„:�.;: aPp P ;,;,�„+, , .:'�._ -
<br /> residential uses and to maintenanoe of the Propercy. ' 'j'" `'�`�'3 • ..
<br /> Bomocver shaU pmmp Y gi �-wsuit or other acaon b an . ,. ' ��..,�..;
<br /> tl ve L�ender writtta notice of any invesagation,claim,demaecE, � Y ,.'f;.t't+� ,,a���
<br /> .S gavernmental or regulatoN agencY or private pa.-ty involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance os IEnvironmen law , ,f• . s:!;'��f --.
<br /> •°�cL..�. , , r .:«'
<br /> • �f wiuch Bomower has actaal knowledge. If Eoiro�rer leazns, or is no v fi e d by a ny$o v e m m e n t a l or r e�,�:a y anthori ty,that ,��,� ��:'��`;.<:';� •;,;:"_".
<br /> • �y remova!or other remediation of aay Hazardo:�S�bstanoe affecting the Property�s necessary,Borrow�Jt�:�i promptly take ,i;:y..<<}�:'�•;,,°t,�,
<br /> all nec��a..*c eemetliial actions in accordance v�itL�vironmc�rtal.L�.w. `' � ";+���'j� ' �c�:�
<br /> . As used in this paragrap �"',� `` � _ ---
<br /> h 20, "Ha7ardous Sabstances" a,-e tirr:s:substances defiaed as mxic or h�s�3m-„s s�hst�srrr�3y ^�:. � ' " }�;:•,�:".
<br /> r. '. :,} k� ?f �-``� - _
<br /> � Environmental Law and the following substa�es: gasolins, kerosene, other flammable or tr-w,:c peoraIs�rraduc� t_zic ' . 6,`�>zt��. _
<br /> p e s t icidas and herbicides,volatile solvents.mat2�i?ls oontaining ashestos os formaldehyde.and r-.�:oactive r�iais•As�:�ed in . r'
<br /> _�S
<br /> . . this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law' u�.ears f e de r a l laws an d l a w s o f t h e j u r i s d i c t i o n w'�.:e t h e Pro p e rt y is 1Q�that �., • . .�, �: _
<br /> • relaze to h�lth,safety or environmental procect'rr�. -.o ,. ,_,`� 1�
<br /> t.•� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.BOt[OS+�LZ aIId LeIldeT furtheT COVen3IIt a11d agcee as fa�-�-s: v v��*`v5 '�`+,,:_�'`"$=�.
<br /> 21.Aoceleratlon;Remed3es.I.�ader shall give aotfce to Borrower prtor to accEteratirm fottow[ng Borruwer's I�d� r,:�. • ,,::r, •.--_.
<br /> oY any oovenant or agreement in t[�is S�iY Ins�ent �at not prlor to acceteratlon ander p�r�g�p� 17 �i�s ...,E;��r,� ;..
<br /> appiicable taw prov[des oWerwlse).The n�te shall sp�ify: (a)t6e defaoth, (b)We adton reqnired W c�e ihe defaWh, - --.—�`,
<br /> (c)a dmt�nat less Wan 30 days Psom ihe d�ie the e�otice is givea to Bosrower,by which the detan(t mnst be�d:and —_�-_-�.�,�
<br /> (�tt�mt Pailure to care 4he defs►u!t on or beQo�re the date spectiied in the nottce may rc�svit in aoce�erati°a of the s�s —�._--,. �_
<br /> seau+e�l by this 3ecurlty Insia�ment and s�lt ot the PropedY.T6e notice s�D[arther iniorm Borrower ot the rIght to ._ ,:. �R T
<br /> refasts►te nttes aecsleratton aad the r[�h3 to bring a cuurt action to assert tlie noa�Lstence of a defadt or any othes - s�.
<br /> dtfe�e of Borrower to acceleistton and salx.V the default Ls no!cared on or before the date spedtial in the nottce+ . ,�. .,-
<br /> e immedirte paymeat in fall of all s�s secur�d by thfs Secmity Ia�tsom�eeatt withotrt ' , .,;:�•�:
<br /> • Len�eq at its optton, r,w�Y�i� � ,.�;':'.��+� rv-: �"-_'�
<br /> ,wa
<br /> . [arihu demand�d�rnu.p invoke the poc+er aR sale and asiy other remedle9 permitted by appllcable law.Lender sbaD 6e _ . ,�::....,
<br /> entiUcd to coltec8 aU e�eases iaanred in peilsWng the remedies pmvide�in this pnragrs�hh 21,ineinding,but not limtted ;.� '----
<br /> ' tv.e�asonuble aKome�9s'fecs and costv off�tt evidence. � ����`T'���
<br /> n �;.
<br /> U the puwep of sale is invoked,'Y'rs�se sha0 record a notice o!deTault in eacb countY�in whish�ny �of the .;• '���'��J:,•, �-
<br /> . . prop�tty is located and shall mail caples c$sEm6 noUce in the manner prescnibed by appllcable!aw W Borrower and W -�r,�•2:{r,`:.�,. �;
<br /> m6
<br /> the oiher p2rson9 presrribed by appltcab".x�na.A.�ter the time requtred by appllcabte law,Tn�stee shal�l�ve pnblle notIoe �i;'°1'�� ��`'"
<br /> � � ot safe to the persons and in the manner pvesc�iitc�by app�Icabte taw.lk�e,wtthnut demand on I�crmwe�,s$�Il sell • • .�
<br /> � � the propxrty at pnbllc audlon to the hig�c�E�fdd,er at the time s�d place�i.'uader the tarms des7gnated in the notlte of '';',si{�?"��;�.:, . . �
<br /> sale in e�Q or mor�e parcels and in any oad�r Trusiee determines.Tr+�stee�aY P�Poae sale ot�11 or ony pairc�of We ,.,*�';_ _ _ ' •.t,^„
<br /> • , c Pr+op�Iby publlc annoaacement a3 t�e Ei•rae�d �lace ef any previo��iy schedaled caLE.Leader or its d�:�ay � •.: �;;y�'1,i,: . �.
<br /> . � � p�edass ahe Property at any sale. .".�;�Q;r}�r•,: ..
<br /> "+i.'i fer�T'
<br /> '� .�t(Q�3,'
<br /> .. . . �`Y"_fii.. Z':� ____
<br /> �i y • ' .
<br />'.i: Forin 302IL'fr . ;;tY�^�!i•- �
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