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<br /> - condemnatiou or other wking of ony purt of the PropcAy.or for conveyunce in lieu of condeMnu�on,ere�i�by�i�icdan�
<br /> � �hall bc paid to Lender.
<br /> =— - In the event of a total tnking of the PropeRy, thc proceeds shsll be upplied to the xums securod by this Security
<br />- Inswment,whethcr or nat then due,wlth any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial teking of the Property in
<br /> which the fair merket vulue of thc Propeny Immediately hefaro the taking is equal to or greute�thun the amount of the sums
<br /> secured by this Secudry Instrument immedi�►tely before the tuking,unless Borrower ur�d Lender atherwlFe ugree in writing,
<br /> e su a secur�ed b thia Securi Instrument shall be reduced by the umount of 1he praceeds multiplied by the fallawing
<br /> th m �5'
<br /> Y
<br />...
<br /> fraciian: (ul Ihe towl amount af the sumc secured immediately before the tuking,divlded by�b)the fuir matket value of the
<br /> . -- - ___ --- A,
<br /> Property immedintely before ihc tnking. Any bultince shall be paid to Borrower. In Ihe even�uf u p++rliul irking a 1 � �J-
<br /> Property in which the fuir market value af Ihe Property immediotely befure Ihe tukiog ia less thun tlu umounl of Ihe sums
<br /> -- - = xecuned immediately before the ta{cing, unlesx Borrower und Leixfer aherwi:<e ugrce in writing nr unlrxx upplicable law
<br /> ��''°`�°' otherwise provider,the praeeds Khull bo upplied to Ihc Kuma secured by Ihix Security Inrlrument whctlicr�x not ihc cuma ue
<br /> —��:�t� then due. —
<br /> __ —_—— If�he Pn�pcny ix ahwidoncd by Bum►wer.��r if,after notice by Lendcr to Bnrr��wcr Ihul lhe coisdemnor ufPcr.+to make
<br /> --°° nn awunl ar seitle u cluim fi�r Jamagev,Hnrri�wer failK to ms�xmd�u Lender within 311 duyti af�er�he date Ihc nntice fs given,
<br /> _��--- ;-,. '�
<br /> -�+^�+�� LrnJer ix nuthar{�ed lo callccl und apply Ihc pawecds,ui itti option.elther�a rexlomlinn or rcpair ot'�hc Property or ta the
<br /> �"'��'�"� �umx acccund by thi�Sccurhy Inxtnimen�.whc�her ur nm then due.
<br /> Unlesx LcnJer und Barruwer athcrwi�c u�sme in wrAing,ariy upplicution of pnxeed+.to prfncipul .hall not exlend or
<br /> pa�pone thc duc duto aP the munlhly puymeniv ref�ncd tc�in purogruphs I und 2 or change the umount of'xuch poymenta.
<br /> ll, Bocrower Nof Releasedi ForbenrAnce By Lender Not a Walver. Extenxion of the �imc for puymenl or
<br /> modiflcation oF umortizutiun ot'the Kumti xccun�d by thig Srcurity Instn�ment gmnted by Lender to uny�uccesxor in in�erest
<br /> ����o af Borrower shall not operate tu relcusc Ihc liability of Ihe originul Borcower or Borrowerx xuccessorx in fnterest.Lender
<br /> -- �'�'���� shall nW be rcquired�o cammence pruceedin�a ngnin�t any successor in interest or reFuse�o ex�end time for puyment or �
<br /> ���°-��a�� otherwire modify umortizuliun uf the�ums,ecured by this Security Imtn�ment by rcuson of nny demand made by the originul
<br /> �-�,;,�.�a�", "`.r, Borrower or Borrower's succesnors in intere.ri. Any forbeurnnce by Lender in ezercising uny right or remedy shall not 6e a
<br /> �; ., waiver af or preclude Ihe exen:ixe of any righl or remedy.
<br /> �"����• • 12. Successors And Assi¢na Bound;Joint and Several l.iabiUly;C:asignera. The covenanes und agreements of this
<br /> �,'�,E;b,.�,� —
<br /> �3�,.�; • .� Security lnstrument shnll bind cutd benefit the successon nnd assigm of Lender cu�d Bortnwer,subject ro the provisions of
<br /> • ,�,y�.�t'��;�,� puragraph 17.Borrower�covennnts and agreements shull be joint und tieverul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> �'��.� Inslrument but does not exrcute Ihe Note: (u)i+co-aigning this Security Insiniment only to mortguge,grant nnd convey that
<br /> t r-,�` ' Borrower's inrerest in�he Property under�h�tcrms of this Security Intit�ument; (b)is not personally obliguted to puy Ihe sums
<br /> '�� 'v�+:;:�.
<br /> �,,.�;;.� secured by�hi� Secu�lty Ins�rument:und(c1 agreec thut Lender and uny other Borrower muy agree to extend,modify,for6etu
<br /> �:;� or ms�ke uny accommodatians with regarJ to the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note without tha� Borrower's
<br /> ,;t, ��_.� -� consent.
<br /> l3. Lo�n Chary;es. If the loun tiecured by �his Security Instrumem is subject to u law which sets mwcimum loun
<br /> :�;,�s.��,—'� charges,nnd thAt iuw is finuBy intcrp�Ctc�f,o thai ihe intcrcst ar athcr lcan charge::co!lecsed or to be co!lected In connection
<br /> ° ,' with the loun exceed the permitted limits,�hen: (A)uny such loun churge shall be reduced by�he nmount necessary ta reduce
<br /> ° ' � ��"'• the charge to the permitted limir,and(b)uny sums alrendy collected from Borrower which exceeded permilted limits will be
<br /> ����`--�+�-�� refunded ta Borrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by rcducing the principul owed undcr the Note or by making a
<br /> �`�� � '" `� direct payment to Bortower. If u rcfund reduces principnl,�he reduction will be treuted us u partial prep:�yment without any
<br /> - � prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />_—, 15,} :�• ,,' ° 14. Notices. Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Imtrument shall be given by delivering it ar by
<br /> _�; �,yy„�.;;�;:., mailing it by first cluss muil unless c�pplicuble taw reyuire+uxe of unother meihod.The notice shull be directed to the Property
<br /> .� .�;�,.,,a;, Address or uny ather uddrexs Borcowcr dexignu�cs by no�ice[o Lender. Any notice to Lender xhall be given by first class Q�;.-
<br /> ,� �•,���,«,...., L�,.,, mail to Lender ti nddrexx stated hercin or uny othrr uddrcxs Lencler designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for '
<br />--= ,- ��Y: in thig Securi�y Intitrument shull lx decmed to hnvc bcen given to Borrower nr Lender when given us provided in this -' �
<br />-c� �.� ' P
<br /> ���• �,�• �� ��• �g1S�Governin�Law; Severnbility. Thi.Securiry Instrument tihull he govcmed by fcdemf luw und the law of the =—
<br /> .;� �w,:._ ._
<br /> •,��,,.� 4: jurisdiction in which the Property is IocuteJ. In�he event thu�nny provision or cluu+e of thiti Securiry Instniment or the Note
<br />,._�:w. „�ps�;. .. '� confliclx with upplicuble luw.sunc�oni7ict shnll not•rffec�othcr pravisionti�►f thiz Security In,trument or the Note which cun �,
<br /> '`-��.� be given effect without the contlicling provision. Ti�this end Ihc pn►vi,ion, of this Security Inztrument•rnd the Note nre
<br /> "'��""���+° �3,,��� declared to Ix reveruble.
<br /> ' :4g;;:;kµ� " _8�i- 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcowrr shull he given onc conformeJ cupy of the Note and of thi�Security Instrument. _—
<br /> : :��. ^• 17. 7hinsfer of the Property or a Beneticial lnterest In Borrower. It'ull��r uny puR of the Property or uny interest in __
<br />''� �, it is sold or trunsfemed (or if n lxneticiul imerest in Borrowcr is suld or I�anxferred und Bormwer is nM u nuluru l perxon)
<br /> -+�.�:'ar t;;a�_ .. _
<br /> ;,�. x ,,., •«• without Lcnder's prior wriuen con,ent,Lcnder m:�y,at i�.opiion,rcyuirc immcdiutc puyment in full ol'ull tiums secured by �w
<br /> �..,
<br /> _ '+'" �r �ti this Security Inwrument. Howevcr,this aption tihull not he exercised by Lender if cxcrcise is prohibited by federul law u►of _
<br /> r.,�irt�il.��v .....�. — -
<br />_�� ��,r ., , • the date of�his Securiry lustrumrnt. �-_-
<br />— If Lender cxe�tixes this option,L_nder�hull give Horcower notice of uccrler.uion. The nuticr shall provide u periad of �"�`
<br /> _:�:�{::`:*. . .
<br /> , ,,: nd less thun 3(1 Juyx fmm thc dutc�he nwicc i.Jrlivemd or muileJ wi�hin wliich Borruwer mu.t puy aU sums secured by thi.
<br /> �g�•�-.���• •�.� � Securi�y Ins�rurmnt. If Borrowrr fuil� �o pay thcsr sums prior to Ihc cxpirution uf 1hi� period. Lcnder muy invoke any �
<br /> _--: .. . . remedies pemiitteJ by Ihi�Security Imtrument withiwl t'unhcr notirc ix Jcniand on Barrowrr. �--
<br /> zi� '. ''"" . 18. Barower's Riµht to Refnstate. It'Burn�wrr mec1. cerlsiin cunJi�i�mti. B�ttruwer .hull huve the righl to huve
<br /> ='� . 4. ' enfnrcement ut' this Security In.trument Ji.con�inued iu uny timr prior�o thc rarlicr ol': (a15 duyx lor.urh alher pericxl as
<br /> . . . Singlc Family..tannle M�c/F►eddlr�1�c UNIFONM INti'1'N1��11iN"I'--Vnit�xm('uv�muoi, 9/90 �p�iKr d�y A�xesl ���:
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