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<br /> - --- ' 'ods thet Lender uires. The insurance cartier rovfdin the insurancc ahell be chosen by��we��w�L.e'ftderis
<br /> a�pproval which shall o t be unreasonsbly withheld.If Barrower falls to meintain covcrage deacribed u�bove.Lcnder m�y.at
<br /> Lender's option.obtein coverage to protect Lender's right�in the Propeny in acco�dance with paragraph 7.
<br /> _�-�------ All insurence policies end�+enewale shall be acceptable to Lender ond aball include a standand mortgege claune. Lender
<br /> �.-;; shall have the dght to hold the policies ond renewals. If Lender rcquires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender ell recelpts
<br /> __ of paid prcmiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss.9orrower ahall give prnmpt notice to�he insuraned curier and
<br /> L.ender. l.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlesg Lender end Bonawer othcnviso agree in writing,insurnnc:e proceals shall be applied ro restoration or repair of _
<br /> the ProQerty damaged, if the reswradon or repair ia economically feaaible and Lender'x secudty ia not lessened. If the
<br /> - rcstoratwn or repair is not economicully fea.gible ar Lender's secunry would be lessenod,the insurance proceeds shell be
<br /> _ �,,,,,,�„��; applied w the suma secured by thia Securfty Instrument, whether or nat then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> �,,,,�,�� Bortower abandona the Proparty,ar dces not onswer within 30 days a notice fro�n Lender that the insurance cerrier has
<br /> offered to seate a clsim,then Lender may coilect the insurance proceeds. Lender mny ure the prnceeds torepair or rcstore
<br /> -- Ihe Prope�ty or to pay sums secuted by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. The 30�day pedod will beQin when
<br /> — - the not�ce�s given.
<br /> ----�-� Unlesg Lender nnd Burrower otherwls� ag�ee in writing.nny nppiication of proceeds ta principal ahnll not extend ar
<br /> ��"�=� postpone the due dato of the monthly payments refemed ta in puragrnphs 1 nnd 2 or chnnge tha urnount of thc pnymenls. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 the Property is acqui�ed by Lender,Barrowerk right to uny insurunce policies und pmceeda rcsuNing
<br /> from damage to the Praperty prior to�he acquioitbn�hall puss ta Lcnder to the extent of Ihc aum�secured by thf�Security
<br /> �--°� Inswment immedietely prior to thc ocquiaition.
<br /> — 6. Occupwncy, Preservndon. Malntenance and Protectbn o� the Propertyi Burrowe�'s Iwma Applicatbni
<br /> l.ea�elwlds. Bomawer Ahell occupy.e+tublixh,en.1 use the Pa►peny uK Borrawerk principal residence withio si�cty duy�after
<br /> -�� -_-----_= the ezecutiun uf this Se�;urlty Ins�rumrnt und�I►ull continue to occupy tho Propeny as BaRawer�principa!resldence fix al
<br /> - �-...�"'�; �:, leasl one year after the dute of occupancy, unle�a Lender atherwfxe ugreew in wr�dng. which con�ent shull not be
<br /> �.�'�--�� unrcasonubly withheld,or unless extenuating circumstunces exiat which are beyond Borrower x canirol. Bortower ahall not
<br /> ��"�j� desu�oy,damage or lmpair�hc Property,ullow�he Propeny�o deteriorate,or commit wuste on�he Property. Borrower shull
<br /> ��;,,. ,,,, . be in default if any forkiturc uction or praceeding.whether civil or criminoi.ic begun that in Lender R good fajth judgment
<br /> r -_��x,.� .
<br /> ,,_ .. could result in forfeiture af the Property or otherwise materfally impair the lien created by this Secu ty nstrument or
<br />_�'�:;�.t.�:� Lenderk security interest. Borrower mey cure such u default and reins�ate.as provided in parugroph 18.by caus��g the nction
<br /> - -_-°'�'�"'�� ' or praceeding to be dismiesed with a mling that,in Lender's good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower s
<br /> ,��?i;�:��:>, w-<< interest in[he Property ur other matedal impairment uf the lien created by this Security Instrument o� Lender�s securlry
<br /> �� interest. Borrower shall also be in defAUlt if Borrower, during �he loan application process. g�ve materially fulse or
<br /> .�.�4
<br /> ,;,t.,�,Y . .f ineccurate Infortnation or statements to Lender(or failed�o provide Lender with uny material information)in wnnection with
<br /> �;K- the loan e�•idenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> '::�,;� Property as a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shull comply with all the provisians
<br /> 't' • of the Icuse. !f Borrower acquires fee tllle ro the Propeny,the leasehoid and the fee titie ahall not merge uniesa Lender ugrc�y
<br /> �, to the merger in writing.
<br /> . . :' • 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights In the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> ' ';�,;_�• contained in this Security Instrument,or there is n legnl proceeding that muy significantly affect Lendera rights in the
<br /> - '.*'``'~ '- °;!"� Property(sucb as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnution or forieiture or to enforce Inws or regulauons),then
<br /> ��•:
<br /> _ �•.;,K,�;��� Lender may do and puy for whatever is necesr,nry to prorect the vulue of the Property and LenderR rights in the Property.
<br /> -��'�. �� Lender's uctiona may include paying uny sums secured by u lien which has prioriry aver this Security lnstrument,appea�ing
<br /> " .,��j �;...� ,.: in court,paying reasonable attomeys'feeti and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender mny take action
<br /> _ ���••�„ ,;�,,,,� under d�is paragraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br />�ar�,��,,,. �•^ - Any amounts dixbursed by Lender under this puragruph 7 shull become additional debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br /> • - Secur�ty Instmment. Unless Bonower and Lender agree to other tertna af paymem,these amounts shAll bear interest from the
<br /> -'�— `"''' -�'"�"" date of disbur�ement at the Note�ute and ghall be payuble,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> : 'wt.tli.:. . .�
<br /> �_� .., , ;�ro.. payment.
<br /> - +�l���.a•.�' K� ° 8. Mortgage Iosuranee. If Lender required manguge insurunce u� u conditiun of msiking the loun secured by this
<br /> � �.x�'...„ •,;,-, u. Securlry Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mnintain the mongage insurunce in effect. If, for�ny
<br /> ;�_�.�,•;,,
<br /> • ���;;.�;`;�' e. �+r- reuson, the mongoge insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in ef(ect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> _— ,,c::,a•�+..., .�„=. premiums required to obtuin coverage substuntiully eyuivulent lo the mortgage insuriuxe previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> :�� ;��" ��.: substantially equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurunce previously in effeci,from nn ultemate mortgage
<br /> °-_�' �-�'�� insurer approved by Lendar. If substantiully eyuivnlent mortgage insurnnce covemge is not uvuiluble,Borrower shall pay to
<br />- _�� ' �y-••`� Lender each month u sum e ual to one•twelfth of the curl mort a c insurunce remium bein aid b Bortower when the
<br /> -,,; .,�.rz;��. �;,, N Y Y 8 8 P B P Y
<br /> - ,�ti. . : , .{; insurance coverlige lapsed or ceuted to be in efiect. Lender will nccept,use und reiuin these puyments us a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> - -• - of mortgage insurunce. Loss rescrve pnyments may no longer l+e requircd, nt the option of I.ender, if mongage insurancc
<br /> � .� ' ,. coveruge(in the nmount and for the peri«i�hot Lender rcyuires)provided by nn insurer approved by Lenderugain becomes
<br /> :%i' ' ' � •''� � uvuilable and is abtuined.Borcower tihall pay the premiums reyuired�o mnint�in mortguge insurance in effeci,or to provide a _
<br /> �<�;,�'°�":" �1''�g� � loss reserve,until the requirement for monguge intiurunce ends in uccordancc with uny writte;n ogreement between Borrower
<br /> �'r;. '°5�`�'^'�'°"`'„ und Lender or applicable ls�w.
<br /> - • � � 9. Inspection. Lendcr or its u�cnt ms�y mukc reuwnublr rnu•ies upon und inspeclion+of Ihe Property. Lender shull
<br /> - " „ - give Borrower notice at Ihe lime uf ur prior ta;ut intipection spccifying reusans�ble cause firr thr in�prctian.
<br /> _ 10. CondempAtion. The prckceds of any uward or rluim ti�r d;imuges.Jirrct or ronscyucntiul,in ronnection with nny -
<br /> '�' • , Singlc FmnHy••F�onfe Mue/4Yeddle Mpc CNIFOR�11NS7NUNENT••Undomi Cuvenun�. 4/90 �Pux�f��I�IwRp��1 _
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