. .,. . ... .. . . . _��
<br /> . ,..
<br /> .
<br /> .. -
<br /> ` 5 -- - ..---_ ._ .... . ..�. ..... �,�..__�._ _._�._.._�._._.-----'—.____,_-' - --„_.__.— ..y� , . -.°,Y,�n,__
<br /> -�L��� 9fi- ���'� k__ -� �� -� - �'� =
<br /> incerest-l.endcr shall nat bc required to commcnce Prae�d�n8'°s��+��c�0r or refuse to eactend time for payment or oLkerwise madify , �. ` -
<br /> - u.�norti�aiion of the sums assured by this Qeed of Tnui b=orcasa�,o�f�hY�eunder�orlo eerwi e affonted by sspp!cFSblc law,shall{o be asswaiver . �
<br /> inte�est.Any forbea�ece by Lertder in eaercising nnY Eh pp sb , �:
<br /> of or preciude the eaercise of any such dght or remedy. . , ���
<br /> '.�. 11. Saccessars snd Aasl�n�Bonnd:Jolnt snd Stvxrai UaDlllty;Ca-signeta.'I�e covenants nnd agre�neats herein wnmined ahall . . ` �
<br /> bind,and the rights hereunde�shall inuxc to,the respetti�•t sucoasors end essigns of[.ender nnd Borrower, subject to the provisions of 'r _ . -
<br /> . � P��Ph I6 hereof.Atf covc-�,ar�and sD.^-�r+sen�04'94rta�cer shaU be ioint and several.Aay Bmcower who co-s�gts this D meedi rfw''Ttce der �-� _—�-. .::_ - ._
<br /> • i does rtot exeeutc the I�ote.(a)is eo-signing ths Deed of Trust onty to�ant and wnvey that 8orrowefs interat is�the Property V r. .
<br />' the tern�of this Desd of Ttust,(b)is rtot persona0y tiable aa thc Note or under this Deed of Tnist,aad to��of thi��Deed o T*ust o '
<br /> , `� Borrower hereund�may a�ee to eatend,modify.fotbear.or m'ilce any ather accamtrtodations with cegard � .
<br /> �; � Ne Note cvithout that Bovrowds consent aad withaut releasing that Borro��rer or rtodifjring this Y1etd of Tnut as ro that Borrower's interest m ,
<br /> - �e�°�• heable law to be given in anothcr msnner.(af anY naticc to 8a�ro��rer proeided -------, —,- -
<br /> . 12. Nodca Except for any ro2ice rcq��d undu epp� . . ,
<br /> for in this Deed of Tnut sha11 be qv�by delivtrir3 it or by mailing such notice by certified m3il addressed e On�eo Lendet shaU�be given�bY
<br /> or ai such other address as Borrowa may d�ignaL:by noace to Lender es providod hrrein,end(b)e�►Y .... - -- `
<br /> oatified maii v�Izadd�addres�crated here�or to sweh other address as Lendee mny dtsignats by notice to 6orrower as provide�herein.Pwy ,
<br /> . norise provided for in this Dzed of Ttust sflall be dsared to have been given to Borrower or Lendu�vha�givea in the mansicr designased herein. _ .: . , ' .' �-
<br /> 13. Govtpning L swi Severabili ry.The stzte and locul laws applicabl�to this Qxed of'fnut sha11 be the laws of ths jurisdiraion in _.,•._. _..__
<br /> ...:.`
<br /> . , ��,,, ._�, .-
<br /> - •..
<br /> .. .
<br /> which the Proputy is located-'I7ie foregoing senunce sha11 noi limit the ap�iicahility of Fedgral law to this Deed of Trust.[n e ene�►t anY •_ J- - _
<br /> provisian or clause of this Qeed of 1'nut or the Note oonflicts with a�pl����d���dl�e�p=o�v°s ot�s of this�of T�eIId th Kote . • .�'"'`"",,.
<br /> Trust or the Note which ean be given effect without the wnflictin6 p -- . _�;'�,�_:�°-'"�::�:
<br /> aa dcclaced to be x++erabt�As used hemin."costs",'expaues"and°attomeys fces'include all surns to the exaeat nat prohibited by applipble _. �_
<br /> -— �,7'_ °_";i�':��l-�:::
<br /> � Iaw or limited hecein
<br />� 10. Borrowtr's Copy.Borrower st�all be fumisfied a confo�d copy of the Nate and of this Deed of Tmst at the rime of execution r,;::•''' '�_':
<br /> `, or afte�recordation hcreo£ `#`�'`�. I.a*�-��.;;;^,
<br /> . lr,�, �t�apil[ta8on Losn Agreetnwt BoimWrer shap fiilSll a11 of 8orrovrets abiigatiom imder gcsY home m,habilitation. . .
<br /> Botrawer to ' • '.'�:`�°,..���,<
<br /> ` improveman,rePair,or other ioan a��i�vhicd Boaawer wte►s into with I.endsr.I.eada.at Lendefs option,maY re4uir� ;,,�.�`
<br />. .•<"' acewte and defiver to Leader,in a fortn accepzable to Leader,en assignmeQt af any rights,ctauns or defenses which Borrower may have against �' . -�,�.�,: —
<br /> ,- - pazties wko supply ta6or,materials or servias m wrmection arith improvements made to We FropeRY• -- - -
<br /> m
<br /> 16. Transfer oi the PropertY or a Btaefidil interest in�orroiver.If all or any p�rt of the Property or any interest in it is sold at �
<br /> uansferted(ar if a benefisial interest in Bonower is sold or transferred and Hoirower is not a ttatival petsnn)without Levder's prior writtea
<br /> � , yvms secuied b this Deed af Trust.However,t3i aption�JJ not ���.
<br /> conse�.Lender may,at its option,ttquire immediate payntent in full of all Y ._'� �'" ��_f
<br /> ��.�i:���.�
<br /> ' ; ����d�yy Lertder if exercise is proMhited by federal law as of the dase of this DeEd of 7'rust d�a �of not less than 30 �
<br /> [f Lenda actrcises this aption,Lender s4a11 give Bvrrower notice of accelerarion.'Ibe notice shal!prov► peri "• . ,+�<; :
<br /> . days from the date ffie natice is deiivaed or mailed arithin�ich Borrower must pay all smns secartd�Y�D�N THn'tholut farther no Ice or �?'. ..
<br /> ' � P�Y these sums p�iar w the expiradon of this periai,F,.�der may invoke any remedies petmitted by :�;.� .
<br />:r;.. . dert�don Borrowu. ��•.;r;,t � :�
<br />:�::4..:',
<br />��fny ,, NON-UIVIFORM OOVENAI�'FS-l�avwer and Lend�fiuther h 16 hereo� pon Bosow @�cb of an wvZnant or ngee�r.�K of `� ��f,:,.'.
<br /> 17. Acceleration;Remedles E�ept as providad in paragrap Y
<br /> j�...1�r..:;r
<br /> � Boaower in this Dced oETrust.includ'u�,r the covenants to pay when due any sums secused by this Besd of Trust�Leader ptior tn aco��on 1;� ',
<br /> shtil)give notice to Bottew�ns providzd in para�h 12 he�eof specifyia8:(1)the bm''r.c3�;(2)the action reguiied w am such b�ad�:(3�a
<br /> s il •�:� .. .
<br /> � dat�not less than 10 days aam the daze the norice is mailed to Bormwer,6y whic6 scsh Y�xach�st be euied:and(4)t�nt failure to a�x� .:�::
<br /> �"d :
<br /> bieach on or before the date specified in the notice may result in accetera��of tAe s�uns secured by ihis Dad of ltust and sale of the P►v�ty. i�-
<br /> . Th6 nofice s'�a11 further inform Botrower of the right w reiastate aRer a�.srat'son and the right to bcing a court action to assert ed in the uo�� :'.;r;�-�:
<br /> of a defauit or mry other defense of Borrower to accele�ation and sale.If th:hreadi is not cuted on or before the aau sPecif . ,,, ,
<br /> Lender,at Leadefs option,may declare ail of the sums secured by this Deed o�f 17iust �1 be����������e2 ��d . '�
<br /> , and may invoke the power of sale and any other ranedies pennitted by app' •;'��`—�=
<br /> expenses inauad in parsuing the cemedies proviud in this paragraph 17,including,bus nss lirnited to,rrasonable aitomeys'fcxs. ..., �T
<br /> �.'ri�eader invokes the power o�s�'�:,1�endsr shali exeevte or caux Trusta w execute a wriueo notice of the ocewrence of m�eveat of ��_f; —
<br /> �� '��• F to be sold mcd shall cause such notice to be recot�i�!�each counry in artueh the Property ,�5.".,���,° .-
<br /> defautt and�w.Hxndds elepion to caus�ttrc Property -�-� ,,;,.,,�.&�_.. �;
<br /> or some Patc t..`e�e�f is lora.'�1-Len der or 7'r u s t e e s h a ll mtil co piss of such notice ia tbe manaer�escn'�i�y ayplicable law.7tustee shall`able �.-�"`��f-,_�
<br /> pubHc notice cFs�l'c rr ti:�pr�sons and in th�maz�ner prescribed by applicabte law.After the lapse of such time as may be required by app�
<br /> . � Iaw,lYustee,�r3s�:�.ue�.r�ssus►5 fln Borrower,shall seil the PropntY at publ?c sucaon w�bighest bidder at the ti�e�.d plaa and under the ��_..�. .
<br /> q���:.--�7 ro the noase uf sale in one or more parxls and in such onder as Tnists�ciur-..y determina'Trus�ce may P�e�e of alI ot any '",.•
<br /> 7G .%^'iS-r-;._.
<br /> . ublic announcement at the time and place af�Y Pr���zY scReduled sate. Lendes cr L�e�d�r's dc�ignee may �;._-
<br /> ..;�:. pascel of t�ae Pmperty hY P c - -
<br /> . purci�ase the Property at any sale. or ", ` . ., -
<br /> ..�..'. 7Yustee shnll detiver to the purchaser Tnsstec�s deed conveyir.;;,i�s Froper�Y s=suld without any covenan+t or wartanty,e�r� . .
<br /> facie evidence of the tr�z�cf��e statements made the�ei;n.=r.ustee shall appty the , •., .. ,..�.T�..::
<br /> � implIed.'Ihe recitala in the'Itustee's deed shall be prims . � '� .
<br /> - proceeds of the sale in the follawieg order:(a)to all r��.=e costs end exPenses c�+i�z�u:,mcluding,but not lisii�uitiu..reasonable Trustee's ���_ ,
<br />;;�; . and attomeys'fees and eests of tide emrl�rr.e;(b)to rill ewns sec.vred by this De�d of?'r�and(c)Jra PKCess.if ar.y.to the person or peisons . ,;
<br /> lcgaily entided thereto. �`��Y"�•;�,;��.•,
<br /> 18. Borrove�°s RtgAt ta IF;p.�state.Nonviths�►ding Lenders acceleration of the c.�tU�::�md by this Qeed of Trust due to ;::�1.'::.• . .
<br /> Bozmvrefs breach,Bu�e►c.�e*shall have the right to have any proceedings he8un bY 1�asr to enforce this Deed of Tn�st discontinued at aay � � .
<br /> .l,.
<br /> � time prior to the earlier'c.wY:c�u of(i)the fifth day befon sale of the Property pursuarrt'�o Ttr:gower of sate contained in this Deed of 7Yust or(i� �v
<br /> ,' erttry of e judgment enforeing t1�is Deed of Trust if:(a)Barmwer paya Lender all s�..-��u��ch would be then due und:r tbis Deed of Ttust and j.,
<br /> the Note t.,at no acce:eration occurred;(b)Borrower cures a11 breachea of any oL'�cr coce�ts or agaments of Bormwet contained in this Dad ��,.
<br /> of T[usz(c}Borrower pays a14 rtasonable expenses incurced by Lerdl`ar arA 7tustea�xnforcing��venanis aad agrcemeats of Borrower �:,,'�6,'r�,r,t���;Yr��y
<br /> ' contained i,�this Deed of Truet,and in enforcinII[.Qndti's nnd Tn�stees�=�ies as a,s��9n 17 hereof,including,but not ilmital s°��^^�• �,.. .;
<br /> to,reasonable attomey���x:s;�u►d(d)Borrower takes such action as Ls�r�P.r c'.aY t�o��t'�9:e4uire ts�:se th3t t�e G"._n of this Deed of Trust, ����",
<br /> � l.enders intcrcst io the R+:�a�d Boaowere obligati�n to pay the s.�'.�sectired�r:��s�d of Tcu�s.`�1 a-c�c�xr:R uaimpaired.Upon such . _ ���, , _
<br />-:;r;.:' ..• payment and aure by Bosrower.this Deed of Ttust and the obligar�c.ar:~ed hereby �a'su'I�^r�.�+ic F�'4 force a:e3�ect as if no ucr,eleration ;r"'�:�t_,t,r�',a 4._.. :--
<br /> .������ ; ...�
<br /> ::=. !i;;}•; ,
<br /> . : had occu�red. �:�i'��'�,t<i`i�`'� •
<br /> ire
<br /> �''�;i F�--
<br /> . . :�
<br /> -•� �,
<br /> . ' ' :
<br /> . � ; . • _.
<br /> . � " �:
<br /> . _-
<br /> _.._ .._-._ � � f.
<br /> ,—
<br /> NEBRASKA-SECONll MORi(3A(3E-IfB�i Fi:c.3.i1�'�..:i^.L';�'�^.1p':2 TM?ST�i*�lN� pegp i�f 4 Form 3 ,_.._�--._--..- _
<br /> � • . �
<br /> � �^_ . .
<br /> ' A' - . . . - ' :•t��ar.... . 7-/,�( ( �-� - ..li� _ .. : ' ,i { ,�ll./l :� � '. .� ..�, , ,.
<br />. .. .. ` . . . .-VM1 ! , -.��� �1� I .- r o, ,4 .�lr,�\ t ♦ . j �) '�!� �` ."11.- . �, • ..
<br />.. . . . .. .. ... �. ... ._ .. . . .�. .. . . . ..i ... , . .'L)'� . 1�i l�i1�7.f, .. .. . . . � . .
<br />